... A Pokeball right on the live train track :confused:
14 Jul 167#10
Hey there's a squirter in my living room! Oh wait, wrong name it's a squirtle. Shame it wasn't the first one.
14 Jul 163#36
Thanks op, been waiting patiently for this, haven't actually been able to get it working yet. read some horror stories about malware infected APK files. Thanks again :smiley:
All comments (92)
14 Jul 162#1
I dont understand what all the craziness is about & Im even afraid to visit the link :smile:
jai47 to Kayote
14 Jul 168#4
Be cautious of where the game may take you...
... A Pokeball right on the live train track :confused:
alex_dis to Kayote
14 Jul 16#16
I thought Pokemon was some obsolete relic from the 90s, then suddenly this appears and it's all the rage again. Shows what adding a bit of augmented reality will do to a franchise.
that's a pokeball that would have been "thrown", and there's no reason why you'd walk towards it. pointless.
14 Jul 16#6
Tactical Tom
14 Jul 161#7
That's the end of that craze for me then, "This item is not compatible with your Device"
Anyone know why this is not compatible?
kirkatronics to Tactical Tom
14 Jul 16#8
It's quite power hungry. High ram etc..
MarkBroomhallCrewe to Tactical Tom
14 Jul 1613#9
Because your phone is naff
Bazza360 to Tactical Tom
14 Jul 16#11
looking on the internet, you can put it on there if you install the APK from somewhere else (make sure it isn't one of the ones with malware first though) and apparently it runs well, i am going to have to install it on my daughters when i get in so i should be able to confirm then.
the AR bit doesn't work on it though so you would have to keep that off (you will see in the game)
14 Jul 167#10
Hey there's a squirter in my living room! Oh wait, wrong name it's a squirtle. Shame it wasn't the first one.
Opening post
Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nianticlabs.pokemongo&hl=en_GB
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... A Pokeball right on the live train track :confused:
All comments (92)
... A Pokeball right on the live train track :confused:
Anyone know why this is not compatible?
the AR bit doesn't work on it though so you would have to keep that off (you will see in the game)