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5 Oct 17
PS4 Pro 1TB Glacier White
+ Destiny 2 Game with Expansion Pass Bundle
+ DOOM With UAC Pack
+ Dishonored 2
+ Fallout 4

£349.99 @ Game

All comments (91)
5 Oct 17 #1
Great deal for me. Heat.
5 Oct 17 #2
Not as good as the uncharted bundle previously but since I missed it, I'd take this thanks op!
5 Oct 17 #3
Gotta do more than this to compete with Xbox one x
Ken9041 to sparklehedgehog
5 Oct 17 #5
one is £330-£350 the other one is £430 to £450, the ps4 slim and the xbox one s are the main sellers and you know which one is selling better
sparklehedgehog to Ken9041
5 Oct 17 #6
I agree but doesn’t mean the pendulum won’t swing the other way just like it did into this gen from 360 dominance to PS4 dominance when that was probably based on power too. The Xbox one x has much more power than the PS4 pro and I’d like to point out I own all consoles so not a particular brand fan boy.
Ken9041 to sparklehedgehog
5 Oct 17 #10
aha no the ps4 pro is sill powerful, it is cheaper, more exclusive. the switch is not a powerful hybrid console and yet it is selling well. Also the xbox one x and ps4 pro is for those who want more power but the mains sellers will be the ps4 slim and xbox one s. And you know the xbox one launch got messed up cause of all the controversies and then exclusives, ps4 install base is over 60 million, the dominance wont stop xbox one is 30 million short.
sparklehedgehog to Ken9041
5 Oct 17 #13
People didn’t see the switch coming to the PS4 before the PS4 announcement from 360dominnance but it still happened. Things don’t last forever. Apple won’t be the richest company forever
GHeekMFC to sparklehedgehog
5 Oct 17 #7
Getting an extremely solid and powerful console with 4 very good games for the same price as the launch PS4 and £100 cheaper than the X without any game. You cannot surely believe this is not a great deal. The power shift will not make much of a difference think that much is already evident.
Ken9041 to GHeekMFC
5 Oct 17 #8
but the thing is the power shift is not that big, some people on here don't even know the ps4 pro is a 4k machine
GHeekMFC to Ken9041
5 Oct 17 #12
Exactly, they're literally for the hardcore. No way parents are going say yeah lets get another machine that does the same thing but slightly better graphics for £200 more this Xmas. The Pro has sold steadily as will the X but the core machines are still the PS4 and X1 S. Well at least Sony know that because they don't massively push the Pro's marketing because that's not where they will get the highest sales. Here MS are literally creating almost a £230 jump from the X1S, that GAP is huge.They're pretty much staring again with that price jump.
sparklehedgehog to GHeekMFC
5 Oct 17 #14
PS4 pro a 4K machine? A true native 4K machine or upscale for most games and low FPS at full 4K?
Its not not in the same band of power as the X.
Ken9041 to sparklehedgehog
5 Oct 17 #18
you know both the xbox one x and ps4 pro will be having native 4k games, checker board rending 4k games
Joey.Griffin to sparklehedgehog
5 Oct 17 #24
How about the fact that this is £100 cheaper even with 4x good games and is actually available?
sparklehedgehog to Joey.Griffin
5 Oct 17 #26
Three of the games get less than a fiver at cex
sparklehedgehog to sparklehedgehog
5 Oct 17 #27
The other one is average at best
badasschris to sparklehedgehog
5 Oct 17 #30
xbox one x is better in every regard, pity that doesn't count for much when all the best exclusive games are on ps4 (well switch actually but we aren't talking about that).
sparklehedgehog to badasschris
5 Oct 17 #31
That’s why I have a Switch too

Does count when you want the best performance of the multi platform games
badasschris to sparklehedgehog
5 Oct 17 #32
true and to be fair I'll probably get an xbox one x when I have a oled 4k and keep my ps4 slim for the great exclusives. For now though its switch for everything
ocelot20 to sparklehedgehog
5 Oct 17 #33
Should get a half decent PC. Much rather play the likes of Assassin's Creed Origins at 1080p/1440p at 60FPS on a £450/£500 PC than at 4K checkerboard 30FPS on PS4 or XB1.
Just.Wondering to ocelot20
5 Oct 17 #34
Totally a xbox one x Is a low class gaming pc at best with no real xbox only exclusives, ps4 and good a good gaming PC all the way
ocelot20 to Just.Wondering
5 Oct 17 #37
Agreed the Switch is also a decent companion console. I don't dislike the XB1 I just feel if am prepared to pay £450 for a console. I might as well pay the extra £20-£50 and get a PC that can play all/most games at 60FPS. Plus not only get access to thousands of PC games new and old. But Microsoft's first party games and old console emulator's ect.
5 Oct 17 #4
Great deal, especially with the expansion pass for destiny 2, very tempted, I would sell all the games, sell my used Ps4 1tb and end up with a cheap upgrade to Ps4 pro....
5 Oct 17 #9
Can see this hitting the £299 pricepoint with a couple of AAA games when the XBox One X launches. Should be some crazy deals in the last quarter with the Slim going to the £179-£199 mark...
5 Oct 17 #11
I was happy paying £350 for just the 1Tb Pro with Destiny 2 a couple of weeks ago, this is a cracking deal.
5 Oct 17 #15
Technical jargon aside, this difference in graphics power will make a difference when it comes to both consoles’ 4K chops. Microsoft is aiming for full, native 4K at 60fps, while not all PS4 Pro games meet that specification. Some games run at 30fps in 4K, while others manage full 60fps performance at full, native 4K. The rest are a combination of games that only run at 30fps/4K, or render at sub-4K and use clever upscaling techniques to appear 4K.

All Xbox One games will run better on One X, whether or not they’ve been specifically updated to do so. You’ll be able to play One X games at Full HD, too, with the choice as to whether you want to downscale from Ultra HD resolution for ultra-sharp graphics, or run games at 1080p for better performance.

This is notably different to the PS4 Pro, which has a habit of hiding these settings from you unless you’ve specifically opted to run their console at Full HD only.
Ken9041 to sparklehedgehog
5 Oct 17 #21
if you have a ps4 pro you will know this is false, the developers will give you the optioN to choose between 1080p 60fps, 4k 30fps. If a game is 4k you will get the full 4k res on a 4k tv, and with 1080p it downsamples for a sharper and clearer image.
5 Oct 17 #16
Just look at the ram and graphics card power differences.
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