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5 Oct 17
PS4 Pro 1TB Glacier White
+ Destiny 2 Game with Expansion Pass Bundle
+ DOOM With UAC Pack
+ Dishonored 2
+ Fallout 4

£349.99 @ Game

All comments (91)
5 Oct 17 #1
Great deal for me. Heat.
5 Oct 17 #2
Not as good as the uncharted bundle previously but since I missed it, I'd take this thanks op!
5 Oct 17 #3
Gotta do more than this to compete with Xbox one x
Ken9041 to sparklehedgehog
5 Oct 17 #5
one is £330-£350 the other one is £430 to £450, the ps4 slim and the xbox one s are the main sellers and you know which one is selling better
sparklehedgehog to Ken9041
5 Oct 17 #6
I agree but doesn’t mean the pendulum won’t swing the other way just like it did into this gen from 360 dominance to PS4 dominance when that was probably based on power too. The Xbox one x has much more power than the PS4 pro and I’d like to point out I own all consoles so not a particular brand fan boy.
Ken9041 to sparklehedgehog
5 Oct 17 #10
aha no the ps4 pro is sill powerful, it is cheaper, more exclusive. the switch is not a powerful hybrid console and yet it is selling well. Also the xbox one x and ps4 pro is for those who want more power but the mains sellers will be the ps4 slim and xbox one s. And you know the xbox one launch got messed up cause of all the controversies and then exclusives, ps4 install base is over 60 million, the dominance wont stop xbox one is 30 million short.
sparklehedgehog to Ken9041
5 Oct 17 #13
People didn’t see the switch coming to the PS4 before the PS4 announcement from 360dominnance but it still happened. Things don’t last forever. Apple won’t be the richest company forever
GHeekMFC to sparklehedgehog
5 Oct 17 #7
Getting an extremely solid and powerful console with 4 very good games for the same price as the launch PS4 and £100 cheaper than the X without any game. You cannot surely believe this is not a great deal. The power shift will not make much of a difference think that much is already evident.
Ken9041 to GHeekMFC
5 Oct 17 #8
but the thing is the power shift is not that big, some people on here don't even know the ps4 pro is a 4k machine
GHeekMFC to Ken9041
5 Oct 17 #12
Exactly, they're literally for the hardcore. No way parents are going say yeah lets get another machine that does the same thing but slightly better graphics for £200 more this Xmas. The Pro has sold steadily as will the X but the core machines are still the PS4 and X1 S. Well at least Sony know that because they don't massively push the Pro's marketing because that's not where they will get the highest sales. Here MS are literally creating almost a £230 jump from the X1S, that GAP is huge.They're pretty much staring again with that price jump.
sparklehedgehog to GHeekMFC
5 Oct 17 #14
PS4 pro a 4K machine? A true native 4K machine or upscale for most games and low FPS at full 4K?
Its not not in the same band of power as the X.
Ken9041 to sparklehedgehog
5 Oct 17 #18
you know both the xbox one x and ps4 pro will be having native 4k games, checker board rending 4k games
Joey.Griffin to sparklehedgehog
5 Oct 17 #24
How about the fact that this is £100 cheaper even with 4x good games and is actually available?
sparklehedgehog to Joey.Griffin
5 Oct 17 #26
Three of the games get less than a fiver at cex
sparklehedgehog to sparklehedgehog
5 Oct 17 #27
The other one is average at best
badasschris to sparklehedgehog
5 Oct 17 #30
xbox one x is better in every regard, pity that doesn't count for much when all the best exclusive games are on ps4 (well switch actually but we aren't talking about that).
sparklehedgehog to badasschris
5 Oct 17 #31
That’s why I have a Switch too

Does count when you want the best performance of the multi platform games
badasschris to sparklehedgehog
5 Oct 17 #32
true and to be fair I'll probably get an xbox one x when I have a oled 4k and keep my ps4 slim for the great exclusives. For now though its switch for everything
ocelot20 to sparklehedgehog
5 Oct 17 #33
Should get a half decent PC. Much rather play the likes of Assassin's Creed Origins at 1080p/1440p at 60FPS on a £450/£500 PC than at 4K checkerboard 30FPS on PS4 or XB1.
Just.Wondering to ocelot20
5 Oct 17 #34
Totally a xbox one x Is a low class gaming pc at best with no real xbox only exclusives, ps4 and good a good gaming PC all the way
ocelot20 to Just.Wondering
5 Oct 17 #37
Agreed the Switch is also a decent companion console. I don't dislike the XB1 I just feel if am prepared to pay £450 for a console. I might as well pay the extra £20-£50 and get a PC that can play all/most games at 60FPS. Plus not only get access to thousands of PC games new and old. But Microsoft's first party games and old console emulator's ect.
5 Oct 17 #4
Great deal, especially with the expansion pass for destiny 2, very tempted, I would sell all the games, sell my used Ps4 1tb and end up with a cheap upgrade to Ps4 pro....
5 Oct 17 #9
Can see this hitting the £299 pricepoint with a couple of AAA games when the XBox One X launches. Should be some crazy deals in the last quarter with the Slim going to the £179-£199 mark...
5 Oct 17 #11
I was happy paying £350 for just the 1Tb Pro with Destiny 2 a couple of weeks ago, this is a cracking deal.
5 Oct 17 #15
Technical jargon aside, this difference in graphics power will make a difference when it comes to both consoles’ 4K chops. Microsoft is aiming for full, native 4K at 60fps, while not all PS4 Pro games meet that specification. Some games run at 30fps in 4K, while others manage full 60fps performance at full, native 4K. The rest are a combination of games that only run at 30fps/4K, or render at sub-4K and use clever upscaling techniques to appear 4K.

All Xbox One games will run better on One X, whether or not they’ve been specifically updated to do so. You’ll be able to play One X games at Full HD, too, with the choice as to whether you want to downscale from Ultra HD resolution for ultra-sharp graphics, or run games at 1080p for better performance.

This is notably different to the PS4 Pro, which has a habit of hiding these settings from you unless you’ve specifically opted to run their console at Full HD only.
Ken9041 to sparklehedgehog
5 Oct 17 #21
if you have a ps4 pro you will know this is false, the developers will give you the optioN to choose between 1080p 60fps, 4k 30fps. If a game is 4k you will get the full 4k res on a 4k tv, and with 1080p it downsamples for a sharper and clearer image.
5 Oct 17 #16
Just look at the ram and graphics card power differences.
5 Oct 17 #17
My point here is a £450 console wont make Microsoft catch up with the ps4 sales its over as far as this generation is concerned. Microsoft should just focus on not making the same launch mistake for the next gen and limit their exclusives going to pc but it seems their focusing more on service and trying to make ore gaas focused games.
5 Oct 17 #19
NoThe problem I have , Is that I have a top end gaming PC , so a xbox one x offers me nothing , but a ps4 offers me exclusives that I cannot buy on PC or XBOX , but with a PC , they will be few to no exclusives on a xbox that will not be on PC also........but my 1tb ps4 is due a upgrade , this gives me the chance to upgrade and sell my old ps4 1tb with a few games at todays prices , the longer I wait the less value my 1tb is worth as they will come down in price , but also the ps4 pro will come down in price , so realllllly it might just be best to jump in for the PRO now and get a special edition pro for standard PRO money....i'm sure it will not add much extra resale value to the console , but it will stand out a bit when I come to sell in say 18 months time...................................SO i think I shall press the buy button , get my 1 % top cash back and my game points that = 6.99 , so really I am buying in at 339.95 not bad me thinks and free next day delivery.........right I have convinced myself , its a good deal.....
5 Oct 17 #20
The Xbox One X offers six teraflops of power, the PS4 Pro 4.2. That’s quite a gap. This figure just begs you to compare the Microsoft console with the AMD Radeon RX 580 PC graphics card, which offers 6.17 teraflops and costs £330 on its own.

One-upmanship round 2: the Xbox One X has 12GB of GDDR5 RAM, the PS4 Pro 8GB. It’s 1.4 to 1.5x the console at 1.3x the price.
Ken9041 to sparklehedgehog
5 Oct 17 #22
you will be surprised with how may games have hit 4k on the ps4 pro and with hdr if you own a 4k tv set the result is crazy, am not denying the on x is more powerful but dont forget more expensive and if the ps4 pro is able to keep delivering 4k games for the price its good. the witcher 3 just got a 4k upgrade yesterday and the result is there.
5 Oct 17 #23
This is already hotter for me, than the Pro+FIFA bundle for those with an original PS4 that were going to trade it in for that deal at £199.

Most bought that, not wanting FIFA but wanting Destiny as the add on game.

Game currently give £120 trade in for an original PS4 500gb. So this would cost those people £230, £30 more than the FIFA bundle, with the game they wanted, plus it's expansion pack (worth the price of a game) the other games and the added bonus of it being the white console, which I saw at EGX and it looks very very nice.
mmk1125 to RebTheRebel
5 Oct 17 #25
I was going to do the pro + fifa bundle trade in deal on Friday, didnt really want fifa so this deal is way hotter for me. Glad I didnt have time last weekend!
5 Oct 17 #28
Same deal in sainsbury as well. but i only saw the black one
5 Oct 17 #29
does anyone know if this is available in store?
5 Oct 17 #35
Wow game actually have a deal not overpriced
5 Oct 17 #36
Ah yes, more salt for the wounds when I pre-ordered this from GAME and it came with no extra games. Then they added 1. Now 3.

Y u do dis :cry: HEAT :stuck_out_tongue:
5 Oct 17 #38
Hold up. What is this? Console wars infected a deals website? Lol.

The CPU in the X are still jaguar cores and are as capable of 60fps as the PS4. That is, not often. All the patched games have demo’d by DF have been all over the place. Not just in FPS.

Quantum Break @ 1440p with frame issues (but the menu option saying 4k) ...

Or Rise of the Tomb Raider, which shows marginal IQ differences but missing effects (like Depth of Field & reflections). Runs too poorly at native 4K, and drops to mid 20s at times....

Or a basic RTS like Halo Wars 2 that has native 4K and awesome textures! YAS finally! ...but it suffers FPS drops to 21fps....

Technical jargon aside. Just looking at results... is this worth a £450 premium to you?

Good luck! Also take this!
{You got The Strangers Rifle}
5 Oct 17 #39
Deal not valid in store
5 Oct 17 #40
lol, you guys are idiots arguing which is better.... the deal above is the best deal ive seen for a ps4 pro thus far... still no where near good enough for me to consider purchasing though
5 Oct 17 #41
game southampton: ps4 pro with destiny (only) £399
5 Oct 17 #42
Does this come with a PSN trial? Looking to take advantage of the current sale!
5 Oct 17 #43
Perhaps you should mention that Quantum Break uses screen techniques that even high end PC couldn't handle.

Rise of the Tomb Raider was pre-production software running on production hardware hosting a non-final operating system.

Halo wars 2, 'but of course, we are looking at early Xbox One X code so we should expect to see some changes and improvements before the enhanced version releases in November.'

'but of course, let's remember that this is an unfinished build not really designed for full-on Digital Foundry scrutiny.'

So you have picked 3 titles that were in their early stages.

As for the CPU it's a custom jaguar and -

Microsoft has ingeniously baked in DirectX 12 into the Project Scorpio's GPU's command processor to significantly reduce instruction sets and thus dramatically improve the instruction command processing sent by the highly customized 2.73GHz Jaguar evolved CPU. Essentially Project Scorpio's direct hardware-based DX12 integration should substantially improve game-to-GPU communication and actively reduce CPU overhead.

Roll call instructions on the CPU that would typically require thousands of instructions are now reduced to just 11," Leadbetter said in DF's exclusive Scorpio reveal.

Its only 4 weeks until release so we shall then see some "Real" tests and also side by side comparisons with the Pro, my money is on the Xbox1X running Every multi format title better than the Pro.
5 Oct 17 #44
A £450 console is not going to trouble Sony's dominance of this console generation. This is a great bundle.
5 Oct 17 #45
Good deal.

Sell all those games and you'll be down near £275 for the console.

Given the CPU difference between the Pro and XbX is marginal, the extra grunt of the latter will lead to higher fidelity only. We will not see 60fps on one and 30fps on the other.

For me, the Pro with the bundled games is a cracking deal if you don't need or want UHD Bluray. And Sony has a better games catalogue and it's upcoming exclusives are better too.

The real shame for me is no EA Access on Sony.

I have an XbX on preorder but still on the fence.
5 Oct 17 #46
Is this trade in for £120 only in store cos this deal is online only right? I'm trying to figure out if I trade in my ps4 original in store and get cash or some sort of voucher so I can then go and buy this online. Any advice on this is welcomed.
5 Oct 17 #47
Sold my 2tb PS4 for £175 and got myself a Pro. I don't think it was worth it but I guess it's a slight improvement.
5 Oct 17 #48
The PS4 dominance was nothing to do with power, that was to do with Sony marketing the PS4 properly and Microsoft having a complete identity crisis during their marketing campaign and promotional events when revealing the Xbox One, Microsoft are slowly recovering but a £450 console and a lack of first party games during its release isn’t going to help bridge the gap.
5 Oct 17 #49
what games have yo played on your pro?
5 Oct 17 #50
Think you’ll find the Xbox one x runs a tad better than the specs you just quoted for less than a half decent pc costs to build.

6 teraflops compared to the PS4 pros 4.2
5 Oct 17 #51
I don't know if it makes much difference but you can / could trade in FIFA for £36 at CEX, sell the FIFA icon pack on eBay for £9, and pickup destiny for £20 when bought with the PS4 at Game.

That what I did but I also traded destiny in for £31 and sold the dlc code for £5.
5 Oct 17 #52
Hi oyeking

When You trade in your old PS4 in store, you can request the credit on a gift card or your game wallet, if You have an account.

Either way You can then use the Credit online to purchase this bundle.

I traded in an old phone in store and used the credit online to purchase an online exclusive deal like the one posted. :thumbsup:
5 Oct 17 #53
I think, most companies like to port as much of the game as possible, I imagine the main difference between pro and Xbox x versions of games will be In the resolution, just like this gen Xbox often 900p ps4 1080p, but it will lead to perhaps 1800p ps4 pro vs a higher upscaled resolution for the Xbox x, only exclusives games make the most of the console, multi console platform titles will all play very similar.
5 Oct 17 #54
Console wars infection indeed. As an owner of both consoles I disagree. The one X outperforms the ps4 pro. Period.
5 Oct 17 #55
Correct , but sadly under performs with any exclusive titles.

But most half decent gaming PC = Xbox XxXx

Most games are built to run across as many systems as possible, don't expect too many extra bells and whistles from a xBox compared with a PS4 Pro....
5 Oct 17 #56
I believe a 30 day trial code comes within the Destiny 2 bundle...
5 Oct 17 #57
Pretty good offer at this moment in time, but I do think these are going to drop even further once the Xbox One X releases, so unless you're desperate for one right now, I'd say it's probably better to wait it out.
5 Oct 17 #58
I don't believe I listed any specs? But again if I was going to spend £450 on something to play games on. I would save that extra £50-£70 and get a PC with a GTX 1050TI or a 1060. Sure I won't be playing many games in 4K. But would be playing most games at 60FPS.

Destiny 2 for example. 4K on Xbox One X at 30FPS or 1080p 30FPS for none 4K TV owners. While the PC would be running at 1080p 60. Same with Assassin's Creed Origins dynamic 4K on XB1X at 30FPS. Yet a £500 PC would be playing that at 1080p 60.

The PlayStation 4 Pro may be weaker no denying that. But at least the PS4 has plenty of exclusive games that are simply not available on any other platform. Same with the Nintendo Switch. Might be even weaker than the PS4 and XB1S but has exclusives that you simply can't get on another platform. As for Xbox that is simply not the case other than older titles such as Sunset Overdrive and Halo 5.

The whole "console exclusive argument" does not work with me. If a game is available on more that 1 platform then it's simply not an exclusive. Console exclusive is just a weak excuse Microsoft might as well simply put on the first party boxes "Not available on PS4 or Switch exclusive".
5 Oct 17 #59
100 % , perhaps new RRP 500gb PS4 169.99 , PS4 Pro 269.99 , that would really make a xbox x look very pricey.
5 Oct 17 #60
pfft sony will be giving out the console for free once the xbox one x gets released
5 Oct 17 #61
Microsoft wins on the hardware front. Sony wins on the software front.
5 Oct 17 #62
Destiny 2 is hitting 4k 30fps for ps4 pro, assassins creed will be aiming for that as well. The cpu in both console is still not enough for 60fps on most games. Ps4 pro is worth it for the price but sony dropped the ball on marketing since most people dont know it could play 4k games. Since the ps4 slim will remain the main seller its not a porblem for them
5 Oct 17 #63
its all about the number of console and software you sell and sony wins all both front
5 Oct 17 #64
Agreed about the Pro advertisement. But I assume it's selling well enough that Sony don't feel the need to pour in more money into advertisements. The slim is Sony's number 1 seller. As is the XB1S for Microsoft and will continue to be their number 1 seller.

You are also correct about the CPU in both the XB1 and PS4 and Pro and X. The crappy Jaguar they have in all 4 consoles is essentially just an underclocked FX 8150. When the FX 8150 was released back in 2011 for desktop's it was critically panned. I understand why both Sony and Microsoft went with back in 2013 for the OG XB1 and PS4. As it was probably the cheapest option plus it was enough at the time for games. Both Pro and X have solid GPU's in fact according to Steam stats both of them have better GPU's than most Steam users. However, Both are pretty much crippled but a turd of a processor.

But it's 2017 now and even with the slight overclock the Jaguar CPU got in both the Pro and X. It's still a turd of a CPU. let's hope when it's time for Sony to release the PS5 and Microsoft the Nextbox. Both put in a half decent CPU inside and let 30FPS be a thing of the past.
5 Oct 17 #65
The thing is some developers are letting gamers choose between 1080p/60fps or 4k/30fps on the ps4 pro titles like tomb raider, knack 2, tlou, Nioh. But resolution seems to be more favoured in console gaming for some reason. ps5 will be announced 2019 since ps4 sales is still going strong. Also it seems sony have been ramping up the ps4 pro ad as a 4k machine.
6 Oct 17 #66
This is one of the main reason's why I bought a Pro. In hope that devs would give us a choice 4K or 60FPS 1080p/900p. I can understand why they would want to keep everyone on the same framerates for MP games. I just wish the likes of Skyrim and Fallout, Witcher 3 (which just had a pro patch), Division ect would give us an option. I know the CPU is crap but am sure those games would reach 60. Even if they just give us a target of 60FPS mode like Infamous Second son and Fast light and I believe Dark Souls 3 offers.
6 Oct 17 #67
Just the usual PS4 Pro deal full of Xbox fanboys making claims about a product they have yet to own. Personally, I think the differences in most cases will be minimal at best, it’s really not worth a developers time and effort when such a small percentage will actually own one. It’s also hilarious to read people quoting stats, when they have no idea what they mean. Initial tests and industry experts have already said, framerates will be limited in most games by the CPU. Fanboys, please don’t start claiming MS have secret ways of fixing that particular issue, we all remember the claimed “powah of da cloud” that never materialised from the start of this gen.
/end of rant :angry:
6 Oct 17 #68
Brilliant. Thanks a lot buddy, appreciate it!
6 Oct 17 #69
It’s looking increasingly like MS fudged it up. Their showcase titles won’t come close to the top looking PS4 Games. That’s simply due to limitations in development.

Also the timing is horrific, it uses the same chipset as the PS4 Pro with higher clocks mostly. Why they decided to release so much later is a mystery.
6 Oct 17 #70
Hard competing with a company which has no exclusives.
7 Oct 17 #71
WELL that sucks , PS4 Pro arrived today , faulty analogue sticks ! random movement to the right , I tried my old controller works great , put in the new white version and it randomly moves to the right , when you click the analogue sticks they stay down , all a bit odd.

Anyone had to deal with a return with Game , can I take my faulty controller into a store even though I bought the system online ?!?!? .

Ideally I just want to return the controller as I have transfered all my games and data across.

I can only imagine a whole nightmare of been sent back a black controller instead of a white controller that came with the white console and pretty much going round in circles for months.....hmmm a bit like the action on the controller.........OH well.
7 Oct 17 #72
you got a faulty brand new controller?
7 Oct 17 #73
I sure did , I had to call the customer services line this morning , then call a tech help line for a return number , then take the controller back to the store and they changed over the controller , it was weird , the controller was fine on most games , but on Nioh , when you used the left stick , to go right it would continue moving right , if you then went left , the character would spin around then head to the right for a like 1 second ,but the issue did not show it's self on say Final fantasy , or Dark souls 2.....thankfully I had my old ps4 as I used it last night to transfer the data across , my old console had the original ps4 black controller , tested it with Nioh , worked as normal.....put on the white brand new controller , issue showed up straight away...Any way game where pretty good , they had new stock of the pads in store , they just swapped over the white pad for another white pad....came home tested , works perfectly now !! Panic over :smile:

BUT to be fair and impartial , anyone thinking of upgrading to a PS4 pro and you are coming from a regular PS4 , the difference is hardly noticeable in the graphics , even on a game such as final fantasy which has 3 different graphical options for the Pro, I cannot tell the difference in frame rate or graphics , Nioh , Movie mode 4k turns the game to crud due to the frame rate dropping to 30 fps , 60fps is essential for the fluid gameplay , I am running the PRO on a 65 inch 4K HDR main gaming preference is my 4k gaming PC , but I have the PS4 for the exclusives such as Bloodborne , Persona 5 etc

Thankfully for me I have had my old 1tb ps4 for around 2 years , so I like to swap out my hardware every year or so , based on the games and the selling prices , plus the resale of my ps4 bundled with some old games, the upgrade cost will work out to be around £60 ....and based on that small cost alone , I would say it is just about worth it....hopefully in the next 12 - 18 months I will see more of the benefits due to better enhancements in games.....but I am not holding my breath.
7 Oct 17 #74
I don't get you. We are talking consoles not PC's. The one X is the most powerful console. It does not claim to be a PC.
7 Oct 17 #75
No but every game available for Xbox One X will also be available on PC and with a decent machine perform better.
7 Oct 17 #76
Xbox one x = low to mid range modern gaming PC
7 Oct 17 #77
We were discussing the power of Ps4Pro vs Xbox oneX..
7 Oct 17 #78
Not many people put a gaming PC in their TV cabinet.
8 Oct 17 #79
Have you read the whole thread?

Any discussion involving a xbox one x, is inadvertently a discussion about a P.C.
8 Oct 17 #80
I have my pc under my main TV and a steam link for my monitor upstairs, best of both worlds.
8 Oct 17 #81
Thanks for posting, I was about to order the console with Destiny itself for £349, and then seen this. THANKS !

Have some heat !
8 Oct 17 #82
Err, no an Xbox is an Xbox and a PC a PC. If you use that argument the PS4 is a PC too.
8 Oct 17 #83
Respect for that, the missus would never allow me.
8 Oct 17 #84
8 Oct 17 #85
Was everything brand new sealed?
8 Oct 17 #86
Anybody that's ordered this were all the games brand new sealed
8 Oct 17 #87
Yes, games and hardware
9 Oct 17 #88
Must remember that the difference between the pro and X is similar to the difference between the one and PS4. Yet the one was charged at the premium initially.....
Note that the developers will code for the lowest common denominator. The regular PS4 and xbone. This means that both the pro and X will be severely handicapped. Yes you can boost textures and resolutions etc but the core game (physics, animation's etc) will be based on the ps4/ xbone hardware. So don't expect the X is ever meet it's true potential. The pro more so because the PS4 is a much more powerful machine than the xbone.
This generation is a Sony win unfortunately.
blueyes74 to smellyonion
9 Oct 17 #90
Is the dlc code inside the Destiny case? I'm selling to a friend so don't want to break the seal.
9 Oct 17 #89
Yup, same here. Oh well! Lesson learned methinks.
9 Oct 17 #91
Really? Or are you merely quoting Phil Spencer? X1 X cannot do true native 4K for the most part. Neither can PS4 Pro. There is virtually no difference in that whatsoever. Both run games 1440p and upscale or checkerboard render to 4K. The X1 X has the same Jaguar cores as the Pro, it will not perform any better than Pro. The only advantage X1 X has over Pro is "settings'. Expect slightly improved texture, ambient occlusion, lighting etc. These will be very minor inprovements indeed, and won't necessarily be implemented on all titles. This is a fact, it's not my opinion. Next generation will likely see the performance Phil Spencer was talking about, true 4K 60fps gaming. Saying that, Forza 7 will be a stand out title in that regard, and if you're into the franchise, it will almost certainly be far superior to any racing sim PS4 (including GT Sport).
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Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse
3 stars +187

Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse

£399.99 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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The Firm (game) now FREE
3 stars +168

The Firm (game) now FREE

£0.84 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Original Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum - LDS SLAM / Intelligent Route / Planning App w/code
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Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids
3 stars +122

Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids

£2 Poundland10 Oct 17
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Apple Airpods to £129
3 stars +188

Apple Airpods to £129

£129 £159 BT Shop10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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3 stars +150


Instore Home Bargains10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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National Curry Week M&S Indian Takeaway Deal - with decent veggie options too
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Resident evil origins collection (PS4)
3 stars +128

Resident evil origins collection (PS4)

£13.85 Base.com10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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TSB credit card 0% on balance transfers for 28 months, fee-free, plus potential cashback
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3.5 stars +281


£6 £24 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE
3 stars +143

JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE

£1.79 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE
3.5 stars +207

PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE

£0.89 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
4 stars +361

ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
3 stars +129

Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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