This appeared on the front page of the Google Play Store for me today. As with all of these google freebies, it's probably limited to certain accounts. Usually if you haven't used Google Play Music in a year or so it should be ok for you to use.
You can cancel the subscription immediately and it will last 4 months.
Edit: I can recommend to move playlists from one streaming service to another
All comments (94)
4 Sep 17#1
My Spotify just expired. Thanks
4 Sep 17#2
Just signed up. Thanks!
4 Sep 17#3
Thanks, my spotify deal had just run out too. :relaxed:
4 Sep 17#4
Heat! Great for those that can get it but this will definitely be for those that haven't subscribed in the past I suspect...
4 Sep 17#5
Error processing coupon: The special offer is only available to new users
Neil49 to crinklecutnose
12 Sep 17#92
Yes, I got the same message.
4 Sep 17#6
Me too thanks. Just signed up.x
4 Sep 17#7
Awesome thanks, just signed up straight from googleplay. Heat added. Now to try and get playlists from spotify to transfer over.
4 Sep 17#8
Good offer but FYI, if you already have large music collection, Play Music allows you to upload 50,000 tracks to the cloud for unlimited streaming for free :smile:
Edit: Use Google Play Music Manager to keep your music library in sync with the cloud and your full library will appear in the app or online.
merikiito to BubaMan
4 Sep 17#21
Thanks for the info, I did not know this. Found it very easy to do and no need for a subcription either, result
dorito to BubaMan
5 Sep 17#56
Tell me more... where do I find out about this? Is it built into the the Google Music app (the upload tracks part)?
BubaMan to dorito
5 Sep 17#57
You can do it through Chrome with an add-in but it's a bit flakey... Use Google Play Music Manager to keep your music library in sync with the cloud and your full library will appear in the app or online.
Thanks, I'll look into it. :smile: I'm wavering between Google Play Music and Spotify (family subscriptions) but i'm holding out for Google to "properly join up" its YouTube Red offering with the Google Music for the UK market (like they do in the USA) and will hopefully pick Google once that's available here.
SuperScottUK to BubaMan
10 Sep 17#84
100,000 now :wink:
BubaMan to SuperScottUK
10 Sep 17#82
I think you need to evaluate that. My 20-year collection is full of [email protected] I'll never listen to and that's only 34,000.
SuperScottUK to BubaMan
11 Sep 17#87
I think 100,000 tunes would last you a litteral lifetime to listen to so I do not know why they doubled the allowance...... plus 34,000 tracks. Wow!
BubaMan to SuperScottUK
11 Sep 17#86
Oh - I thought you were saying your collection was 100,000. I think that extension is just for S8 users and you're right - it is excessive. I need to evaluate my collection tbh :relaxed:
Opening post
You can cancel the subscription immediately and it will last 4 months.
Edit: I can recommend to move playlists from one streaming service to another
All comments (94)
The special offer is only available to new users
Edit: Use Google Play Music Manager to keep your music library in sync with the cloud and your full library will appear in the app or online.
Use Google Play Music Manager to keep your music library in sync with the cloud and your full library will appear in the app or online.
Music Manager:…-GB
Storage limits:…-GB
I'm wavering between Google Play Music and Spotify (family subscriptions) but i'm holding out for Google to "properly join up" its YouTube Red offering with the Google Music for the UK market (like they do in the USA) and will hopefully pick Google once that's available here.
My 20-year collection is full of [email protected] I'll never listen to and that's only 34,000.
I think that extension is just for S8 users and you're right - it is excessive.
I need to evaluate my collection tbh :relaxed: