This appeared on the front page of the Google Play Store for me today. As with all of these google freebies, it's probably limited to certain accounts. Usually if you haven't used Google Play Music in a year or so it should be ok for you to use.
You can cancel the subscription immediately and it will last 4 months.
Edit: I can recommend to move playlists from one streaming service to another
Latest comments (94)
1 Oct 17#94
Can't see the four month trial offer this morning; did it finish at the end of September?
18 Sep 17#93
Anyone interested in this could try out an illegal app called "fildo" it streams and let's you download....all 'free' ahem
4 Sep 17#5
Error processing coupon: The special offer is only available to new users
Neil49 to crinklecutnose
12 Sep 17#92
Yes, I got the same message.
12 Sep 17#91
This is working lovely, thanks. Adding all my faves to my library.
12 Sep 17#90
I have a Mac. Is there a way to download music offline from it on Google Music? As sometimes I'm without an internet connection for days.
11 Sep 17#89
This offer is only available to new users for me....
11 Sep 17#88
What link did people click on? I got Error processing coupon. Invalid coupon code.
4 Sep 17#8
Good offer but FYI, if you already have large music collection, Play Music allows you to upload 50,000 tracks to the cloud for unlimited streaming for free :smile:
Edit: Use Google Play Music Manager to keep your music library in sync with the cloud and your full library will appear in the app or online.
merikiito to BubaMan
4 Sep 17#21
Thanks for the info, I did not know this. Found it very easy to do and no need for a subcription either, result
dorito to BubaMan
5 Sep 17#56
Tell me more... where do I find out about this? Is it built into the the Google Music app (the upload tracks part)?
BubaMan to dorito
5 Sep 17#57
You can do it through Chrome with an add-in but it's a bit flakey... Use Google Play Music Manager to keep your music library in sync with the cloud and your full library will appear in the app or online.
Thanks, I'll look into it. :smile: I'm wavering between Google Play Music and Spotify (family subscriptions) but i'm holding out for Google to "properly join up" its YouTube Red offering with the Google Music for the UK market (like they do in the USA) and will hopefully pick Google once that's available here.
SuperScottUK to BubaMan
10 Sep 17#84
100,000 now :wink:
BubaMan to SuperScottUK
10 Sep 17#82
I think you need to evaluate that. My 20-year collection is full of [email protected] I'll never listen to and that's only 34,000.
SuperScottUK to BubaMan
11 Sep 17#87
I think 100,000 tunes would last you a litteral lifetime to listen to so I do not know why they doubled the allowance...... plus 34,000 tracks. Wow!
BubaMan to SuperScottUK
11 Sep 17#86
Oh - I thought you were saying your collection was 100,000. I think that extension is just for S8 users and you're right - it is excessive. I need to evaluate my collection tbh :relaxed:
I'd rather pay full whack Spotify than suffer Google Music's painful interface. Shame.
9 Sep 17#81
My offers never seems to reset. Even after a year. Guess make a new account and try
9 Sep 17#80
Hmmm I had this offer open in my browser for a few days and now I get an "invalid coupon code" error when I hit the site and only a 30 day trial offer. I guess the 4 month deal has expired?
9 Sep 17#78
Can you play google play through Alexa ?
9 Sep 17#79
I'm only getting the standard 1 month free option !
8 Sep 17#76
Still a bit of a petty thing to do but ok
copperspock to superfreddy
9 Sep 17#77
It's against the rules, people can be defrauded that way.
7 Sep 17#73
I'm new to Google Play Music so would I be right in saying that once your subscription ends, you can no longer access/play the songs you've downloaded?
spitthedog1964 to Shakey.Mic
8 Sep 17#75
Yep that happened to my playlist a few days ago when my 6 month free trial ended. Tried to sign up again with this new offer but it said for new customers only. Some have slipped through the net by the sounds of it so worth trying to sign up again for the people that have already had it.
8 Sep 17#74
Thanks Guys, just signed up and I had just finished my 3 month trial I had with my Google Home.
7 Sep 17#72
Well that was annoying. I clicked 'Get deal' and it opened the offer page, but also opened up a new tab asking me to sign in to Chrome with a specific account (this is a family computer). I couldn't switch from the Chrome sign-in tab at all, had to close the browser and kill the two offending tabs.
6 Sep 17#71
:wink: the first vinyl album I bought was in Mono :smile:
But really I like to only use one ear bud when I am walking around so I can hear what is happening around me , part for safety and also so you can hear cars / bikes ETC around you...
Plus Stereo gives me a headache with some songs , just too busy
There are the No Pain / no Brain group who have headphones on and you can clearly hear their music 50 ft away..... its nice when you are older to be able to hear things without a hearing aide. that group will not have much hearing left in a few years......
6 Sep 17#70
Update : cancelled my subscription and it will expire Jan 5th 2018.... Hot, damn hot!
5 Sep 17#66
what is the best way to download Google play music so you can play it offline later ?
I am not worried about high bit rate , the lower the better almost and I will convert to Mono anyway !
artnada to redondo
6 Sep 17#69
Why on Earth would anyone want it to be momo :thinking:
Anyway, see my screenshot to see how to save for offline
6 Sep 17#68
Great thanks!!
5 Sep 17#67
not on mine unfortunately..heated
5 Sep 17#65
I cancelled my 3 month trial in August, but it allowed me to activate this 4 month trial!
Heat added.
5 Sep 17#64
Thanks, got free music for 4 months :grin:
5 Sep 17#63
I use Google Music to play most of my old songs which I ripped and uploaded to the service a few years back. If I ever actually buy music I also backup to it as a safety measure for the day my hard drive dies. But I've never tried the full service. I do have Amazon's Echo only deal which costs £3.99 a month for one Echo to get the full 40 million odd song database.
So I wasn't expecting to see the Google Music offer pop up for me... but it did. Might give it a try.
5 Sep 17#62
very hot! anybody know the cut off date?
5 Sep 17#61
Excellent, worked for me (and I've had a free trial in the past!)
5 Sep 17#60
I had this deal before and it was pretty good, similar range of music to Spotify and the artist radio option threw up some good bands ( unlike Deezer Flow which mixes your previous choices with staid predictable boring mainstays ) I did have some problems when restarting after I had previously exited the App, it would either be silent for ages or start jumping between tracks, but worth the money !
5 Sep 17#59
Thanks OP, just signed up.
4 Sep 17#45
Op recommends soundiiz to convert playlists. It wants me to upgrade to premium to convert a Spotify playlist.
jhb019 to artnada
4 Sep 17#13
I think if it's your own personal playlist it's free, but if it's someone else's you have to pay. I haven't used it in ages so please correct me if I'm wrong.
Edit: Just looked at it again and it seems like it's in beta for play music so is only available to premium users
artnada to jhb019
5 Sep 17#55
Yeah it's my playlist.
4 Sep 17#43
What's this like compared to Spotify?
What I mostly like about Spotify is the Daily Mix's and the community playlists (IE, soundtracks for filmes, tv shows, games etc that people make).
Leonintelex to Alansk1
5 Sep 17#54
It's okay but think Spotify is a lot more intelligent with better suggestions.
Spotify is a significantly better at finding new music, Play just seems to suggest albums that are well known and been out for years. It was rare it suggested music I had never heard before.
I used it for a year but missed Spotify when I did.
5 Sep 17#52
can you use this with sonos ?
deany76 to stemac123
5 Sep 17#53
4 Sep 17#51
Thanks OP, just signed up
4 Sep 17#50
Can anyone confirm if you can cancel straight away to stop the auto subscription and still get the 4 months free? EDIT: I Didn't read the post
4 Sep 17#27
hhmm .. got spotify and the 3 year subscription to microsoft groove .. do i need another service ?
superfreddy to HankHandsome
4 Sep 17#32
How did you get a 3 year sub with groove?
HankHandsome to superfreddy
4 Sep 17#48
there was an offer on here a while back where someone had grabbed a load of 6 month codes for groove from a promotional event and posted them online. someone found out that if you applied the code to your account, refreshed the page and re-applied it, it would give you an extra 6 months.
you could keep doing it up to a maximum of 3 years, which i did.
charliemike to HankHandsome
4 Sep 17#49
Thats right up there with the Polish code someone found that gave you Tom tom traffic and speed camera annual subscription for £1 that you could re-apply about 7 times over to turn it into lifetime subscription. HUKD at its best.
4 Sep 17#47
Many thanks!
Been using a 3 month trial on Tidal since my spotify ran out and I absolutely hate it, so i'm glad to be off it now!
4 Sep 17#46
PSA when you go to subscribe it offers you other Plans. This has the same individual and a family option. These are both for 30 days only. I nearly selected individual and lost out on 3 free months.
4 Sep 17#44
Heat baby!
4 Sep 17#42
Couldn't reuse my old account, so had to make a new gmail account which wouldn't be a problem if I could move all my playlists over between accounts like Spotify lets you, means I've lost all the playlists I had on the old account :[
4 Sep 17#41
Heat! I've subscribed in the past but it still worked!
4 Sep 17#30
didnt work for me
zermattbusby to ao4real
4 Sep 17#40
Just create a new gmail account
4 Sep 17#39
Just spent a deep sea diver on a student Spotify subscription, any one know when this deal will end so I can get the maximum usage out of it? :stuck_out_tongue:
4 Sep 17#38
If i cancel my existing subscription and renew it and get four months free, at the moment i am paying £9.99 a month.
4 Sep 17#37
Cheers, I had already had a free trial on 1 email, I just switched accounts and now have music until January
4 Sep 17#36
Forgot to ask, are there any problems with subscribing with PayPal? Don't want to use CC as those continuous payments can be a nightmare to cancel...
DCFC79 to DingIs
4 Sep 17#11
Wasn't a problem for me to cancel, in fact it was very easy to cancel.
4 Sep 17#35
"download and play offline..." I take it that the downloads are encrypted??
4 Sep 17#34
Thank you for posting!
4 Sep 17#33
Worked for me, thanks
4 Sep 17#31
Worked here aswell,thanks
4 Sep 17#29
Thank you new account 4 month free
4 Sep 17#28
Spotify expired on Friday, this is like Monday bonus for me
4 Sep 17#26
Thanks very much, seemed to work for me as a non new user
4 Sep 17#25
Thanks OP
Could someone tell me how to make a playlist please, I can't see how you can.
4 Sep 17#23
Heat added OP! Thank you :grin:
4 Sep 17#24
Thanks op good spot. I have six Gmail accounts. Free music for a few more months.
4 Sep 17#22
If you don't mind paying for 1 month then Groove Music has another six months ( or 2 x 3 months really) free. My Google play just finished. Didn't know about another 4 months free. Can't complain. just had 8 months free. 6 months Apple Music before that then 3 months Spotify before that although that may have been 99p for that one! This deal ends on the 5th Sept (today!).
4 Sep 17#19
Duplicate but if the OP referenced quadkonand their current offer (it'll be over a month in a couple of days anyway) I reckon it'd be fine
4 Sep 17#20
Thanks for the post now subscribed again . Heat added
4 Sep 17#17
Works for me... and i`m not a new user
4 Sep 17#14
30 days free mine across several accounts what am I doing wrong?
greyhound11 to acj7744
4 Sep 17#18
similar but I got 2 months on one account...
4 Sep 17#15
Cancelled back in August 3rd, amazingly, accepted my free trial for four months. So worth trying people.
Thanks OP for bringing to my attention. Heat added.
4 Sep 17#16
Anyone seen an End Date to this offer?
4 Sep 17#12
"The special offer is only available to new users"
4 Sep 17#10
Looks like a good deal. My family spotify is £15 per month though so anyone know if this can be used as part of a family.
4 Sep 17#9
Thank you for the heads up. Perfect timing.
4 Sep 17#7
Awesome thanks, just signed up straight from googleplay. Heat added. Now to try and get playlists from spotify to transfer over.
4 Sep 17#6
Me too thanks. Just signed up.x
4 Sep 17#4
Heat! Great for those that can get it but this will definitely be for those that haven't subscribed in the past I suspect...
4 Sep 17#3
Thanks, my spotify deal had just run out too. :relaxed:
Opening post
You can cancel the subscription immediately and it will last 4 months.
Edit: I can recommend to move playlists from one streaming service to another
Latest comments (94)
The special offer is only available to new users
Edit: Use Google Play Music Manager to keep your music library in sync with the cloud and your full library will appear in the app or online.
Use Google Play Music Manager to keep your music library in sync with the cloud and your full library will appear in the app or online.
Music Manager:…-GB
Storage limits:…-GB
I'm wavering between Google Play Music and Spotify (family subscriptions) but i'm holding out for Google to "properly join up" its YouTube Red offering with the Google Music for the UK market (like they do in the USA) and will hopefully pick Google once that's available here.
My 20-year collection is full of [email protected] I'll never listen to and that's only 34,000.
I think that extension is just for S8 users and you're right - it is excessive.
I need to evaluate my collection tbh :relaxed:…H2D
But really I like to only use one ear bud when I am walking around so I can hear what is happening around me ,
part for safety and also so you can hear cars / bikes ETC around you...
Plus Stereo gives me a headache with some songs , just too busy
There are the No Pain / no Brain group who have headphones on and you can clearly hear their music 50 ft away.....
its nice when you are older to be able to hear things without a hearing aide. that group will not have much hearing left in a few years......
I am not worried about high bit rate , the lower the better almost and I will convert to Mono anyway !
Anyway, see my screenshot to see how to save for offline
Heat added.
So I wasn't expecting to see the Google Music offer pop up for me... but it did. Might give it a try.
I did have some problems when restarting after I had previously exited the App, it would either be silent for ages or start jumping between tracks, but worth the money !
Edit: Just looked at it again and it seems like it's in beta for play music so is only available to premium users
What I mostly like about Spotify is the Daily Mix's and the community playlists (IE, soundtracks for filmes, tv shows, games etc that people make).
Spotify is a significantly better at finding new music, Play just seems to suggest albums that are well known and been out for years. It was rare it suggested music I had never heard before.
I used it for a year but missed Spotify when I did.
EDIT: I Didn't read the post
you could keep doing it up to a maximum of 3 years, which i did.
Been using a 3 month trial on Tidal since my spotify ran out and I absolutely hate it, so i'm glad to be off it now!
I take it that the downloads are encrypted??
Could someone tell me how to make a playlist please, I can't see how you can.
This deal ends on the 5th Sept (today!).
Thanks OP for bringing to my attention. Heat added.