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7y 30d
Pretty decent rate via Uswitch for fast fiber broadband, phone and line rental, Vivid 100mb is £30 and Vivid 200mb for £35 respectively.Worth adding Quidco offer £30 on any Uswitch deal or £80 cashback on Virgin Media purchases but not sure of the success rate going direct.
All comments (69)
7y 30d #1
I don't think it is £720 for 100mbps. According to the uswitch website it is £380.00 over the 12 months.
7y 30d #2
Price is £380.00 for the 12 month contract, including line rental & upfront costs if applicable.
7y 30d #3
I'm supposed to be on 100mb - Just did a speed test... 5.86 !!! I know I'm upstairs away from the modem at the moment but I don't think they every get to those speeds for me
Crossbow to chrisredmayne
7y 30d #9
​Wi-Fi speeds can vary a lot. Run the speed test on a wired connection.
chrisredmayne to Crossbow
7y 30d #33
I know Wi-Fi is slower than connected internet. but a 95% decrease seems a bit drastic. anyways just to prove I'm not getting 100 here is the results from my ps4 connected directly to the router at 8am
JCBRFC to chrisredmayne
7y 30d #47
31791299.jpgMine on 200Mbps. Goes up and down a lot though.

Not that it actually matters on a ps4 because downloads never work at those speeds, might get closer to it on rest mode but the system can't download that fast.
jb66 to chrisredmayne
7y 28d #57
That's not a proper speed test. Visit on your PlayStation
FireOnAWire to chrisredmayne
7y 30d #26
Sounds like you're on the 2.4GHz wireless band. If you're equipment can pick up 5GHz try and set that up as the preferred connection or look into a wireless repeater/range extender.
meandog101 to FireOnAWire
7y 30d #12
I've had the same issue with the Virgin 100mb connection. Its been terrible this year, and I've even set it up to the above method of 5Ghz. Had enough of it and the double whammy now of price increase so leaving them asap. I know its 'up to 100mb' but as the other post says, when you just get 5-10mb regularly, whats the point.
chrisredmayne to FireOnAWire
7y 30d #34
I'm just using what they gave me. :-(
7y 30d #4
Not sure where the £720 comes from on the comments as the yearly price if you follow links is £380 (100mb) and £440 ( 200mb). Good deal to me. Heat added
7y 30d #5
Plague and Avoid spring to mind.
7y 30d #6
I'm sooooo fed up of Virgin continually putting prices up and added costs here and there. Nowhere near the speeds we're supposed to get. Can barely use the Internet sometimes. Seriously considering ditching them for a far cheaper alternative!
sam_of_london to Trumpet777
7y 30d #22
Their price increases are for their existing customers who cannot be bothered or asked to look at their bills or change. If you join them again as new customer or threaten to leave by giving one month notice , you can get both faster speed and pay less money. For a little pain you gain lots more.
Trumpet777 to sam_of_london
7y 30d #27
Hi Sam,

This is what we've always done and have always benefitted. The problem is we are about to put our flat on the market and don't want to be tied to Virgin as they renew your contract when you downgrade your package. Stuck at the moment but at £70 a month, I'd love to tell them to take it away. That's only with a more basic package!. Aargh!
katestewart9279 to Trumpet777
7y 28d #58
Yes I didnt realise theyd put my bb bill up to £28 in May without telling me. So theyve put it up twice. I rang to query then cancel and he said he was concerned as we were high users on 300. On the upper limits and that if I went to BT we'd struggle. My boy must be using a lot through the summer holidays.

Is this true? Or does BT struggle with higher usage please?
Admini to Trumpet777
7y 25d #67
Any network but don't touch talktalk! I went for talktalk 2yrs ago because we rent a flat it didn't have internet, and talktalk given the earliest activation date. the confirmation of live date was in about 2 weeks. sounds good. but they kept changing the date, delayed for nearly a month which was extremely nightmare! we had to use mobile tethering. cost me over £50. and they just gave us a very little compensation. however nightmare was not end, they keep inceasing the bill as they said they are improving the service, wtf, nothing improved since we used them, even worse and worse. we initially signed up with 6months contract only, as we've planed to move to new home after 6months. so after 6months we were ready to move to new house and happy to end up with them, called them, they said we are on 18months contract! what the hell! and if we move house, the contract will refresh, which means we will stuck with them for another 18months. we wanted to paid up bill and go for other network, but again, only talktalk can setup faster than other companies because(they promised) move house process quicker and new house got the line, then we agreed again with talktalk. I WAS ABSOLUTELY FOOLISH! It was just another nightmate started! they changed the Live date again and again, another 2 weeks delay! I was tired to ring the customer service, they drove me on the wall everytime. In 2yrs, my bill has gone up to about £40/m, internet still as bad as usual. far far worse than Virgin which i thought it was bad. NOW, my contract will be finished next month, i may go back to Virgin, I really miss their service, and never look on talktalk again, even they offer me for free.
7y 30d #7
Good deal for fibre, I'm currently paying £38 a month with sky for standard unlimited broadband & anytime calls but may switch in the future
jaked68 to amd92
7y 27d #64
I currently pay £10 for Unlimited 38Mbps Fibre with Sky and £12 or £15 line rental - Try web-chat and you will receive this offer for 2 years 😄
7y 30d #8
I was told and been paying £34 a month for 50/100 and all i get is 15 it keeps going off and that's just broadband nothing else i am out of contract and looking e
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