So what's new? Well Atlas Rises has been released...
Update 1.3, Atlas Rises, brings a brand new and overhauled central storyline, portals, a new procedural mission system, trade improvements, system economies, joint exploration and more.
This update marks the one year anniversary of No Man’s Sky, and a lot has changed. Please see Pathfinder and Foundation for previous major updates. This is the next step on our journey.
In the Atlas Rises story, the fabric of existence is starting to falter.
A mysterious new interdimensional race have appeared.
Glitches are causing ancient portals to activate.
Our story brings a new context, quest system and branching narrative to No Man’s Sky.
30 hours of new story content.
Double the lore and interactions of the existing game.
Discover the truth behind the Abandoned Building logs, the World of Glass, the Sentinels, the Redemption of the Gek, and the meaning of sixteen…
After Waking Titan, Atlas Rises.
All comments (54)
17 Aug 17#1
Is this game finally living up to all the hype before its release then?! Basically is it worth me parting with a tenner so I can put this in my massive back log of ps4 games?!
Just.Wondering to jona77
17 Aug 17#2
I hated the game upon release, but absolutely think it Is Ace now, well worth 9.99
17 Aug 17#3
Cheers for the reply just wondering might take the plunge! :kissing_heart:
17 Aug 17#4
Wish the PC version was this cheap!
Just.Wondering to eraysor
17 Aug 17#6
It was fairly cheap until yesterday, it was 15.99 on Steam and GOG
eraysor to Just.Wondering
17 Aug 17#10
Indeed, I went to buy it about an hour after the sale finished :disappointed:
Just.Wondering to eraysor
17 Aug 17#12
I bought a cheap physical copy a couple of weeks okay on ps4 to see if I really would like the game, then jumped on the pc version once the update landed, well worth it, PC version looks sharper and crisper, but I am running a regular non pro ps4.
17 Aug 17#5
Yes, it should have been released like this but it's nice to know companies can turn things round with hard work. I can imagine they were pressured into releasing it whether they wanted to or not.
If you haven't played NMS at all then you're in for a treat as the game stands now and it's only going to get better. There is so much content for a tenner! A very relaxing game indeed.
17 Aug 17#7
This is my kind of game (I thoroughly enjoyed Colony Wars all those years ago) but I'm 36 now with 3 kids and an ever growing backlog of unplayed games - at least a quarter of them being HD remakes of classics from yesteryear. I'm tempted but there's no point as there's no knowing when I'd get round to playing it.
Makes me reminisce about the days when I was 20 something, single and gaming into the early hours of the morning in Medal of Honor and Battlefield Vietnam team deathmatches. I don't regret becoming a father but I do miss those days of gaming liberty :cry:
Chasloyal to AppStar
17 Aug 17#14
Sell the kids on eBay whilst you can still get something for them mate, you'll regret you didn't once they've reached teenagehood
how2 to AppStar
17 Aug 17#29
That's LIFE
bigmacandfries to AppStar
17 Aug 17#37
I'm 46 and now have time back now the daughter is grown up a bit. Unfortunately I didn't get the reflexes back
AppStar to bigmacandfries
17 Aug 17#49
You're fortunate to be in a position where you have more time to yourself. Like you I feel my reflexes aren't what they used to be. Maybe I'm just getting old? My desire to own games remains the same but making the effort to actually play them is anothing thing. I guess not having enough time to actually complete a level (my wife sometimes times me) just adds to the frustration.
Dogpitt to AppStar
17 Aug 17#41
From the sounds of it you are me! Admittedly I do still push the late nights, playing from 10pm onwards. It's the only chance I get!
jaydeeuk1 to Dogpitt
17 Aug 17#43
Ditto. Waiting for them to go to sleep at moment so I can squeeze an hour in on shadow of mordor on Xbox before the wife texts me from bed threatening divorce if I don't go upstairs.
AppStar to jaydeeuk1
17 Aug 17#46
The only problem is an hour is never enough for a gamer! 1 hour becomes 2, 2 becomes 3, and before you know it you've lost the house, car and kids.
Chasloyal to jaydeeuk1
17 Aug 17#50
You need a hyper jealous insecure dog that kicks off every time you get in to bed with the missus, or she gets in with you if you were there first, our mutt is so nuts at bedtime she ends up retreating to the spare room or banishing me and him to it :thumbsup:
If I get the red card I can easily divert back downstairs where there's a 65 inch 4K telly, PS4, Xbone and Wii U but if she does the off to the spare room instead there's a 50 inch telly, the old 360 and even a Sky Q mini box if I fancy some telly to keep me occupied without having to move an inch :wink:
Women really have no right to control your gaming needs and can easily be cut out of the equation with sensible household planning and training involving extended family members
AppStar to Dogpitt
17 Aug 17#47
I used to do the 10pm shift but going to work and being a dad and husband is tiring and I find myself knackered by 10pm, sometimes even earlier. And if I do make it to 10pm there's not much fun to be had when you're playing a game half asleep.
17 Aug 17#8
Sold my PS4 copy on not long after the official release date... Couldn't get in to No Man's Sky at all & it looked so good in the video reviews by the developers. Tempted to give it another try to see if update fixes/added content make the game as good as it was hyped up to be... :dizzy_face: #HEAT
daBluone to BostonTerrier
17 Aug 17#16
It still plays and feels the same.
17 Aug 17#9
Got the platinum on this - hoping for maybe a GOTY equivalent with separate trophy list
17 Aug 17#11
> Glitches are causing ancient portals to activate.
Opening post
Update 1.3, Atlas Rises, brings a brand new and overhauled central storyline, portals, a new procedural mission system, trade improvements, system economies, joint exploration and more.
This update marks the one year anniversary of No Man’s Sky, and a lot has changed. Please see Pathfinder and Foundation for previous major updates. This is the next step on our journey.
to falter.
All comments (54)
If you haven't played NMS at all then you're in for a treat as the game stands now and it's only going to get better. There is so much content for a tenner! A very relaxing game indeed.
Makes me reminisce about the days when I was 20 something, single and gaming into the early hours of the morning in Medal of Honor and Battlefield Vietnam team deathmatches. I don't regret becoming a father but I do miss those days of gaming liberty :cry:
If I get the red card I can easily divert back downstairs where there's a 65 inch 4K telly, PS4, Xbone and Wii U but if she does the off to the spare room instead there's a 50 inch telly, the old 360 and even a Sky Q mini box if I fancy some telly to keep me occupied without having to move an inch :wink:
Women really have no right to control your gaming needs and can easily be cut out of the equation with sensible household planning and training involving extended family members
That's one way of masking the bugs I guess!