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4 Aug 17
Great price for this phone, the 32Gb version was £210 from Three up until recently, this is the 64Gb variant. Dual SIM, 5.5 inch Amoled screen, good single speaker, Micro SD card expansion, snappy performance and 10-12 hours screen on time per charge in my experience.

Usual caveats apply when buying from Asia (warranty, bands, potential tax charge etc), but I thought I'd post it in case it's of use to anyone.

Gold and grey are both available at time of posting (75 and 51 respectively).
Possible 1% ish cashback with TCB or Quidco, but applying an additional discount code (like the 8% TWITTER one) seems to raise the price.
Hope this is of use

Edit - now showing as £168.20
All comments (137)
4 Aug 17 #1
Looks great, very tempting, thanks for posting...!!!
4 Aug 17 #2
What's the approximate cost for the VAT etc when it gets to UK customs?
RGB to TheCheapster
4 Aug 17 #8
recently got a action camera from them and didn't pay any vat, delivered by DPD
TheCheapster to RGB
4 Aug 17 #18
gavin1 to TheCheapster
4 Aug 17 #44
Its hard to predict...

A lot depends on which carrier who its sent by, normal post parcels may not get "selected" to be checked and nothing is to pay. Carriers like Fedex or DHL may inspect a higher percentage of parcels, but then typically they tend to ship higher value goods that will be more likely to be over the limits.

First thing to remember if the parcel is marked GIFT that does NOT mean no tax, if HMRC inspect it and decide its not a GIFT you get charged. They could (but not often) take the option to return it or confiscate if if they feel its been deliberately mislabeled.

Second is if a the parcel is inspected and anything payable you will have to pay a surcharge to the carrier who will have paid the charge on your behalf on top of the actual cost in VAT/DUTY. I half recall is about £15 Royal Mail. DHL charge a percentage with lower limit of £12 I think (from memory). This is normally payable before you get the parcel.

Finally there is DUTY and VAT. Duty I think is 0% on mobiles but VAT will be chargeable on the entire cost of the parcel, that phone and shipping. Again if the seller has undervalued it or said its is a gift HMRC may decide otherwise. Despite what many people think, if HMRC do this the onus would be on you to show it is a gift, NOT on HMRC to prove it is not.

So assuming its picked up and charged, lets say the phone is £176, and the shipping £10, that would mean a VAT/DUTY part of the bill of £37 or so, and on top of that plan on to add £15 or so fees from the carrier, making it a total bill of around £50.

Just for completeness this does not apply if you were to go abroad and bring something back personally, If HMRC were to stop you (or you choose to go through the red channel) then they charge a "standard" 2.5% duty rate on all goods, and standard vat on top of that for the entire cost (Certain items such as booze and fags are excluded from this and are charged at their full rates)

And if you say you took it out when you left the UK, then again its on you to prove that you did, and so you have already paid UK Vat/Duty. HMRC would charge you the VAT/Duty on the item, and its down to you to send HMRC your UK reciepts to claim the VAT/Duty payment back.
4 Aug 17 #3
No band 20. Shame.
Dragon32 to keifrb
4 Aug 17 #14
​Damn that's a pain.

Also was looking for something with a top end camera as take a lot of photos of the kids.

I believe the P3 will be out shortly as well.
jaydeeuk1 to keifrb
4 Aug 17 #37
Won't stop the gearbest fans getting all moist though.
RGB to keifrb
4 Aug 17 #38
According to gsmarena it got band 20?

4G bands: LTE band 1(2100), 3(1800), 4(1700/2100), 5(850), 7(2600), 8(900), 20(800), 28(700), 38(2600), 40(2300)…php
JonBetts2004 to RGB
4 Aug 17 #42
That's probably the UK/European version


Actually, I'm more confused now having read up on it here.

Gearbest's offering is apparently the one that isn't for the Chinese market. However that model doesn't come as a 4GB/64gb variant apparently.

I have a feeling Gearbest have got the model number wrong, and it is actually the Chinese version (p2c72).
pantaiema to keifrb
4 Aug 17 #45
Band 20 (4G-800) will only be an issue if you area using O2 4G. Othe Network has used 4G-2600MHz
But even with O2 you could still use 3G.
Rastafari to pantaiema
4 Aug 17 #47
Not only O2. Also Three, also Voda, also Irish networks..
4 Aug 17 #4
Hot, I've voted hot but I be waiting for the malware comments lol. Never got a chance to try one out, was on my list off phones to get this year, Nokia 6, moto g5 plus got the Doogee mix in the end hated it so got the huawei p8 lite 2017 on a recent deal.
4 Aug 17 #5
I've had this phone for a year - it's the best phone ever. I have literally never ever run out of battery on it. not once.
Nocturnalizer to hugekebab
4 Aug 17 #13
My battery started going down within six hours of heavy use recently, thought maybe the battery was giving in... until I realised it was Pocketcasts draining huge amounts off it! Moved over to Podcast Addict, back to battery glory again.
hugekebab to Nocturnalizer
4 Aug 17 #25
Not had that issue with pocketcasts...i think you can block it in the background on android now.
4 Aug 17 #6
Top phone, highly recommended. Certainly opened my eyes away from the big brand names. :astonished:
Josh.Rogan to snappyfish
4 Aug 17 #30
?? they had, not that long ago, the third highest market share after samsung and apple? They are undoubtedly in decline but i think they still qualify as a 'big brand name'
4 Aug 17 #9
Currently using this phone, no complaints, battery is unreal! Do everything you need to and at the end of the day u can get away without charging it
4 Aug 17 #10
Very tempted by this but might wait and see how the Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 is when it comes out in a few weeks.
rapid111111 to JonBetts2004
4 Aug 17 #34
Know if it's with or without b20?
JonBetts2004 to rapid111111
4 Aug 17 #36
They should release a global version with b20, but not sure when that will happen. Even without that though, the spec sounds incredible for a sub £200 phone.
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