In case you are in the area, petrol at costco lakeside essex is 1.079 .
Top comments
2 Jul 176#9
Is it 1.079 or 1.08? That 0.001 makes the difference to a hot or cold deal, I have 18,000 tankers I bought on a previous hot deal that need filling.
2 Jul 176#13
At least the hot dog and soda is still £1.50 :smile:
2 Jul 173#27
Difference between costco fuel and supermarket fuel (using migavupe's figure's): £1.109 - £1.079 == £0.03
Annual Costco membership: £33.60 (incl VAT)
Litres required to save £33.60: 33.06/0.03 == 1102
Assuming 40MPG, 1102 litres of fuel is (40/4.54) * 1102 == 9709 miles
Average Mileage: 7,900 miles (
If your average detour to get to the Costco was 3 miles, and your fuel tank was 55L in capacity, and you fuelled up when you had precisely 0L left in your tank, then assuming average milage and 40MPG, you'd refuel 7900 / ((60*40)/4.54) == 16 times. 16*3 == 48 miles of detour, or (48/40) * 4.54 * 1.079 == £5.88 worth of (costco) fuel.
So the average car would likely end up saving (7900/40)*4.54 * 0.03 == £26.9, however would have to pay £33.60 in membership fees, and (very optimistically) £5.88 in detour fees, meaning they'd be down 33.60 - 26.90 + 5.88 == £12.58.
All comments (36)
2 Jul 171#1
how much is diesel please?
Badpoet to toilettrol
2 Jul 17#4
Both the same at Chester yesterday.
2 Jul 17#2
This may sound a stupid question but can anybody buy petrol/diesel from a Costco Station or do you need to be a member??
pennyfarthing88 to Ralph888
2 Jul 17#6
You have to be a member to buy fuel from Costco
pennyfarthing88 to Ralph888
2 Jul 17#7
You have to be a member to buy fuel from Costco
2 Jul 17#3
Have to be a member as you scan your membership card first to allow fuel.
2 Jul 172#5
I always laugh when I see people voting the super markets hot at 110.9.
Costco membership is worth the price alone just for the petrol savings.
qbs to migavupe
2 Jul 172#15
Do you 'always laugh' before or after you've done the calculations based on price differential, annual mileage and distance to nearest Costco? :smile:
2 Jul 17#8
Need a fuel station at Wembley branch
wennbley to Deakcracker
2 Jul 17#14
2nd that and the Hayes one.
2 Jul 176#9
Is it 1.079 or 1.08? That 0.001 makes the difference to a hot or cold deal, I have 18,000 tankers I bought on a previous hot deal that need filling.
2 Jul 172#10
Thank God for the petrol savings as Costco have been worst offender for jumping on the brexit bandwagon with hefty price increases in store
2 Jul 171#11
Thanks, lets hope they install a Petrol Station at my local Costco Watford soon!
Opening post
Top comments
Difference between costco fuel and supermarket fuel (using migavupe's figure's): £1.109 - £1.079 == £0.03
Annual Costco membership: £33.60 (incl VAT)
Litres required to save £33.60: 33.06/0.03 == 1102
Assuming 40MPG, 1102 litres of fuel is (40/4.54) * 1102 == 9709 miles
Average Mileage: 7,900 miles (
If your average detour to get to the Costco was 3 miles, and your fuel tank was 55L in capacity, and you fuelled up when you had precisely 0L left in your tank, then assuming average milage and 40MPG, you'd refuel 7900 / ((60*40)/4.54) == 16 times. 16*3 == 48 miles of detour, or (48/40) * 4.54 * 1.079 == £5.88 worth of (costco) fuel.
So the average car would likely end up saving (7900/40)*4.54 * 0.03 == £26.9, however would have to pay £33.60 in membership fees, and (very optimistically) £5.88 in detour fees, meaning they'd be down 33.60 - 26.90 + 5.88 == £12.58.
All comments (36)
Costco membership is worth the price alone just for the petrol savings.