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costco petrol fuel Now £1.079 litre (Lakeside Essex)
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costco petrol fuel Now £1.079 litre (Lakeside Essex)

£1.08 costco2 Jul 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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2 Jul 17
In case you are in the area, petrol at costco lakeside essex is 1.079 .
Top comments
2 Jul 17 6 #9
Is it 1.079 or 1.08? That 0.001 makes the difference to a hot or cold deal, I have 18,000 tankers I bought on a previous hot deal that need filling.
2 Jul 17 6 #13
At least the hot dog and soda is still £1.50 :smile:
2 Jul 17 3 #27

Difference between costco fuel and supermarket fuel (using migavupe's figure's): £1.109 - £1.079 == £0.03

Annual Costco membership: £33.60 (incl VAT)

Litres required to save £33.60: 33.06/0.03 == 1102

Assuming 40MPG, 1102 litres of fuel is (40/4.54) * 1102 == 9709 miles

Average Mileage: 7,900 miles (

If your average detour to get to the Costco was 3 miles, and your fuel tank was 55L in capacity, and you fuelled up when you had precisely 0L left in your tank, then assuming average milage and 40MPG, you'd refuel 7900 / ((60*40)/4.54) == 16 times. 16*3 == 48 miles of detour, or (48/40) * 4.54 * 1.079 == £5.88 worth of (costco) fuel.

So the average car would likely end up saving (7900/40)*4.54 * 0.03 == £26.9, however would have to pay £33.60 in membership fees, and (very optimistically) £5.88 in detour fees, meaning they'd be down 33.60 - 26.90 + 5.88 == £12.58.
Latest comments (36)
4 Jul 17 #36
7 miles out of a major city isnt really what I would consider deep rural though . I live in a semi rural place about 8-9 miles out of a major city but I pass through a big town to get into that city and pass by 3 or 4 supermarket filling stations including 2 over the road form each other depending on which route to work I take out of 2 or 3.

I am a member of costco atm I dont really think that it is all that cheap . Some stuff is about the price that you pay with supermarket offers only in bulk so depending on storage space / consumption can be worth it to not have to wait for it to come on offer at the supermarket . Other stuff is dearer than supermarket offers .If I had to start tightening my belt financially costco membership would be one of the first things to take the chop .

I must admit though the cakes and big square pizzas are nice but really there isnt much you can compare from the supermarket to decide if they are value or not .
3 Jul 17 #35
I think you're missing my point.

You shouldn't "always laugh" when you see people voting supermarket fuel hot, nor should you make blanket statements that "Costco membership is worth the price alone just for the petrol savings". I'm sure that in some cases it (yours, for instance) would make sense to get a Costco membership for fuel alone, but for the majority (going by average fuel consumption, milage and detour), it would not.

I made my assumptions quite clear in my calculations, and they're based around averages. I don't think that counts as fudging -- it's considering the most common case.
3 Jul 17 #34
You're assuming quite a lot with this post and no way reflects my situation, 2 examples being my mileage is around 14k and my "detour" is practically zero.
We can all fudge the figure to meet whatever we need it to be.
3 Jul 17 #33
Hot deal but find it strange that people go crazy over a few pence per litre but don't bother saving hundreds on fuel for their home by switching
3 Jul 17 #32
Strange as it may seem, the nearest Costco to me is in a semi rural setting about 7 miles outside a major city. Even without the distance, I've never viewed Costco as an attractive shopping proposition. The lack of postings on a site like HUKD, as well as personal experience, would indicate it's not as strewn with bargains as some would tend to suggest.
As for petrol, I sometimes do a quick check on here before I top up if I remember, but it's a no brainer that all the supermarkets will be within a gnat's fart of one another, and I'm bound to pass within a minor diversion of at least one of them.
3 Jul 17 #31
I put in fuel from Costco Lakeside on Saturday and the prices were as follows:
Unleaded = 107.9
Premium Unleaded = 111.9
Premium Diesel = 107.9
3 Jul 17 #30
Indeed . Meanwhile apart from the deep rural dwellers who dont commute into a major town or city I suspect the majority of urban and suburban commuters will pass less than 3 miles by a supermarket filling station on their daily commute .

No doubt if you actually happen to pass close enough to a costco filling station and either already have membership or do enough miles to make membership worthwhile it is a hot deal . But the fact remains supermarket fuel will always be hotter for more people just because of the greater distribution of supermarket fuel stations vs costco fuel stations and the fact that they are accessible to all not on a membership basis .
2 Jul 17 #29
"If your average detour to get to the Costco was 3 miles" - according to the Costco site, there are 28 warehouses in the UK, so your 3 mile average detour is somewhat optimistic.
My detour would be slightly over 50 miles, taking around 2 hours depending on traffic.
As usual in threads regarding a saving of a few pence per litre of fuel, the actual saving is trivial. In this case, around 3% before you allow for membership fees, detour costs etc. You can save more by easing back on the right foot.
2 Jul 17 #28
Today in Bristol

Petrol 108.9
Diesel 107.9
2 Jul 17 3 #27

Difference between costco fuel and supermarket fuel (using migavupe's figure's): £1.109 - £1.079 == £0.03

Annual Costco membership: £33.60 (incl VAT)

Litres required to save £33.60: 33.06/0.03 == 1102

Assuming 40MPG, 1102 litres of fuel is (40/4.54) * 1102 == 9709 miles

Average Mileage: 7,900 miles (

If your average detour to get to the Costco was 3 miles, and your fuel tank was 55L in capacity, and you fuelled up when you had precisely 0L left in your tank, then assuming average milage and 40MPG, you'd refuel 7900 / ((60*40)/4.54) == 16 times. 16*3 == 48 miles of detour, or (48/40) * 4.54 * 1.079 == £5.88 worth of (costco) fuel.

So the average car would likely end up saving (7900/40)*4.54 * 0.03 == £26.9, however would have to pay £33.60 in membership fees, and (very optimistically) £5.88 in detour fees, meaning they'd be down 33.60 - 26.90 + 5.88 == £12.58.
2 Jul 17 #26
This is a national price at all COSTCO's for Diesel.
Thurock, Bristol, Haydock, Sheffield, Liverpool, Trafford Park, Chadderton.. And I think Chester is open now.but I've not used their pumps yet. ... I dont think Ive missed anybody off.
2 Jul 17 #24
Does anyone know the price of fuel at the Gateshead Costco?
Techno_Whizz to robgoode
2 Jul 17 #25
107 for premium diesel. Roughly 113 for premium unleaded. Not sure about standard unleaded, I think it's 1p more than the diesel though.
2 Jul 17 #23
Anyone know what their fuel is like? How does it compare to supermarkets or brands like Shell?
2 Jul 17 2 #22
Most people don't go past a Costco petrol station on their commute and therefore vote supermarket deals hot. Completely understandable to be honest, hardly laughable.
2 Jul 17 #21
glad i'm not the only person who has noticed.a lot of their food (not imported) has gone up, along with the uk manufactured pop. used to spend a lot there but not as much now, even downgraded my executive membership to individual as they'd put the price of that up last year aswell.
still worth having membership for the odd few good offers that happen and the 40 bottles of water for £3.30 and of course the cheaper better quality fuel
2 Jul 17 #20
I saw it at this price at some supermarket stations in Ashton Under-Lyne (Sainsburys & Morrisons)
2 Jul 17 1 #19
Costcos own brand (Kirkland) is all imported from America.
2 Jul 17 #18
I drive by Costco every day and it's at least 5p cheaper than supermarkets.

But mine does. :stuck_out_tongue:
2 Jul 17 #17
They are us based but the products are mostly sourced from UK so will be buying with sterling. pretty sure it will be run as Costco UK so like Amazon they will get away paying minimum tax.
2 Jul 17 1 #16
not if your costco doesn't sell fuel
2 Jul 17 2 #5
I always laugh when I see people voting the super markets hot at 110.9.
Costco membership is worth the price alone just for the petrol savings.
qbs to migavupe
2 Jul 17 2 #15
Do you 'always laugh' before or after you've done the calculations based on price differential, annual mileage and distance to nearest Costco? :smile:
2 Jul 17 #8
Need a fuel station at Wembley branch
wennbley to Deakcracker
2 Jul 17 #14
2nd that and the Hayes one.
2 Jul 17 6 #13
At least the hot dog and soda is still £1.50 :smile:
2 Jul 17 1 #12
Not really a "bandwagon" - they are a US based company so this time last year each £1 that came through the till was worth $1.50, now its less than $1.30.
2 Jul 17 1 #11
Thanks, lets hope they install a Petrol Station at my local Costco Watford soon!
2 Jul 17 2 #10
Thank God for the petrol savings as Costco have been worst offender for jumping on the brexit bandwagon with hefty price increases in store
2 Jul 17 6 #9
Is it 1.079 or 1.08? That 0.001 makes the difference to a hot or cold deal, I have 18,000 tankers I bought on a previous hot deal that need filling.
2 Jul 17 #2
This may sound a stupid question but can anybody buy petrol/diesel from a Costco Station or do you need to be a member??
pennyfarthing88 to Ralph888
2 Jul 17 #6
You have to be a member to buy fuel from Costco
pennyfarthing88 to Ralph888
2 Jul 17 #7
You have to be a member to buy fuel from Costco
2 Jul 17 1 #1
how much is diesel please?
Badpoet to toilettrol
2 Jul 17 #4
Both the same at Chester yesterday.
2 Jul 17 #3
Have to be a member as you scan your membership card first to allow fuel.
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