Brita optimax half price in groupon for £23.99. Original £44. Amazon and any retailer sells for around £40.
I feel this is a must for any home who would like to have a water filter. £1.99 for delivery
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koimaster to RowanDDR
23 Jul 173#15
Drinking very distilled water is a lot more harmful to the body than drinking non-distilled water.
All comments (28)
22 Jul 17#1
Should mention the delivery charge in description (y)
22 Jul 171#2
Extra 15% off Your First Groupon Enter code NEW15 at checkout.
Create a new account with new email address (or Gmail track) in order to get 15% off.
22 Jul 171#3
Added delivery charges now
22 Jul 171#4
NEW15 'this code is not valid' - just signed up.
22 Jul 171#5
got this for 25 a few years back on amazon
I hated filling the jugs 3-4x a day. This is better...
but I still miss the on-tap fittings they used to make for about the same price. Meh anyway
22 Jul 171#6
Good price, I paid £26 about a month ago and haven't looked back.
I just need to get more filters now
22 Jul 17#7
Thanks OP, purchased to replace the jug that doesn't last half a day!
23 Jul 171#8
just a piece of plastic with only one cartridge worth £2.50. too expensive!
Opening post
Amazon and any retailer sells for around £40.
I feel this is a must for any home who would like to have a water filter.
£1.99 for delivery
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All comments (28)
Create a new account with new email address (or Gmail track) in order to get 15% off.
got this for 25 a few years back on amazon
I hated filling the jugs 3-4x a day. This is better...
but I still miss the on-tap fittings they used to make for about the same price. Meh anyway
I just need to get more filters now