Brita optimax half price in groupon for £23.99. Original £44. Amazon and any retailer sells for around £40.
I feel this is a must for any home who would like to have a water filter. £1.99 for delivery
Top comments
koimaster to RowanDDR
23 Jul 173#15
Drinking very distilled water is a lot more harmful to the body than drinking non-distilled water.
Latest comments (28)
29 Jul 17#28
We have Doulton (made in UK)
Doulton SS Gravity Water Filter with ATC Super Sterasyl Candles + fluoride filters
this will suit a family of up to 4 in my experience.
it is a chunk of money up front but the stainless steel tank will last forever, ceramic filters will last 3-5 years with cleaning required as specified, the fluoride filters need replacing every 6-8 months and they are optional depending if you have fluoride additive in your water (can check with water board) and if you are willing to drink it!
good luck :-)
a tip for a couple like us, put just one filter in and blank off the second hole (doulton will send you a blank free if you ask at a time of order), this way you will have just enough water for 2 people and the filters will last up to 10 years, nice huh?
27 Jul 17#27
Can i pick your brains about this.... What kind(if you have a link handy) would you recommend installing in your home for drinking water. Many thanks
27 Jul 17#26
R these good if u have lead water main?
24 Jul 17#23
Does this filter out perception drugs they are now finding in out water like prozc and hormonal drugs.? not to mention MDMA and cocaine !!
PaulthePastyLover to flashjmp
24 Jul 17#25
I hope not!!! :wink: @:?:man:@?
24 Jul 17#24
Tap water is perfectly safe. Tap water standards exceed those of bottled water, e.g. radioactivity.
Does this filter out perception drugs they are now finding in out water like prozc and hormonal drugs.? not to mention MDMA and cocaine !!
24 Jul 17#20
Jeremy113, this does NOT remove limescale, as kettle still needs descaling every month
23 Jul 172#19
OP I understand that you
See this chart just to outline that the carbon filters only remove some small % of contamination
If you actually want clean/safe water, you will need a ceramic filter combined with fluoride filter and this additionally to the brita not instead.
Interesting, that after not drinking fluoride for about 12 months humans became creative, free thinking and happy :-)
Good luck!
23 Jul 171#18
We just fitted an undersink filter and a 3 way kitchen tap.
No more jug clutter, bacteria in jug etc...
The undersink filters kits can be had for the price of this Brita box, but for say £39 you can get a really nice 3M unit from finerfilters. Filters about £15 for 6 months. The tap was from Osmio £79, the filters come with a tiny tap for the corner of a sink that we didn't use, we used a single 3 way tap.
SalmanOrange - You have never heard about water filters? All commercial kitchens, vending machines, water dispensers have them, they are not for removing sediment or dirt but many do, they are for removal harmful chemicals that are weighing down our immune systems, chlorine, fluoride, chloramine, nitrates, heavy metals, pharaceuticals, oestrogen mimmickers that are causing the gender identity crisis you see every day to name but a few.
23 Jul 17#17
Does it remove limescale ? I live in a hard water area.
23 Jul 17#16
What's so good about this other than filtering water which sounds ridiculous when tap water in the UK is perfectly clean? I think this is something that would benefit me if I was living abroad and water isn't clean
23 Jul 17#13
Filtered water is trash. If you want "clean" water get a distiller.
Vistrix to RowanDDR
23 Jul 17#14
How can filtered water be "trash"? It filters out some of the chemicals and heavy metals.
Its obviously not going to be as good as distilled water but that is a lot more expensive to buy and run. It's also unbelievably wasteful.
koimaster to RowanDDR
23 Jul 173#15
Drinking very distilled water is a lot more harmful to the body than drinking non-distilled water.
23 Jul 17#11
Cheaper on eBay brand new boxed.
Fad2017 to dewan786
23 Jul 17#12
I couldn't find any cheaper than 39.75 on eBay
23 Jul 17#10
I just ordered one for myself
23 Jul 17#9
Get a filter +tap for this price... far more convenient.
23 Jul 171#8
just a piece of plastic with only one cartridge worth £2.50. too expensive!
22 Jul 17#7
Thanks OP, purchased to replace the jug that doesn't last half a day!
22 Jul 171#6
Good price, I paid £26 about a month ago and haven't looked back.
I just need to get more filters now
22 Jul 171#5
got this for 25 a few years back on amazon
I hated filling the jugs 3-4x a day. This is better...
but I still miss the on-tap fittings they used to make for about the same price. Meh anyway
22 Jul 171#4
NEW15 'this code is not valid' - just signed up.
22 Jul 171#3
Added delivery charges now
22 Jul 171#2
Extra 15% off Your First Groupon Enter code NEW15 at checkout.
Create a new account with new email address (or Gmail track) in order to get 15% off.
22 Jul 17#1
Should mention the delivery charge in description (y)
Opening post
Amazon and any retailer sells for around £40.
I feel this is a must for any home who would like to have a water filter.
£1.99 for delivery
Top comments
Latest comments (28)
Doulton SS Gravity Water Filter with ATC Super Sterasyl Candles + fluoride filters
this will suit a family of up to 4 in my experience.
it is a chunk of money up front but the stainless steel tank will last forever, ceramic filters will last 3-5 years with cleaning required as specified, the fluoride filters need replacing every 6-8 months and they are optional depending if you have fluoride additive in your water (can check with water board) and if you are willing to drink it!
good luck :-)
a tip for a couple like us, put just one filter in and blank off the second hole (doulton will send you a blank free if you ask at a time of order), this way you will have just enough water for 2 people and the filters will last up to 10 years, nice huh?
See this chart just to outline that the carbon filters only remove some small % of contamination
If you actually want clean/safe water, you will need a ceramic filter combined with fluoride filter and this additionally to the brita not instead.
Interesting, that after not drinking fluoride for about 12 months humans became creative, free thinking and happy :-)
Good luck!
No more jug clutter, bacteria in jug etc...
The undersink filters kits can be had for the price of this Brita box, but for say £39 you can get a really nice 3M unit from finerfilters. Filters about £15 for 6 months. The tap was from Osmio £79, the filters come with a tiny tap for the corner of a sink that we didn't use, we used a single 3 way tap.
SalmanOrange - You have never heard about water filters? All commercial kitchens, vending machines, water dispensers have them, they are not for removing sediment or dirt but many do, they are for removal harmful chemicals that are weighing down our immune systems, chlorine, fluoride, chloramine, nitrates, heavy metals, pharaceuticals, oestrogen mimmickers that are causing the gender identity crisis you see every day to name but a few.
Its obviously not going to be as good as distilled water but that is a lot more expensive to buy and run. It's also unbelievably wasteful.
I just need to get more filters now
got this for 25 a few years back on amazon
I hated filling the jugs 3-4x a day. This is better...
but I still miss the on-tap fittings they used to make for about the same price. Meh anyway
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