Ugh, tired of them always offering AAA games, where's the indies? :smirk:
23 May 176#68
Ok - so four games that can be bought for £5 each (let's say all four for £15) times that by 12 - £180 quid worth of games a year for the gold fee which is between £25-£40 depending how savvy you are....
Good point.... hot hot hot
24 May 174#88
Speedrunners is supposed to be brilliant. It's a competitive platform-racing game (can do local multiplayer too). It still hasn't been released on PS4 though :disappointed:.
I agree with this 100%.. one of the main reasons I know am happy with the xbox offerings is because of the months and months of watching on a ps owner - so I decided to get an xbox.
For me its a numbers game, I want more good months than bad in a year and so far since owning an xbox I haven't had a single month that's been completely disappointing most months for me have had multiple games that I have a passing interest in.
Over the year and for the money I am not sure that anyone really has anything to complain about on gold at all if we are honest.
Same applies for playstation - although as a mainly offline gamer myself, I don't remember the last time I actually played a plus "freebie".
When playstation were still trying plus was amazing.
I think that major issue is that some people see "old" BC game as Junk no matter what the title - others still love the BC games, BC was a major reason I jumped onto Xbox alongside PS.
I agree that loyalty to either is pretty senseless.. but also not seeing the value in gold is pretty silly to me too.
All comments (120)
23 May 171#1
I own two... but both welcome... only paid just over a quid for dragon age anyway...
And I did a big dance (in my head) for AC 3.... cracking game that
23 May 172#2
3 AAA games, solid month
23 May 173#3
I've wanted Watchdogs for ages (despite the criticism), I've never played AC3 and I own DA:O on pc but I'd like to have it on xbox. Woo nice :smile:
Bure11 to LilHammerette
23 May 171#5
To be honest mate if you don't go in expecting GTA you'll probably enjoy it. Most of the criticism came from overhype, downgraded graphics and crap driving
momouk78 to LilHammerette
23 May 17#10
I really like Watch Dogs. I played through it twice now.
23 May 173#4
Really good month. Can't wait to see the complaints about them offering games worth a few quid even though they're AAA :laughing:
(This would be more appropriate if it were psplus offerings cheeky )
23 May 171#6
Awesome month :smile:
23 May 173#7
I'm used to crap driving! Although it's usually my fault...but hey ho at least I can blame it on the game this time :wink:
23 May 171#8
That also looks like Phantom Dust free DLC too. Looks like a v nice month :smile:
23 May 17#9
Never heard of Speedrunners, already played and finished the others (albeit on PS4 for Watchdogs).
Never mind, I've got every faith in PS+ coming good this month...
Opening post
Xbox One
1st - 30th June
16th June until 15th July
Watch Dogs
Xbox 360
1st - 15th June
Assassin's Creed 3
16th - 30th June
Dragon Age: Origins
Top comments
Good point.... hot hot hot
For me its a numbers game, I want more good months than bad in a year and so far since owning an xbox I haven't had a single month that's been completely disappointing most months for me have had multiple games that I have a passing interest in.
Over the year and for the money I am not sure that anyone really has anything to complain about on gold at all if we are honest.
Same applies for playstation - although as a mainly offline gamer myself, I don't remember the last time I actually played a plus "freebie".
When playstation were still trying plus was amazing.
I think that major issue is that some people see "old" BC game as Junk no matter what the title - others still love the BC games, BC was a major reason I jumped onto Xbox alongside PS.
I agree that loyalty to either is pretty senseless.. but also not seeing the value in gold is pretty silly to me too.
All comments (120)
And I did a big dance (in my head) for AC 3.... cracking game that
(This would be more appropriate if it were psplus offerings cheeky )
Never mind, I've got every faith in PS+ coming good this month...