Ugh, tired of them always offering AAA games, where's the indies? :smirk:
23 May 176#68
Ok - so four games that can be bought for £5 each (let's say all four for £15) times that by 12 - £180 quid worth of games a year for the gold fee which is between £25-£40 depending how savvy you are....
Good point.... hot hot hot
24 May 174#88
Speedrunners is supposed to be brilliant. It's a competitive platform-racing game (can do local multiplayer too). It still hasn't been released on PS4 though :disappointed:.
I agree with this 100%.. one of the main reasons I know am happy with the xbox offerings is because of the months and months of watching on a ps owner - so I decided to get an xbox.
For me its a numbers game, I want more good months than bad in a year and so far since owning an xbox I haven't had a single month that's been completely disappointing most months for me have had multiple games that I have a passing interest in.
Over the year and for the money I am not sure that anyone really has anything to complain about on gold at all if we are honest.
Same applies for playstation - although as a mainly offline gamer myself, I don't remember the last time I actually played a plus "freebie".
When playstation were still trying plus was amazing.
I think that major issue is that some people see "old" BC game as Junk no matter what the title - others still love the BC games, BC was a major reason I jumped onto Xbox alongside PS.
I agree that loyalty to either is pretty senseless.. but also not seeing the value in gold is pretty silly to me too.
Latest comments (120)
16 Jun 17#120
Why expired?
26 May 17#107
Laws of supply and demand ...
cliffio76 to phoenix198
15 Jun 172#119
BTW watch dogs is up for free GwG download NOW, just go to the game's page on the marketplace.
24 May 17#105
Apart from the xbox 360 games which you keep, regardless of you stopping to subscribe to the gold service.
Malabus to XP200
27 May 17#109
Watchdogs is very good, enjoyed it.
EQL to XP200
12 Jun 17#118
This site claims 'You need to change your "Xbox 360 Store" region to get 360's GWG games. You can do it once every 3 months.'
Battleblock Theater (though it was on GWG in July 2014) rather than Dragon Age: Origins anyone?
11 Jun 17#117
If we can get Zoo Tycoon then great.
11 Jun 17#116
I conclude that we are getting the XBox One games free elsewhere in the world, but not the XBox 360 games.
The reasoning behind this is because Kalimba was free as it was part of Games with Gold in Germany (see 51 in the XBox One list of games with Gold), as was Max, The Curse of Brotherhood a month or so ago (see 60 in the list), and 5 months ago in Japan (see 5 months ago and 51 and 52 in the list). So, on the 16th, I would expect to see a post for Zoo Tycoon on HUKD.
11 Jun 17#115
They aren't free. The posts for kalimba was free.
10 Jun 17#114
Looks like Hardwood Hearts (06/01 - 06/15), Zoo Tycoon (06/16 - 07/15) and Battleblock Theater (06/16 - 06/30) are the variants in Japan. Will we be able to pick up the XBox One offers (Zoo Tycoon) as per the Kalimba thread, but not the XBox 360 offers? Do we have the option to pick up the Japanese XBox 360 offers in preference to the GB offers, so Battleblock Theater rather than Dragon Age: Origins. Are there rules, or just occasional offer setting lapses?
1 Jun 17#113
Wow, that good eh :confused:?
1 Jun 17#112
It is brilliant, up there with Goldeneye and Micro Machines, back in the day, for local multiplayer.
30 May 17#111
Select Install then cancel it straight away with Xbox One games with Gold, Xbox 360 version you just purchase the games for free then they'll be in you library.
27 May 17#110
Purchase it (free) and then look for it in your games library and manage the game.
26 May 17#108
I just like to add: All Xbox 360 games are all playable on Xbox One without needing a separate console unlike PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PS Vita
Why wouldn't you have EA access? £20 for a year is a brilliant deal
24 May 17#97
wow, great month for GwG.
dave859 to ManiSingh
24 May 17#102
its not an EA published game so its not on ea access.
yoshi to ManiSingh
24 May 17#103
you don't have to download it at all. you just purchase it for £0 either from your xbox or online via your xbox live account and its yours to keep and use as long as you have an active subscription to xbox gold. you can then download it whenever you want
24 May 17#101
Depends where you shop - both Game & CEX hike up the price as soon as something goes Backwards Compatible.
24 May 17#100
Yeah I'm the same.... Think I've only actually "bought" about 10 games since I got my Xbox, yet I have 123 installed and 23 to install. How many have I completed?? Two... How many have I spent more than 5 hours playing? About 10...
Installed LC: Temple of Osiris at the weekend. Played it for 20 mins, hated everything about it and probably won't play it ever again.
24 May 17#99
To be fair, I'd much rather have some of the £9.99 Indie titles, which can't be bought cheap or as retail copies and have no trade in... Rather than retail games I can grab for a couple of quid, or at least buy cheap and trade in again...
24 May 17#98
Actually pretty good. I'm playing through it at the moment, and while the missions are quite repetitive (standard Ubisoft open world approach) it is still fun. It got a lot of bad press at release for not being graphically as impressive as promised and the "hacking" element being pretty mundane but nonetheless it's worth a go.
24 May 172#96
Am I the only one who comes here every month, rushes to download the games...but never ends up playing any of them :stuck_out_tongue:
24 May 171#87
This suggests that Watchdogs will appear on PS+ at some point :smiley:.
XP200 to copperspock
24 May 17#95
You get 4 games a month, 2 XB1 games and 2 Xbox 360 that are back compatiable with the xb1, but unlike the PS+ which removes all PS+ games from your account if you stop subscriping to the Plus service, Games with Gold allow you to keep all xbox 360 games permanently, even if you stop subbing to the service, so basically for your yearly £29.99 xbox gold sub, you are renting 24 XB1 games, but you get to keep 24 xbox 360 games every year you sub, that will run on your XB1. :wink:
24 May 171#94
Loved WatchDogs......Cracking game. 2 is good as well
24 May 17#93
Isn't watch dogs on EA access or am I wrong?
24 May 17#91
Just go through the 'buy' (free, because GWG) process, you don't even have to start the download. My HDD has been full for a while but I've got several GWG games listed under 'ready to install' for when I've cleared some space.
mark_utd to hill79
24 May 17#92
I have always been a PS player but this has intrigued me. I have no idea about xbox offers so could someone tell me if this is similar to the PS Plus that you download and keep these games for as long as you want or is it a case of downloading them and playing for a certain period of time ? Thanks
24 May 174#90
I agree with this 100%.. one of the main reasons I know am happy with the xbox offerings is because of the months and months of watching on a ps owner - so I decided to get an xbox.
For me its a numbers game, I want more good months than bad in a year and so far since owning an xbox I haven't had a single month that's been completely disappointing most months for me have had multiple games that I have a passing interest in.
Over the year and for the money I am not sure that anyone really has anything to complain about on gold at all if we are honest.
Same applies for playstation - although as a mainly offline gamer myself, I don't remember the last time I actually played a plus "freebie".
When playstation were still trying plus was amazing.
I think that major issue is that some people see "old" BC game as Junk no matter what the title - others still love the BC games, BC was a major reason I jumped onto Xbox alongside PS.
I agree that loyalty to either is pretty senseless.. but also not seeing the value in gold is pretty silly to me too.
24 May 17#89
What's that Watch dog like
24 May 174#88
Speedrunners is supposed to be brilliant. It's a competitive platform-racing game (can do local multiplayer too). It still hasn't been released on PS4 though :disappointed:.
Please add to the title. Xbox only....... I got all excited fro a a free PC game only to realise it was for Xbone
kevinc6784 to hoggle78
24 May 17#86
Because they are very cheap to obtain now.
24 May 17#84
Literally one of the reasons I've gone back to MS after a couple of years on PS4. The PS+ offerings are just not up to scratch
23 May 171#83
ps4 free monthly games are far worse than this, I might switch back to xbox.
23 May 17#82
Nice, that means AC3 is finally being made backwards compatible!
23 May 171#81
Great month for me, I only have AC3. Really makes the PSN freebies look like crap, I usually don't even bother grabbing those ones.
23 May 172#80
You also get some Phantom Dust multiplayer packs with a value of 14.99.
23 May 17#79
Brilliant month, I have been tempted so many times by each of these and i am seriously glad i did not.
Get in!
23 May 17#78
Double dipped.
23 May 17#77
fail :stuck_out_tongue:
23 May 17#76
HAven't played or owned any of them - probably won't get round to playing most of them but will hopefully give Dragon Age a go.
23 May 17#75
Only one game for me this time. Thanks Microsoft for ruining June. Lol.
23 May 17#74
Watchdog's I have On PC and Xbox, honestly excellent game love the graphics and Characters
23 May 17#73
:smiley: decent games
23 May 17#72
Good month this, know nothing about speed runners. Watchdogs isn't as bad as the negativity suggests. I enjoyed it, but not a game I'd go back and revisit. Assassins Creed 3 I really didn't like at all and kinda put me off the series. Dragon Age, not played, but seems to be rated pretty highly amongst the game playing community
23 May 173#71
Couldn't agree more. Always someone who bangs on about people voicing an opinion as being ungrateful. Same goes for PS+.
This is massive global companies who have no loyalty to me, why should I show any to them?
23 May 17#70
I played multiplayer a couple of times, but it wasn't for me. I liked the expansion though, Bad Blood, I think. Maybe even better than the main game.
23 May 17#69
I'll try that next month and see how I get on. Thanks for info
23 May 176#68
Ok - so four games that can be bought for £5 each (let's say all four for £15) times that by 12 - £180 quid worth of games a year for the gold fee which is between £25-£40 depending how savvy you are....
Good point.... hot hot hot
23 May 172#66
Damn, just bought DA:O on the Backwards Compatibility sale!
23 May 17#67
I usually purchase games from the app.
It installs the games remotely and puts the BC In the ready to install bit.
I have a 5tb drive so it's not been an issue yet but I'll delete a few and see if they pop up in my ready to install section...
Try purchasing from website or app
23 May 172#65
As far as im aware xbox live has always cost money but games with gold was added at a later time...... so makes it free in a way?
23 May 17#64
Nothing amazing. Ancient games that can be bought for £5 tops.
23 May 171#63
Damn just bought AC3 on music magpie after seeing BC. Will try to cancel that. Thanks Buzz.
23 May 172#62
The igonore feature is your freind, i love it, a little bonus i get with the GWG thread every month, seeing all the ignored still posting in it hating everything about it, well i assume they are still hating, they are ignored so i can't tell. lol
23 May 173#61
It's not free, it's part of the service you pay for and anyone is within their rights to complain about the quality of the games.
23 May 172#60
At last watch dogs ! Knew it would go free soon enough lol
23 May 17#58
I wish they just gave you online play for £1 a month, I never use anything other than that for the subscription, which I only ever sub to when there is an offer. These games suck, give me new games, then I'll care, like Rocket League on PSN, that was the only good thing I've ever gotten.
23 May 17#59
One xb1 and two xbox 360 game si don't have, and i get to keep the 360 games, what is not to love about GWG every month. :smiley:
I already have the Complete edition of WD on disc, just need time to play it, and GWG is not helping. lol
23 May 172#57
Will pick up Dragon Age: Origins .... for like the fifth time... maybe I'll finish it this time :smile:
23 May 171#56
*waits for people to complain about free content*
23 May 17#55
Thats what I usually do but half the time the games dont show up in my ready to install tab. Annoying as I often forget I even purchased most of those games.
Any suggestions so they all actually show up in ready to install? Thanks
23 May 171#54
I know ps plus has got really bad over the year
23 May 17#53
And they are in bed with ea still hot though
23 May 171#52
Thanks for the heads up Buzz!
23 May 173#51
Theres always one...
23 May 172#50
Not a deal... cold
23 May 17#49
I played it at launch and thought it was brilliant. I mean I only payed around £25 for it - but its really a fun game if you want something a bit more chill. And for the grand total of nothing its well worth a try.
23 May 17#48
Its a shame watch dogs and assassins creed 3 were pretty poor. I did myself play through both and their follow ups. Watch dogs is worth a go, it's so inferior to watch dogs 2 imo
23 May 17#47
Have 3 out of the 4. Sigh.
23 May 17#46
Meanwhile on PS PLUS, we get one AA Game and others are just Indie releases
23 May 171#45
2nd game is awesome, much better than 1st
23 May 17#44
I got watchdogs when I originally bought my PS4 and I loved it, I didn't realise the stink about the hyped graphics etc. So I just went in blind. Will eventually get round to buying the 2nd game sometime. Over to you Sony lol
23 May 171#43
Just purchase and cancel download
23 May 173#42
speed runners is sick had it in pc for months. great 4 player coop. it's kind of like Mario cart with out the carts
23 May 172#41
You can cancel it immediately
23 May 17#40
Woah awesome month!
23 May 17#39
What do you have to do to ensure the game is in your library in case you want to download it at a later date?
Can I just start the download and then cancel it immediately? or do you need to download the whole thing?
23 May 17#38
good month for new xbox owners. Phantom dust dlc is pretty good though.
23 May 17#37
Is the US line-up always the same as UK?
23 May 17#36
Really disappointing month for me. I got Watch Dogs on release and enjoyed it for 30 minutes then spent the last ~5 hours incredibly bored. Also I found AC3 to be the worst yet.
Dragon Age Origins is good. Was even better when I bought it for about £2 back in 2012.
Over to you Sony!
23 May 17#35
Wonder if if creed comes with liberation I still have the codes
23 May 17#34
and yet I still haven't played watch dogs or creed .I may do now
23 May 17#33
Ac3 was great imo, watchdogs was decent too, both well worth a go. Really wish drad rising 3 would popup on this gwg, il bet we get 4 before we ever get 3
Anyhoo, back to ufc 2 on ea access for another month, see you next month
23 May 17#9
Never heard of Speedrunners, already played and finished the others (albeit on PS4 for Watchdogs).
Never mind, I've got every faith in PS+ coming good this month...
TN567 to john.swfc
23 May 17#32
They have a KNACK for doing it, apparently
23 May 17#31
Was just looking at the Xbox User Voice section to see what games people wanted to come to back-compat... AC3 was very high on the list so glad to see it and for free as well! Pleased to see Speedrunners too - been looking at that for a while
23 May 171#30
Good month, played AC3 on release and was disapointed but wouldnt mind playing again once completed Ezio Collection. Wanted to try Watch Dogs so happy about that. Thanks for post OP
23 May 171#29
if you have ea access its still worth clicking the free icon for dragon age origin on the 16th as you then own it forever.
23 May 17#28
Honestly I'm so pleased I got an Xbox as well as the PS4. Games with gold out does ps plus every single damn month. Hot hot hot.
23 May 17#27
decent month :smile:
23 May 1711#19
Ugh, tired of them always offering AAA games, where's the indies? :smirk:
nathan3007 to nathan3007
23 May 172#20
But in all seriousness amazing month!
Joshimitsu91 to nathan3007
23 May 173#26
Where is Pool Nation? That's the real question.
23 May 17#21
Why are they sticking EA Access Vault games on GwG????
nathan3007 to WalkerboyUK
23 May 172#22
Because not everybody has EA Access?
Change_Me to WalkerboyUK
23 May 17#25
EA Access isn't on Xbox 360 and some people don't have a XB1 yet
23 May 17#24
That reminds me, Need to get Star Wars The Force Unleashed downloaded.
23 May 17#23
Thanks great deal
23 May 171#17
AC3 is 1st-15th June not 5th :smile:
BuzzDuraband to coerce86
23 May 17#18
Yer, that's what it says mate :man:
23 May 17#16
Looks like a good month. I've already played Watch Dogs on PS4 but the rest are welcome additions. This might prompt me to finally get around to playing DA:O after picking it up, playing it briefly and trading/selling it a couple of times before.
23 May 171#15
Another month that makes me jealous as a PS4 owner :disappointed:
23 May 17#14
Been wanting to finish Watch Dogs, not played any of the others. Happy news Buzz cheers :smiley:
23 May 17#13
A very decent month. Again. Over to you Sony...
23 May 17#12
Well pleased, fab month. :smiley:
23 May 171#11
Agreed. Its not a bad game, just the main character is a tool.
I picked up DEDSEC edition for about 15 quid and got a good chunk of hours.
I wouldn't bother with multiplayer though, it was (on PC) full of hackers unfortunately - and not the nice, in-game kind!
23 May 173#3
I've wanted Watchdogs for ages (despite the criticism), I've never played AC3 and I own DA:O on pc but I'd like to have it on xbox. Woo nice :smile:
Bure11 to LilHammerette
23 May 171#5
To be honest mate if you don't go in expecting GTA you'll probably enjoy it. Most of the criticism came from overhype, downgraded graphics and crap driving
momouk78 to LilHammerette
23 May 17#10
I really like Watch Dogs. I played through it twice now.
23 May 173#7
I'm used to crap driving! Although it's usually my fault...but hey ho at least I can blame it on the game this time :wink:
23 May 171#8
That also looks like Phantom Dust free DLC too. Looks like a v nice month :smile:
23 May 171#6
Awesome month :smile:
23 May 173#4
Really good month. Can't wait to see the complaints about them offering games worth a few quid even though they're AAA :laughing:
(This would be more appropriate if it were psplus offerings cheeky )
23 May 172#2
3 AAA games, solid month
23 May 171#1
I own two... but both welcome... only paid just over a quid for dragon age anyway...
And I did a big dance (in my head) for AC 3.... cracking game that
Opening post
Xbox One
1st - 30th June
16th June until 15th July
Watch Dogs
Xbox 360
1st - 15th June
Assassin's Creed 3
16th - 30th June
Dragon Age: Origins
Top comments
Good point.... hot hot hot
For me its a numbers game, I want more good months than bad in a year and so far since owning an xbox I haven't had a single month that's been completely disappointing most months for me have had multiple games that I have a passing interest in.
Over the year and for the money I am not sure that anyone really has anything to complain about on gold at all if we are honest.
Same applies for playstation - although as a mainly offline gamer myself, I don't remember the last time I actually played a plus "freebie".
When playstation were still trying plus was amazing.
I think that major issue is that some people see "old" BC game as Junk no matter what the title - others still love the BC games, BC was a major reason I jumped onto Xbox alongside PS.
I agree that loyalty to either is pretty senseless.. but also not seeing the value in gold is pretty silly to me too.
Latest comments (120)
Battleblock Theater (though it was on GWG in July 2014) rather than Dragon Age: Origins anyone?
The reasoning behind this is because Kalimba was free as it was part of Games with Gold in Germany (see 51 in the XBox One list of games with Gold), as was Max, The Curse of Brotherhood a month or so ago (see 60 in the list), and 5 months ago in Japan (see 5 months ago and 51 and 52 in the list). So, on the 16th, I would expect to see a post for Zoo Tycoon on HUKD.
Heat added :smile:
Installed LC: Temple of Osiris at the weekend. Played it for 20 mins, hated everything about it and probably won't play it ever again.
For me its a numbers game, I want more good months than bad in a year and so far since owning an xbox I haven't had a single month that's been completely disappointing most months for me have had multiple games that I have a passing interest in.
Over the year and for the money I am not sure that anyone really has anything to complain about on gold at all if we are honest.
Same applies for playstation - although as a mainly offline gamer myself, I don't remember the last time I actually played a plus "freebie".
When playstation were still trying plus was amazing.
I think that major issue is that some people see "old" BC game as Junk no matter what the title - others still love the BC games, BC was a major reason I jumped onto Xbox alongside PS.
I agree that loyalty to either is pretty senseless.. but also not seeing the value in gold is pretty silly to me too.
You also get some Phantom Dust multiplayer packs with a value of 14.99.
Get in!
This is massive global companies who have no loyalty to me, why should I show any to them?
Good point.... hot hot hot
It installs the games remotely and puts the BC In the ready to install bit.
I have a 5tb drive so it's not been an issue yet but I'll delete a few and see if they pop up in my ready to install section...
Try purchasing from website or app
I already have the Complete edition of WD on disc, just need time to play it, and GWG is not helping. lol
Any suggestions so they all actually show up in ready to install? Thanks
Can I just start the download and then cancel it immediately? or do you need to download the whole thing?
Dragon Age Origins is good. Was even better when I bought it for about £2 back in 2012.
Over to you Sony!
Anyhoo, back to ufc 2 on ea access for another month, see you next month
Never mind, I've got every faith in PS+ coming good this month...
I picked up DEDSEC edition for about 15 quid and got a good chunk of hours.
I wouldn't bother with multiplayer though, it was (on PC) full of hackers unfortunately - and not the nice, in-game kind!
(This would be more appropriate if it were psplus offerings cheeky )
And I did a big dance (in my head) for AC 3.... cracking game that