Final Fight: Double Impact takes you on a hard-hitting journey through Capcom history with the ultimate versions of arcade classics Final Fight and Magic Sword. Double Impact slams into your home with seamless online and local co-op multiplayer, new music by acclaimed remixologists, HD-filtered graphics, a host of unlockables to discover, and an integrated online leaderboard to prove your mettle!
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7 Mar 175#11
should I still be playing these games at 41????
johnwillowlfc to xbox1138
7 Mar 173#12
Yes :smile:
7 Mar 173#7
Think most of my time on Mega CD was spent playing Road Avenger and Sol Feace
7 Mar 173#1
Final Fight is an all-time classic and was the SOLE reason for why I bought the Game Boy Advance.
All comments (28)
7 Mar 173#1
Final Fight is an all-time classic and was the SOLE reason for why I bought the Game Boy Advance.
BuzzDuraband to prankster101
7 Mar 172#2
Well that makes me feel old :smile:
I won't say it was the reason I had a Sega Mega CD, but it spent a lot of time being played in it.
menacedude to prankster101
7 Mar 171#6
Makes me feel old, thought you were going to say the sole reason you bought a SNES
7 Mar 17#3
was final fight similar to streets of rage or am i thinking of something totally different
awesome game, already grabbed it last time it was on sale. Heat added
7 Mar 173#7
Think most of my time on Mega CD was spent playing Road Avenger and Sol Feace
7 Mar 17#8
Vendetta or this? Which was more fun? I loved this in the arcades, never had enough 10p coins to 'clock it' though. Heat added.
7 Mar 171#9
Used to love this down at the arcades, I have the PS3 version certainly bring's back the memories.
7 Mar 171#10
You mean the pack in games!?!? Pff, peasant. :P
7 Mar 175#11
should I still be playing these games at 41????
johnwillowlfc to xbox1138
7 Mar 173#12
Yes :smile:
menacedude to xbox1138
7 Mar 172#15
I'm 35 and I have struggled recently to keep gaming, been feeling a bit burnt out rather than an age thing. I left it a while and now I'm playing again, bought horizon zero dawn the other day and it's fantastic. If you're still enjoying it keep going.
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I won't say it was the reason I had a Sega Mega CD, but it spent a lot of time being played in it.