Final Fight: Double Impact takes you on a hard-hitting journey through Capcom history with the ultimate versions of arcade classics Final Fight and Magic Sword. Double Impact slams into your home with seamless online and local co-op multiplayer, new music by acclaimed remixologists, HD-filtered graphics, a host of unlockables to discover, and an integrated online leaderboard to prove your mettle!
Top comments
7 Mar 175#11
should I still be playing these games at 41????
johnwillowlfc to xbox1138
7 Mar 173#12
Yes :smile:
7 Mar 173#7
Think most of my time on Mega CD was spent playing Road Avenger and Sol Feace
7 Mar 173#1
Final Fight is an all-time classic and was the SOLE reason for why I bought the Game Boy Advance.
Latest comments (28)
21 Mar 17#28
Back to full price now. Can't believe I saw it and then forgot to get it while it was cheap! Damn.
7 Mar 171#27
can't beat a side scrolling beat m up thanks for posting.
7 Mar 171#26
I remember drooling in front of a videogame shop when the Super Famicom came out, but at £300, it was just a tad too expensive. Besides, the SFC/SNES version of Final Fight somehow was unable to capture the essence of the game... Maybe because it lacked Guy (who was my favourite character), or was it because it wasn't 2 player?
I totally rinsed Final Fight 2 though. That was a game I (no... my parents) bought for £75.
And yes, Final Fight is infinitely better than Streets of Rage (which I also owned at one point).
7 Mar 17#24
Worth it for the bad dude in a wheelchair's scream when you knock him out the window, plummeting to his demise hundreds of feet below.
Heat :wink:
DexMorgan to releasethapressure
7 Mar 172#25
7 Mar 171#23
Yes sweet as man I check see on sake still
7 Mar 17#22
Ha Mega Cd what a crock of 5h1t3
7 Mar 171#21
or directing a marky mark video inbetween killing sewer rats :P
7 Mar 17#20
Another two great titles that I also played, when I wasn't using my spying antics on Night Trap or making questionable music videos with Kriss Kross :smile:
7 Mar 17#19
Lol @ every comment being liked in this thread :laughing:
I bought this game ages ago, in fact around the time it came out, when arcade games were not overpriced like they seem to be now. The Broken Sword game that comes with it is the only thing that stopped me getting 100% achievements :smirk:
Heat added!
7 Mar 171#18
7 Mar 171#16
What was that game a few weeks back on sale similar
dan666 to james0909
7 Mar 172#17
Double Dragon neon?
7 Mar 175#11
should I still be playing these games at 41????
johnwillowlfc to xbox1138
7 Mar 173#12
Yes :smile:
menacedude to xbox1138
7 Mar 172#15
I'm 35 and I have struggled recently to keep gaming, been feeling a bit burnt out rather than an age thing. I left it a while and now I'm playing again, bought horizon zero dawn the other day and it's fantastic. If you're still enjoying it keep going.
7 Mar 172#14
7 Mar 172#13
Agreed! Yes!
7 Mar 171#10
You mean the pack in games!?!? Pff, peasant. :P
7 Mar 171#9
Used to love this down at the arcades, I have the PS3 version certainly bring's back the memories.
7 Mar 17#8
Vendetta or this? Which was more fun? I loved this in the arcades, never had enough 10p coins to 'clock it' though. Heat added.
7 Mar 173#7
Think most of my time on Mega CD was spent playing Road Avenger and Sol Feace
7 Mar 173#1
Final Fight is an all-time classic and was the SOLE reason for why I bought the Game Boy Advance.
BuzzDuraband to prankster101
7 Mar 172#2
Well that makes me feel old :smile:
I won't say it was the reason I had a Sega Mega CD, but it spent a lot of time being played in it.
menacedude to prankster101
7 Mar 171#6
Makes me feel old, thought you were going to say the sole reason you bought a SNES
7 Mar 172#5
awesome game, already grabbed it last time it was on sale. Heat added
7 Mar 17#3
was final fight similar to streets of rage or am i thinking of something totally different
Opening post
Top comments
Latest comments (28)
I totally rinsed Final Fight 2 though. That was a game I (no... my parents) bought for £75.
And yes, Final Fight is infinitely better than Streets of Rage (which I also owned at one point).
Heat :wink:
I bought this game ages ago, in fact around the time it came out, when arcade games were not overpriced like they seem to be now. The Broken Sword game that comes with it is the only thing that stopped me getting 100% achievements :smirk:
Heat added!
I won't say it was the reason I had a Sega Mega CD, but it spent a lot of time being played in it.