screwfix emailed me this offer... but on the website it is there for everyone...
no discount code required and it's a great tool to have.. easily packed away and also comes with two clamps...
happy building
Top comments
dale86uk to garethsmith72
6 Feb 1714#5
How is this cold just because you need something different to what is on offer? Odd.
6 Feb 1711#6
If it was made of metal, he'd be wanting it made from granite and still voting it cold. There's no pleasing some people.
6 Feb 174#24
but why vote cold? It's not a bad deal because it's not what you need. It's like voting a pizza deal cold cause you're gluten intolerant! Good effort on the homebrew though!!
All comments (44)
6 Feb 171#1
Got one of these last year. Excellent bit of kit for all sorts of uses. Folds totally flat and easy to put up and down. Tempted to buy another :-)
6 Feb 17#2
Thanks long time looking for this. Order
6 Feb 171#3
This is a good price - same item at B & Q is £54.00
6 Feb 17#4
Plastic..need a metal one sorry cold
dale86uk to garethsmith72
6 Feb 1714#5
How is this cold just because you need something different to what is on offer? Odd.
Rickardo to garethsmith72
6 Feb 17#27
Well, the plastic will be warmer to the touch than a metal one!
6 Feb 1711#6
If it was made of metal, he'd be wanting it made from granite and still voting it cold. There's no pleasing some people.
6 Feb 172#7
Had one of these for a couple of years. Very robust and worth the money. Folds away flat when not in use.
6 Feb 17#8
Is this wide/stable enough to support a Sliding Mitre Saw?
Sciroccop to Silhouette
6 Feb 17#12
I do not know on that because I haven't used it for that yet... sorry
hoylake41 to Silhouette
6 Feb 172#13
Check out the reviews on Screwfix website - one in particular doesn't recommend using power tools on it.
Peteker to Silhouette
6 Feb 171#23
I use this for my mitre saw and it works well. Very stable. Easy to carry and move.
illy1965 to Silhouette
6 Feb 17#28
It certainly is I've used my sliding mitre saw on it lots of times
6 Feb 171#9
Whilst it does fold down it's certainly not "flat", it's probably about six or eight inches thick. That said it's a lot easier to store and move than a B&D Work Mate and the quick release clamps are great (though difficult to store back in the table).
daverobinson5243 to Roger_Irrelevant
6 Feb 172#11
At little less than four and a half inches!
Pretty flat really!!
geordie458 to Roger_Irrelevant
6 Feb 171#14
I take it your using the blokes definition of 6 to 8 inches? More like 4 inches in reality lol
russthedude to Roger_Irrelevant
6 Feb 172#17
you're confusing flat for thin. it's not thin, but it is flat. to get the clamps stored away i found if i shifted the further grip a few mm out, then gave the trigger a little squeeze it makes it a lot easier to get them in.
bfam to Roger_Irrelevant
6 Feb 171#20
If someone wants a flat one, best use your floor :man:
Opening post
on 15 hours left though for this price...
screwfix emailed me this offer... but on the website it is there for everyone...
no discount code required and it's a great tool to have.. easily packed away and also comes with two clamps...
happy building
Top comments
All comments (44)
Pretty flat really!!