Just a heads up. BT mobile £20pm for 20gb for BT customers, 12m SIM only including extra speed 4G (EE network / BT is EE!).
We took a similar deal some months ago and can confirm that Amazon voucher and TCB do pay out. Amazon voucher £90 and cash back £52.50.
So you pay £20pm but receive £142.50 in cash back and Amazon vouchers, making it £8.13pm effective for unl/unl/20gb.
Other deals are available but have been notably better in the past e.g. We actually have the 4gb for less than £1pm effective - so if you are after that keep an eye on the vouchers and cash back aligning on that deal.
Hope this helps someone :smiley: can confirm voucher and cash back pay out from first hand experience.
Top comments
Nujol to HankHandsome
26 Feb 175#9
I think the vast majority of people would treat an Amazon voucher as being the same as cash - virtually everything can be bought at a competitive rate. Clearly not for you if you don't feel that way :smiley:
All comments (53)
26 Feb 17#1
Can i get out of my o2 sim only contract if they sent me an email about increasing tariff?
Nujol to mcguire85
26 Feb 17#2
Hmmm.... depends if in your contract it states the price can go up... google it?
eslick to mcguire85
26 Feb 171#5
No it's most probably in your contract, they will have built in in to the contract, it's been years since they didn't have the terms in.
amotrex to mcguire85
26 Feb 17#13
Yes the can I am with O2 it's a Claire they have
It if you want to get out of your contract simpler pay of whatever is outstanding against your hand set if you are on a pay monthly plan with a recently acquired new phone ...if you're on a . Sim only deal then I'm afraid you're stuck !!
26 Feb 17#3
do they do similar for non bt customers?
26 Feb 171#4
you're still having £20 quid a month go out of your account and you can't pay your bill with an amazon voucher either so cold ..
Nujol to HankHandsome
26 Feb 175#9
I think the vast majority of people would treat an Amazon voucher as being the same as cash - virtually everything can be bought at a competitive rate. Clearly not for you if you don't feel that way :smiley:
26 Feb 17#6
Ok just because I managed to cancel my sky the other week thought this maybe same situation
Taksim_Red to mcguire85
27 Feb 17#31
Did you manage to cancel Sky early, if so how?
26 Feb 17#7
could you please put in the title it is only for BT Broadband costumers? You will save time for us. It is 25 without broadband
Nujol to borosidf
26 Feb 17#10
It's £13.13 for non-BT customers which judging by some deals that get hot on here might still be regarded as good by many people. Also there are massive discounts, cash back and vouchers on switching to BT so might be worth switching to BT if not in a minimum contract period.
Wipes the floor with that daft Plusnet deal that was getting heat a while back.
26 Feb 17#8
but in terms and conditions it clearly says you can have either cashback or voucher not both
Nujol to kurtcobainmedico
26 Feb 172#11
On the cash back sites it states that you will get both and indeed you do! I've had it, check previous threads, check cash back site reviews/comments, you get both!
26 Feb 17#12
It looks as though Quidco are offering £60 cashback for the SIMO Ultimate Plan, rather than the £52.50 from TopCashBack... so there's an extra £7.50 saving!
Sweetcorn12 to spanxy
27 Feb 17#28
My advice is to avoid using Quidco on this deal, recently had 2 BT SIMO cashbacks declined by Quidco, where my 2 with TCB went through perfectly and paid already from a Black GFriday deal. Quidco offer headline deals, but based on my experience, their success rate at paying me these deals is a dismal failure.
26 Feb 171#14
Clause not Claire...though they may also have a Claire working in their billing department too!!!
Opening post
We took a similar deal some months ago and can confirm that Amazon voucher and TCB do pay out. Amazon voucher £90 and cash back £52.50.
So you pay £20pm but receive £142.50 in cash back and Amazon vouchers, making it £8.13pm effective for unl/unl/20gb.
Other deals are available but have been notably better in the past e.g. We actually have the 4gb for less than £1pm effective - so if you are after that keep an eye on the vouchers and cash back aligning on that deal.
Hope this helps someone :smiley: can confirm voucher and cash back pay out from first hand experience.
Top comments
All comments (53)
It if you want to get out of your contract simpler pay of whatever is outstanding against your hand set if you are on a pay monthly plan with a recently acquired new phone ...if you're on a . Sim only deal then I'm afraid you're stuck !!
Wipes the floor with that daft Plusnet deal that was getting heat a while back.