Been looking for a work phone for a couple of days.
cheapest iphone 7 deals I can find.
Unlimited min and txt.
3gb data.
handset cost £215 as time of posting. Use code IPH7120 at the checkout.
should bring handset cost down to £110.
£25.99 x 24m plus £110= 733.76
possible cashback.
Top comments
ezzer72 to naturelover
22 Feb 1710#6
Smart phones are more like 'tapes' than 'records'. You can wipe sections and put new stuff on if you like.
Full instructions can be found on the Internet.
wilky67 to Username18
22 Feb 179#9
Never had any issues with EE , no problem with signal, must live on the moon !!!!!
23 Feb 174#58
No problem I can help you with that I will need to ask you some security questions to log in to my system??
What is your wife's name?
What is her date of birth?
What is your address?
What is your bank account number?
What is your bank sort code?
What is your wife's passport number?
What is your 16 digit card number?
What is your bank pin?
What is your NI number?
Can you please send me all your information with some photo ID then we can go through to the next step thank you.
23 Feb 173#51
We all grew up with PCs, but some of us have managed to adapt to OS X, and you haven't.
That laptop you have is the most vulgar thing I have ever set eyes on, creaking plastic that no doubt someone has to help you carry.
There is no way that it outperforms EVERY MacBook, it probably takes best part of 2 minutes to boot up.
I think it is an affordability thing.
All comments (102)
22 Feb 17#1
Is there any roaming data included in this tarif
global_scott to vinnyb67
22 Feb 171#8
Need to check the website... I pay £4 a day when in Spain for roaming.. though I believe in June roaming is being abolished in the EU for UK mobiles
czechow127 to vinnyb67
23 Feb 17#37
I would also like to know if it includes roaming. For this price, presumably not?!
22 Feb 17#2
not a bad price at all
22 Feb 17#3
thanks for posting
22 Feb 17#4
Over 2 years I filled up 64gb of my iPhone 5s so after a 128gb iPhone 7........does anyone know if any good deals for it?
ezzer72 to naturelover
22 Feb 1710#6
Smart phones are more like 'tapes' than 'records'. You can wipe sections and put new stuff on if you like.
Full instructions can be found on the Internet.
22 Feb 173#5
Amazing deal but EE sucks
wilky67 to Username18
22 Feb 179#9
Never had any issues with EE , no problem with signal, must live on the moon !!!!!
Tequila to Username18
22 Feb 173#11
I'm very happy with EE actually, and been on EE for 2.5 years now.never had any issues.
prior to that was on 3 and before than on O2.I'd say their coverage is the best of other 2 and their 4G definitely the I don't know what's your problem with EE.
PlanetP to Username18
22 Feb 173#15
Not in my experience and certainly better than vodafone, imo
fruit_bat to Username18
23 Feb 172#26
Couldn't agree more EE shocking
22 Feb 17#7
Actually I moved from 3 to EE IN June last year because 3's signal didn't work for me... not had the issues I had with 3 dropping signal and dropping to 3g. btw what do EE suck?
22 Feb 173#10
Exactly never had any problems with EE et all :smiley:
22 Feb 17#12
Unfortunately the voucher doesn't apply on IP7 128Gb on the same tariff :disappointed:
570jas to wilsonlin
22 Feb 17#13
sorry to hear that. it maybe another code from uswitch, try have a search, good luck
Opening post
cheapest iphone 7 deals I can find.
Unlimited min and txt.
3gb data.
handset cost £215 as time of posting. Use code IPH7120 at the checkout.
should bring handset cost down to £110.
£25.99 x 24m plus £110= 733.76
possible cashback.
Top comments
Full instructions can be found on the Internet.
What is your wife's name?
What is her date of birth?
What is your address?
What is your bank account number?
What is your bank sort code?
What is your wife's passport number?
What is your 16 digit card number?
What is your bank pin?
What is your NI number?
Can you please send me all your information with some photo ID then we can go through to the next step thank you.
That laptop you have is the most vulgar thing I have ever set eyes on, creaking plastic that no doubt someone has to help you carry.
There is no way that it outperforms EVERY MacBook, it probably takes best part of 2 minutes to boot up.
I think it is an affordability thing.
All comments (102)
Full instructions can be found on the Internet.
prior to that was on 3 and before than on O2.I'd say their coverage is the best of other 2 and their 4G definitely the I don't know what's your problem with EE.