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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Opening post
22 Feb 17
Been looking for a work phone for a couple of days.
cheapest iphone 7 deals I can find.
Unlimited min and txt.
3gb data.
handset cost £215 as time of posting. Use code IPH7120 at the checkout.
should bring handset cost down to £110.
£25.99 x 24m plus £110= 733.76
possible cashback.
Top comments
ezzer72 to naturelover
22 Feb 17 10 #6
Smart phones are more like 'tapes' than 'records'. You can wipe sections and put new stuff on if you like.

Full instructions can be found on the Internet.
wilky67 to Username18
22 Feb 17 9 #9
Never had any issues with EE , no problem with signal, must live on the moon !!!!!
23 Feb 17 4 #58
No problem I can help you with that I will need to ask you some security questions to log in to my system??

What is your wife's name?
What is her date of birth?
What is your address?
What is your bank account number?
What is your bank sort code?
What is your wife's passport number?
What is your 16 digit card number?
What is your bank pin?
What is your NI number?

Can you please send me all your information with some photo ID then we can go through to the next step thank you.
23 Feb 17 3 #51
We all grew up with PCs, but some of us have managed to adapt to OS X, and you haven't.

That laptop you have is the most vulgar thing I have ever set eyes on, creaking plastic that no doubt someone has to help you carry.

There is no way that it outperforms EVERY MacBook, it probably takes best part of 2 minutes to boot up.

I think it is an affordability thing.
All comments (102)
22 Feb 17 #1
Is there any roaming data included in this tarif
global_scott to vinnyb67
22 Feb 17 1 #8
​Need to check the website... I pay £4 a day when in Spain for roaming.. though I believe in June roaming is being abolished in the EU for UK mobiles
czechow127 to vinnyb67
23 Feb 17 #37
I would also like to know if it includes roaming. For this price, presumably not?!
22 Feb 17 #2
not a bad price at all
22 Feb 17 #3
thanks for posting
22 Feb 17 #4
Over 2 years I filled up 64gb of my iPhone 5s so after a 128gb iPhone 7........does anyone know if any good deals for it?
ezzer72 to naturelover
22 Feb 17 10 #6
Smart phones are more like 'tapes' than 'records'. You can wipe sections and put new stuff on if you like.

Full instructions can be found on the Internet.
22 Feb 17 3 #5
Amazing deal but EE sucks
wilky67 to Username18
22 Feb 17 9 #9
Never had any issues with EE , no problem with signal, must live on the moon !!!!!
Tequila to Username18
22 Feb 17 3 #11
I'm very happy with EE actually, and been on EE for 2.5 years now.never had any issues.
prior to that was on 3 and before than on O2.I'd say their coverage is the best of other 2 and their 4G definitely the I don't know what's your problem with EE.
PlanetP to Username18
22 Feb 17 3 #15
Not in my experience and certainly better than vodafone, imo
fruit_bat to Username18
23 Feb 17 2 #26
Couldn't agree more EE shocking
22 Feb 17 #7
​Actually I moved from 3 to EE IN June last year because 3's signal didn't work for me... not had the issues I had with 3 dropping signal and dropping to 3g. btw what do EE suck?
22 Feb 17 3 #10
Exactly never had any problems with EE et all :smiley:
22 Feb 17 #12
Unfortunately the voucher doesn't apply on IP7 128Gb on the same tariff :disappointed:
570jas to wilsonlin
22 Feb 17 #13
sorry to hear that. it maybe another code from uswitch, try have a search, good luck
22 Feb 17 #14
It's £748.76 total not £733.76 as posted as the handset is £230 upfront before adding the voucher code.
22 Feb 17 1 #16
Ee is ****. Couldn't wait to get off it. Three and o2 are the best for coverage
Rich069 to mrsuave
23 Feb 17 2 #33
​All down to area you live and travel through.

Switched to o2 hoping they were going to be better than the old orange 3g, found them even worse, but luckily on refresh, so swopped back to ee 4g who are great everywhere around the east mids.
22 Feb 17 #17
I'd use that data allowanace in a week. Cold
terayon00 to buckfast67uk
23 Feb 17 3 #30
Well my friend you need to put your phone down and talk to people around you. I have 2gb of data and I only use 500mb because am not glued to my phone.
22 Feb 17 #18
must be some mistakes. still shows £215 upfront 1 minute ago.
22 Feb 17 1 #19
This deal has been posted twice already and gone cold both times
22 Feb 17 #21
just ordered - dont firget to add the voucher code to reduce upfront cost by 105

thanks op
22 Feb 17 2 #22
128GB deals please!!!!!
22 Feb 17 #23
Was very tempted but no way would i want to be locked into a two year contract.
22 Feb 17 #24
thank you, what if we cancel the contract after a month / year? do u know how much the phone cost to keep the phone? thank you
23 Feb 17 #25
Thanks very good price
23 Feb 17 #27
Just my opinion on iPhone 7 after taking the deal - totally not worth exchanging iPhone 6 as apart from water proof aspect cannot see any other feature being pertinent. Would ask to stick until they get their next even number out.
pannan to ranjeet.lal
23 Feb 17 #29
Splash proof, not water proof
23 Feb 17 1 #28
My own experience is that EE is really good and, for whatever reason, doesn't eat up as much data as Vodafone.
23 Feb 17 #31
WTF with these people smartphone with that small data bag.
23 Feb 17 #32
The camera is also much better on the 7
ezzer72 to eddibabyyeah
23 Feb 17 #34
The everything is also much better on equivalently priced Android phones.
23 Feb 17 #35
Yep, agree with this. I have an O2 personal mobile and BT work one which i believe piggy backs the EE network. I travel round the country a lot and generally O2 is better. At home O2 has always been better. EE tends to get 4G more when in the middle of no where.
23 Feb 17 #36
good deal. very tempted and I cant see anything else better value out there for the iPhone 7.
23 Feb 17 #38
poor website, trying to buy but it wont accept more than 2 addresses over 3 years, need to call them to complete order!!
23 Feb 17 #40
haha. Really. Such as?
23 Feb 17 #41
Very nice deal OP, heated. For me personally I still can't justify upgrading from my iPhone 6.
23 Feb 17 #42
Galaxy S7 for one (and no, that's not what I have)
23 Feb 17 1 #43
Sure. But you have to put up with the Android OS and its lack of standards/versions. Where as iOS is the same across all devices, giving customers a much more pleasant experience IMHO
23 Feb 17 #44
Hot deal, finally justified my upgrade from my iPhone 6 - Currently paying 16.99 for my SIM only contract anyway. Selling my iPhone 6 for £208 to a phone recycling company so basically a free (or at least very cheap) iPhone 7 :smile:
23 Feb 17 #45
They may or may not have a good signal or customer service but for me I just cannot abide those Kevin bacon ads
23 Feb 17 #46
Well I'm confused.

I simply said that Android phones in the same price range had better features - you laughed and asked for an example. I gave one, and you agreed.

So, moving on. The various versions of Android are only an issue if you have an old phone with an old version installed. When spending 'iPhone money' this isn't the case.

I have around £7,000 worth of Macs and iPad so not anti-Apple, but iPhones just aren't very good.
23 Feb 17 #47
The only place where I tend to have problems is at my house and when I am at university, though when I am at both of those places I have EE WifiCall so it makes no difference to me.
23 Feb 17 #48
Did you ever find out?
23 Feb 17 #49
See now I have an iPhone and an iPad Air 2 but, despite everyone at my university having Macs, and I do mean a solid 95%, I would not touch a Mac with 10 foot poll, and no it isn't because i couldn't afford one. I found iOS, despite having Android for years before, to be a better rounded operating system as it is more fluid and faster and every seems to just work. When you compare that to android, and I am including the S7 edge in this as I have used one for an extended period, I found that it was fast but my 6S plus could do things more effortlessly despite being an older phone. Mac OS is to put it one way crap. Having grown up using PC all it does it frustrate me and having had a chance recently to buy a 27 inch Mac I opted to build a PC as it would be better for what I wanted, photo editing. And as for the laptops well my M4700 with i7 3940xm processor would **** on any mac that you could throw at it. So I have to say that iPhones and iPads are good and Macs, well...
23 Feb 17 #50
One thing I can't abide is the updates. Updated but slowed the iphone down? Tough... you've upgraded and now you're stuck.
23 Feb 17 3 #51
We all grew up with PCs, but some of us have managed to adapt to OS X, and you haven't.

That laptop you have is the most vulgar thing I have ever set eyes on, creaking plastic that no doubt someone has to help you carry.

There is no way that it outperforms EVERY MacBook, it probably takes best part of 2 minutes to boot up.

I think it is an affordability thing.
23 Feb 17 #52
My wife is currently with EE and her contract is finishing next month, she is keen on this deal but can she keep her number? thanks
23 Feb 17 #53
been an android user for 10 years

got the s7 edge at the mo and having had the 6s for a while to sell on and i muat admit it feels better made and just seems to be alot slicker os .
23 Feb 17 1 #54
You should phone EE and ask for your PAC code. You will be put through to retentions, just say you have found a better deal elsewhere. Chances are ,they will match this deal for you, That's at the very least.
I recently did this and after a few 'no deal' from me they give me the deal I wanted and the phone for free. Worth a go. If not, as others have said you can leave, set up a payg with other provider, then go back to EE and port the number back over.
23 Feb 17 1 #55
I would use it in 24 months hot
23 Feb 17 #56
Yes it's £25.00 into 24 months
23 Feb 17 #57
How much can I get for a iPhone 6s 64gb from that company
23 Feb 17 4 #58
No problem I can help you with that I will need to ask you some security questions to log in to my system??

What is your wife's name?
What is her date of birth?
What is your address?
What is your bank account number?
What is your bank sort code?
What is your wife's passport number?
What is your 16 digit card number?
What is your bank pin?
What is your NI number?

Can you please send me all your information with some photo ID then we can go through to the next step thank you.
23 Feb 17 #59
Anyone buying this should bear in mind EE have announced a price rise of 2.5% from 30 March. So, the contract price will be 65p more than advertised.
23 Feb 17 #60
There's also a refurbished deal with same phone on O2, £60 upfront £28.50 per month 3gb data. I got mine on Tuesday the phone is immaculate.
23 Feb 17 1 #61
I used a site called RPC Recycle. Looks like you could get £306 for an iPhone 6S 64GB. Hope this helps:
23 Feb 17 1 #62
An "affordability thing", you reckon hehehe!

To start with my M4700 is not the best thing to look at, I'll give you that it is for performance not for looking at, at the end of the day it is a laptop it is what it is for and it will last longer due to it being heavier and better built. And 2 minutes to boot try 10 seconds it has an SSD. Also because I am not weak or feeble and cannot carry anything heavier then a MacBook Pro or Air and I couldn't care less what people think of my laptop because it doesn't fit in at Starbucks or Costa, it does not mean that it is any less usable.

I have attempted numerous times using various OS X devices but it just doesn't seem right and my work flow is a lot faster on a PC then on a Mac and I Maintain that for what I do (photo editing) PC's are better then macs despite what most people think. It is your opinion and my opinion. What works better for me might not work for you.

And finally most people don't want to spend £7000 on macs and other devices that are apple and then not buy an iPhone, honestly that makes zero sense. I thought that the whole point in apple is to be unified and so that everything is compatible with one another.
23 Feb 17 #63
23 Feb 17 1 #64
If you could afford it, you'd go Apple. Let's not fudge the facts.
23 Feb 17 1 #65
Much as I dislike Apple, this is a very good deal if you can get by with that amount of data and storage. Have some reluctant heat :smile:
23 Feb 17 #66
23 Feb 17 #67
​No I even tweeted and got no answer from them
23 Feb 17 #68
I have an iPhone and an iPad, it doesn't mean I want a Mac. It's that simple!
23 Feb 17 #69
I lived in Eastleigh a few years ago. Close to the town centre and M3. Zero EE signal indoors. Wife on Vodafone had full signal indoors. They offered me a signal booster for £50 but I switched instead. Website said EE signal in my area was supposed to be very good.
23 Feb 17 #70
700 quid.. good price?! u guys are insane
23 Feb 17 #71
Super deal, have some heat :smiley:
23 Feb 17 #72
Scorching! heat added
23 Feb 17 #73
then open a very account,buy the iPhone 7 32 for £600
they have 20% off promo for 1st order making it £480 already a bargain and you can choose buy now pay later and pay in instalments for 12 months with zero interest added.
if it's not your first order they currently have a 10% off making it £540
and you can get a sim only contract or use pay as you go..
23 Feb 17 #74
great price if you think a little about it before dismissing it..
it's the price for a phone worth £600 alone + 24 months of unlimited call time + 24 months of 3GB 4G internet and 24 months of unlimited text messages.
23 Feb 17 #75
It's not 20% off iPhones or electricals when you make your first order. Only 10%.
23 Feb 17 #76
Still very decent,considering you can pay in installments over 12 months with no interest added.
23 Feb 17 #77
You can get it for £732 unlocked with 4GB data (4G) and 12 month contract
23 Feb 17 #78
​So you've got the cheap stuff that Apple sell, but not the pricey items.
23 Feb 17 1 #79
Yep. I got my 128gb iPhone 7 from them.
24 Feb 17 #80
i've got over 13,000 songs on my 128gb 6s, so this would be no good for me :smiley:

very nice deal though.
24 Feb 17 #81
Good deal but the price can change anytime can
24 Feb 17 #82
Please be aware your network will increase monthly prices in line with the base retail price index (RPI) each year in March during the length of your contract.
24 Feb 17 #83
Am i right in thinking you can only get this in black?
24 Feb 17 3 #84
have u not learnt anything? just because its not enough data for you specifically doesnt meant its not a good deal does it
25 Feb 17 #85
This is currently the cheapest cost to get an iPhone 7 on contract (total outlay £734) in the UK.

So on that basis, this is a Hot UK Deal. Well done OP.
edinburgh76 to yannarascala
27 Feb 17 #98
Dont think this is expired - might just need to change phone colour:[deal_price]=%3E200
25 Feb 17 1 #86
The only thing that kept the iPhone going was iMessage and Facetime but now that everyone uses WhatsApp that "tie in" has gone, I predict further sales slippage of the iPhone as a result.
Early android was indeed buggy but those days are gone it's now a very refined OS, iOS is now heavily in the minority.

Saying that I still don't know what to buy, phone selection is so complicated nowadays.
25 Feb 17 #87
Do you have a link for that?
25 Feb 17 #89
No, I don't have any issues at all 'syncing' between my devices.

I have a MacBook Pro Retina, because I feel it's the best laptop money can buy.
I have a 27" iMac because it looks nice and works great (due to OS X ).
I have a 12" MacBook because it's stunningly beautiful and ultra portable (and is a delight to use, again because of OS X ).
I have a top spec Mac mini because I love OS X so much, but cannot justify a Mac Pro as my 'desktop PC'.
I have an iPad Pro 9.7 because it's the best tablet money can buy.

I have an HTC 10 phone, updated to Android Nougat. It's probably not quite the best phone in the marketplace, but I don't really like Samsung phones, and iPhones are cheap cr4p (price tag aside).

My opinion is that Apple sell millions and millions of iPhones with a HUGE profit margin, but some of that profit is put to use creating wonderful computers (Macs), so I'm happy.
26 Feb 17 #90
What and you don't reckon that Apple computers and laptops have a huge mark up?

The specs that a iMac 27 inch or more pressingly a Mac Pro do not justify the price of it. I agree that the iPad Pro is the best table on the market, but if you think that how you can think that an iPhone that is made in the same way as the iPad is badly built is simply stupid.

If you want to spend thousands of pounds on apple products, fine many people do, however you cannot possibly think that the iPhone is cr4p when it is built using the same ethos as the rest of the other sh1t that they make!
26 Feb 17 #91
That ends up costing more...
27 Feb 17 1 #92
If I took this contract, how long do I have before it's too late to port my number?
I have an existing EE contract until May but the phone is goosed and would be happy to get this now, use my existing EE contract until May, port the number out to someone not EE and then in to this new EE contract.
Would that work?
27 Feb 17 #93
No offence, but you're the type of person I can't stand. Yes, technically most reviewers WILL agree the Pixel has the better camera, but they also state that for 99% of people both cameras are fine and you won't notice the difference unless you're comparing the same image side by side. If you're buying a top-end modern smartphone from a well known brand the camera is likely to be perfectly fine.

Secondly, the iPhone has some better features than an Android phone, and Android has some better features than the iPhone and these are what you should be basing your choice on.

For example, I prefer to use an iPhone because IMO (and many researches also) the iPhone is a much more secure phone compared to Android (for various reasons - If you're not bothered about security but prefer having amazing access to all of Google's products and services, use Android.

Not everything in life has to be binary.
OrribleHarry to Accacin
27 Feb 17 1 #95
I've heard that the last three years running......but nothing happened.
iOS hasn't changed since launch its looked identical since day one, android has evolved into a fine operating system. As for Ugly? It can be made to look however you want including old fashioned iOS squares if you wished.

I got off the Apple train at the 6, after my third in a row as they stopped evolving and I'm so glad I did. I would never have another iPhone.

Look at this the software is identical since launch in 2007.
rexdare to Accacin
28 Feb 17 #99
Tried getting EE to match this price on my upgrade, but retentions team said they could not get near this price. Said I would loose my number if I took this new contract. Will have to transfer PAC to new payg sim and then switch back.
27 Feb 17 #94
Ha, you'll be eating your words in September when Apple releases their next phone which will sell record numbers and will be closely followed by every other manufacturer copying their design. Android is not refined, it's ugly as hell.
27 Feb 17 #96
And you think that because there is continuity in UI with Apple, that nothing has changed? You don't understand design language. If Apple is so stale then why do almost all android based phones copy them? I'd take iOS 1 over Android, it's better looking that's for sure.
27 Feb 17 1 #97
It's your money it's up to you, if everyone was the same the world would be a boring place. But I know my money won't be going to Apple or Samsung.
28 Feb 17 1 #100
Personally, I'm really tired of all the juvenile Apple vs whatever specious arguments. It's inane. Buy the one you prefer and let others do what they want. It's not just about you and what you prefer.

And EVERY network has people that say that the coverage sucks and EVERY network has people that think it is the best coverage. There's not much benefit in these comments unless they specify where the problem is.
28 Feb 17 #101
By that reckoning, you don't need a smart phone at all. Just get a 3310 and save a sh1t load.
28 Feb 17 #102
Any deals as good as this but with more data, 10gb or 20gb?
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
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