I was only thinking last night :man: it must be nearly time for Febs games to be announced :smiley: ...i need to get a hobby :laughing::laughing: ...oh wait gaming is my hobby :confused::confused: ... gaming and excessive hot deal emoji usage :wink::stuck_out_tongue:
24 Jan 176#8
Your move PlayStation :smirk:
30 Jan 173#218
Yeap, Live gold through MS has always been 39.99, but there has always been a way to get that for almost half the price from a third party, i am stacked until 2019 for £24,99, and considering i get to keep 24 xbox 360 games that run on my xb1 for each year i sub, is simply great value on that fact alone, never mind that you also get 24 xb1 games to play through that time, what a change form 2006 when you got access to online, and that was it.
28 Jan 173#209
Well, some people have little interest in multiplayer games, so wouldn't need Gold for that.
All comments (227)
24 Jan 171#1
That's quite a good month from my point of view.
24 Jan 17#2
Good line up, very happy :smile:
24 Jan 17#3
Big thumbs up for Project Cars. Was almost going to by the game of the year edition the other week when the deal came up but ideally I wanted the digital copy rather than physical. Very glad I wanted.
24 Jan 1713#4
I was only thinking last night :man: it must be nearly time for Febs games to be announced :smiley: ...i need to get a hobby :laughing::laughing: ...oh wait gaming is my hobby :confused::confused: ... gaming and excessive hot deal emoji usage :wink::stuck_out_tongue:
24 Jan 172#5
nathan3007 to s4m77
24 Jan 17#7
Cheers :smiley: I'm mobile so it isn't easy (I have to upload to tinypic) I'll add it to the description when I'm on my laptop :smile:
24 Jan 173#6
That's a good line up.
The Force Unleashes brings back some bad memories of bringing down the Star Destroyer though :confused:
Opening post
Project Cars: Digital Edition (16/2-15/3)
Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime (1/2-28/2)
Xbox 360:
Monkey Island 2: SE (1/2-15/2)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (16/2-28/2)
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All comments (227)
The Force Unleashes brings back some bad memories of bringing down the Star Destroyer though :confused: