I was only thinking last night :man: it must be nearly time for Febs games to be announced :smiley: ...i need to get a hobby :laughing::laughing: ...oh wait gaming is my hobby :confused::confused: ... gaming and excessive hot deal emoji usage :wink::stuck_out_tongue:
24 Jan 176#8
Your move PlayStation :smirk:
30 Jan 173#218
Yeap, Live gold through MS has always been 39.99, but there has always been a way to get that for almost half the price from a third party, i am stacked until 2019 for £24,99, and considering i get to keep 24 xbox 360 games that run on my xb1 for each year i sub, is simply great value on that fact alone, never mind that you also get 24 xb1 games to play through that time, what a change form 2006 when you got access to online, and that was it.
28 Jan 173#209
Well, some people have little interest in multiplayer games, so wouldn't need Gold for that.
All comments (227)
24 Jan 171#1
That's quite a good month from my point of view.
24 Jan 17#2
Good line up, very happy :smile:
24 Jan 17#3
Big thumbs up for Project Cars. Was almost going to by the game of the year edition the other week when the deal came up but ideally I wanted the digital copy rather than physical. Very glad I wanted.
24 Jan 1713#4
I was only thinking last night :man: it must be nearly time for Febs games to be announced :smiley: ...i need to get a hobby :laughing::laughing: ...oh wait gaming is my hobby :confused::confused: ... gaming and excessive hot deal emoji usage :wink::stuck_out_tongue:
24 Jan 172#5
nathan3007 to s4m77
24 Jan 17#7
Cheers :smiley: I'm mobile so it isn't easy (I have to upload to tinypic) I'll add it to the description when I'm on my laptop :smile:
24 Jan 173#6
That's a good line up.
The Force Unleashes brings back some bad memories of bringing down the Star Destroyer though :confused:
24 Jan 176#8
Your move PlayStation :smirk:
mastablasta to nathan3007
24 Jan 17#36
Indies 4 the gamers.
24 Jan 171#9
4 gooduns - pleased with all of these.
24 Jan 17#10
Not a bad month. I am playing the first Monkey Island game atm so I guess getting 2 won't hurt. Just lost interest a bt.
john swfc
24 Jan 17#11
Haven't played either of the XB1 titles before so that's good.
Have finished both of the 360 titles though, in fact MI2 is one of the very few titles for which I actually paid money for the digital version, it must have been cheap at some point. I played the Star Wars game years ago, it was alright not amazing but I imagine it looks rather rough now compared to Battlefront. Boooo Microsoft for not checking with me personally which games I'd prefer!
24 Jan 17#12
Only need monkey island this month :disappointed:
24 Jan 17#13
Excellent, can trade in my PS4 copy of Project Cars
24 Jan 17#14
Project cars...Great month...If only Sony follow suit
BoB2oo9 to bumbaclart
24 Jan 173#22
Oh they will with
Obscure Indy game 47
30 year old re-master of game you have/hate anyway
Obscure Indy game 48
24 Jan 172#15
Sweet for Project cars and Unleashed!
24 Jan 171#16
Project CARS is, in my opinion the best driving racing situation game of this generation. Admittedly it has a MASSIVE learning curve to it (especially when using a controller), which unfortunately may become quite a deterrent for some gamers, but I honestly urge you to stick with it, even if you find yourself lacking the ability to drive in a straight line and/or keep your car on the track.
Monkey Island 2: SE & Star Wars: The Force Unleashed are a great addition to my catalogue as the 360 titles and I look forward to trying out Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime. All in all, an absolutely great month for Games with Gold. Nice one, Nathan. Heat added, cheers for posting :smiley:
24 Jan 171#17
brilliant finally a game I've held off buying, been tempted to get project cars every time its been on sale.
24 Jan 171#18
4pm. The last Tuesday of the month :smiley:
24 Jan 17#19
good xbox month, happy with those games. anyone know the psn+ games yet?
BuzzDuraband to noisyassassin
24 Jan 171#26
Tomorrow ~4pm
john swfc to noisyassassin
24 Jan 171#33
Unless they've changed their procedure they don't come out until the first Tuesday of the month which would be two weeks from today. So I doubt they'll announce anything until next week.
24 Jan 17#20
Awful month. Not sure how people are going wild over a local only co-op game and yet another driving game.
24 Jan 17#21
Really good month :smile:
Looking forward to the random average indie game we get on PS Plus too
24 Jan 17#23
50 indie. Therefore ****.
If it wasn't clear I'm joking. But this is the mindset of most gamers nowadays.
24 Jan 17#24
So glad held out for project cars nearly bought the other day heat for that alone other games not so lol cheers op
24 Jan 17#25
Project Cars is a good freebie! Need more HDD space for all these games... :disappointed:
24 Jan 17#27
If I signed up to a 14 day trial do I get to keep the games after it runs out?
Smash41 to dellboy75
24 Jan 17#28
No you don't get to keep the Xbox One games when any length of sub runs out.
24 Jan 17#29
Thanks, might have to invest in an annual membership.
24 Jan 17#30
HOT from me... P Cars Is a good one..
I logged on last night, renewed for 12 months at a cost of £26.50 (gold offer on xbox store), and also picked up Killer Instinct 2 as a freebie on gold...
24 Jan 17#31
Oh boy!
24 Jan 17#32
24 Jan 171#34
They're available Tuesday 2nd. Announcement is last Wednesday of the month.
24 Jan 17#35
Just bought lovers a few weeks ago! Ach well, you win some you lose some.
It's good, having more than 2 players makes it much better, but it's fine with 2.
24 Jan 17#37
Lovers in a dangerous space time is supposed to be a good local co-op game.
24 Jan 17#38
Is Project Cars: Digital Edition all okay now?
Seems like there were problems a year or two back with refunds being handed out on the digital version as it was full of problematic issues
24 Jan 172#39
Never played Force unleashed last gen, so thumbs up from me!
24 Jan 17#40
A good month!
24 Jan 17#41
Great selection of games, although I will probably never play any of them...
24 Jan 17#42
Never played force unleashed, is it still worth playing today?
24 Jan 17#43
Use the force Harry
24 Jan 17#44
Project Cars? Why not!
24 Jan 17#45
buy* waited* haha :smile:
24 Jan 17#46
So close to buying project cars the other, glad I didnt now or i wouldnt of been happy lol great line up heat from me
24 Jan 17#47
Not that interested in the games with gold lately. Shame this month isn't really that different for me.
24 Jan 17#48
I enjoyed it, and plan on playing through again once it's BC with the XB1 (i.e. when it's released for GwG).
24 Jan 17#49
excellent. got project cars for ps4 and have been considering for xbox
24 Jan 17#50
Excellent month!
24 Jan 171#51
yes you do. PS+ games become unavailable, but GWG are yours to keep.
24 Jan 17#52
Just completed force unleashed... well worth a play through...
Monkey island awesome...
Just bought GOTY for £8 tescos I'll sell the disk for a couple of quid and have all the extra DLC...
All in all a great month.
24 Jan 17#53
ooooh I fancied lover's in a dangerous space time.
cars, meh.
24 Jan 17#54
Wow, amazing scenes. I was close to buying Project Cars last week too.
Now to find a cheap gold as mine runs out on the 27th and I keep getting that 1 month half price nonsense. A trial might bring up the better promotion.
24 Jan 17#55
I've got forza 6 already and enjoy it... Is it worth trading that in given that we are getting Project Cars? How do they match up ?
24 Jan 17#56
nooooooooo. just bought project cars digital the other day :disappointed:
24 Jan 17#57
sweet. :smiley:
24 Jan 17#58
You do not get to keep the XB1 games when your gold expires, but you do get to keep the 360 games, it's been like that since the start m.
24 Jan 17#59
Picked up Monkey Island 2 when they use to do offers on a lot of Arcade games, seem to stop doing them, still never seen Earthworm jim cheap but the moment i buy it, it will be cheap knowing my luck. Tried Star wars, borrowed it off a mate but didnt get very far so be nice to try again
24 Jan 17#60
No you don't :smiley:. Xbox One games are subscription rentals like the PS+ games, but you do get to keep the 360 games permanently (with a 1 month or greater sub).
24 Jan 17#61
Sony take notes
24 Jan 17#62
Is project cars split screen?
24 Jan 17#63
Almost bought PCars in the Black friday and Christmas sales, so i'm a very happy bunny! Great month!
24 Jan 17#64
Nice month. Time to redeem my GwG code. :smile:
24 Jan 173#65
24 Jan 17#66
I have been humming and huing over Project car's for the last few months, glad i waited, and again a cracking month from GWG for me, long may it continue.
24 Jan 17#67
great games
24 Jan 17#68
looks good!
24 Jan 171#69
Whoop! Nothing like gonna buy a game (project cars), then it turns up free. Oh wait there is, I would have bought 3 of these in time :smile: hot for the heads up
24 Jan 17#70
Have one months live subscription to use. Trying to strategically activate it so I get the freebies I want.
If I activate on the 31st, I'll get Rayman for 360, Killer Instinct, Project Cars, Star Wars Unleashed and maybe the first games of March?
24 Jan 17#71
I believe it was Project Cars as a whole was just buggy as hell. Even my 'game of the year' edition with all the bugs supposedly sorted still had several times where I had to restart.
24 Jan 17#72
Heat! Much better this month
24 Jan 17#73
Isn't* that next Tuesday? :/
24 Jan 17#74
My apologies yes. It's usually the last Tuesday of the month. As the games are released on the 1st, it's the week previous in such case (around 20-23rd time)
24 Jan 17#75
Technically, yes, but it would be a bit silly announcing the GWG the day before they start :smile: (I guess due to time differences it would be 1st February in Australia when they announced them)
24 Jan 17#76
I wasn't being funny btw. Just wondered if you noticed :smiley:
24 Jan 17#77
Just that i did a search for info on the game and there were problems with steering, frame rates and the game crashing
Hopefully fixed then
24 Jan 17#78
Not too impressed. Feel like I've stepped back to 2015 with this line up. Some of it definitely last gen.
24 Jan 17#79
I didn't realise this gen only started in 2016 :smirk:
But yes, considering there's 360 games here, some of it definitely is last gen
24 Jan 17#80
Sold my Xbox recently to get a PS4 Pro and gutted ive missed out on project cars. Definitely a racing game I'd like to try, and for free that's an amazing month for Xbox live for sure. PS+ will likely be **** yet again
24 Jan 17#81
Where are they published? I didn't know advance info was given. Cheers.
24 Jan 17#82
I know that I aren't Buzz, but I'll answer anyway :smile:
Major Nelsons twitter and his website
24 Jan 17#83
holy **** that's a really good game for a month. don't have much expectations from PS.
24 Jan 17#84
Thanks for posting! I have MI2, is the force unleashed backwards compatible?
24 Jan 173#85
Yes, I believe every 360 game that is included in GWG will be/is backwards compatible :smiley:
24 Jan 17#86
Yes, you can keep Games with Gold Games forever without gold but idk if it works with trials,
24 Jan 17#87
I've got the GOTY edition on ps4 and used to own it on Xbox when it first came out, and they've fixed majority of the major bugs. Great game and even better for free! Have to download on Xbox aswell even though I've got on ps4 :smirk:
24 Jan 17#88
Like many others, I nearly caved and purchased Project cars when it's been a good price but happy I waited.
Had it back when it was released and traded it as I found it a little repetitive.
24 Jan 17#89
lol I love how predictions were totally wrong
24 Jan 17#90
Wasn't monkey island on their a few months ago or is it a different one? Thanks.
24 Jan 171#91
I got lovers in dangerous spacetime already, good game but shame it's not online multiplayer, only co-op.
24 Jan 173#92
No you can't. Xbox One games from GwG aren't kept when your sub expires/lapses only the 360 games are.
What happens to my Games with Gold games if I cancel my Xbox Live Gold subscription?
On Xbox One, you’ll no longer be able to access your Games with Gold titles if you cancel your subscription. However, if you decide to renew your subscription at any time, you’ll be able to access and play your previously redeemed Games with Gold titles again.
Beat me to it but I agree, it's important people get the correct information :smiley:
24 Jan 171#95
colour me corrected then lol my live hasn't run out in years, and I don't intend on letting it do so lol
24 Jan 171#96
Really stupid question here...
My sons have Gold with their XBox One S.
Can they get the 360 Gold games? Assuming they're on the reverse compatible list.
24 Jan 17#97
24 Jan 171#98
Pretty chuffed with the selection, esp with Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime , as was looking for another decent co op game since me and the Mrs have almost finished Overcooked.
24 Jan 171#99
Yes they can. All Games With Gold 360 titles are also Backwards Compatible.
24 Jan 171#100
project cars looks tip top! haven't played monkey island 2 since the 12 floppy disk Amiga version and being a star wars fanboy this is a good month for me!!!!
24 Jan 171#101
Sold my XB1 just before Xmas too... Not for any other reason than it was gathering dust...
People argue at length about exclusives, raw power, media features and value but I found that it came down simply to what platform my friends are on.
You might kick yourself when you miss a goodie like this but remember to pat yourself on the back when you're playing GT Sport in 4k :smiley:
24 Jan 17#102
Maybe, but you should look out for cheap deals for live, sometimes you can get a year for around £25 which is probably worth it.
24 Jan 17#103
Subjective, I know but this month's line-up sucks balls
24 Jan 171#104
Bore off
Mad ass
24 Jan 17#105
Quite a poor lineup for me. Thanks for posting though.
24 Jan 17#106
Other than game during BF and xbox direct, you're normally lucky to get 12 months for sub £30 these days.
24 Jan 17#107
Great games! Hot!
24 Jan 17#108
It's definitely worth it for that price but I use the PS4 a lot more. So it'd be a waste for me. Don't think I've touched the Xbox in over a month!
24 Jan 17#109
Yes! star wars is compatible with X1. Will definitely play that and project cars.
24 Jan 17#110
Wow MS are really showing up Sony
24 Jan 17#111
Excellent month especially Project Cars, take note Sony!
24 Jan 17#112
(insert expletive here) lol. Just bought MI2SE the other week lol. Completed one and wanted two to complete that aswell. Both wonderful games I had back on the Amiga 600, the second game had like 12 floppy discs I think, so glad things have moved on since then.
24 Jan 17#113
if ps4 don't show some main game's I might not continue with ps plus
24 Jan 17#114
There are also offers for 1 month for a quid every now and then (that's how I got the sub for Dec/Jan).
24 Jan 17#115
some great free games in that list, that'll definitely keep me busy till next month freebies come out
24 Jan 171#116
quite a good month? Understatement :smiley:
24 Jan 17#117
It's certainly one of the better months IMO as opposed to AC chronicles china :smile:
24 Jan 171#118
Hats off to you Smash... I'd definitely have given up explaining that one by now.
24 Jan 17#119
apologies for being a numpty, but I've just bought my son his first xbox - do we need to set up a Gold account to get these games? and then download them, presumably to play for one month free? that correct? does the Gold account cost anything? cheers
24 Jan 17#120
Nothing here that particularly appeals to me - I already own Monkey Island 2 twice over and driving games aren't a genre that I tend to enjoy (plus, I just got Project CARS from Humble Monthly :stuck_out_tongue:) - but you can't win them all! I'm looking forward to next month's PS+ announcement soon, though.
24 Jan 17#121
Another great month from MS.
24 Jan 17#122
I didn't think anything would top Van Helsing: Deathrap from last month.
24 Jan 17#123
Great month...If only Sony follow suit..nice
24 Jan 171#124
I own both but I completely agree that it comes down to having friends who game on the same platform. And Forza H3 is a beaut, so I'll hope that GT is even nicer...
24 Jan 17#125
You have to buy a Gold sub live account around £30 a year but you get 4 games a month 2 x xb1 and you can also play the xb360 on xb1 as well
its well worth £30 for 4 x 12 games!
its a bit interesting each month to see what comes up but over a year there will be something for most people
24 Jan 17#126
i have no regrets getting my pro rather than the xbox, and GT Sport will be lush. The PS+ line up is often a bit crap. But then we do get Horizon Zero Dawn next month and Xbox hasn't got any exclusives until 2019.
24 Jan 171#127
last time I played monkey island was on an amiga 25 years ago
Rosco Wolf
24 Jan 17#128
You need to purchase a gold sub, but you can play for more than a month. As long as you maintain your gold sub the game is yours
24 Jan 17#129
If I delete a game from a previous GwG month that's on my hard drive. Can I download it again for free again in the future?
24 Jan 17#130
24 Jan 17#131
yes,as long as your still have an active gold account (xbox 1) if you have the 360 then you can download again at anytime with or without an active gold account
24 Jan 17#132
Just went on to get these....
It's not
February yet :disappointed:
24 Jan 17#133
Not long to wait :smiley:
24 Jan 171#134
Yeah most certainly is Microsoft have definitely won now never mind all the amazing exclusive's Sony has or the more powerful hardware or the fact twice as many people own a PS4 or... Oh wait
25 Jan 17#135
I also sold my xbox. Also my ps4. And replaced both with an Xbox One S and a PS4 Pro (Wii U will soon be replaced by Switch). Why didn't you both just keep the xbox couldn't have got much for it anyway and while GT Sport in 4k might turn out well, Forza Horizon 3 in 4k will take some beating.
25 Jan 171#136
Fifteen hundred degrees of heat. Fifteen hundred?
Certainly explains a few things anyway.
25 Jan 17#137
I didn't realise halo was on psn?
25 Jan 17#138
Haha, loved it. Annoying swapping discs with locations though.
25 Jan 17#139
Another month where i remember I've already bought one of these games and not played it yet
25 Jan 172#140
Don't be silly, he didn't say anything about MS 'winning'. Sony will have to push the boat out if they want to beat this month's GWG offerings though.
As for more powerful hardware, well that won't be a selling point when the Scorpio is released.
25 Jan 17#141
Man... I remember that, swapping out disks every few minutes. It came in a big box with a coded wheel to bypass security. Those were the days. :man:
25 Jan 171#142
And this is why I've moved from PS4 back to Xbox as at least getting some good games vs ps+ for paying to play online!
25 Jan 172#143
You realise you've just described half the GwG we're getting this month don't you?
**** indie title: Check
Remaster: Check
25 Jan 171#144
Lol poo again "/
Good for some people but personally not had one i wanted in months
25 Jan 17#145
Seriously, why do you appear on every Games with Gold deal that goes hot just to post negative comments ? I have no doubt you will as usual be talking up the PS+ game's even if they are terrible when they go live.
25 Jan 17#146
Monkey Island 2, my favourite game of all time! But I think if anyone is a fan of that particular genre then they'd have played this particular game to completion multiple times.
Voted hot for the overall selection!! :smiley:
25 Jan 17#147
You DO keep redeemed GWG games but not accessible unless you have a Gold subscription, but you never lose them.
25 Jan 17#148
No doubt. I hear they're giving us Knack this month.
25 Jan 17#149
Is this what you are all clinging to now, You clearly have the inferior console so you like to feel gwg is what is important now.
The free games a month are just a little bonus, I'd rather they had AAA titles I want to play on sale which they always are with the PlayStation. I am always buying games from the store cheap as I can buy psn credit off eBay for next to nothing, I normally get £35 for £25 which you cannot do with the xbox! Enjoy playing gears of war or whatever it is you all play next month while we all enjoy the new horizon.
25 Jan 17#150
Renewing my subscription on the 31st Jan to make use of the Jan games as well...BOOM!! hottt!!
25 Jan 17#151
And on the Scorpio which is released a whole year after the pro pretty much at the end cycle of this generation if the price is anything over £400 which it looks like it is definitely going to be for native 4k which when you compare native 4k to what pro does there's is virtually no difference Also it really benefits having exclusive titles designed just for that console which Microsoft clearly have very little of and if Sony brought out the PS5 in 2019 it is more acceptable than bringing out a new console 2 years after the Scorpio is released and what you have most likely have paid £500+ for.
25 Jan 17#152
Lol fanboy.
25 Jan 17#153
Not really just more of a realist
25 Jan 17#154
awesome month
john swfc
25 Jan 17#155
Next Tuesday is the 31st Jan though.
25 Jan 171#156
Yes, I think it's quite safe to say I have butchered the whole month of January :smile:
25 Jan 17#157
Sorry to go off topic here but would appreciate and help with this xbox live problem.
Has anyone here having problems trying to watch purchased rented films/TV programmes via xbox live.
When I try to download films I keep getting error message 'Can't get the licence needed for playback Please try again later'
Had to contact Xbox both via chat and phone as account was debited but unable to download or play paid for films, game demos and TV stuff.
Apparently Vir*** and S*y are having these problems but keeping it quiet.
Have just had to cancel my xbox live as unable to download films or games as keep getting disconnected
Just spoke with Xbox CS on phone who are aware of this 'emerging problem'
Hope this helps
heat to op
25 Jan 17#158
nice one :smile:
25 Jan 17#159
Won't be tomorrow, next Tuesday is the last in the month.
25 Jan 17#160
They're announced on the last Wednesday. Released on the first Tuesday.
Now that is one thing I got correct this month :smile:
25 Jan 17#161
Thumbs up from me for Project Cars & Force Unleashed, but Monkey Island 2 doesn't appeal in any way. I played the first when it was on GwG the other month, for all of 20 mins and hated it.
25 Jan 17#162
awful? ahah
25 Jan 17#163
no you don't get to keep them without a sub, x360 you do but not one gsmes
25 Jan 17#164
few observations on this thread....
first I cant believe people strategically subscribe to gold... at 20/25 quid a year is it worth mucking about?? its cracking value over 12 months....
secondly... people say Monkey island doesn't appeal????
Broken Britain right there.....
I blame brexit...
before brexit EVERYONE knew Monkey Island is one of the greatest games off all time.
25 Jan 172#165
the monkey island games are a great nostalgia trip for those who played them back in the day and I still find myself laughing at the jokes, but can also see how people new to the series might not get it. a little dated now!
25 Jan 17#166
one of best xbox months ever!
25 Jan 17#167
So if I sign up for a month, get these games then cancel, will I still have access to them?
25 Jan 17#168
Please point me in the direction of Live Gold Annual subscription for £20/25, for existing subscribers getting ready to renew....
25 Jan 17#169
Got my boys an Xbox one s for xmas - can they get these games, how does it work? sorry not a gamer! :stuck_out_tongue:
25 Jan 171#170
Buy a year subscription to Xbox Live and then get the free games every month with Games with Gold. You'll get 4 games a month (you go into the Gold page and purchase them for free, it's not automatic) some you'll like and some not, but it's so cheap over the year that if you like 1-2 a month you're getting value.
Maybe search on here for the cheapest Live sub right now. CD Keys usually have deals and give 5% off with a code you get from their Facebook page. Every little helps! :smiley:
25 Jan 17#171
in UK we should be getting PEGI rating?
25 Jan 17#172
Good games. Thanks for the post,.
Note: I am unsure why people feel it should be compared to the Playstation releases though....it's like having a Ferrari and a SEAT and the Ferrari owner saying "Look what freebies I got when I got the car". The Xbox (In my world and my opinion - Which is without question or challenge ...as it's my world and my opinion defined) is considerably better than the PS4 for me, and I come a PS background.....but I wouldn't really compare anything to the PS4 as there is simply no win in being negative about it. If people choose to follow Sony, great for them......if my choice is different....Great for me. Consoles are about the games and personal choice......so just be happy with the path you have chosen. I chose all the paths, but just tend to walk one more than the other.
25 Jan 17#173
Credit where due, this is infinitely better than yet another indie game on PS4- the PS4 free games are a disgrace. I know, people will say that actually, Indie Warrior Baby 3.5 s, despite its pixellated graphics, pinging sound, and the fact it was programmed by a 10 year old in his first junior school government sponsored coding session, is actually a work of gaming art, BUT I WANT REAL GAMES LIKE MICROSOFT GIVE.
25 Jan 171#174
INDIE GAMES ARE REAL GAMES! Don't get all the indie game hate at all, they offer some of the purest forms of gaming there is and are much closer to the kinds of game that started gaming off in the 70s and 80s in style and spirit. They are JUST the gameplay with minimal window dressing and story, which for me is hugely refreshing when you have just come off a big AAA blockbuster like GTA 5 or Mafia 3 etc and yes, I love these too, not hating on AAA games. I think indie games are a wonderful 'pallet cleanser' between the main course that are AAA blockbusters and the industry would be far poorer without them. By poorer I mean worse, not less money, I'm sure AAA juggernauts would carry on making money regardless.
The REAL gamer's play indie games not just AAA, because they are the purest form of game out there. if you can only play a game that has an open world that could rival several real cities, or a plot and sfx that match hollywood movies and a hour plus hand holding tutorial, then you really aren't experiencing much of what actual pure gameplay is...
Hi folks, crazy question but new to Xbox store:- can I download these games for free with my Xbox gold subscription? If so, where from? Is there a particular section I need to go into?
25 Jan 171#179
On this page scroll down and they will show when available for download
Each to their own, I personally hate Indie games, due to the fact I feel i've already played them... in the 80s where i feel they belong. But that's my own personal opinion and I respect yours but it wont be everyone's
25 Jan 171#182
It's funny how this thread always gets people talking about PS Plus and vice versa. Would be great if the Gravity Rush and Lego Batman 3 rumours turn out to be true! Assassins Creed China also.
25 Jan 17#183
Is there a back catalogue of gold games to download? I cannot see that many in the gold section in the online store?
25 Jan 17#184
Zzz yet another racing game.
25 Jan 17#185
25 Jan 171#186
Ask me about Loom™
Th3 Ripper
25 Jan 17#187
Great line up best month in ages.
25 Jan 171#188
Personally, I don't think racing games are all that well represented on either PS Plus or Games with Gold and I would actually like to see more. Admittedly the 360 has had a good few, F1 2013 and some of the Dirt games I believe but apart from Project Cars I don't think the Xbox One has seen many on Gold, nor PS4 on PS Plus, though I'd be willing to be corrected if I've forgotten some. There was Loco Cycle on Xbox One but that is hardly a pure racer...
25 Jan 17#189
The crew?
25 Jan 17#190
I am not arguing that racing games are over represented in gold section I am just personally tired of them. I bought xbox one s with forza horizon 3, my first month on gold I got burnout paradise, there was gold discount for rocket league which I bought and now project cars. These are all great games but I personally would prefer something else.
25 Jan 172#191
So, tell me about Loom™ :man:
Wrong game, FWIW :stuck_out_tongue:
25 Jan 17#192
If anybody is interested here's a breakdown of the games in February:
I previously had the GOTY edition of Project Cars and all the DLC, but traded it in as I wasn't getting on with it. Will the download codes I used be compatible with this version?
25 Jan 172#194
You mean the latest masterpiece of fantasy storytelling from
Lucasfilm's™ Brian Moriarty™? Why it's an extraordinary
adventure with an interface on magic... stunning, high-resolution,
3D landscapes... sophisticated score and musical effects. Not to
mention the detailed animation and special effects, elegant point
'n' click control of characters, objects, and magic spells. Beat
the rush! Go out and buy Loom™ today!
(btw yes I realise that but its still my go to monkey island reference for everything monkey island related)
25 Jan 17#195
good line up unless you own just the 360... then it's utter pants
25 Jan 172#196
Well, I'm sold :smile:
26 Jan 17#197
I'm guessing you have to wait till the 16th before you can download these?
26 Jan 171#198
Two are available from 1 February, two from 16 February - see dates in the opening post.
26 Jan 17#199
You assume too much - I own a PS4, not an XB1. I'm still able to recognise which service is offering the better value for money though, and that is currently XBL Gold.
26 Jan 17#200
can you play the xbox 360 games on Xbox One?
I clicked the link and I got the answer....Yes
26 Jan 17#201
Just out of interest as I dont have gold but considering it to get Project cars, is it one of them racing games where tons of the content needs to be paid for to unlock, with limited amount available as a free player?
26 Jan 171#202
I own this version on PlayStation 4 (from just after release) and honestly never felt the need to purchase any additional content, in fact I didn't.
I own the Game of the Year edition on Xbox One, and even though it does contain -
An additional 50+ cars (125 total)
4 tracks (35 unique locations, 100+ layouts total)
60+ community-created liveries
500+ features and improvements that have been added since launch
I honestly believe the vanilla edition is solid enough to allow you to have decent racing experience with no need for additional purchasing :smiley:
26 Jan 171#203
Thanks a lot, exactly what I wanted to hear! :smiley: Will definitely be giving it a go
26 Jan 171#204
No.... The games are only available for a limited time, as indicated on the original post, and if you haven't selected to download the title before that date expires then you no longer have access to it.
If you are just signing up to Gold now, you won't get access to previous months' titles.
26 Jan 17#205
Tasty line-up :smiley:
28 Jan 17#206
Don't understand why anyone with an Xbox one wouldn't have gold. Surely you need it for multiplayer? For me I really couldn't care less what the free games are every month. It's just a bonus on top of the service.
28 Jan 17#207
Normally they now only ever put 360 games that are compatible with the One on.
28 Jan 17#208
Xbox gold is so expensive right now £35 is cheapest I've been able to find for 1 year, kinda silly, it was £20 last year.
28 Jan 173#209
Well, some people have little interest in multiplayer games, so wouldn't need Gold for that.
28 Jan 17#210
Hard to justify the price going up from like £19.99 for 1 year up to £39.99
28 Jan 171#211
For anyone interested Lovers In a Dangerous Space Time is usually reduced for Valentine's Day. So it's likely to come up on Steam too.
29 Jan 17#212
A decent line-up, now just need to renew my Xbox Live subscription, any good deals around? THis is the first time in 7 years i've let it expire, makes me twitchy.
30 Jan 172#213
Hasn't gone up at all MS price is the same as always. If a third party does it cheaper at certain times that is nothing to do with MS price.
30 Jan 17#214
Nice. Blimey o'reilly Project Cars.
30 Jan 17#215
I have little or no interest in Multiplayer but find that for the money (especially if you pick up a code when 20/25 quid... its amazing value - same as EA access.
I guess the two cost £45 and some may prefer 1 full price game of their choice but I am sure over the year even the most niche of game would find value and time used in games on GWG/EA access higher than most single full game purchases...
maybe I am not that fussy.
30 Jan 171#216
I agree - I'm similar to you, albeit don't feel that I need EA Access as well as Gold.
30 Jan 17#217
EA is a decent pick up for me as I wanted UFC 2 and enjoy American sports so getting NHL and old versions of NBA and Madden was a decent choice, also enough other stuff included that I didn't mind, I have played quite a few hours on feeding frenzy! I have loads of AAA game to get stuck into yet I spend hours on the most basic of games! ha.
30 Jan 173#218
Yeap, Live gold through MS has always been 39.99, but there has always been a way to get that for almost half the price from a third party, i am stacked until 2019 for £24,99, and considering i get to keep 24 xbox 360 games that run on my xb1 for each year i sub, is simply great value on that fact alone, never mind that you also get 24 xb1 games to play through that time, what a change form 2006 when you got access to online, and that was it.
1 Feb 171#219
The backwards compatibility and the fact you get to permanently keep the last-gen games is one reason why XBL Gold is far better value than PS+ as it is now, and this is coming from a PS4 owner.
2 Feb 171#220
A good month from MS. Myself and 3 teenage boys have consoles in quite a few different rooms in the house.
I personally move between console brand and generation very often, sometimes in the same day. It all depends on who's in and what I'm currently playing.
I must admit to always being on the side of Sony in general and even more since PS4, any new purchased games were PS4, but that was until now and it all comes down to 2 things.
Firstly the syncing of clouds based games, MS has this down to a tee, play a game, shut down the console and game is saved to the cloud, be it XOne of X360. On PS4 my games are saved overnight (not instantly) and also, here's the kicker.... only on my Primary console. So if I am playing in one room and then later in the day start in another room (on my non primary console) my saved game is not there. I have to go back to the other PS4, manually upload to the cloud then go back the PS4 I want to play on and manually download the saved game.
Before anyone says aww, didduummms, what a wrench.... I completely agree, it is a total first world problem and I know I am a lucky person to have this type of problem. But, as an avid gamer you do notice these time consuming events when they happen a few times a week and you do seek a solution, that's just the way it is. Plus the fact I have lost track before and manually copied over saved games by mistake with an out of date version.
Secondly, Backwards Compatibility. I never really thought this would be a game changer but as I plough through many last gen games that I never got round to playing I must admit to going MS every time now. The ease with which I can switch between Xone and X360, each time picking up where I left off, it just works.
The difference between running in 1080p or 900p was the game changer for me before, but TBH the difference is only noticed under a microscope so for me at least I am an Xbox convert. Sorry Sony, but you really do need to improve cloud saves, you are way behind the curve.
2 Feb 17#221
~20% is down to the GBP deprecation since the brexit vote.
Official price was always high. The £20 deals were from cdkeys etc. who no longer have the margins to sell at that price.
12 Feb 171#225
You sound like you spend your days trying to stretch your 4skin over your analogue sticks just for the fun of t!
12 Feb 171#226
The official price has remained the same it has Not gone up 20% so nothing has changed, just because CD keys 'sometimes' does a bulk of cheap Xbox live keys that has not changed either, they were offering Assassin's Creed Unity for 94p for the Xbox one version the cheapest it's ever been just a couple of days ago so your 20% Remainer wishful thinking fee is wrong.
Opening post
Project Cars: Digital Edition (16/2-15/3)
Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime (1/2-28/2)
Xbox 360:
Monkey Island 2: SE (1/2-15/2)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (16/2-28/2)
Top comments
All comments (227)
The Force Unleashes brings back some bad memories of bringing down the Star Destroyer though :confused:
Have finished both of the 360 titles though, in fact MI2 is one of the very few titles for which I actually paid money for the digital version, it must have been cheap at some point. I played the Star Wars game years ago, it was alright not amazing but I imagine it looks rather rough now compared to Battlefront. Boooo Microsoft for not checking with me personally which games I'd prefer!
Obscure Indy game 47
30 year old re-master of game you have/hate anyway
Obscure Indy game 48
Monkey Island 2: SE & Star Wars: The Force Unleashed are a great addition to my catalogue as the 360 titles and I look forward to trying out Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime. All in all, an absolutely great month for Games with Gold. Nice one, Nathan. Heat added, cheers for posting :smiley:
Looking forward to the random average indie game we get on PS Plus too
If it wasn't clear I'm joking. But this is the mindset of most gamers nowadays.
I logged on last night, renewed for 12 months at a cost of £26.50 (gold offer on xbox store), and also picked up Killer Instinct 2 as a freebie on gold...
It's good, having more than 2 players makes it much better, but it's fine with 2.
Seems like there were problems a year or two back with refunds being handed out on the digital version as it was full of problematic issues
Monkey island awesome...
Just bought GOTY for £8 tescos I'll sell the disk for a couple of quid and have all the extra DLC...
All in all a great month.
cars, meh.
Now to find a cheap gold as mine runs out on the 27th and I keep getting that 1 month half price nonsense. A trial might bring up the better promotion.
If I activate on the 31st, I'll get Rayman for 360, Killer Instinct, Project Cars, Star Wars Unleashed and maybe the first games of March?
Just that i did a search for info on the game and there were problems with steering, frame rates and the game crashing
Hopefully fixed then
But yes, considering there's 360 games here, some of it definitely is last gen
Major Nelsons twitter and his website
Had it back when it was released and traded it as I found it a little repetitive.
What happens to my Games with Gold games if I cancel my Xbox Live Gold subscription?
On Xbox One, you’ll no longer be able to access your Games with Gold titles if you cancel your subscription. However, if you decide to renew your subscription at any time, you’ll be able to access and play your previously redeemed Games with Gold titles again.
My sons have Gold with their XBox One S.
Can they get the 360 Gold games? Assuming they're on the reverse compatible list.
People argue at length about exclusives, raw power, media features and value but I found that it came down simply to what platform my friends are on.
You might kick yourself when you miss a goodie like this but remember to pat yourself on the back when you're playing GT Sport in 4k :smiley:
its well worth £30 for 4 x 12 games!
its a bit interesting each month to see what comes up but over a year there will be something for most people
It's not
February yet :disappointed:
Certainly explains a few things anyway.
As for more powerful hardware, well that won't be a selling point when the Scorpio is released.
**** indie title: Check
Remaster: Check
Good for some people but personally not had one i wanted in months
Voted hot for the overall selection!! :smiley:
The free games a month are just a little bonus, I'd rather they had AAA titles I want to play on sale which they always are with the PlayStation. I am always buying games from the store cheap as I can buy psn credit off eBay for next to nothing, I normally get £35 for £25 which you cannot do with the xbox! Enjoy playing gears of war or whatever it is you all play next month while we all enjoy the new horizon.
Has anyone here having problems trying to watch purchased rented films/TV programmes via xbox live.
When I try to download films I keep getting error message 'Can't get the licence needed for playback Please try again later'
Had to contact Xbox both via chat and phone as account was debited but unable to download or play paid for films, game demos and TV stuff.
Apparently Vir*** and S*y are having these problems but keeping it quiet.
Have just had to cancel my xbox live as unable to download films or games as keep getting disconnected
Just spoke with Xbox CS on phone who are aware of this 'emerging problem'
Hope this helps
heat to op
Now that is one thing I got correct this month :smile:
first I cant believe people strategically subscribe to gold... at 20/25 quid a year is it worth mucking about?? its cracking value over 12 months....
secondly... people say Monkey island doesn't appeal????
Broken Britain right there.....
I blame brexit...
before brexit EVERYONE knew Monkey Island is one of the greatest games off all time.
Maybe search on here for the cheapest Live sub right now. CD Keys usually have deals and give 5% off with a code you get from their Facebook page. Every little helps! :smiley:
Note: I am unsure why people feel it should be compared to the Playstation releases though....it's like having a Ferrari and a SEAT and the Ferrari owner saying "Look what freebies I got when I got the car". The Xbox (In my world and my opinion - Which is without question or challenge ...as it's my world and my opinion defined) is considerably better than the PS4 for me, and I come a PS background.....but I wouldn't really compare anything to the PS4 as there is simply no win in being negative about it. If people choose to follow Sony, great for them......if my choice is different....Great for me. Consoles are about the games and personal choice......so just be happy with the path you have chosen. I chose all the paths, but just tend to walk one more than the other.
The REAL gamer's play indie games not just AAA, because they are the purest form of game out there. if you can only play a game that has an open world that could rival several real cities, or a plot and sfx that match hollywood movies and a hour plus hand holding tutorial, then you really aren't experiencing much of what actual pure gameplay is...
Wrong game, FWIW :stuck_out_tongue:
Lucasfilm's™ Brian Moriarty™? Why it's an extraordinary
adventure with an interface on magic... stunning, high-resolution,
3D landscapes... sophisticated score and musical effects. Not to
mention the detailed animation and special effects, elegant point
'n' click control of characters, objects, and magic spells. Beat
the rush! Go out and buy Loom™ today!
(btw yes I realise that but its still my go to monkey island reference for everything monkey island related)
I clicked the link and I got the answer....Yes
I own the Game of the Year edition on Xbox One, and even though it does contain -
An additional 50+ cars (125 total)
4 tracks (35 unique locations, 100+ layouts total)
60+ community-created liveries
500+ features and improvements that have been added since launch
I honestly believe the vanilla edition is solid enough to allow you to have decent racing experience with no need for additional purchasing :smiley:
If you are just signing up to Gold now, you won't get access to previous months' titles.
I guess the two cost £45 and some may prefer 1 full price game of their choice but I am sure over the year even the most niche of game would find value and time used in games on GWG/EA access higher than most single full game purchases...
maybe I am not that fussy.
I personally move between console brand and generation very often, sometimes in the same day. It all depends on who's in and what I'm currently playing.
I must admit to always being on the side of Sony in general and even more since PS4, any new purchased games were PS4, but that was until now and it all comes down to 2 things.
Firstly the syncing of clouds based games, MS has this down to a tee, play a game, shut down the console and game is saved to the cloud, be it XOne of X360. On PS4 my games are saved overnight (not instantly) and also, here's the kicker.... only on my Primary console. So if I am playing in one room and then later in the day start in another room (on my non primary console) my saved game is not there. I have to go back to the other PS4, manually upload to the cloud then go back the PS4 I want to play on and manually download the saved game.
Before anyone says aww, didduummms, what a wrench.... I completely agree, it is a total first world problem and I know I am a lucky person to have this type of problem. But, as an avid gamer you do notice these time consuming events when they happen a few times a week and you do seek a solution, that's just the way it is. Plus the fact I have lost track before and manually copied over saved games by mistake with an out of date version.
Secondly, Backwards Compatibility. I never really thought this would be a game changer but as I plough through many last gen games that I never got round to playing I must admit to going MS every time now. The ease with which I can switch between Xone and X360, each time picking up where I left off, it just works.
The difference between running in 1080p or 900p was the game changer for me before, but TBH the difference is only noticed under a microscope so for me at least I am an Xbox convert. Sorry Sony, but you really do need to improve cloud saves, you are way behind the curve.
Here's a 2 minute vid on why you should play the Force Unleashed.