Dr.Eggman (AKA Dr.Robotnik) begins his zealous search for the Chaos Emeralds to fuel his new "Death Egg" contraption. One afternoon, he launches his full-scale attack on the island. Dr.Eggman imprisons all of the helpless animals of the island and turns them into mindless worker drones. Fortunately, Sonic will thwart the Doctor's plans at all costs. This time, he isn't alone, as Tails decides to aid him in the battle. Together they must locate the Chaos Emeralds before Dr.Eggman does, and put an end to this diabolical scheme.
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24 Jan 174#6
It looks like the entire Sonic back catalogue has 50% off this week.
I fell playing it now would ruin the memory of playing as a kid .I played demo and realised its about collection coins but as a kid didn't really care about the coins to much . Was just about completing the level and beating the boss lol . Its saying on google the game can be beat in 5 hours but I remember the game going on for ever . A bit like supermario 64 that game took me months if not years lol to complete actually I never did complete . Remember me mums bf playing it and getting past the levels we couldn't lol . Then you got gta vice city another game that felt took a year to complete . Was just reading this https://fletchtalks.wordpress.com/2016/12/28/game-review-sonic-the-hedgehog-2-master-system/
combat_honey to argosextra
24 Jan 173#2
No, yes, no.
All comments (33)
24 Jan 17#1
How do I buy this I have a Xbox 360 will it work for my console
combat_honey to argosextra
24 Jan 173#2
No, yes, no.
24 Jan 173#3
I fell playing it now would ruin the memory of playing as a kid .I played demo and realised its about collection coins but as a kid didn't really care about the coins to much . Was just about completing the level and beating the boss lol . Its saying on google the game can be beat in 5 hours but I remember the game going on for ever . A bit like supermario 64 that game took me months if not years lol to complete actually I never did complete . Remember me mums bf playing it and getting past the levels we couldn't lol . Then you got gta vice city another game that felt took a year to complete . Was just reading this https://fletchtalks.wordpress.com/2016/12/28/game-review-sonic-the-hedgehog-2-master-system/
JoeSpur to james0909
24 Jan 17#11
Sonic 2 is probably my favourite Sonic game of all time, even to this day it holds up well. The SMS version of the game was great in its own way but a totally different game. It's still one of those sleeper hits IMHO. 5 hours was probably even too long unless you were collecting everything, back then most games could be completed in one sitting cos save states and battery backup was rare. I'm with you on Mario64 tho :laughing:
TGPMatt to james0909
24 Jan 172#12
Yeah, the game used to take me a full Saturday to get to Death Egg and fail (providing I got past the boss on Wing Fortress, which was a b*stard).
BUT it's not like Mario 64 - that aged badly, but Sonic just hasn't. I still think it's the best all-round platformer of all time. Even £1.69 for the music alone is a bargain :smile:
andypolack to james0909
24 Jan 172#15
Wrong game mate, this one is definitely about collecting rings.
24 Jan 171#4
Hope the xbox version hasn't changed some of the music etc
24 Jan 17#5
was just playing the last retro games turkey posted lol arcade game series dig dug etc never played them as a kid thou I cant remember but I remember sonic and the megadrive games
24 Jan 174#6
It looks like the entire Sonic back catalogue has 50% off this week.
lol I remember this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkEIkTZkXRI as other stated in comments was hard to learn the pattern lol/ hope with xbox version we have a choice to play Emeralds on Emerald Hill with out tails I remember him always ruining it lol edit I must have been 5 or 6 lol when games was released not shore what age played it thou 8 or under maybe I was 5 can remember playing it trying figure out when to move lol
24 Jan 17#8
Be great if you could select the Emeralds on Emerald Hill missions. without having to play the full game to get to them . Would be a laugh doing them separate with players online
24 Jan 17#9
I don't no why they wouldn't allow you to play two players on same xbox .
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BUT it's not like Mario 64 - that aged badly, but Sonic just hasn't. I still think it's the best all-round platformer of all time. Even £1.69 for the music alone is a bargain :smile: