have a deal on at the moment for the Samsung Galaxy S7 on Vodaphone. Get unlimited minutes and texts, and 3gb of data for £28pm but the first 6 months are half price totalling £588 for the 24 months.
Code SAVEJAN removes the £10 handset cost.
Top comments
smitda01 to anthony212
3 Jan 179#3
How have you worked that out?
I know I am tired from Christmas, so may not be fully with it, but doesn't it work out at less than £8 a month if the phone is £400?
total 588 - 400 (handset) = 188 over 24 months = £7.84/month?
All comments (34)
3 Jan 171#1
phone's worth around £400, so you're basically paying £15 odd quid a month for 3gb of data which isn't a very good deal
harryben1 to anthony212
3 Jan 17#2
Where have you seen the phone for £400!? Best I've seen is around £460 but good point nevertheless.
smitda01 to anthony212
3 Jan 179#3
How have you worked that out?
I know I am tired from Christmas, so may not be fully with it, but doesn't it work out at less than £8 a month if the phone is £400?
total 588 - 400 (handset) = 188 over 24 months = £7.84/month?
OrribleHarry to anthony212
9 Jan 17#25
Define "worth" i personally think this phone should be around £250-300 by now, it's been around a while now and it's going to be superceded by the S8 within a couple of months, I for one will be waiting a couple of months and snapping up a bargain.
3 Jan 172#4
Plus 2 months rental trying to get them to cancel after your 24 months are up.
Useless customer service
3 Jan 171#5
good phone but terrible network provider
3 Jan 172#6
sorry about that, title has been edited by op since my comment, originally mentioned a 12 month deal
3 Jan 17#7
Ah right. Yeah wouldn't have been as good on a 12 month.
3 Jan 172#8
Hot - thanks OP! Just ordered and chose to get £35 quidco cashback instead of the £10 off with the voucher (don't believe you can use both).
3 Jan 17#9
good deal, I got very similar the other day but think it was 25 for the phone. the code knocked 10 off so had to pay 15, which I 2lwas still happy to do as best deal around I could find.
3 Jan 17#10
The CPW deal is better for me (O2) and currently has £75 quidco:
Opening post
Code SAVEJAN removes the £10 handset cost.
Top comments
I know I am tired from Christmas, so may not be fully with it, but doesn't it work out at less than £8 a month if the phone is £400?
total 588 - 400 (handset) = 188 over 24 months = £7.84/month?
All comments (34)
I know I am tired from Christmas, so may not be fully with it, but doesn't it work out at less than £8 a month if the phone is £400?
total 588 - 400 (handset) = 188 over 24 months = £7.84/month?
Useless customer service
3 GB Data (4G)
Unlimited Minutes
Unlimited Texts
24 Months Contract
£26.50 per month
£79.99 Upfront cost
How is this better?