have a deal on at the moment for the Samsung Galaxy S7 on Vodaphone. Get unlimited minutes and texts, and 3gb of data for £28pm but the first 6 months are half price totalling £588 for the 24 months.
Code SAVEJAN removes the £10 handset cost.
Top comments
smitda01 to anthony212
3 Jan 179#3
How have you worked that out?
I know I am tired from Christmas, so may not be fully with it, but doesn't it work out at less than £8 a month if the phone is £400?
total 588 - 400 (handset) = 188 over 24 months = £7.84/month?
All comments (34)
3 Jan 171#1
phone's worth around £400, so you're basically paying £15 odd quid a month for 3gb of data which isn't a very good deal
harryben1 to anthony212
3 Jan 17#2
Where have you seen the phone for £400!? Best I've seen is around £460 but good point nevertheless.
smitda01 to anthony212
3 Jan 179#3
How have you worked that out?
I know I am tired from Christmas, so may not be fully with it, but doesn't it work out at less than £8 a month if the phone is £400?
total 588 - 400 (handset) = 188 over 24 months = £7.84/month?
OrribleHarry to anthony212
9 Jan 17#25
Define "worth" i personally think this phone should be around £250-300 by now, it's been around a while now and it's going to be superceded by the S8 within a couple of months, I for one will be waiting a couple of months and snapping up a bargain.
3 Jan 172#4
Plus 2 months rental trying to get them to cancel after your 24 months are up.
Useless customer service
3 Jan 171#5
good phone but terrible network provider
3 Jan 172#6
sorry about that, title has been edited by op since my comment, originally mentioned a 12 month deal
3 Jan 17#7
Ah right. Yeah wouldn't have been as good on a 12 month.
3 Jan 172#8
Hot - thanks OP! Just ordered and chose to get £35 quidco cashback instead of the £10 off with the voucher (don't believe you can use both).
3 Jan 17#9
good deal, I got very similar the other day but think it was 25 for the phone. the code knocked 10 off so had to pay 15, which I 2lwas still happy to do as best deal around I could find.
3 Jan 17#10
The CPW deal is better for me (O2) and currently has £75 quidco:
This equals 640.99 and that's if quidco pay. If not you're looking at 710.99.
How is this better?
4 Jan 17#12
Its better because O2 works where I live but Voda doesn't.
8 Jan 17#13
I thought it was less around 290/300 quid for phone via o2 it's been posted on hotukdeals u have to work a little bit for it but it doesn't seem to difficult to do.
8 Jan 171#14
like this one
Samsung Galaxy S7 32GB (Black/Gold) Perfectly fine O2 Refresh deal £291.99 @ O2
8 Jan 17#15
That's a second hand phone.
8 Jan 17#16
ok I see is that what the catch is. but still pretty good discount if it is like new I'm assume it's sold by the network so still includes full warranty and doesn't have scratches or will it be scratched.
9 Jan 17#17
Argos had a brand spanking new sealed SIM free S7 Edge with a Gear VR2 headset for £549 the other day. Have the ball at your foot and choose your own tariff / network. Sell the sealed VR2 on Ebay for £70, making the phone £480 ish.
Nobody was interested though.
shaggy to markbartlett
9 Jan 172#18
a couple of weeks ago the S7 was £288 via O2 Refresh. Much cheaper, although requires a bit of chasing around in order to close the tarriff etc. Still, £200 + money saving ...
lfc2004 to markbartlett
9 Jan 17#23
do you have the link for that deal???
9 Jan 171#19
best ive seen it was 288.
9 Jan 17#20
just to say, Vodafone have invested rather heavily in their network within the last year - in South Hampshire at least the coverage is better than o2 and EE for me. I've recently gone back to Vodafone after suffering years of **** signal. now it's great!
pibpob to Chojiin
9 Jan 17#21
Well they've put up one mast at least...
9 Jan 17#22
Brand new was available at £288 the other week and still is for £360 now.
EDIT it actually gone down to 337.99 plus free speaker.
9 Jan 17#24
Good deal, I took this exactly same minutes/text/data out 5 months ago for my other half and the best price at the time was £35p/m for 24months!
9 Jan 17#26
apparently they are not brand new they are as new condition I thought the same
10 Jan 17#27
Perfectly fine are not brand new, but the one that was £288 (now £337.99) are brand new.
10 Jan 17#28
you can get the phone on it own on o2 refresh by buying the phone and then cancelling the airtime it comes out at £420
10 Jan 17#29
Seems like deal has expired. Link is showing £250 handset cost now. Searching mobiles site also doesn't show this deal, only the EE £30 per month one as "best deal"
10 Jan 17#30
Sorry the deal has expired now I'm afraid, back up to £650 with no free VR2 headset either. It got voted cold when I posted it at the time.
It's a good deal, but after 24 months you will actually pay a total of £688 (or £678 if you use the SAVEJAN code) if you add the upfront cost, and not £588. There should be better deals in a couple of months, once the S8 releases.
Settee to aluenedragos
17 Jan 17#33
The upfront cost of this phone was only £10 when i posted it so the code made it free. It's now gone up to £100 upfront hense why it should be expired as the deal no longer exists.
19 Jan 17#34
Then you're right, it was a good deal, too bad I missed it... The cheapest on Vodafone is now at £613 (in total after 24mths) but you only get 1gb of data.
Opening post
Code SAVEJAN removes the £10 handset cost.
Top comments
I know I am tired from Christmas, so may not be fully with it, but doesn't it work out at less than £8 a month if the phone is £400?
total 588 - 400 (handset) = 188 over 24 months = £7.84/month?
All comments (34)
I know I am tired from Christmas, so may not be fully with it, but doesn't it work out at less than £8 a month if the phone is £400?
total 588 - 400 (handset) = 188 over 24 months = £7.84/month?
Useless customer service
3 GB Data (4G)
Unlimited Minutes
Unlimited Texts
24 Months Contract
£26.50 per month
£79.99 Upfront cost
How is this better?
Samsung Galaxy S7 32GB (Black/Gold) Perfectly fine O2 Refresh deal £291.99 @ O2
Nobody was interested though.
EDIT it actually gone down to 337.99 plus free speaker.
Original post in question -