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31 Jan 17
SKY are hiking their prices up again for line rental and call charges. Contract changes mean you have a window to cancel your contract even if you're within the minimum contract period.

My internet is complete pants with SKY, and would love a faster broadband, so on the hunt for a better deal. If I find anything I'll follow up with it.
- seaniboy
Top comments
muckspreader1 to FocusST
31 Jan 17 76 #38
​Hello is that you Mr Murdoch?
31 Jan 17 73 #25
I'm not sure why people complain so much about Sky!!

I've had Sky for years and am happy with the price, the service and all the updates they do - no other service I pay for has evolved so much over the years and updated itself accordingly (except maybe Sonos!).

Yet every time there is a Sky thread, people start shouting about them and calling them rip-off merchants! They are a business, and you don't HAVE to have Sky, unlike the BBC license which is a waste of cash IMO.

If Sky does what you want and is affordable then stick with it, if not go elsewhere, simple!
31 Jan 17 31 #1
They are probably doing this to try and afford a deal to keep Discovery. Sky is a complete joke and after 8 years I have had enough and will be contacting them to cancel my contract.
31 Jan 17 14 #27
If you do cancel with SKY whatever you do, do not go with BT!!! :disappointed:

I did that and now regret it, BT are 10 x worse than SKY in our experience. I wasn't happy with the Sky service but the BT one is so bad I wish I was still with sky, even if it is more expensive.

At the end of my BT contract I'm changing over too Zen and going Freesat, Amazon TV and Plex.
All comments (610)
31 Jan 17 31 #1
They are probably doing this to try and afford a deal to keep Discovery. Sky is a complete joke and after 8 years I have had enough and will be contacting them to cancel my contract.
fonzie2107 to coyote
31 Jan 17 #93
I assume you have been happy with them for 8 years?
monkey1999 to coyote
31 Jan 17 #141
Wait til try virgin
farhanqudeer1 to coyote
31 Jan 17 #148
Don't think it's that bud Discovery wanted close to a billion for sky to use their channels, the price rise is the same as every other service provider just at different times of the year
31 Jan 17 3 #2
Sounds good. I'm in the same boat, their broadband seems really flakey! Hope you manage to find a good deal :smiley:
ashmac to ourdevonfamily
31 Jan 17 #39
​be intrested to see how they have there services through the net next year with no dish..dont know how thats possible on 1mb speed :smile:
il stick to 9 200mb
31 Jan 17 2 #3
Is it official that you can cancel?
GazmoX to jameshalinson
31 Jan 17 5 #4
In rules set up by OFCOM, if your ISP increases prices during your contract period, you are granted 30 days (from when you receive notice) in which to cancel your contract without charges.
furiousjammin to jameshalinson
31 Jan 17 3 #6
The TV side of things or the phone/broadband side?

Phone and Broadband is currently subject to a price hike. So you can cancel.

Tv will be confirmed tomorrow. If SKY cannot come to a deal with Discovery, then you will officially know tomorrow and you can cancel the TV side of things then.

So probably wait until tomorrow to confirm the standing of both, gives you more bargaining power with SKY for a retention deal. I think this whole Discovery contract shambles is going to end up costing SKY quite a few customers.
31 Jan 17 5 #5
You can cancel anytime. The salient point omitted from the deal title is that during the price-rise notification period you can terminate the contract early without penalty i.e. no early termination fee(s) will be charged.
31 Jan 17 1 #7
May I ask, if I may. Why is the 30 day window starting from today?

Sky made this price announcement around 2 weeks ago.
Vanderlust to BuzzDuraband
31 Jan 17 4 #18
They're sending out the notifications to customers today, so seems it's 30 days from that point.

We hope you continue to choose Sky, but if you’re not happy with these changes you can cancel your Sky Communications Products. Just call us on 03448 244 450 and our team will be happy to help.

If you’re within your minimum contract period, call us within 30 days from the date you receive this email to avoid early termination charges.
westy90 to BuzzDuraband
31 Jan 17 1 #21
​I believe its 30days from the date on your letter head
haritori to BuzzDuraband
31 Jan 17 1 #53
Its not from today i cancelled 2 days ago.. youre right Buzz its 30 days from when you receive notification, also to add if you ask Sky to removal contractual obligation you can exit your contract without cancelling the services straight away.
31 Jan 17 #8
Yes I couldn't cancel before Christmas and phoned stating im not paying increased prices so they let me cancel. Only phone and broadband tho i couldnt cancel my sky q tv. So now im 50 for tv and 39 for Everything from Virgin. Both combined still cheaper than what i paid with virgin before i cancelled last year
31 Jan 17 1 #9
this would only be for the broadband/phone portion of the contract?
31 Jan 17 1 #10
Why we didnt get the letter informing the price hike? Or is it just for tv package cause we just have broadband and phone?
spruceyb to z_dane
31 Jan 17 #108
I got a letter.
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