SKY are hiking their prices up again for line rental and call charges. Contract changes mean you have a window to cancel your contract even if you're within the minimum contract period.
My internet is complete pants with SKY, and would love a faster broadband, so on the hunt for a better deal. If I find anything I'll follow up with it.
I'm not sure why people complain so much about Sky!!
I've had Sky for years and am happy with the price, the service and all the updates they do - no other service I pay for has evolved so much over the years and updated itself accordingly (except maybe Sonos!).
Yet every time there is a Sky thread, people start shouting about them and calling them rip-off merchants! They are a business, and you don't HAVE to have Sky, unlike the BBC license which is a waste of cash IMO.
If Sky does what you want and is affordable then stick with it, if not go elsewhere, simple!
31 Jan 1731#1
They are probably doing this to try and afford a deal to keep Discovery. Sky is a complete joke and after 8 years I have had enough and will be contacting them to cancel my contract.
31 Jan 1714#27
If you do cancel with SKY whatever you do, do not go with BT!!! :disappointed:
I did that and now regret it, BT are 10 x worse than SKY in our experience. I wasn't happy with the Sky service but the BT one is so bad I wish I was still with sky, even if it is more expensive.
At the end of my BT contract I'm changing over too Zen and going Freesat, Amazon TV and Plex.
Latest comments (610)
2 Mar 17#610
Hi Friends. I called cancellations and got a years renewal with £15 line, free Bband and £15 credit. Had to haggle real hard for the credit. Good luck.
1 Mar 17#609
Tell me about it.
Nobody in cancellations whatsoever !!!?
1 Mar 17#608
sky training so phone lines closed today, are you kidding me? how to report sky for not being able to contact them?? they dont even have an email address for me to notify them about my leave because of price hike!!! I AM SO FRUSTRATED BY SKY NOW :@
1 Mar 17#607
Took the Virgin 50mb +landline £25 deal
Did the refer a friend to get £50 credit off , got a phone call from them and told them that even with the £50 refer a friend still quite bit more than what i was paying with sky and that another £50 would do it , they said no.
2 hours later i got a call back saying that they can offer another £50 credit which i gladly accepted
so after the £100 credit and the £14.99 activation fee it works out at £17.92 a month which i am happy about as was with Virgin broadband before going to sky and it is excellent in my area!
28 Feb 17#606
Requoted from my post on page 13/14
"I was offered a deal on Fibre Max as I posted up the other day. When I called to take them up on it I was told it wasn't available anymore and deals change daily. So I've been calling them daily to get "today's deal"
Just been offered and taken up, a 12 month contract, Free line rental, just paying £20 a month for Fibre Unlimited.
So worth contacting them regularly until you get the deal you are happy with."
28 Feb 17#605
That's all I could get. Moved to virgin.
28 Feb 17#604
Whats the best people are getting for fibre unlimited and line rental?
Wont move from £28!!! hardly seems any attempt to keep customers at that price!!!!!!!
28 Feb 17#603
Tried online chat, did not work. Waited 20+ minutes before getting through to someone over the phone - nothing they can offer :disappointed:
27 Feb 17#602
Guys, how do you contact sky? Live chat is always unavailable and the phone is on hold for so long because they are busy. I received price hike mail on 2nd of Feb, so I should really contact them early. Any help on how to contact them and what to say? Should I say that I am moving to another ISP because of price hike and to cancel the broadband on x date?
24 Feb 17#601
Yeah £25 a month MORE than I was paying :confused: Needless to say I have given them my notice and moving back to Virgin media but BT's current offers with over £100 Quidco and their £100 Mastercard offer made it a close call.
24 Feb 17#600
any update on what they offered?
22 Feb 171#599
Just received my email with the following in so will give them a ring to see what they can offer...
"We hope you continue to choose Sky, but if you're not happy with these changes you can cancel your Sky Communications Products. Just call us on 03448 244 450 and our team will be happy to help. If you're within your minimum contract period, call us within 30 days from the date you receive this notification to avoid early termination charges."
21 Feb 17#598
Depends where one lives really - Sky in my area is the best (been with them almost 4 years now). Virgin is OK, with TalkTalk & BT being amongst the worst.
21 Feb 17#597
worst broadband service next to BT.
it's the best time to ditch them for good.
20 Feb 17#596
There's the usual 14 day cooling off period should I change my mind but looking around there doesn't seem too be many good broadband deals around to compare to so this seems the average rate. It's better that the £38+ they were going to up it to anyway. It would be hard to beat last years deal of Line Rental + Free Fibre Unlimited for a year.
20 Feb 17#595
I only found this page after calling Sky but called them due to knowing my current offer of line rental + free fibre unlimited was up next month (took the free fibre unlimited offer 12 months ago).
After going through the basic questions of what I use the internet for they made an initial offer of £10 off the fibre unlimited, which looks like the basic deal that people are receiving here. After mentioning I can get Virgin Media 50mb for £25pm or even PlusNet for £25pm + £70 TCB effectively making it £21.50pm I said I would be happy to take their fibre unlimited if it could also be brought down to £25pm. They then knocked off £3.99 from the line rental (£14.99 line rental + £10 fibre unlimited) without hesitation. This all seemed very easy so I do wonder if I could have pushed for more but I've been happy with the broadband for the last year without any issues and I don't have to go through the hassle of changing providers for what would just be a similar price. They did try to push TV on me but I wasn't interested.
There's definitely wiggle room if people ask and get the right person. This is the first time I've ever had to deal with sky and calling to cancel so maybe I go lucky with the right person. Just ensure you know what you're saying and you know X company has this current offer on which you can take. They seem to match without hesitation.
19 Feb 17#594
Ring Sky, tell them you don't accept the price rise and wish to end your contract. They'll give you a cease date.
19 Feb 171#593
+ Line rental @ £18.99 a month. Making this £28.99 a month. Not the greatest deal imho.
19 Feb 17#592
Hello guys,
What is the process of transferring from sky to virgin without being charged for early termination fee because of price hike? I understand that sky says if moving to virgin, we must cancel otherwise, new provider will take care of the switch. I received price hike mail on 2nd of February, so I have until like 4th of march to notify sky of transferring? What is the correct process for me to follow?
18 Feb 17#591
I have been sent an email from Sky for £10 month Sky Fibre.
I have literally just come off the phone from speaking to Sky and come on here to share my experience, actually sort of related to your question ironically enough.
We are in the process of moving up Lincoln way in the very near future now so was on the dog to them about the home move. We are totally out of contract on everything so our phone n internet goes up next bill regardless.
Not even going to bother negotiating that till they've done us the free home move but what matey about said about the telly package's state of play rocked me.
Last year a CS manager, not the retention team, offered me the full package at 25 quid a month for up to a year. So that's all Sky Sports channels, all the movies, box sets, HD(4K if I had Sky Q and suitable telly) add on.
I been paying the extra ching a month on top for the Sky Go Extra so I could watch stuff through my Xbox when I'm at my mum's which is a lot of the time.
Because we won't be needing the Sky Go Extra any more once we've moved I gave my 30 days notice on it and asked how much longer of our up to a year £25 deal we had left and he informed me it had been extended to September 2018 :smile:
There's not been any contact between me and Sky since they gave me that deal last April so that has not been negotiated in any way at all. It would appear their system clearly did that automatically and he also stipulated that is a locked in price.
That will stay a pony a month for everything for the next 19 months, happy days :wink:
17 Feb 17#589
What are peoples thoughts about switching to Now TV to get the sky channels they require. I have virgin broadband for work from home. £32 pm but work pays it. Thinking of using XBOX One for Now TV and dropping sky..
How do I find out how good Virgin's broadband/phoneline is in my area? We want to switch as Sky is terrible!
14 Feb 171#586
Sit and wait. A friend with Sky fibre only just received price increase email yesterday.
Apparently, 'new customers' who joined after mid December are supposed to be exempt from the rises from what I've read.
14 Feb 17#585
I took the free broaband (upto 17mb) and half price line rental offer about 4 months back now.
I have not had anything through email or the post, should i sit and wait? or should I have received by now??
14 Feb 17#584
Me too, the Line & BB will be honoured until Dec, but the call rates are going up - I cancelled on these grounds as they will not allow BB without Sky Line Rental :wink:
14 Feb 17#583
Disconnected just after midnight :smile:
14 Feb 17#582
The current deal I have is fantastic so I will get to have it until April. What worries me is that there is no better deals from competitors now, so if I cancel I will be left with no internet. :disappointed: Last time I was with talktalk, they closed my account and phone line instead of waiting for sky to contact them so I was left without internet for weeks. :disappointed:
13 Feb 17#581
that's the plan :smiley:
13 Feb 17#580
If you have received the email/price rise notification you have the opportunity to cancel/renegotiate now, so I would say it is better to contact them now and cancel to try to get a better deal. No point paying the price increase if you can get a discount now, as you would be doing this dance in April anyway.
13 Feb 17#579
My contract is expiring after April. New price will affect me from March. Is it beneficial to contact them now or on April for better deal? I need unlimited fibre deal.
13 Feb 17#578
If you are going to BT, Quidco and TCB are offering around £100 for Infinity plus you get a £150 Mastercard reward if you sign up before midnight tonight.
13 Feb 17#577
best they would do for me is half price fibre, £28.99 a month, i.e. £11 more than im currently paying. silly.
BT it is i suppose
13 Feb 17#576
virginmedia by far best broadband, all other providers all use bt line if cant get good speeds down bt line or virgin broadband best option would be 4g mifi with large or unlimited data plan.
12 Feb 17#575
Spent nearly 2 hours on Sky chat this morning.
Out of contract and currently have:
Sky+ Original
Broadband + Anytime Phone
£55.40 + future increases
Was offered:
Current Sky+ Variety
Fibre Unlimited + Anytime Phone
18 month contract for £57.90 (imagine increases not included in this)
TrIed to get them to chuck in SkyQ at least, with possible Multiroom but wasn't budging.
Asked £78.99 for SkyQ with £99 upfront with £12.99 extra for Multiroom.
Refused and give 31 days cancellation notice for all packages. Will see if anything happens.
11 Feb 17#574
It's not uncommon for high-rate cashback to initially track at a lower rate than quoted. You should get in touch with Quidco Support by email via your account to confirm what I'm saying.
11 Feb 17#573
I was on line rental of £17.40 with BB thrown in for a year, and only about 2 months into my contract. I phoned the number given to 'cancel' and got offered £15/mth. I then enquired about fibre and was offered £15 for phone, £10/mth (1st 12 months) for 38mb/s (unlimited) a refund of the £10 connection fee and £15 account credit on a new 12 months contract.
10 Feb 17#572
I've just switched to EE as well but Quidco tracked at £30 (not £137.50) so I may have to cancel during the cooling off period. What a palava!
10 Feb 17#571
Can't say I blame you. I don't trust them, say one thing and do another!
10 Feb 17#570
thanks. will do in the future :smiley: I wanted a transcript as I didn't trust the Sky guy to be reliable
10 Feb 17#569
Use the Opera browser and save the chat transcript to your PC. Done it twice just incase a discrepancy popped up..
10 Feb 17#568
Because they themselves instigated the price hike ergo they know that their customers have the right to move without penalty.
10 Feb 17#567
wow, I'm amazed. I have always dealt with friendly, helpful Sky people before.
I asked for a transcript of my Skychat and was told he couldn't do it for data protection reasons. when I pointed out I was the owner of that data and DP rules allowed it to be sent to me specifically. he denied this was true. so I asked for his staff number. he ignored the request and then said sky staff don't have one. !!!
10 Feb 17#566
Cancelled late last month, received an offer for 50% off and went for the boxset package... then went on the website to upgrade to the Q.
It gave me everything for £12.50. Then Q multiroom for £12.
£24.50 for boxsets, movies, sports and multiroom for 12 months. All confirmed by the webchat.
Pretty good deal, I think.
EDIT: had to pay £55 for the 1tb Q and Mini Q boxes.
10 Feb 17#565
No TV package. Just fibre.
10 Feb 17#564
Thanks for the explanation, that clarified the misunderstanding for me. I'll contact them this weekend after having a look around to see if there's something else...
10 Feb 17#563
yes you need to contact sky to let them know that your thinking of leaving and moving elsewhere
if you dont, how else are they meant to know to waive the termination charges due to the price hike? i suspect that was the case above and thats why they were charged
if your leaving thinking of leaving to someone else due to the price hike, all u got to do is contact sky and ask them to leave a note on your account regarding the price increase letter you recieved so you can leave free of charge (this must be done within 30 days of your letter)
dont ask them to cancel your account,(unless of course you want no broadband anymore) only to state your moving elsewhere and just want the note placed on your account stating no termination charges will be applied once the line as been taken over with your new ISP
(if you ask to cancel they will just close your line and thats not what u need otherwise it will close your line and you may have to pay a line installation to reactivate your line)
when your out of contract its simple, you just make the switch with another isp and they will then take over the line and let sky know,
price increases when in contract and you wish to leave penalty free is slightly diffrent you NEED to contact them about placing a note on your account to remove any termination charges once you leave free of charge
10 Feb 17#562
I was wondering about this myself. Do you have to talk to them and tell them that you are leaving due to the price increase explicitly (so that, if you don't call them, they'll try to charge you for leaving)?
Asking because I don't want to close the account as such, I'd like to transfer it to another provider, in which case, they don't really need to do anything, do they? So I was wondering why we need to even call them in the 1st place if another provider can transfer the account automatically?
10 Feb 17#561
did you ring sky up stating you were switching and to put a note on your account so not to be charged any termination fees?
for sky to charge you termination fees suggests you didnt do this
as for ofcom yes they are correct, ANY price hikes that includes broadband/line rental/call allows you to leave free of charge if your affected and sky know this
ANY complaint taken to ofcom COSTS sky money just to have the case reviewed, this is why when you complain they try to do everything before it reaches that state.
my suggestion to you is to ring sky and state to them you recieved the letter of the price hikes and want the money (termination charges) refunded
sky dont have a leg to stand on regarding this
maybe you just didnt follow the steps before you switched
10 Feb 17#560
Do you also take out a TV package?
10 Feb 17#559
Spent days negotiating on live chat but today explained I had 60% off TV that was on my sky TV account on my sky plus box , gave me that at £32 for full package plus i had sky broadband max 76mb was paying £15 plus £17.40 line rental but now with increase in line rental I am now paying half price Line rental at £9.50 for 12 months with a view to negotiate when my broadband is up in September. Then I inquired about Sky Q and managed to get Q silver box 2tb for £15 instead of £60 installation fee. So overall happy days £68.50 for everything
10 Feb 17#558
The lady at Sky offered to waive the price rise and keep me on £17.40, plus give me a £30 credit, but only for a new 18 month contract. When I declined she was very friendly and professional and knew the Ofcom rules on switching mid-contract.
I've just switched to EE unlimited broadband (not fibre) & weekend calls via Quidco with £137.50 cashback. £21 a month + £7 router delivery fee. It's an 18 month contract but hopefully there will be a price rise in that period enabling me to switch again. If not it works out at £13.75 a month which I'm happy with.
9 Feb 17#557
Had a chat with them today and they said 'I can offer you free fibre activation and half price Fibre Unlimited for 12 months on a 12 month minimum term contract. So it would be £28.99 a month rather than £38.99.'
Not as good as Infinity with the £150 CC and TCB @ £80..
9 Feb 17#556
Called sky, told them I wanted to cancel due to price increase even though I have 6 months to run on the contract. Currently paying £17.40 for unlmtd broadband. He straight away offered to reduce this to £15. I then said I may move over to virgin and came back with a £50 credit on the account. Happy days, ended up being in a better position before all this kicked off. Thanks OP
9 Feb 17#555
Strange comment from a longstanding member - always been part of their rules - from the Help page under "What is inappropriate content?":
"Spamming: This includes empty messages, hidden text that matches the background colour, quotes with no new content, repetitive questions, meaningless content, pornography, pornographic images, sexually offensive material, self promotion of a business, auction sites, personal sales on other sites, links to personal websites, requests for referrals, referral links, third party affiliate links, and advertising for personal gain. These activities are considered spam and will result in an account being suspended or terminated."
In the past, I've seen even retailers/websites banned for several months for breaking the rules, as they suspected/found their employees to be posting deals - these included Amazon & eBuyer amongst others. So the rules aren't targetting individuals - it's for EVERYONE (except HUKD of course).
9 Feb 17#554
The email explicitly state that even if within min contract period, you can cancel without incurring any early termination charges by doing so within 30 days of email date. This too was confirmed to me over the phone by Charmine from cancellations.
Here is a copy of the email I received:
In order for us to continue to deliver a great experience for all our customers, we need to review our pricing from time to time. Your price change is listed below, and a reminder of how you can make the most of your Sky subscription.
With this email we have also attached information about changes to your Broadband and Talk Terms and Conditions, specifically around our Usage Policy and, if you joined before 1 July 2016, the availability of our Products.
What's Changing...Talk & Line Rental
The price of your Line Rental is increasing on 1 March 2017 by £1.59 a month. This change will show in your March bill.
Our Call Rates are increasing on 1 April 2017 and your new rates, showing from your April bill, will be:
Call Connection from 16.9p to 19p
UK Landline from 11.5p/min to 12.54p/min
UK Mobile - Daytime from 11.5p/min to 19.35p/min
UK Mobile - Evening & Weekend from 11.5p/min to 14.25p/min
We hope you continue to choose Sky, but if you’re not happy with these changes you can cancel your Sky Communications Products. Just call us on 03448 244 450 and our team will be happy to help.
If you’re within your minimum contract period, call us within 30 days from the date you receive this email to avoid early termination charges.
These changes will not affect any additional features or offers you have with us, and if you changed your package after 11 December 2016, the changes to your price may be different from the above. Log in with your Sky iD at for your most up to date bill and package information. You can easily set up a Sky iD on the website if you don't already have one.
9 Feb 17#553
How do you think this wbesite works???
9 Feb 17#552
It's their ball, pitch and sport to do as they choose.
9 Feb 17#551
If users aren't allowed to share referrals, then I say HUKD aren't allowed to insert their referral IDs into links.
9 Feb 17#550
I had a free fibre unlimited for a year which was about to expire, no TV. All i was paying was line rent total 17.49/month. I have been calling sky to get a deal since last week but no offers apart from half price fibre for another 12 month. Yesterday i finally got a deal. Half price fibre + £15 line rent with £60 credit on my account. So effective cost would be £20/month. A bit more than what i was paying but i think it is good deal with unlimited fibre.
So i would say keep trying and you may get a deal.
9 Feb 17#549
I'd be happy to go back to Sky after being with BT for the last three months.
I can't get Virgin in my area, so would be interested to hear who people recommend as alternatives?
9 Feb 17#548
Having the TV service makes a big difference in what they offer you for broadband/fibre
9 Feb 17#547
i have this deal but im happy to get rid of the tv anyway as its pants
9 Feb 17#546
i rang them back, they are really digging their heels in and saying no
9 Feb 17#545
I joined SKY in Dec 2016 on the BLACK FRIDAY promo £15 monthly Sky Talk line rental and FREE broadband.
I received the email detailing prices increases, called up, spoke to Charmaine in cancellations and she advised that the price increase of £1.59 does not affect me, so my line rental will continue to be £15 until DEC 2017
8 Feb 17#544
Yes I do, currently on a 50% discount.
8 Feb 17#543
Just as an update guys, I am with sky, so when reading this post I immediately phoned, greeted straight with the negotiation stage. I used to pay £6.60 for sky basic tv package and then £17.40 a month for broadband all in.
They couldn't give me the same "deal" as last time no matter how hard I tried but I did manage to squeeze out a "free" Sky Q hub which can cost around £60. All I did was say how bad their normal router was and how the sky Q hub was supposedly a drastic difference in wireless connectivity (i know cable is preferred) and what deal he could offer me for it.
He said, no problem, I'll put that in the post for you. So paying now £30.50 for TV and broadband all in, but did get a free router out of it.....well i'd like to think it's "free" from my extra £6.50 a month from the price increases.
Try your luck, it might just balance out the price hike!!
8 Feb 17#542
ee cashback of 125 does not appear to be for fibre which is what im looking for.
8 Feb 17#541
They offered to remove the £1.59 increase if I signed up for another 18 months. I am on free broadband and it wasn't until after I accepted that I discovered the free broadband wasn't extended for 18 months... so I would only have free broadband until October 17 but committed to Sky until August 18. They said I should ring retentions in October 17 to get a deal but I pointed out that I wouldn't be a retention as my contract would be until August 18! He said that they would do a deal in October - but I don't trust them to do that so am cancelling the new 18 months contract (under the cooling off period) and will either pay the extra £1.59 or hope for a deal elsewhere
8 Feb 17#540
I spoke with Sky and we have 30 days to cancel. So let's keep an eye out for deals. Sky seem to offer different deals to customers.
Best they offered me was 18.99 for broadband and phone (not even fibre)
8 Feb 17#539
do you have tv with them also?
8 Feb 17#538
ive been trying to haggle with sky ever since last week and wasnt getting anywhere. the best ive been offered is £31.49 per month for fibre unlimited and line rental with a £50 credit on my account, which brings the monthly average to £27.15. was hoping than a better deal than that, but thats the best im going to get i think.
8 Feb 17#537
OK, here's my deal:
I was offered a deal on Fibre Max as I posted up the other day. When I called to take them up on it I was told it wasn't available anymore and deals change daily. So I've been calling them daily to get "today's deal"
Just been offered and taken up, a 12 month contract, Free line rental, just paying £20 a month for Fibre Unlimited.
So worth contacting them regularly until you get the deal you are happy with.
8 Feb 17#536
I jumped to Sky broadband after having Virgin (which is the only fibre i can get in my street and was excellent) had no end of problems will connection dropping most nights, speak to sky going round in circles and getting no where.
I'm going to ring up Virgin and tell them i have an opportunity to cancel with Sky and if they can offer me anything to come back.... Not holding much hope though.
8 Feb 17#535
Yeah there's apparently no offers on. I'm biding my time and just getting my price hike from Sky back in other ways in the meantime, hehe.
7 Feb 17#534
any good deals going on?
7 Feb 17#533
good for you. my email said the same,but they charged me anyways. so, just wait for your surprise in your final bill. and good luck claiming your money back.
7 Feb 17#532
all due respect, no, it is bullocks... they charged me exit fees and I cancelled 24 hours after the price increase. they spit on ofcom and why they should not? they know you are not going to sue them for peanuts!
7 Feb 171#531
I got an email informing me of price increase and said if I cancel within 30 days then they won't charge me early termination fees.
Ee have a cashback deal on at the moment with £125 cashback through topcashback or quidco which works out a bit cheaper if anyone interested.
7 Feb 17#530
did you ACTUALLY try to do it? They are VERY bad people and it does not really matter what ofcom says. They will charge you the termination fees anyways. They did with me. They know very well that bringing them in court will cost you much more than the termination fees.
So, beauty of theoretical things, but in reality it is not going to happen. voted COLD.
7 Feb 17#529
i ballsed mine up by going with the basic fibre upgrade with a 25GB limit. I didnt realise at the time and its only when i checked with sky yesterday what my previous months usage (94GB!!!) was that i thought it may be better to go with the unlimited package
spoke with them and they advised that its best to wait for them to activate the fibre first and they have put a note on my account to say they will honour the same deal with the unlimited upgrade once its sorted
what a ballache!
7 Feb 17#528
My contract expires in April and got the email yesterday as well about price increase. So... Spoke to Sky customer service on live chat few minutes ago and was told there are no offers available at the moment and all they can do is cancel the service if that is what I want :smiley:
7 Feb 17#527
I write in reference to the recent communications we have received from you concerning subscription discounts being applied to your Sky account.
We have sustained these discounts for a considerable amount of time on your account and we believe we have been more than fair and reasonable in doing so. We believe that the published monthly subscription cost for all our customers reflects the services, quality and diversity of the services we provide. From time to time we may offer subscription discounts to selected customers similar to those you are currently receiving and those you have received in the past, however we will not sustain such offers indefinitely. Subscription offers are applied for a short period of time and our customers at the end of any offer period may opt to select a different package which is more in line with their needs. For further information on our current packages, please feel free to visit Sky.Com.
If at any time you believe the services we provide do not reflect the price you pay, then it is your choice, to change your package or to seek an alternative provider.
We have always maintained that we are happy to retain you as a customer and provide you with the services you require. However, there is no basis for further discounts to be applied to your account. We believe the subscription price of your account to be excellent value for money in terms of the service and services we provide.
With regards to the broadband speeds you have been receiving, I believe that these speeds are within the Estimated Access Line Speeds for which your property can receive, however, if you are experiencing continued connection issues, you can contact our dedicated technical experts for assistance on 03442 411 411.
Whilst we realise this decision may be disappointing we must request that you respect this business decision. As this is our final decision we would be happy to supply a letter of Deadlock should this be required so that you may consult an independent third party for advice. Details of this process are explained in greater detail within our Complaints Code that can be found on / Help and Support / Make a Complaint.
Regrettably no further communication regarding the matter will be entered into.
Kind regards
Denise Belcher
Service Excellence Consultant
Executive Support Team.
7 Feb 171#526
I rang up just to if they would offer anything and got line rental reduced to £15 a month with free broadband which I had originally. Had to start a new 12 month contract which didn't bother me as was about 4 months into my contract.
7 Feb 17#525
The cost of wholesale line rental is down. The costs implemented are not due to BT or openreach.
7 Feb 17#524
not sky's fault it's because bt hiked there price first and everyone follows suit.nothing in my sky unlimited BB and sky talk extra package for £25.40 per month has changed apart from line rental going up £1.60 from £17.40 to £19 pm.
ofcom are supposed to be looking into the line rental cash cow and splitting up open reach from bt.
seeing what is out there isp wise thee is nothing i can see that matches the offer i goe for £27 pm so will stick with sky as 17 MB 1 mile from the exchange is great speeds and there LLU.
7 Feb 17#523
Is this just for Sky, or could I also cancel my BT Infinity broadband? (sick of having issue after issue!)
6 Feb 172#522
Who is lego batman? Are their speeds any good?
6 Feb 171#521
I blame the new tech team- Lego Batman never ever raised his charges......But agree with above saying beware BT, they're service has gone downhill from last time I had them, so bad I'm considering Sky (not much choice around here) even though they tried to rip me off for an update I never asked for or knowingly received.......And yes it is a fact, as they eventually (6months+ of stressful phone calls with debt collection agencies, sky, etc) sent me a letter to apologise for their mistake, which I gladly kept as few months later they started doing it again!!!!!
So if I'm considering Sky, its cos the BT service is not the what is was......However their customer service remains consistent as it ever was.......Nil pois!
Funny how the fire looks so enticing from my frying pan......
6 Feb 17#520
just got the same email I am out of contract so will live chat them to ask to leave see what happens.
I've been with them foe five years and always accepted price hikes time to change I think!
6 Feb 17#519
Just Received the Sky email.
Any Switching recommendations please.
The price of your broadband is increasing on 1 March 2017 by £2.50 a month. This change will show in your March bill.
The price of your Line Rental is increasing on 1 March 2017 by £1.59 a month. This change will show in your March bill.
Our call rates are increasing on 1 April 2017 and your new rates, showing from your April bill, will be:
Call Connection from 16.9p to 19p
UK Landline from 11.5p/min to 12.54p/min
UK Mobile - Daytime from 11.5p/min to 19.35p/min
UK Mobile - Evening & Weekend from 11.5p/min to 14.25p/min
6 Feb 17#518
Cancelled. Thanks for help all.
6 Feb 17#517
Eventually, you can hand in your notice and in the thirty day periods,they'll provide you with a better deal.
I managed to get an extra 10 off per month and a better package. I wouldn't leave virgin personally because they seem to at least care abit.
I also have faith that their services will work soon... The main reason these issues take to resolve is the need for planning permission apparently to improve infrastructure.
Saying that my speed probably averages 15mbps whilst I'm home which is still usable.
6 Feb 171#516
No kidding! I've had high utilisation in my area for the past 12 months - 50Mbs in the day time, which drops to sub 1Mbs in the evening. Absolutely ridiculous, they are milking their customers and hoping that people don't complain.
What gets me is that Virgin don't even give you compensation back when they know there's an issue - you have to call them up on a month by month basis to get a credit applied. Looking to leave them, but all the big players appear to be rubbish. The government needs to sort out this sort of nonsense and put in fines for big companies like this taking advantage for people.
6 Feb 171#515
Virgin don't hide the fact that they throttle upload speeds if you upload more than your "quota" at peak times.
I believe you need to be on the Vivid 200 gamer tariff to escape traffic management.
6 Feb 17#514
Just a word of warning to people, I left Sky a few years ago after being with them for about 13 years and went with Virgin Media because it was such a good deal to refuse. At first we thought it was great and pleased with what we got for our money, but it became really annoying. I was with Virgin Media for 2 months before I left, after 2 months they put my great deal up £5 a month which gave me the window I needed because Virgin media was rubbish for us.
I think it was something like 100mb broadband speed but every time I went to watch a film on Netlfix or Amazon (think it was Lovefilm at the time) it would start buffering and that never happened to me on Sky with normal 3mb broadband. We had to a have a new phone socket put in, even though we had phone sockets all around the house, which meant we only had one socket by the front door, the others were dead, Virgin couldn't or wouldn't connect up to the other sockets for us so we had to buy a new multi phone system. The Tivo box was annoying and the second V Box couldn't record, just play and the listing was like something from 1985, very basic.
We left and went back to Sky for TV, but, went with BT for Phone/Broadband, big mistake, BT's Broadband did exactly the same as Virgin's, buffering all the time, dropping connection, it was terrible. Again, BT put the price up after a few months, so, we left and went back to Sky for everything, since then, no problems at all, everything has been fantastic and when our price gets too high, I ring up Sky and have a moan and they reduce it.
We choose to have Sky TV, we aren't forced, it is our luxury, but, there is no way on earth we would pay the asking price because our bills would be around £140 a month if we did and no TV is worth that in this day and age.
6 Feb 17#513
What about 15 a month 12 month contract 50 mb no line rental virgin media
6 Feb 17#512
Imho......i don't think anyone is classed as great. No matter where you go, it's never perfect. I just go with someone and if they mess me about, i move on.
5 Feb 17#511
Virgin throttle the upload speed. They tell you they don't throttle any more, download they dont, upload is throttled badly after 3 hours. This may not be a problem for the average user but for myself upload throttling is a no no.
5 Feb 17#510
Sorry if this has already been asked - if I want to take this as an opportunity to move supplier do I have to call Sky and say i'm leaving or can I just crack on with a switch and let the process take care of my notification to cancel?
Thanks in advance.
5 Feb 17#509
Getting BB installed next monday,
Bill looks ok to me :stuck_out_tongue:
5 Feb 17#508
I feel u could have got more off it they cave in easily and don't want to loose ur custom
5 Feb 17#507
Ive just got my sky fibre unlimited 18months contract for £11:01 per month
And my line rental down to £10 per month,for 18 months was really happy with that deal,only after asking to cancel my whole package.
5 Feb 17#506
Best offer i've got is £8.99 from sky for unlimited fibre. I said i'd think about it. Anyone been offered something better. If i put my 14 day notice in can i change my mind before it happens?
5 Feb 17#505
I have the below terms on my TV / Broadband / Line rental package / deal of which points out my TV Package is separate from my Broadband / Line rental / SKY Talk.
Subject to status. Upfront payment may be required. General: Prices may go up during your contract. Non-standard set-up may cost extra. Connect to TV using HDMI cable. Prices may vary if you live in a flat. You must get any consents required (e.g. landlord's). Prices for Direct Debit payments only. Continuous debit/credit card mandate costs 30p pm. UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man residential customers only. Further terms apply. Correct at 10 October 2016.
Might be worth checking your terms to see what SKY customer service agents are telling you are true re your terms on your accounts when you phone / chat / e-mail.
5 Feb 17#504
How is everyone going with cancellation of Sly telecom stuff ?
Anyone needing help ? Rather than myself reading back pages & pages :laughing:
5 Feb 17#503
1/ because you have the right to switch if you so choose, don't just sit back and end up paying more
2/if you take topcashback and quidco you end up with more cash in your pocket rather than isp companys, hence price hikes works in your favour because u have a choice to shop around again and get cashback
5 Feb 17#502
Just had live chat sky advisor confirm for second time no price increase for me until end of 12 months contract!
"Okay I can see that you have sky broadband unlimited and sky pay as you talk, it's showing you won't be impacted by the price change :smiley:
" Because the offers you have mean you only pay a set price, so you won't be charged for the change. You just have a couple of call charges added onto the bill which is why it might seem like you're paying the price change
"you have sky broadband unlimited. Your offer for your broadband is free broadband unlimited for 12 months so you don't pay for that and your line rental offer is line rental at £15 for 12 months, so we're unable to change the price you pay until these offers have finished
"you'll pay £15 (not including call charges), until 19/12/17, and form 19/12/17 onwards you'll pay £28.99 per month :smiley:
Been with Sky for 7 years. Hands down the best customer service I've ever had to deal with. Yes price rises do suck but they have so much wiggle room for offers that it's never bothered me. MY Fiber has gone out maybe twice in over a year and that lasted no more than 20 mins. Very stable 38mb down all day and all night. Just give them a call. If that doesn't work then use online chat. Do not go to BT. They are the worst.
5 Feb 17#499
After years of abject failure geezer bird Dido Harding has finally been pushed out of the door at Talk Talk.
So though it won't happen instantly one would assume the quality of their all round service will improve over ther coming months, well it surely can't get any worse can it :smirk:
5 Feb 17#498
Virgin media broadband for £15? How did you get that?
5 Feb 17#497
I have cancelled mine with no termination charges and joined Virgin Media 50MB for £15 per month
4 Feb 17#496
Can confirm, Sky customer service has at least not been as completely terrible as BT's in my experience!
We cancelled sky ages ago. On virgin media now and its great, probably the fastest internet provider
4 Feb 17#493
Don't see why people are complaining about the price hike. ALL service providers do this. I changed from Virgin (100mb + phone) to SKY last year. Yes I lost quite a bit of my net speed however the overall service has been much better. I was constantly losing connection with virgin and calling them was a waste of time to be told their is no problems in the areas spend 20 minutes doing 'checks' to be told then it must be a problem in the area as my line was fine. 2 of my neighbors at the time had the exact same issues and my dad (half a mile away) was also having nothing but issues with his whole package (TV/NET/Phone). The day I tried to call virgin to cancel my phone line wasnt even working due to issues they were having.
They were due to increase prices literally just after I left I believe it was and they had already increased prices earlier in the year also. From what I hear they are due to rise them again this year ... So yeah switching just due to a price hike will end up biting you in the booty and you'll end up in the exact same situation
4 Feb 17#492
Definitely worth talking to Sky retentions - called them earlier and complained about the price rise which would see my broadband/phone bill go up to £43/month. I asked them to match PlusNet Fibre BB at £27.50/month all in (including evening/weekend call package) and managed to get discounts on broadband, line rental and the call package to bring the total to £27/month with a nominal fee for a Sky Q router upgrade.
Overall I'm happy - cost slightly more than PlusNet over the course of 1 year but for less than £1/month it's not worth the hassle of moving.
4 Feb 17#491
I've had the email about the price increases (line rental and B/B) but it doesn't kick in until May when my deal finishes.
This is the final discounted bill for April
1 Apr - 30 Apr (a month)
1571 - Voicemail £1.25
Sky Talk Anytime Extra £8.00
Sky Broadband Unlimited - including discounts FREE
Sky Talk Line Rental - including discounts £7.40
Additional charges
Sky+ Subscription£10.00
And the May increase.
01 May£48.24
Your actual bill for this month will be available on 17 April
1 May - 31 May (a month)
1571 - Voicemail £1.25
Sky Talk Anytime Extra £8.00
Sky Broadband Unlimited £10.00
Sky Talk Line Rental £18.99
Additional charges
Sky+ Subscription£10.00
Sky + will get binned and if no deal can be done it will be bye bye Sky even though tne B/b has been
Pretty good with no major issues in over 3 years (dodgy router that Sky replaced)
4 Feb 17#490
Are you sure that your Internet problems are down to Sky and not BT Openreach? If the latter changing to a different ISP will make now difference unless you are in a Virgin media area.
4 Feb 172#489
According to Ofcom, the worst performing ISP for customer service was BT, the sebdond worst was Plusnet (oened by BT), the third worst was EE (you gested it owned by BT). The best was Sky. Your choice at the end of the day.
4 Feb 17#488
Yeah, right! Will need to see proof of that happening!
4 Feb 17#487
I haven't had an email or letter & it is showing the price increase already.
No price increase mentioned for you so far, which is a good sign - so most likely no price increases this time as you are a very new customer. But prices could increase after April, so keep a look out.
My total increases by £1.59 (for landline rental only) from March & subsequent bills.
4 Feb 17#486
Here's my billing information up to April, no information regarding billing increase! Or will sky add it later if they email notification of increase?
19 Feb - 18 Mar (28 days)
Sky Talk Line Rental - including discounts £15.00
Sky Broadband Unlimited - including discounts FREE
19 March£15.00
Your actual bill for this month will be available on 05 March
19 Mar - 18 Apr (a month)
Sky Broadband Unlimited - including discounts FREE
Sky Talk Line Rental - including discounts £15.00
19 April£15.00
Your actual bill for this month will be available on 05 April
19 Apr - 18 May (a month)
Sky Broadband Unlimited - including discounts FREE
Sky Talk Line Rental - including discounts £15.00
4 Feb 171#485
Just had a letter from BT. They are also putting their prices of broadband up so I may have to get a modem and go back to dial up.
4 Feb 17#484
No offers available for Sky Broadband only customers, at least for me when I asked today. Guess it's time to move to Plusnet/BT and take advantage of the offers when they come about.
4 Feb 171#483
How much is the price increase? I just got an email saying its £1.59 is this the same for everybody or is this half the price as the deal I got was half price line rental?
4 Feb 17#482
At the moment i receive my broadband for free ( negotiated last year ) but sky won't budge on the line rental price, I was looking at fibre but all the offers there giving me include my tv in the 18 month contract and im not putting my tv in contract ( 67% off and free cinema )
4 Feb 17#481
Could be one or the other or both, & should arrive by 25th Feb.
Changes/increases will become effective from 1st March (so your March bill).
You can easily view future subscription costs (up to May2017, which will show increases if any in the total payable) at:
You'll have 30 days from receipt of notification to re-negotiate your contract or cancel & leave for another ISP without penalty / early exit fees.
4 Feb 17#480
Please can someone on here tell me if they have received notification of increase billing officially from sky either by letter or email? Also what date is the increase to start from? As I've only been with sky about 6 week's , haven't had any notification from sky! When it was reported unofficially last month on here that someone had noticed in the small print in a sky newspaper ad sky had a date for increase, on sky live chat a few days later at first was informed yes I would have to pay increase then when I copied/pasted my contract details they then said no I will not have to pay an increase! I asked several times and was informed no increase for the 12 months of my contract which is free BB and discounted line rental £15pm x 12 months.
4 Feb 17#479
Just negotiated a 24 month contract with TalkTalk for 38mb unlimited broadband, Unlimited calls anytime of day (limited to 1 hour per call before re-dialing) and free calls from the land line to any UK mobile (1 hour limit again).......£30 all in.
Note this does include a TV box but NO Sky channels..These can be added on at extra cost.
I am also an existing customer so shouldn't be an issue for new customers except for the connection fee. Normal Unlimited package is just over £50 per month with a few Sky channels.
4 Feb 17#478
On live chat just now I was offered £12.50 Fibre Unlimited and £18.99 line rental.
Think I'll go with the offer of Fibre Max unlimited (80mb) and line rental for £36.49 combined with £50 credit. (12 month contract (not tied to TV deal which I have 50% ongoing)).
4 Feb 17#477
im in exactly the same position - im only looking for an unlimited fibre broadband deal. I was only offered 28 something a month from sky.
im currently looking at ee however it seems you need to pay 18 months line rental in month 1 to get the price quoted by johnamackenzie and topcashback are seemingly only offering £50 cashback on fibre and calls rather than 125 which is for "broadband and calls" - has anyone actually ordered the ee package and can confirm which cashback tracked?
id be interested to know which package you went for johnamackenzie?
4 Feb 17#476
I am current with Sky Fibre unlimited 38mb. My contract expires in April anyway so i am thinking of going to Virgin as i only use BB.
Is there anyway to check how virgin service is in the area and if its congested or not?
4 Feb 171#475
Ring them up and tell them because of increase you like to move to another provider t&c 11(f) states...If you want to end this contract by switching to another provider (whether during your minimum term or after it) the amount of notice you need to give us will depend on which network your services are currently being provided on and on what you to do with your broadband service.
11 (a) basically this say when your new provider contacts them then your contract ends...If they don't contact them it carries on....
So that way you ring them up give them a chance to sort reduced payment hopefully or they credit the amount of increase to your account .....If they don't play ball let them know you will be changing provider...I will be canceling the service due to increase in my subscription and await for new provider to contact you....that way you covered....hope that helps.
4 Feb 17#474
One doubt, I started with Sky several months ago and I've got line rental + basic broadband (free for now) with them.
If I decide to move to another provider, should I call Sky first? or should I just contact the other provider?
Asking because in the past I think I called my current provider when I was going to move and rather than doing a transfer of the service, they closed my account completely and then the new provider had to reconnect the whole thing, rather than just transferring the service...
But as I'm still inside of the contract now, not sure if I'll have to let them know before moving, or I could just move without telling them anything specific?
4 Feb 17#473
I think I did but I was informed on the live chat over month ago if I do have to pay increase that I will have received notification letter about increase in January! So has anyone else recieved letters yet, what date is the increase set for?
4 Feb 17#472
If you signed up before 11th December then you will get a letter.
4 Feb 17#471
Whats the do not share referrals about
3 Feb 17#470
I cant pm anybody but would love to have this virgin deal. please message me if you can thanks karl
3 Feb 171#469
Been with TalkTalk for a while now after moving from Sky, customer service much better than it used to be and the broadband quality great. I know there's haters but they're worth a try imho.
3 Feb 17#468
I originally did the same but then moved to an area where Virgin was the only real internet option. Moved again and decided to go for the Sky deal as I needed to get a phone line and sat dish installed anyway.
I took out the offer over the phone and there was no mention of a link and nothing about it in any emails I received. It's 2 separate contracts which are pretty standard and no specific mention of one offer being dependent on receiving another product.
I argued with them and managed to get everything cancelled including TV with no early termination fees.
Virgin being installed on the 15th, £26pm for 100MB BB, Phone and most basic TV.
Will never be using Sky again.
3 Feb 17#467
I'm trying to get an improved broadband and landline deal for my Mum. Currently paying £32 per month for 50mb broadband and line rental with unlimited calls (phone is rarely used however) on Virgin Media. Called and made no offers to keep a customer of 10 years so put in 30 day cancellation. Was looking to switch to Talk Talk but have been put off by negative reviews. Might try plusnet, hoping to get the price down to around £25. Does anyone have any recommendations for a good value broadband and line rental only deal?
3 Feb 17#466
I've never run into this issue but it seems to have caught a few out. I have everything with sky but have always arranged separate deals with TV and BB and one did not affecte the other when I decided to play hard ball. When I cancelled my sky TV for a while, my Free Phone line and 1/2 fiber kept running. If there is nothing in your offer that states the deals are linked I think you could push them with a threat to the ombudsman not to play that card?
Some deals clearly state the link between the two e.g standard reduction on BB if you take out sky TV. They use to plaster that everywhere.
3 Feb 171#465
Been there done that, yeah it's cheap but as I couldn't watch SD channels anymore on a 55" screen the PQ was dreadful.
Sky blocked the HD channels which is as far as I know still hasn't been hacked, I'm sure the SD channels will follow soon enough, if you can live with it though it's cheap
3 Feb 17#464
Just called sky back after thinking about the offer they gave me - £30 for fibre unlimited & line rental for 18mths. Was planning to cancel and go with plusnet - same deal but only £25.11 after cashback and a new router for free. The adviser stated that they couldn't got any lower than the first offer, but she did point out something that the first person didn't. I am in contract until July for Boxsets bundle (free) Broadband (£10) and Line rental (£17.40) and taking out a new contract for fibre and line rental or in-fact cancelling, will mean I break the tv deal and have to pay full price for that (£38). A new contract of 18 months would mean a year at £38 since the free deal I got ends in July and cancelling would mean 6 months of paying full price for it, which is more than my whole bill right now. So it appears I am completely trapped and stuck with my terrible broadband speeds until July and wanted to state this incase anyone else has a discount on their TV package and doesn't realise they will be locked into paying full price for it after their initial deal runs out within the new contract term.
3 Feb 171#463
Sorry if already asked!
Im in month two of a 12month BB only contract, Free BB 12month line rental discounted to £15pm for 12months. i have not been sent any notification emails to advise me of any increase.
Last month i was on sky live chat for approx an hour at first i was informed that my contract would increase, but after explaining my type of contract they eventually agreed that there would not be any increase during my 12month contract! so unless someone on here can tell me different and are on the same contract, please do update me? thanks
Heres my upcoming payments plus payments up until April! no sign of any price increases for me!!!
19 Feb - 18 Mar (28 days)
Sky Talk Line Rental - including discounts £15.00
Sky Broadband Unlimited - including discounts FREE
19 March£15.00
19 April£15.00
3 Feb 17#462
Erm I stated from personal experience Sky Customer Services have given me TV package deals on acount of my phone/net contract and vice versa whilst you stated.....
"Def not right! TV package is separate from broadband / Line rental.
They are lying to you!"
So that makes you wrong, it's not difficult for anyone to come to that conclusion :smirk:
3 Feb 17#461
You said I was wrong. So I said prove that I'm wrong.
3 Feb 17#460
Prove what exactly, prove I got the full TV package at only a pony a month with no contract at the minute? I even have pals ask me to ring up various firms for them pretending to be them because I'm so good at bratting out and getting results.
I'll give you that different depts and different members of staff will give you different offers, hence if you get some stroppy bint on PMS at Livingston you just hang up call back and hope you get a nice Mackem geezer at Newcastle instead. In my experience when on the phone to Newcastle make sure the CS agent is a Mackem because the jaw-dee ones are nearly always jumped up suffering from these pathetic delusions of grandeur :smirk: just like their muggy football club.
I'm out of contract on phone and net so am paying full whack on them at the minute but that's because we're in the process of moving home. So we'll do the home move free of charge and then play 'treat me nicely Rupert and I'll stay' game once we're in, settled and not so preoccupied with the beginning of a new life 150 miles up the country.
I'll drop you a line and let you know exactly how I got on once I've done it if you wish? :wink:
3 Feb 17#459
Someone just called me back (she was first lady who couldn't get into my account so need to get someone to unlock it, but got call terminated) and gave me Sky Q Hub (discounted by 99.00), lol
3 Feb 17#458
Ah, thanks. They just offered me it for £1.01 more than I'm paying just now, but no new router...not sure now.
3 Feb 17#457
Just rang them, I'm 5 months in on £22 a month for broadband and phone. Told them I'm leaving for BT Fibre, best they could do for fibre upgrade was £31 a month and £10 install fee, but with an 18 month contract.
Told them thanks, but no thanks, and he wished me luck with BT :laughing:
3 Feb 17#456
Had a call earlier and best I could get as below on 12 month contract (although received no email yet to say its a new contract):
Sky Fibre Unlimited £20.00 (won't budge on that)
Sky Talk Anytime Extra £8.00
Sky Talk Line Rental FREE
I think she gave me the discount as I am having an ongoing intermittent noise during calls. 6x BT engineers visited my property and basically did nothing other than usual line test, which shows everything ok. So emailed them on Wed, demanded that it is escalated (so when I called them now, they were saying that only certain department can get into my account, lol), got a dedicated senior technical person assigned to the case, who arranged another BT engineer today, spoke to him directly when he was onsite (although initially BT guy refused to talk to them so they called his seniors, lol), who at least did something - will see what happens (not blaming sky at all).
3 Feb 17#455
I am already with them on this same service so no install fees.
3 Feb 171#454
My current hub2 is a black one. No separate white BT modem. Your lose 4 100 Mbps ports and gain 1 Gbps port so you may need a gigabit switch.
You also have the same 2.4GHz wireless N plus wireless AC 5GHz which should be faster and have further range. Old devices like iPhone 4 will only use the slower 2.4 GHz but iPhone 5 upwards should take advantage of faster wifi.
3 Feb 17#453
I have a black router? (Not very techy)
Is your new router much better than the one u have now? Ie what du gain?
3 Feb 17#452
3 Feb 17#451
Just about to call them, can I ask if they charged you the £50 installation fee and the £10 one off payment? Cheers
3 Feb 17#450
Prove it. Go waste your time & prove it for me & everyone else. SKY change the rules / deals to please themselves for each person ( existing / new customer ) & each time you phone up depending on which employee / dept you get. IMHO. I can change my Broadband / Line rental deal or even cancel it & it will not affect my TV package deal. Been like that for years.
3 Feb 17#449
Just rung Sky and got 38mbps and line rental plus a hub3 (Q) upgrade. Was paying £29 now paying £20 for 12 months.
No need to move, paying less and free gigabit router :smiley:
Happy days.
3 Feb 17#448
I had this letter come through a few days ago and it stated I could leave if I wanted. After speaking with them on quick chat and asking to leave they offered to reduce my sky sports by £3 to counter the increase. On top of getting 75% my tv package it seemed like a fair deal to me.
3 Feb 17#447
No aerial, how's that work when there's storms that knock the satellite signal out? I know it's rare but it does happen and when it has I've flicked over to terrestrial and it's still been working whilst Sky hasn't.
Sorry but you're wrong when I have negotiated new deals in the past they have tried to offer me free internet and line rental to take a full priced telly package and I refused, just cancelled and waited for the 50% off any TV sub up to a year letter to come through the door a month or so later.
Then by being a telly customer it seems to strengthen your hand a bit when negotiating a new phone/net but that is not a given.
I was with free Sky broadband years ago running off BT line rental, then O2 started to always give me free broadband with my annual mobile upgrades and top line rental deals too because I had that mobile contract with them.
Of course since then Sky bought O2 home phone/net and it's limited the options, but renewing phone n net separately from telly has always been taken in to consideration by the retention people. Two years ago I got free unlimited broadband and free line rental by running my mouth off because I was on full TV package which was half price and no contract :wink:
3 Feb 17#446
Zen is £40 a month just for Internet....? (Fibre)
3 Feb 17#445
I only read the BBC internet website regularly (daily for many years now) so can only really comment on that and I have to say IMO it definately has a left wing bias & has got worse over the years - they throw in a sprinkling of more right wing biased articles now & again so they can pretend they are neutral but they arent
Ive seen articles saying it tends to support the government of the day - I can see that to a certain degree but IMO the articles on the BBC website tend to slip back into leftie mode much of the time
I only read it now out of habit - dont know why TBH because the bias really **** me off - if Im feeling particualrly angry I just go look at the daily mail website for a while to get the other side of the coin
3 Feb 17#444
Very good summary thanks for takling the time to put together.
I initially was going to go with plusnet for their 'great customer service' but it appears its no longer the case.
However im now looking at EE, especially as they dont have any traffic management.
3 Feb 17#443
I'm not trying to brag just trying to see what others have been offered. I expect most people are getting something similar if they have haggled a bit.
Might I ask how you managed to get line rental so cheap ?
3 Feb 17#442
This is just one of the reasons why I only have TV services from them as having everything with them can go against you espcially with discounts when you want to cancel something.
3 Feb 171#441
I agree. I too have Kodi - with add-ons - but its a pain in the butt searching to find what you want and quality is unreliable
3 Feb 17#440
Why can't this be right?
If you have all services through them then clearly one/two will subsidise the other, if you pull out of paying for those other services there's no form of subsidy for the one you want to continue with, hardly rocket science is it?
I left school at 15 and have never been involved in commerce or financing yet it makes total business sense to me, I would actually spin it round the other way and ask you how can it not be right?
3 Feb 17#439
I don't get the whole kodi add-on lovefest. It's nowhere near as good as the functionality sky (or other options) provide.
3 Feb 17#438
If you have a trusty kodi box - I can't believe you are paying over £100 per month to Sky!!! ;-)
3 Feb 17#437
Sky prices are getting ridiculous. I have the full sky TV/Fibre/phone package (except movies) and my last bill was £133.00. I've been considering cancelling for a while, but I can't get Virgin so my other option is BT, or I could just go Freesat and use Amazon Video and my Trusty Kodi box for movies and sport, I could potentially save the best part of £100/month, which is incredible.
3 Feb 17#436
They said to me "The price increase is subject to the terms and conditions which is done to all Sky customers". What should I do?
3 Feb 17#435
You can lose TV discount with losing comms. Some are specifically linked to comms and state "35% off DTV when retaining a Sky line rental" does nobody read their contracts? As for live chat, Sky has live chat centres in Scotland and Stockport. You only get through to outsource centres when calling outside of the 8am to 8pm opening hours.
3 Feb 171#434
Just called Skys retentions team and said I wanted to discuss my account with the imminent price increases. They offered me a £12.50 discount on my TV (just the original bundle) which would bring the cost of TV (just the original bundle), Line rental and Broadband to £27.99 per month - it would have been going up to £34.99 for the same package had I not called, so a saving of £7 per month (or £84) a year. Its a good time to call to renegotiate your contract if you don't actually want to leave. We don't get Virgin here and have no aerial so can't move to Talk Talk without spending around £85 on an aerial. Quite happy with £27.99 per month for the lot. Just hate having to call them every year to negotiate a new deal. Wish they'd just charge a fair price and that's that :-(
3 Feb 17#433
Thank you the best deal from virgin..sorted :smiley:
3 Feb 17#432
thank you for this our broadband with should be 10mbs but lucky to get 1.4mbs and sky wont even fix it and if we went with fibre the company that does it so far is sky
3 Feb 171#431
Def not right! TV package is separate from broadband / Line rental.
They are lying to you!
I have my TV package of Family / Cinema / Sports / Multi-screen till May 2022 not on contract & broadband / line rental till July. Both separate offers. Tv package £40 a month & Broadband / Line rental £17.40 month till change of line rental costs 01/03/2017 £18.99, Then I will try for new deal on Broadband / line rental as have tried 4 times now to re-negotiate it but they refuse to budge. So pushed for a new dish with all the bits Etc & also new cables to 2 boxes & got them all done for free today.
3 Feb 17#430
Sky are saying that if I cancel Broadband & Line Rental then my TV package loses discount. This can't be right, right?
Anyone else had similar problems?
3 Feb 17#429
True, i feel for you, i would never consider talk talk
3 Feb 17#428
I think you're still better off than when I switched to talktalk - worst decision of my life!
3 Feb 17#427
Hang on, you 'spoke' to Sky over 'live chat' as in a web chat and you didn't use a telephone to voice call them to actually speak to a human being from the British based retentions team?
Well I'm sorry if I've got the wrong end of the stick but if that's what you actually did then what you expect?
If you can't pipe up at someone who understands what you're piping up about in the native tongue you're piping up in you're done for, on your way to hell in Satan's handcart, that way madness lies.
Annual verbal brat outs at some poor CS agent, usually in Scotland, has never ever failed year after year since the 1990.s :wink:
3 Feb 17#426
Simply not true! Sky don't throttle on fibre , best isp I've ever been with bit I left cause their tv service just takes the **** was costing me £90 for the basics and that was with a 33% discount for 4 years greedy ****
3 Feb 17#425
How is that a deal? If you have a contract it's because you signed up to one!
3 Feb 172#424
For people evaluating whether to leave or not, i.e. obtain a cheaper deal elsewhere I have been looking at Fibre Only deals. I am less than halfway through a Sky Only basic broadband contract (no Fibre) my deal is I am only paying line rental. I am moving next month to a new location where I can get Fibre so been trawling the web for the best deals.
I spoke to Sky over live chat, looks to be an Indian call centre operation, no real insight into my predicament, a chatbot would have "performed" much the same. I wanted to see what price they would offer me Fibre at in my new location, I was told because I am still residing at a location that is unable to receive Fibre I would have to wait until I moved to my new location before they could offer me any deal. I told him I only had 30 days to cancel and would not have arrived to my new location before then, so I would need to know now or would almost certainly leave. Anyway, his flowchart couldn't cope with this kind of off the wall behaviour, I gave up on the live chat, will probably call them directly before committing to leaving.
My summary conclusion, there are better deals anyway than probably what Sky would offer me (might be different if you have a healthy amount of other services with them:
I will say, I am looking only at the basic fibre services (usually 38Mbps except BT Infinity which is 52Mbps) Also, where possible I have opted to pay line rental saver and pay upfront to reduce the montly line rental cost. Some of these have weekend calls etc, I'm ignoring this as I have no use for a landline these days.
Vodafone: appealing price £26 p/m for 38Mbps or £23/pm for existing customers but modem is locked down, people are having trouble connecting basic DNLA devices for audio streaming etc, can't swap out for your own chosen modem, ISP shows as Daisy (same used by SSE with all the throttling/slowdown issues) I am using a NAS, audio streamer, android box etc, so this was a deal breaker for me. Asked for an engineer fee of £60 and a connection fee of £49. There are better deals.
TalkTalk: can be as cheap as £22 per month for 38Mbps after various discounts but you only have to read the TalkTalk customer feedback on their service. Yes, every provider has its critics but TalkTalk is a special kind of case. I decided it wasn't worth the potential hassle, you may feel it is, caveat emptor. They give you (randomly) a SIM card with 500MB of mobile data, 200min calls, texts to use per month as well with this deal.
£24.20 pcm after Quidco for 38Mbps service, 18 month contract, mixed customer service reviews, still not approaching TalkTalk kind of horrors but enough to cast some doubt. They also limit upload speed to 2Mb/s which is easy to miss, pitifully low in the year 2017 and out of line with all the other offers listed here. If you do a lot of uploading definitely something to consider, I don't so it doesn't really matter to me. They have traffic shaping but not in the traditional sense, more a prioritisation of your own data consumption which actually makes sense.
EE 38Mbps, I worked this out to be £22.41 pcm and this is the deal I am personally leaning towards, again mixed customer service reviews but no worse than Plusnet, 18 month contract, the router they give you is probably the nicest out of all these deals (only has 1x gigabit ethernet port though) If you have an EE mobile phone deal they give you a 5GB data boost too. The £125 Quidco/TopCashback is what is making this deal worthwhile IMO.
Finally, BT Infinity. BT increased their prices recently and even with the £70 cashback from Quidco plus £125 Mastercard deal it's a little bit on the pricey side (with a couple more hoops to jump through to get the calculated pcm rate) The main advantage is BT are offering 52Mbps compared to 32Mbps, a 55% speed increase (in theory) I work it out as £28.73 after all discounts, this is for a 12 month contract though so you are tied in for a shorter period of time. You also get 100GB cloud storage and use of the BT Fon and BT Hotspots nationwide (not bad) When they had the sale in Jan when it was £26.99 versus now £39.99 then I would probably have leaned towards BT, now not so sure.
I can't receive Virgin in my area otherwise I would be looking closely at this. Also NowTV I didn't look to closely as it's pricey at £30pcm plus the tv aspect doesn't interest me too much but maybe someone else it might.
Interested in others' comments!
2 Feb 171#423
I use TT fibre. It's good stable 38 all day and night. £25/month which includes line rental.
2 Feb 171#422
I wouldn't brag about that. I'm getting unlimited fibre for £10 and line rental for £10 from Sky.
2 Feb 17#421
They are right, you signed a contract that allows price increases mid contract.
If they decide to increase the prices, which they have, you can decide if you would like to stay or go, if you choose to leave, there should be no fees to leave. Simple..
2 Feb 17#420
What talktalk package do you have? :smiley:
2 Feb 171#419
Is talktalk broadband any good? Thinking about switching to fibre up to 38mb
2 Feb 17#418
My contract expires in march. I've currently got line rental £17.40/month and free fibre with sky.
I haven't received any letter from sky yet. Anyone know any good deals? Mse haven't got any :disappointed:
2 Feb 17#417
Freesat all the way for me mate, but if you think £50 a month for to watch some overpayed / overrated footballers is good value, then good luck.
I'm with Talk Talk - and the service I get is exactly the same as BT, only costs a lot less.
2 Feb 17#416
Good information
Although I've never paid full price yet for broadband from Sky, had them 4 years and i've only ever paid £17 a month, and that's for line rental and broadband, was unlimited until last year when I upgraded to fibre unlimited.
Shame no other provider can match that price or I would swap
2 Feb 17#415
The current price for broadband is not less than £20 pm including line for basic service so not sure if it there will be any deals coming out in the middle of the month
2 Feb 17#414
Didn't get a letter but figured I'd use this to chance my hand at another Free phone line deal which I've had for the last 2 years. After an hour + of pushing the best I could could do was 1/2 phone line and £7,50 off fiber which brings the total down to £21.99. I've had very good service from sky + I have 60% off TV for 5 years so no real desire to leave.
If someone can get much better then please post as I have 14 days cancel.
2 Feb 171#413
Don't. SKY Q is not worth the hype. Only good thing is it can record 4 shows, at a price. Rubbish menus and really glitchy esp with the multiroom box; needs resetting everyday
2 Feb 171#412
Plusnet Unlimited Fibre Extra 65-80 mb, and should be all set up in 10 days.
And you get £44.40 with TopCashBack
2 Feb 17#411
You really think that old chestnut the Trots come out with stacks up when you have snowflake multi millionaire liberal fascist hypocrites like Lineker always piping up about everything from Brexit to Trump to England fans openly supporting the Unionist majority across the water?
The only prominent right winger who was on a regular gig at dear old auntie got sacked for upping his producer last year.
If the the 'beeb' was even slightly middle of the road, never mind right of centre the reds would call it the British Fox, fact
2 Feb 17#410
Letter today clearly says within 30 days if within contract. but am torn got everything (Line, BB, TV, Movies) all in for £45 but the BB speed sucks and since its a flat Virgin a few months back were not sure if I was connected
2 Feb 17#409
Cheers OP. Not had a letter yet. But this looks like great news for me. Moved house in August, with no cable and no fibre. Took out Sky phone and broadband, gutted to move away from cable after 15 years. Getting a rubbish 7mb down and 0.25mb up.
Then, they only go and Fibre up the street in September! Sky wanted an arm and a leg along with an 18mth contract to upgrade.
Let's see what they say now, otherwise BT fibre here we come.
2 Feb 17#408
I spoke to someone on chat yesterday saying i wasnt happy with the price rise and how do i go about switching without early termination charges. I don't like the word cancel because doesnt that mean you can be without a line / internet access in between providers.
Anyway she said she'd put a note on my account and i can switch at anytime just like a normal switch and i wont be charged.
Now all i've got to do is go through all the deals with bt cards / amazon vouchers / cashback and work out which is the best.
They got me, same as you + Sky Q Boxsets bundle for £37.40
Just used the form, then discussed my needs/wants over email and then finalised everything over the phone.
He said to email them close to my end of my contract and they'd dee what deal they could do for me.
It's worth a shot, nothing to lose.
2 Feb 17#406
It's funny, cos the right wingers say the BBC is leftist, the leftists say the BBC is right wing. Who's right?
2 Feb 17#405
I started mine around September/October.
Just tell them you're calling about cancelling because of a letter you got. I posted a picture of the relevant part of the letter in an earlier comment.
2 Feb 171#404
You are on the same deal as mine but with the Talk extra. So yes no reason to move :smiley:
2 Feb 17#403
They are talking rubbish, yes you can cancel for free.
2 Feb 17#402
Superb. Thanks for the info.
2 Feb 17#401
i pay £17.40 for bb and line rental, just rang to cancel and they said bcos im in a contract which started in sept as a new customer it would cost me £51 to leave, they will not let me leave for free because when i signed up it was stated in contract that there will be price rises
2 Feb 17#400
Just checked my account
Paying £28.00 P/M
Fibre Unlimited £10.00 - Line Rental £10.00 - Sky Talk Anytime Extra £8.00
Line rental going up in April to £11.59
See no reason to change
2 Feb 17#399
My Sky BB was always rubbish, I was talking about Sky TV. :smile:
The thread originally was talking about Sky TV and losing Discovery channels etc, it seems to have been edited since to just be talking about Broadband, of which I have no opinion as it was slow and crap when I had it, but to be fair the customer service team were good about it and sending out new routers etc.
2 Feb 17#398
That's entirely subjective, whether or not it is extortionate. I personally pay about £65 a month for phone, BB and Sky TV. Admittedly the BB was always rubbish but I have a BT fibre connection here for work so use that.
But the phone and TV offerings are fine and for me personally £65 a month isn't much for the choice of TV I get. Most things we watch are Sky only, including F1 so there is no other alternative - they could charge more than they do tbh and a lot of people would still pay it.
Discovery channels are staying now also.
As I said, it's a choice, nobody is forced to take Sky - from reading your comments I interpret it as "I want some of the service offerings of this company that I can't get anywhere else but don't want to pay the price" - which is fine, they are not a charity. If you want the service offerings and can afford them then go for it, if not then go somewhere else. :smiley:
I spend quite a lot on the lottery each month as well but get sod all back from that at all!!
2 Feb 17#397
I've got phone, fibre 38 speed inc the line rental for £25/month.
2 Feb 17#396
It was a MSE deal in August i think when i got it :smiley:
2 Feb 17#395
Sorry im not not allowed to refer anyone anymore as HUKD say its not allowed. Enjoy to those who got the deal.
2 Feb 17#394
Currently have free broadband and £7.40 discount on line rental, after last years negotiation with Sky. Tried calling and asked to cancel, all they offered was free broadband until February 2018 (presumably on a new 12 month contract).
Quite happy with Sky, so looks like I'll be staying and paying the extra £1.59 until my contract expires in August.
. I was with TT for 1 year and that's one year of my life I will never get back. From my point of view, I wouldn't return to them even if they were free. Appalling customer services, maybe fine if you never have a problem and need to contact them.
2 Feb 17#393
I'm going to be moving my landline and broadband to talk talk. Does anyone have TT is it good?? Or does anyone know any cheap BB and line deals thanks
2 Feb 17#392
Ah the email has arrived. £1.59 increase. Doubt il leave, but will contact them anyway to argue the toss
2 Feb 17#391
Hi, can you please let us know who you switched to? Thanks :smiley:
2 Feb 171#390
yep, done that as well, joined BT and after 8 months i paid a fee/ fine for leaving early to go back to sky, simply because we can't get Virgin here, but GOD, BT is SO MANURE, NEVER again!!
2 Feb 17#389
Your post intrigued me as when I last checked, they where not as cheap as my existing supplier (plusnet). So I checked again, this time they are the same (bar a few pennies). Except that Sky charge doubles after 18 months?
I pay £19.99 for unlimited 80Mbit broadband, £17.99 for line rental and £7.50 for international calls. That is not an introductory price, that is the price
2 Feb 17#388
What's with the suspensions for the people offering referrals for the 15£ Virgin deal? Is the deal not legit?
2 Feb 17#387
I'm on the £30 a year deal for HD, sports, movies, etc which was posted last year. Rang up to cancel as deal expires in March but got told that this deal had been extended until Sep 2018. Just trying to get through to get this in writing but seems to be very busy at the mo. Anyone got their deal £30 deal extended?
2 Feb 17#386
I have sky line rental, fibre and TV, all half price.
fibre is 38mbps and i get the full 38mbps.
after a year I rang and said i loved the service and they gave it me half price for another year.
just saying...just because it's bad for some of you - doesn't make the service 'crap' just a bad experience.
I had a bad experience with talk talk, doesn't mean they are any better/worse than sky.
2 Feb 17#385
Their pricing structure is extortionate, years ago movies had so many premieres each weekend, now isn't it monthly, and the other movie channels are still showing the same stuff day after day that was on there 10-15 years ago. the only stuff worth watching now is the episode based channels (sky one, atlantic etc.) why pay so much for this alone, when it is mostly available on Sky NowTV for £6.99 a month, so what else are we paying for over and above that, pause and record, woohoo! there are other means of doing this. Sport is a waste of time now so many other channels have the rights to it, (F1 and premiere league etc.) oh and now they say Discovery channels maybe going, yet prices go up, Murdoch obviously needs to fund some other crap he's buying into. Loyalty program is none existent, pricing is not competitive as no real rivals, even now when they are loosing channels/sports deals. This is why I left after 20+ years of constantly haggling with them to get any sort of deals for the same old s**t.
2 Feb 17#384
They both rise on 1st March, call charges rise on 1st April.
2 Feb 17#383
It is staged release, my notice came by email the day after I gave notice, BB & Line going up 1st March, call charges going up 1st April.
2 Feb 17#382
If you transfer to another Fibre provider whilst Sky is LIVE it should be a straight swap by BT Openreach engineer, you run no risk, get a Fibre order in asap and if the date conflicts with Sky termination date call Sky and tell them your cancellation still stands but you will be having 'insert company name here' take over on the 'date' so no disconnection is needed on the cancellation order due to line transfer.
2 Feb 17#381
£92! Can you get Virgin ?
2 Feb 172#380
After over 20 years with them I cancelled Sky this morning as they would not give a good deal on Sky Fibre Max Broadband and Phone.
All he did was knock off the £50 set up fee, so come March when the Line Rental and Broadband goes up, the new monthly cost would be nearly £50
Switched to another provider for 18 months at £32.50 per month with just £6.99 postage for the router. Saving around £300 compared to staying with Sky
2 Feb 17#379
Yes, I paid a one off payment online to my Sky account and they will be refunding it to my actual registered debit card for monthly fees (I prefer this & the 30p charge over D/Debit), TCB is confirmed but shows 26 weeks - will see how that holds out lol. I am getting paid £75 to leave as it stands. :smiley:
If the £75 card is issued then you met the requirement, Sky cannot just cancel it.
2 Feb 17#378
Kicking off works, been with Sky for donkey's years be it telly or telly + phone/net and have always had my services as vastly discounted rates.
Trust me never ever take your meds before negotiating a renewal with any retainment team
2 Feb 17#377
I got that letter.. its the line rental that is going up.. good luck finding another deal!
2 Feb 17#376
Thread tidied and member referrals removed, please no further offers of referrals otherwise you will also end up with revoked access to certain facilities on your account as well as a temporary suspension
2 Feb 17#375
I'm currently paying Sky £27 pcm for unlimited/unshaped fibre 40mb and line rental.
Can anyone with a BT presence fibre (i.e. non virgin) beat that ?
2 Feb 17#374
Man I wish these 11 pages weren't filled with people bickering lol.
I pay £21 for 38MB BB, Kids TV skypackage and line rental.
Ive looked into the M TiVo and the kids programmes are crap. Would like to switch but not if the channel list is garbage.
2 Feb 17#373
Hi Seaniboy, did you get the TopCashBack offer and £75 incentive reward card deal? If so, do you know if you still get to keep them if you cancel? Thanks
2 Feb 171#372
Did you miss your meds this morning? Not looking for sympathy. Go and have a cuppa tea and calm yourself down :laughing:
2 Feb 17#371
looks like sky have called our bluff.
2 Feb 17#370
How are you getting fibre and landline for £240 ?
Line alone is going to £18.99 so your getting fibre for £1 ?
2 Feb 17#369
I'm in the same boat, sky didn't offer me amnything to stay. currently on half price fibre and full price line rental, so I have cancelled. Problem is my cabinet is oversubscribed, so if I move supplier I'll run the risk of losing Fibre, has anyone managed to wrangle any sort of retention deal with Sky?
2 Feb 171#368
So when you said you "would never pay for the rubbish TV" you overlooked the fact you are already paying for rubbish TV by definition of the compulsory charge you lay out for the money wasting leftist BBC.
Those of us who subscribe to Sky do so out of choice but outrageously we don't have a choice not to subscribe to the BBC do we :smirk:
2 Feb 17#367
Got the notice in the post yesterday. Am I entitles to cancel only within the 30 days or can be until the change applies? It says for me in April.
2 Feb 17#366
You will get one via email or post. I saw this thread and thought it didn't reply to me couple of days ago. Went home last night and saw the post with sky lol. Now time to call them.
2 Feb 171#365
I did not get notice however called and was able to cancel.
They had no interest in retaining me.
2 Feb 17#364
Any one know if any ongoing deals the retetteam are currently offering or a number for them
2 Feb 17#363
Has everyone had a notice from sky about the price increase, as i have received nothing? My broadband is free, but i do pay line rental.
2 Feb 17#362
Which deal did you get?
2 Feb 17#361
Were you trying to cancel the TV as well? Were they going to let you?
2 Feb 17#360
Hi. We currently pay around £92 for sky tv ( sports, kids and basic, just no movies or box office), Bb ( top speed of 50Mb I think) and phone ( weekend calls and free to 0800 etc numbers).
Bb is soo slow and not a great signal strength from their router and despite paying the top end price for it, we are not getting the service needed. We work from home a lot online so signal strength is the key priority.
Want to switch to another provider. Any recommendations?
1 Feb 17#359
I was the same I left sky for BT. Sorry BT.load of ball
1 Feb 17#358
1 Feb 17#356
They offered me sod all, not even a goodbye. They did let me off the early termination fee and kept the line open for an 'active line takeover'.. They didn't want to match Plusnet's offer. ****!!
Chasloyal to Dusty
1 Feb 17#357
So you didn't give em enough offensive verbal and definitely didn't remind them you're the most important brat who subscribes to their services.....your fault you blew it :smirk: sorry no sympathy from me
1 Feb 17#355
TV is basic free view but with a Tivo box to record 4 channels at the same time. Yes you can add sports to it at regular price no problem. I've pmd you about how they contact you
1 Feb 17#354
Been with TT for 5 years,never had any problems.Line rental just over £15 if prepaid for 18mths,unlimited BB and any time calls to landlines and mobiles for £7.50.One slight thumbs down is their call centre,you have trouble understanding them,and getting your point over to them
31 Jan 1773#25
I'm not sure why people complain so much about Sky!!
I've had Sky for years and am happy with the price, the service and all the updates they do - no other service I pay for has evolved so much over the years and updated itself accordingly (except maybe Sonos!).
Yet every time there is a Sky thread, people start shouting about them and calling them rip-off merchants! They are a business, and you don't HAVE to have Sky, unlike the BBC license which is a waste of cash IMO.
If Sky does what you want and is affordable then stick with it, if not go elsewhere, simple!
muckspreader1 to FocusST
31 Jan 1776#38
Hello is that you Mr Murdoch?
118luke to FocusST
31 Jan 171#43
Interesting point - wonder if we could've refused the license fee when BBC3 was cancelled. As we are receiving less services for the same money.
fonzie2107 to FocusST
31 Jan 171#100
You don't have to have the BBC licence. I don't watch BBC therefore I don't pay for the licence.
If you watch it then you obviously have to pay it.
seaniboy to FocusST
31 Jan 17#116
Thats^ the point, they dont HAVE to have Sky nor HAVE TO ACCEPT its price increase/s.
bojangles to FocusST
31 Jan 17#131
Of course its not a ripoff. We in the UK are totally happy paying around £25 a month more for Sky UK+movies+sports than Germans do with Sky DE or Italians do with Sky IT
Anon to FocusST
31 Jan 17#186
Everyone is welcome to go elsewhere. However, everyone also has a right under the terms of their contract to leave or renegotiate when Sky put their prices up within your contract term. If you have a fantastic deal already and are happy, enjoy your services at the price you are paying.
I think most people are generally happy with the service - they don't like paying more than they have to and therefore are happy to play the cancellation dance with Sky and other providers as the opportunity arises. Sky and others rely on people just accepting the price rises without question, as many customers don't question it and continue to pay full tariff - then you read on here some of the deals that are available and find they are only available if you ask for them. A little bit of time, effort and research and those savings can be put to even better use :smiley:.
Locknloadharry to FocusST
31 Jan 17#248
I totally agree.
I loved Sky, but unfortunately i had to move to Virgin, who to be honest i hate with a passion.
BT has vastly under performed on infrastructure upgrades over the years and this has resulted in the best broadband speed in my area being 6-8g with Sky with a BT line.
In today's world that is very short of the mark.
Virgin offered 200g for less money.
leeparsons to FocusST
1 Feb 17#294
But they are happy to take your money, and provide not much of a service, after the initial 1st year. They have only ever give me one modem. Which they want to charge you for. This is the same for stettop boxes, dishes and cables.
SillyFencer to FocusST
1 Feb 17#306
I'm getting rid of Sky because their programming is terrible. Awful. BBC at least make decent content for their channels. I got rid of Sky broadband as their customer service was awful.
sdm1214 to FocusST
1 Feb 17#327
This person is not happy with their service, hence why the complaint. Just because your SKY broadband works, it doesn't mean that everyone's works in the area that they live in!
CassieToby to FocusST
1 Feb 17#337
Oh dear! Well, just as an example then. The obscene amounts that footballers are paid is down to Sky in particular. They chose their name well ... Sky high charges to the consumer, Sky high pay to anybody appearing on the screen, and Sky high pay to footballers, plastic celebs and golden idols.
Natman1 to FocusST
1 Feb 17#353
I was the same, found sky very reliable and had no problems in the 6 years with them. However had a virgin deal sent through with more than sky offered at half the price, wanted to stay with sky but they could not get anywhere near the price (until that is I had left
1 Feb 17#352
im after decent fiber broadband as im with sky wanna cancel and then transfer to a fiber broadband any good deal please?
1 Feb 17#351
What's the catch for this £15 a month deal? seems too good to be true :confused:
1 Feb 17#350
Does this include line rental as well?
1 Feb 17#349
You will never get this deal because it doesn't exist. £15 with all of the above is impossible from any ISP, let alone Virgin :smiley:
1 Feb 17#348
Negotiated it over chat last november. the year before I was paying just line rental and free BB,and had anytime calls included.but this year I had to pay for the evening and weekend £4 as they wouldn't budge on calls to.
I last years negotiation plan was down to a plusnet deal on here around last oct/nov that was cheap,people on here was saying to mention that and sky gave £10 discount on line.BB was free year before so they just extended that.
1 Feb 171#347
Exactly that. Yep you're right on both
1 Feb 17#346
So something like a 30 days cancellation notice at month 11 otherwise it will jump to the regular price which is probably double or triple the offer price. I say that as I do not know what the exact standard price is.
I assume we can add a larger phone addon (such as anytime calls) for the standard extra charge per month?
1 Feb 17#345
Yes, but you can change the name on the householder to create a new account. I always say my wife has left me so I'm starting a new account. Then swap around the following year.
1 Feb 17#344
Just a year but you can renegotiate at that point.
1 Feb 17#343
Does the £15 per month automatically increase the 12 months. As in it is a special discounted promotion for a year; or it just continues at £15 for as long as you stay?
1 Feb 17#342
Join Facebook group GMGM information and Kodi help. Fill in form.
1 Feb 17#341
Yeah free view tv :P
1 Feb 17#340
I am paying £37.90 (Sky Fibre Unlimited £12.50, Sky Talk Line Rental £17.40, Sky Talk Anytime Extra £8.00) and price will increase to £39.49 now. If I add the account credit they gave me when I renewed my contact in Dec 2016 (they matched Talk-Talk offer although TalkTalk was 24-month contract, lol), it would be £32 per month.
Called them yesterday, and best offer was to keep it as it is £37.90 but on 18 months’ contract. The guy tried to explain why they increased prices, won't rematch with TalkTalk and was kind of prepared to let me go, lol.
I had a look at other providers (PlusNet, BT, EE, Vodafone) although preference was/is to stay with Sky, and don’t think their offer was\is any better given the hassle involved. Having said this, I am seeing some people are mentioning that they are paying less than me… is there anything I can do to get it down even further on a new 18th Month contract (not interested in TV packages, they always offer this to me, etc)?
1 Feb 17#339
How did you get the free broadband and £10 discount?
1 Feb 17#338
Sky offered me £1.59 discount for 18 months and a £40 bill credit.
I'm definitely leaving now.
1 Feb 17#301
Just come off the phone from sky. I'm a broadband and phone only customer, would never pay for the rubbish TV. Despite the letter saying my line rental and broadband would be increasing, because my current offer is 'free' broadband, the only increase is on the line rental and not the broadband part, despite my posted letter saying so. So agreed to carry on as usual, contract runs out in september when it will be time to properly haggle or switch.
Chasloyal to kel64
1 Feb 17#320
Are you over 75, do you get your TV licence for free?
crgglerock to kel64
1 Feb 17#336
Not had a letter myself yet,but only ever had BB+Line ,never had TV,,Get a good deal each year,like you i'm on free BB ,with £10 discount on line so i'm paying £7.40pm for both,,Looking at my future bills it is showing it'll be £8.99pm from march.I will also double check this if mine shows a BB increase like yours on the letter,,you could double check anyway on your upcoming subscription costs,for more piece of mind :smiley:
1 Feb 17#325
I have:
Raspberry Pi with Kodi.
Paid TV sub with GMGM every Sky channel £4.50
Talktalk 38mb fibre inc line rental £25
Sky just got the boot 3 days ago. Trying to charge me an extra £2.50 and losing 12 channels, Sky have balls.
ferlan to BobbyMurdock
1 Feb 17#330
Raspberry Pi Kodi any good? Better than a £80 box?
Ian57 to BobbyMurdock
1 Feb 17#335
What's GMGM? Is it a supplier if so please give a link.
1 Feb 171#334
thanks for the post just simply wouldnt have known if it wasnt for hukd.phoned up and i usually get message saying average wait 4minutes.this time it said 15minutes i chuckled to myself thinking thats because everyone on hukd is cancelling or re negotiating there contracts.anyway only save 3pounds on my contract however upgraded from 40meg fibre to 60meg fibre for free so im over the moon.thanks so much for the post
1 Feb 17#333
It's been confirmed by sky staff on their forums today
1 Feb 17#332
I have been really happy with my sky for the last 4 years, there is always a 50% offer floating around and once the year is up I have been offered no contract reduced plans for the last 3 yrs. unfortunately I live in a part of London that can not get fibre but still had no issues with the bog standered broadband averaging 19mb on speed test. but if had options of fibre would probably go with virgin just for broadband. however the sky q system is much better then virgins.
1 Feb 17#331
Being widely reported today that last minute agreement reached so Discovery and Eurosport channels are staying. Daily Mail, Trusted Reviews and elsewhere.
1 Feb 17#329
I phoned & asked for a special deal for upgrading to Sky Q, for being a Sky Customer for 20 years+ I was told I was being offered an amazing deal. It just turned out to be the usual upgrade price! So much for loyalty!
31 Jan 171#15
Slightly misleading title - Should state Phone/Broadband only for now...
Just got off the phone to Sky about Discovery threatening to leave and I was told they are still negotiating a deal so we have to wait and see what happens.
ferlan to jai47
1 Feb 17#328
Wrong. They put the price up on the variety pack by £2.50. AND I was told they ARE ceasing The 12 Discovery channels.
I went Kodi with a premium sub. Every sky package, perfect streaming. £5/month.
1 Feb 17#326
On the phone now to Virgin.. guy says no, no deal at all that's 15 a month. Even went to ask his manager. Said same thing. Nope nothing, no way!
1 Feb 17#324
Thank you!
1 Feb 17#323
Is it the Player bundle you guys are being offered with Virgin?
1 Feb 17#322
Do you have anything else with them?
1 Feb 17#321
Meant sky TV. Watch some free view but more on Netflix. Yes have a license.
1 Feb 17#319
:disappointed: gutted as new houses over the road can get virgin but i can't. All i want is cheap BB(don't touch landline) and at the best part of £230 to downgrade from fibre for a year is b@lls, grrr
1 Feb 17#318
Want a lift to Dover?
Give me a shout when your bags are packed and I'll gladly drop you down there and wave you off as the boat leaves with you on it, tschüß tschüß
1 Feb 17#317
We left Sky and went to Utility Warehouse for our broadband and use NOW TV for films and kids stuff. Saved a lot of money and better speeds too! Just think SKY and BT try and have a handle on people!
1 Feb 172#309
Well you know what to do then don't you,,, go back home!!!
Namey to Andymb13
1 Feb 17#316
webvamsi666 said:-
when i moved to UK i have an intention of 'wow britan is such a developed country, soon after 1 year it sucks i took back my wow coz this place is **** no proper broadband, companies loot people in name of contracts :disappointed: and high prices, even mobile network sucks :neutral_face: no signals in travel ex: train, government wont support people to ask/challange big companies. How pitty SHAME SHAME :smirk:
That feeling when you know everyone's thinking exactly the same thing - but too darn scared or politically correct to say it. So "well said" Andymb13 !!!
1 Feb 17#315
Love the amount of bashing they get and the 'reasons'.
Give me a mainstream ISP that isn't as invasive (unless by court order), that has decent peak time bandwidth without intentional throttling ("QoS") and with half decent IPv6 support with a unlimited tariff ? (prob some fair usage in there but you'd really have to murder the connection persistently)
Don't get me wrong they have their problems:
TV pricing is all over the place and only decent on friends and family deals imo.
There support at 1st 2nd line can be frustrating but if you persist you will get to clued up people.
Also only just have 5GHz Wifi on the Q router and only 2, gig Ethernet ports..
Overall they really aren't that bad when you consider the options unless you wanna pay more and go with cool smaller ISPs like AAISP.
1 Feb 17#312
I only have Pl/fibre with them as cancelled TV last week and best offer was £18.99 Pl £10 fibre so £28pm no movement what so ever, even asked about downgrading to standard broadband and best they would offer was £18.99 with a few fees but wouldn't even offer any incentive to stay, was more than happy to say bye. Shame really as the only alternative I have is talktalk :disappointed:
blueroo to ndksamb
1 Feb 17#314
Real shame. :disappointed: with the Virgin deal that I've just had its perfect to transfer to.
50mb bb
Line rental
Free weekend calls
Tivo box and basic TV
Plus £50 credit
Which pays for first 3 months
1 Feb 17#313
i go with this too am on broadband and line supposed to be 25 a month i started with sky on 10th dec 2016 so will i be able to cancel mine x x
1 Feb 171#311
BT has the worst customer service from my own experience - its Indian(?) based call centre has got the most useless staff, called 10+ times in 3 months for an obvious billing mistake and spent 6-7 hours on the phone in total but did not get anywhere, fed up and emailed the CEO at the end, problem solved the next day. Should have asked for compensation for the time wasted!
BT does stand for 'Big Trouble'...
1 Feb 17#310
1 Feb 17#308
Virgin are doing a good deal TV 200mb broadband and phone for just £55,,, virgin have the best broadband in the country without a doubt
1 Feb 17#307
just been offered £22.40 for fibre optic 38 Mbps with sky to stop me from leaving. I'm as happy as a pig ****, nothing on uswitch came close for fibre
1 Feb 171#305
I don't miss those days! 25 minutes to download system mechanic. Painful.
1 Feb 17#304
Can you pm a referral link? :smiley:
1 Feb 17#303
Nothing cheaper out there for just basic broadband, don't use phone or pay TV.
1 Feb 17#302
you can do that now , why wait till September when u can leave penalty free within next 30 days?
1 Feb 17#300
I cant fault BT - went from Sky - got £160 quidco (paid for year line rental) got free sports - got mobile sim £5 month unlimited calls plus £30 amazon voucher and £40 quidco
Internet is good - was having problem with mobile signal few weeks ago but so was everyone else in area - they sent me a very smart piece of kit - signal booster for free
engineer who called back was really helpful and noted if i have more probs they will issue me with new hub
1 Feb 17#299
For those that care....
Sorry if you don't or if it has been posted before. Sky and Discovery have reached an agreement...
They've give us two new routers in the period since they bought out O2 which was only three or four years ago and we're in the process of moving and seeing we're currently out of contract on everything too the home move team have already offered me a 2TB Q box and the unlimited fibre with new router and free installation to sign up for another year but we ain't bit.
They will put us on fibre for free without a contract anyway as their policy on rural areas is to only provide fibre internet if it's available and as we moving to somewhere that's out in the wilds of Lincolnshire the manor we're moving to falls exactly in to that bracket.
From what the vendor has told me who happens to be a Sky customer himself is though there's a fibre in the cabinet down the road it's not really as lively as it might be in built up areas, he said "only" around 15mbps which is still double what I'm getting on standard broadband in urban Greater London so it's proper fine by me :wink:
Seeing we got the full TV package including movies, box sets and sport for a pony a month at the minute which we'll lose if I sign up to the Q box we have been umming n ahhing but we will do the full home move for free and weigh up our options after that.
I've always done the cancel the whole TV package and wait 4 to 6 weeks for Rupert to write to me and say "Chas come back to any package half price for up to a year no contract" and bit then, last year turned out even better than that at 25 quid so you really do need to play hard ball with Sky and they will look after you :man:
1 Feb 17#297
I was once a happy customer of Sky.
I now begrudge the telephone packages after they scrapped the unlimited package:
free UK & international & replaced it with
free UK & mobile calls,
there were other negative changes too.
I feel like these line rental charges & package hikes are paying for something else.
The only problem is I get phone & fibre deals every year which are cheaper than the competition, this is the only reason I stay with them.
Wish I could find a fairer supplier, but they are all there to milk my pockets.
1 Feb 17#296
Same applies to BT, anyone affected will get an email with an offer, usually an increase in BB speed for only a couple of pounds & 18 month contract if your line has Fibre and your already in infinity 1. If not taken can cancel & move it's part of the Offcom Rules.
1 Feb 17#295
Had a call from Virgin too at lunchtime. Offered 19.99 a month for phone/TV/fibre.
Couldn't chat long so will follow up later. How are you guys getting £15? I just want fast fiber really at a decent price, bundle or not, so I can ditch SKY.
I had no problems with cancelling with SKY - they said I could do it. Just haven't finalised it yet. Will do as soon as I get a decent price form Virgin :sunglasses:
1 Feb 17#293
contacted them about cancelling - got offered unlim fibre and line rental for £22.60 - new 18 month contract. was gonna accept until he said it recontracts your sky tv for a further 18 months and i dont want that as my 50% offer ends soon
1 Feb 17#292
Received an email today, stating the increased charges and it mentioned about cancelling in 30 days etc
1 Feb 171#291
If you can't beat them, join them :smiley:
1 Feb 17#290
I would, see my story below and I am not the only one, lots of our friends and family all had issues with BT.
Have asked a mod to post above link in topic main post as my edit to do so did not show :smiley:
1 Feb 17#285
is it just broadband going up or fibre also?
seaniboy to mad569797
1 Feb 171#287
Fibre is broadband, fibre is just a description of faster connection than ADSL2+
Line rental, internet & call charges are all going up.
1 Feb 17#286
Hence why I said it's a fraction of the price and not free. For the sake of paying £8.50 a month I get 3 BT channels, 2 ESPN which have far more content on than Sky Sports do for £30 a month.
31 Jan 171#16
After speaking with Sky on live chat, they said we're unable to cancel due to the price rise being less than 10% - anyone else had this?
mcguire85 to robfarmer5680
31 Jan 17#81
Rubbish cos iv done it
chrisyrobbo to robfarmer5680
31 Jan 171#202
Another lie from Sky TV ....
If that's the training their call centre staff have had and the instructions to say that to customers they should be reported to OFCOM
ndksamb to robfarmer5680
1 Feb 17#284
Yes I got same reply, so would be interesting to see if others have any joy.
I'm happy to stay for the broadband providing I get a decent discount
1 Feb 17#283
Go on to YouTube and in the search bar type in "gen tec wizard sky kodi builds" there's a few videos of his on there showing you the builds and how to install them, the best one he does is the "sky Q build" and yes it looks like a very good quality build, hope that helps you out. :sunglasses:
1 Feb 17#282
Go on YouTube and in the search bar type in "gen tec wizard sky kodi builds". You will then see a few videos by him showing you the best builds and how to install them, I think the best one he does is the "sky Q build",hope that helps you out. :sunglasses:
1 Feb 171#280
Not happy with my sky to start with done a check and I only get 4.7 meg no wonder it feels like dial up
jonnithomas to mommarto6
1 Feb 172#281
lol... what's the betting that you have never used dialup ???
1 Feb 17#279
1 Feb 17#278
Those having problems cancelling
"Important changes to Sky Talk and Sky Line Rental
We're changing some of our Sky Talk call rates and the standard monthly price of Sky Line Rental. The full details of how this will affect your monthly payments is detailed below but you can read our Help Article if you'd like to know more.
Changes to Sky Line Rental
From 1 March 2017, the standard monthly price of Sky Line Rental will increase from £17.40 to £18.99.
Changes to Sky Talk Call Rates and Call Connection Charge
Connection Charge
From 1 April 2017, the connection fee for non-inclusive calls will increase from 16.9p to 19p, unless a separate connection fee or minimum fee is specified. Connection fees do not apply to:
• Free, inclusive or unlimited calls (including those that commence within an uncharged period but end in a charged period)
• Fixed fee calls
• Calls charged by timed duration that start with a fixed fee
• Calls to service numbers (084, 087, 09 and 118 numbers)
• Calls to personal numbering chargeband pn7
UK Mobile call rates
From 1 April 2017, we're changing the way we charge for non-inclusive UK mobile calls by introducing a daytime rate and an evenings & weekend rate. From 1 April 2017, you'll be charged 19.35p per minute for non-inclusive UK mobile calls made during the day and 14.25p per minute for non-inclusive UK mobiles calls made during the evening & weekend (previously 11.5p per minute any time of day).
UK Landline Rates
From 1 April 2017, the charge for non-inclusive calls to UK landlines increased from 11.5p to 12.54p per minute.
For full details please refer to the tariff guide above."
i don't follow the technicalities of this site, I was just happy to see people having the opportunity to get their services cheaper.
31 Jan 17#276
It's been moved to misc...I rest my case
31 Jan 17#275
I also bought the rent & keep DVD offer. I noticed that they had charged me for it, but when I went to call, the credit has appeared on my account. So annoyingly I had to pay £13,99 one month, before getting a £13.99 credit the next month.
31 Jan 17#274
thanks, whats is terrible about it? range, managing loads of devices? my talktalk super router was fine for a while but seemed to start acting up with wifi errors. used to manage all devices and rarely cut out
31 Jan 17#262
We've struggled with Sky hardware too - rubbish all over the house. Which provider would people rate in terms of router - plusnet? BT? Any others? VM not available on our area.
markevans31 to bluep
31 Jan 17#273
Get a third party modem/router, i have a tp-link archer vr900, works great with sky fibre, although sky do not like you using anything other than their equipment, but if you have no issues (like me) with it then they have no need to know :smile:
31 Jan 17#270
I tried canceling today via live chat and the guy said I would still have to pay a early termination fee as it stated in the T&Cs ("Prices may increse/vary during your minimum term) when I signed up. Can anyone help? How do I get my sky subscription cancelled. I'm so stressed out right now lol
im switching from talktalk fibre (early cancellation) to virgin 100mbs, theyve delayed the installation by a month. hope its worth the wait. any1 with bad experience with virgin broadband for example throttling etc? dnt care too much about customer service just the actual service
spruceyb to hashemcom007
31 Jan 17#271
The SuperHub as a router is terrible. Set it to Modem mode and use your own router.
31 Jan 17#269
How are you guys getting any deals? I've phoned up and they told me I don't need to cancel I just get my new provider to move over the service to them
31 Jan 17#268
I had £100 credit and 50% off last year when I cancelled. I also switched from regular broadband to fibre for £10 a month with no connection charge.
The 50% this time was off my tv package only however he applied the same deal to the fibre as last time so I'm happy with that. I'll never pay full price for tv or fibre. Most of my bill is for line rental and I don't even have a phone plugged in!!
31 Jan 17#267
TL;DR: 8 pages are no one has yet found a retention deal.
No letter for me yet. I really don't want to have to be bothered with this :disappointed: Was quite happy with my £22 a month, most reliable connection I've had in a while.
Can't comment on Sky support at all... because I've never had to phone them! My ideal relationship with tech support.
31 Jan 171#265
So it's taken someone 8 hours to decide to move this to misc?
seaniboy to MrScotchBonnet
31 Jan 17#266
Sky must have a sharedohling
Only joking :laughing:
31 Jan 17#264
I have the same issue with 18-20MPS on Sky, movies and youtube, Windows 10 also hates Sky Broadband, BT was fine.
31 Jan 171#243
Oi you lot
Sky are keeping discovery and Eurosport!! Just been announced
5426angela to matthewnunn1986
31 Jan 17#246
Where it's not saying anything on sky website?
Found it!
LONDON - Discovery and Sky's explosive disagreement has come to a head after an eleventh-hour deal between the two broadcasters.
The agreement, known as a carriage deal, means that Discovery will not remove its 13 channels from the Sky platform as it originally threatened.
seaniboy to matthewnunn1986
31 Jan 17#263
How come you can heat or cold deals, but only 'like' comments :laughing:
31 Jan 17#261
Sky has been useless for me. Joined up a while back with one of those deals and got the bundle for £21 with sky q tv box sets, phone and fibre broadband. The wifi is just awful. Buffering on tv, signal drops etc. Had them back to put a booster in and made no difference. Trouble is I can find a better deal. Looked at virgin as I was with them before so know the broadband is good - but it £40+ for just basic tv! If anyone finds a good deal please post so we can all switch!!
31 Jan 17#260
hmmm,... am I supposed to respond ? r u 12 ?
31 Jan 17#259
sorry but you are wrong.... kodi is legal. The EU court confirmed it in 2014.
I did receive the offer of a £12.99 discount if I purchased off the Sky Store, which they still proceeded to charge me for anyway!
They did this to me also - it took me 25 minutes on the phone to get it taken off.
I was leaving them anyway - I miss the live pause, recording etc but I'm pleasantly surprised with the number of free view channels I'm left with
31 Jan 17#257
Bertie Smalls r us
31 Jan 17#256
My broadband is terrible closer to 56k dailup then their actual suggested speed. Also drops every hour.
31 Jan 17#254
Has anyone gone from Sky Fibre to BT Fibre? I get its the same infrastructure and stuff but from my googling around it seems that despite everything being the same, people tend to have more issues with BT in terms of drop outs etc. Is that possible even though the physical line is exactly the same?
31 Jan 171#253
No worries mate. Changes are bound to happen thats life at least I am happy I had a dream run with plusnet. I would simply negotiate my case saying I have had it for this much for so long so wont be paying and will move to someone else and they wont see me for at least half a decade minimum. I strongly feel they would oblige. :-)
31 Jan 17#252
Okies. So what do I need to download or do?
I think we all know kodi is likely to have a limited lifespan
31 Jan 17#251
I've still had no letter???
31 Jan 17#250
Know its slightly off topic but BT are doing the same so if you are annoyed with them you can also cancel
31 Jan 17#249
If you could sit him on a commode at the same time, he would never have to get up.
31 Jan 171#247
I was with SKY for years but for some reason they couldn't fix my wifi issues, they replaced router after router, sent out extenders, they did do everything they could. They agreed with me that I could leave early with no penalties as this was going on for nearly 2 years. I have now moved to BT and I have no wifi problems...strange
31 Jan 172#245
I did this with TalkTalk recently. Was great as I got £150 in Love2shop vouchers when I signed up, and from BT I got £125 prepaid mastercard, in addition to reduced prices for the term of the CONtract. Loyalty doesn't pay, keep changing providers, I do.
31 Jan 17#244
Mine was crap aswell, needed powerlines to watch anything upstairs, cancelled it in Jan as could take it any longer, now with BT and can stream anywhere in the house without the constant buffering.
31 Jan 17#242
Real HD is actually reality - a REAL woman, or man, whatever you are into :laughing::laughing:
31 Jan 17#241
Sky's bean counters realised the amount of telecom customers leaving in the last few days so they couldn't have TV going the same way or else market value drops, as does Murdoch'$ takeover bid or any other when the value drops. Bet they paid Discovery very close to the asking price.
31 Jan 17#240
Babestation hd?
31 Jan 173#234
seaniboy to MrScotchBonnet
31 Jan 17#239
Bet he's on Quidco.
31 Jan 17#233
Well it turns out Discovery IS staying on sky now..... according to the discovery channel uk twitter page :smiley:
seaniboy to jb186
31 Jan 17#238
Sky/Virgin Sky/Discovery Sky tries to play dominant because it was allowed such on merger with BSB - but they were told Murdoch could not be majority shareholder - now he wants exactly that, cake & eat it much ? I mean Jerry doesn't eat cake.
31 Jan 17#237
I got Sky with £60 credit, free broadband unlimited and half price line rental - so even with the price increase - I'd struggle to find anything cheaper. However, thanks to someone on this thread pointing out that fibre availability isn't always confirmed in an email despite registering I just found out fibre is now available to my address (yippee!) - thx to the price increase I can switch which means that for the last few months I've had free line rental, broadband and calls! Thx HUKD!
31 Jan 17#236
We're with plusnet, and they are great, no complaints.
I tried canceling today via live chat and the guy said I would still have to pay a early termination fee as it stated in the T&Cs ("Prices may increse/vary during your minimum term) when I signed up. Can anyone help? How do I get my sky subscription cancelled. I'm so stressed out right now lol
31 Jan 17#212
OMG!! this guy called charlie!! right jobs worth lol.. told me how sky need to make money etc lol.. I told him hes a right jobs worth and I dont need to wait while you rant on the line lol
seaniboy to Henlans
31 Jan 17#231
I'd report that as a complaint to Ofcom - no provider staff can do that, esp when you have the right to cancel penalty free.
31 Jan 171#225
just get virgin and stop messing around with all the other BB providers that will offer to the same service through the same line sky/bt offer. when 100mb download speed is the normal why wouldn't you?
alexjameshaines to doe83
31 Jan 17#228
Because for each premises in the country it is vastly different. I had the top tier service from VM and had to cancel out of contract as it was under repair more often than it was up and useable. It really is that different for everyone! In my local area I can not recommend VM to anyone :/
n1ttygr1tty to doe83
31 Jan 17#230
maybe because its more expensive or maybe some cant get it in their area
31 Jan 17#229
You are one angry little man...
31 Jan 17#190
Do yourselves a favour and switch to Virgin. Sky support is terrible and I've been much happier since switching over.
When I called Sky to complain yet again about huge latency spikes and my ping going through the roof, and the technical support for broadband team didn't know what I was talking about, and when the woman connected me to her supervisor, who then told me that she had no idea what I was talking about but her husband complained about it all the time....
Anyway, Virgin provides much better services.
monkey1999 to LiamFoot
31 Jan 17#227
Virgin suck and lie just about to get my new v6 box for £49 only to get a email receipt for £150 cancelled it and as soon as contract finish I'm gone TiVo box is pants and there hubs are dog s##t and there international call centres are pointless waste of time
31 Jan 17#226
BT Group rewarding loyalty ? Have you seen the state of our BT Openreach network underinvestment ?
Double whammy coming for you this year then :disappointed: Sorry to be the bearer of bad news!
31 Jan 171#224
Sky have some good deals to upgrade from normal broadband to fibre at the moment for new and existing customers, line rentals gone up by £1.49 a month.....the speed you get is the speed you can get where you live if it was talk talk, Bt etc would be the same.
31 Jan 17#49
Could I use this opportunity to cancel my Sky TV, Broadband and phone, then re-sign up getting the £75 reward and Quidco payment?
nomeames to sambag
31 Jan 17#223
What do you think??... I think you know the answer but asking just in case...? :stuck_out_tongue:
31 Jan 17#222
Who watches discovery anyway ... only decent thing is sky sports or movies and Atlantic everything else is just a big load of garbage to fill the numbers for people with no jobs sitting at home watching TV all day ... just saying
31 Jan 171#221
Blimey bt and sky suck and I thought virgin were bad think there is a huge gap in the market for decent media services
31 Jan 171#84
I can confirm I've taken advantage of this OFCOM guidance to cancel a BT contract and move to Vodafone for broadband. It worked fine.
BT still issued me with a final bill until the end of my contract and a charge for the equipment but I ensured it was returned and spoke to them to confirm once again that I cancelled due to their price increases. All charges were written off :-)
monkey1999 to superfurryallan1
31 Jan 17#220
What's Vodafone like ?
31 Jan 17#155
I was with Sky 2 years ago and had nothing but problems and excuses. I'm now with Talktalk and can't recommend them more for anyone looking to change :smiley:
monkey1999 to duffinjonathan
31 Jan 17#219
Are speeds any good
31 Jan 172#11
Bare in mind the only alternative to sky would be virgin since the other providers use the same infrastructure.
Also ensure that there aren't any utilisation faults in your area before moving!
orgfilao to jimbo001
31 Jan 173#92
ws007 to jimbo001
31 Jan 17#101
Not exactly true sky uses LLU (they have there own equipment in the local BT exchange) as does talktalk.
rockjam to jimbo001
31 Jan 17#120
Agree, the don't just use the same infrastructure, they use contract the same line, sever etc, so going with BT or talk talk or anyone who isn't virgin expect the same crappy speeds, customer service may be better elsewhere, but you can only polish a turd, it's still a turd.
azda81 to jimbo001
31 Jan 17#126
Same infrastructure in part, different equipment in exchange and customer end depending on the type of lease agreement they have with BT.
jimborae to jimbo001
31 Jan 17#127
No they dont! Vodafone has it's own core network which is the old C&W which they bought, only from the house to the exchange is BT unless you have fibre to the premises.
alexjameshaines to jimbo001
31 Jan 17#218
This is both true and not - it's a bit vague TBH.
True in that they will use the same copper and fibre from your premises to the exchange (in most cases). After that there are loads of differences between providers...
So it depends where the issue lies!
31 Jan 17#217
Not for me. Maybe plusnet is rewarding loyalty ;-))
31 Jan 17#216
just a quick question,
I`ve got message from bt today that they increase price of my broadband and calls by 2.50 but line rental stays the same,do i have a right to cancel as well?
thanks for he help.
31 Jan 17#215
This is a deal how?
31 Jan 17#214
For that you need to remove the contract and then do a switch.. I think a kill to the line will kill the number too..
31 Jan 17#213
I got rid of Sky, and got Virgin for BB, then got a Openbox..all Sky channels and more, Inc BT & Box Office, in fairness it does glitch from time to time, but for £15 a year instead of £50 month i'm happy
31 Jan 17#211
But they have lost out a lot to BT in rights... yet still put their prices up.
I bet Spain is cheaper for whoever runs their satellite these day canal/movistar.
31 Jan 17#210
if you cancel are they giving the code to transfer your line to a new provider?
31 Jan 171#187
I recently left Sky when my contract ran out after many years with them.
Slightly faster broadband, BT sport 4K, £125 reward card & £100 cashback was enough to tempt me away.
I have a TV box that shows freeview HD when it feels like it despite a solid aerial connection, support was an hour on the phone, many resets, ending with the offer of an engineer which may cost me £129 if he doesn't find a fault.
I also have a home hub router that is nothing but trouble, regularly dropping wifi and random restarts for no reason. Support is an hour long call to an Indian call centre which, after more resets, gets you nowhere.
Be careful what you wish for people, i will be switching back at the first opportunity.
jcluk to F555
31 Jan 17#192
Yeah, the Sky TV service is certainly far better than BT or Virgin.
I'm sure the Discovery deal will sort itself out in the next couple of weeks with the two parties meeting somewhere in the middle.
Just called again! was offered a £1 discount a month and thats it lol.. so cancelled.. now wait and see! :smiley:
Anyone else playing the waiting game?
31 Jan 171#207
Something to ask.....out of contract, sky cancel telephone line and broadband after 14 days not 30 days, I got caught out last year when I cancelled giving 30 days notice, didn't have anything setup to take over as just assumed I'd still have Sky for 30 days.
It maybe in circumstances of cancelling contract early this won't occur....but worth checking just in case
31 Jan 172#206
SKYS days are numbered. Netflix, Amazon Prime will continue to consume their market. When amazon win the HBO or/and AMC rights for the UK, sky will be consumed by the cloud.
31 Jan 17#161
I was on a deal that was 6 months fibre at £10 then rising to £20 for rest of contract. line rental reduced to £15.
is it worth trying to wrangle a reduction overall? maybe staying at £10 + line rental £15 will that mean entering a new 12 month agreement?
what's the best retention offers people are getting on live chat???
thanks in advance
seaniboy to terryturbolee
31 Jan 171#205
I got offered Line&Fibre £20 and £50 credit when I gave my notice the other day, I said no just cancel.
31 Jan 17#204
Re sports, say hello to the PL TV deal. The reason there are hardly any established big name stars playing in Germany or Italy, and that a modest English club like Stoke now have players like Shaqiri, Arnautovic, Afellay and Bony, is that TV subscribers are paying top dollar to watch the PL.
Just the UK PL Sky rights and production costs account for the best part of 20% of Sky UK revenue.
31 Jan 17#167
I tried canceling today via live chat and the guy said I would still have to pay a early termination fee as it stated in the T&Cs ("Prices may increse/vary during your minimum term) when I signed up. Can anyone help? How do I get my sky subscription cancelled. I'm so stressed out right now lol
n1ttygr1tty to ellawookey
31 Jan 17#170
is it broadband your trying to cancel? if so EVERYONE can cancel if they so wish, (so don't let sky fob you off on this one) ANY price rise be it broadband or line rental your entitled to cancel free of charge if you need the terms I think its 9 b but I might be wrong just state to them to check the broadband terms
if you still get the same answer, just quickly state to them you will send the CEO an email to complain and will use the chat as evidence you lied to me they will soon change their mind
if your wanting to cancel your tv tho that's a different story sky are allowed to increase prices by up to 10% (although there is no price rise with tv as far as I know)
the only course you can take for tv is to argue about sky possibly removing channels like discovery etc from the 1st feb
seaniboy to ellawookey
31 Jan 17#203
By upping prices they breach the T&C and you super'dooper'ceed to cancellation penalty free. :laughing:
31 Jan 17#199
Sky broadband is much better than Plusnet... Plusnet is current piece of s..t!
Henlans to evelith
31 Jan 17#201
Yeah.. they use traffic managment too :disappointed:
31 Jan 17#198
I'm confused now, we are moving house very soon do I use that to try and get a deal or this?
Henlans to badgerrules
31 Jan 17#200
You will get a better deal to start a new deal then to keep your old deal.
31 Jan 17#197
I was looking at to move too.. works out at £32.50 for 18 months.. V sky £38.99 for the same.
Unlimited Fibre Extra Broadband £14.51 (£14.51 a month for 18 months, then £19.99 thereafter)
Line rental £17.99
Plus £6,99 for router!
31 Jan 17#113
Have had plusnet for a number of years no price increase never moved very very very happy the speed is the fastest. PLUSNET ROCK !!!!
seaniboy to aeykeay
31 Jan 17#196
They went up last year ?
31 Jan 17#195
Was the 50% off BB and Phone?
I only pay 40% for my TV package and got £100 credit. from last year.
31 Jan 173#14
Cancelled mine last week - be aware though, they will try to retain you by offering "deals", reason why i did cancel was they have introduced a £10 admin charge to put you on their cheap deal the cheeky sausages, add to that the Discovery Channel mess they have gotten themselves in and its just not worth my time.
eyeroller85 to philjstephenson
31 Jan 17#194
I cancelled mine last week too. She tried to offer me 40% off my tv package for 10 monthsq with a £10 admin fee. I said no thanks!
I got a phone call today offering 50% off, no admin fee and I'm not tied into a contract. I also made sure that I wouldn't be charged any more once line rental goes up
31 Jan 17#193
So bascially, if you dont want to cancel you can freeze the price increase and get a £50 credit for just phoning up to cancel..
31 Jan 172#96
Ofcom are supposed to be looking into why sky,bt talk talk, have increased phone line prices over the last couple of years when the wholesale prices have actually gone down by 25%.
sb170 to eggbarker
31 Jan 17#191
Who pays ofcoms wages ?.
31 Jan 17#189
what's that deal how can I get it? please help
31 Jan 17#158
where is the deal in this.....?
caverncity to slliw
31 Jan 17#184
There isn't its a soap box
Anon to slliw
31 Jan 17#188
An opportunity to get the same services at a cheaper price, limited time - sounds a little bit like a deal to me.
31 Jan 17#185
i never got a notice ??
31 Jan 17#183
it reaches a saturation point. user percentage of say 45% and it's all lovely... user percentage of 50% and it goes at a crawl. Or perhaps some people decide to stream and not pay sky so the volume throughput goes up. or a few people decide to use VOIP or skype and not the phone line.
Also possibly your physical line has started to break down or a connection is rusting or a road work has damaged your line or they have moved your line at the exchange or similar. or maybe you are doing it through wifi and a neighbour is using the same channel on wifi. so in none of those instances are there ANY new houses.
So there's not some Machiavellian plot from SKY. They didn't purposely do anything to you
31 Jan 171#174
anyone been offered a better deal for not cancelling?
Anon to Henlans
31 Jan 17#182
From reading experience on here and elsewhere, putting in your cancellation seems to prompt them to offer the better deals.
For all the people saying they are happy to stay, I don't think anyone was suggesting you necessarily have to leave. Just putting in your cancellation (which would at this stage be without penalty) and using this as an opportunity to renegotiate your price.
31 Jan 17#181
Was offered £50 to not cancel or cancel the price increase lol.. so £20 a month for fibre 78mbit and £18,99 for line (what im payng now) this was via phone.. will try chat now. taken the £50 would mean I would be on a new 12 month but virgin media just being installed now.. however removing the contract part will make me lose the £10 bonus off the fibre im getting now.
31 Jan 17#180
Is the Sky notification via email or mailed letter? It could be easier to ask a rep via Sky chat.
I entered a new Sky 12 month contract (phone line and broadband) end of last year as the previous one was up.
Bit annoyed as Openreach never emailed to say fibre broadband is finally available in my area. I had signed up for notification. Seemed to take a lot longer for them to make it available than Openreach initially stated I hdad a look on the Openreach website a few days ago. Seems to only be offering the lower end of fibre speeds. After all that wait it is rather disappointing.
Could be a good oportunity to get a fibre broadband deal. Although I think there were some great deals a bit before or around Christmas time.
31 Jan 171#179
Just my opinion of course but I had a horrific time with BT, mainly due to their totally incompetent customer service, they have overseas centres mainly which are absolutely useless and keep reading their little script to you over and over. I actually took BT to the ombudsman and won in the end.
I've never had and issue with Sky call centre apart from being busy when trying to get through, but once I do their reps are always helpful and usually resolve any problems I have. This may all change tomorrow though when I phone them up go a moan about losing Discovery if it happens! The way they've handled this whole dispute is pathetic tbh.
31 Jan 17#178
Anyone know a good fiber cheap one please :smiley:
31 Jan 17#177
So suddenly my sky broadband that was fine for years, with no additional houses built and more old people in my area than ever becomes unusable overnight with ping speeds of 600ms?
I knew before i called them they would say go fibre
31 Jan 17#176
Really **** broadband deals around the last year or so.
Gone are the days when it was worth cancelling.
31 Jan 171#175
That is ridiculously cheap, PM'd you. :smiley:
31 Jan 17#171
never had a problem with sky, currently have free line rental, unlimited calls incl mobile numbers, and unlimited fibre for £18 a month. Can't see any point in me cancelling and going elsewhere
Hardawan to saintscouple
31 Jan 17#173
How can i get what you have?
31 Jan 17#145
Sky purposely started slowing my broadband speed up since fibre came to my area. When i cal their tech support? "oh to stream youtube you'll need to upgrade to fibre"
jonnithomas to red23
31 Jan 17#172
how about trying to be accurate in what you are saying ....? Sky didn't 'purposely' slow your broadband. There is no traffic calming on sky. What has happened is there is a thing called contention on internet services.
This is how access to the internet works and how it would work with ANY ISP and not just SKY.
so yes, move to fibre and your download speed would increase but that isn't some Machiavellian plot from SKY. They didn't purposely do anything to you.
31 Jan 17#169
May I point out that same same thing (30 days to cancel after you get written notification) applies to every TELECOM service provider.
With regard to the usual Sky/BT debate, one works for some and the other for some others. LOL
Here is my experience. I changed from Sky to BT in November 2016 with no change to anything in the house (except settings, no hardware changes at all) and my perceived speed, according to, went up from 36megs with Sky to 47megs with BT. The other thing that I discovered when I originally moved to Sky (after they took over the O2 services) and something that I don't think has changed is that their email service isn't really much good as, for example, they do not provide a generic outbound server like BT do so that can be used for ALL your email addresses.
I guess that unlike many on here, I like to use a landline for most of my calls and another difference between BT and Sky is that I can use the likes of 18866 and 18185 for my international calls without having to use a conventional phone number to access those services.
Other than that, I have found that using the words Customer Service in a sentence is a complete oxymoron when trying to get sense out of either BT or Sky.
31 Jan 17#168
A temporary way to speed up the Virgin TIVO box are to do these things:
1. Remove the viewing card from the back of the machine and reboot. You don't need it, and having it in can cause issues.
2. Clear the cache by Home > Thumbs down > Thumbs up > Play > Play > Play. Box will then reset.
Yes, I know you shouldn't have to do this, but sometimes it's the only way to make the box bearable. Obviously don't do this when you're recording something.
31 Jan 172#166
Folks, vote with your feet and use this opportunity to look elsewhere. They rely on people being idle and just accepting them bumping up the price.
Having a moan with your neighbour about this won't get you a deal!
Do yourself a favour and find a better deal.
31 Jan 17#165
I tried canceling today via live chat and the guy said I would still have to pay a early termination fee as it stated in the T&Cs ("Prices may increse/vary during your minimum term) when I signed up. Can anyone help? How do I get my sky subscription cancelled. I'm so stressed out right now lol
31 Jan 171#164
31 Jan 17#163
license required for their iplayer also
31 Jan 17#162
Thanks for the info. Doesn't sound good at all. Hate things that are unreliable.
31 Jan 17#160
Oh boy! why do you say this? been on sky fibre for a number of years now, can't cope with their pricing so gone BT (ordered today) do I cancel my order?
31 Jan 17#159
pretty much everything n anything, only difference its streaming, so you would need a good connection
although theres a case currently going through the high court if I remember right that may end kodi as we know it as they may be found to be illegal (content wise)
31 Jan 171#62
cancel sky and get it on kodi... :sunglasses:
papi_raul to garethcollins925
31 Jan 171#64
My sentiments exactly lol
Sambat to garethcollins925
31 Jan 17#73
Not really an equivalent option is it? And there are better options.
Evelynne to garethcollins925
31 Jan 17#150
There's may be an answer further along. But how do you get sky on Kodi?
What can you get and is it any good quality wise?
mistera to garethcollins925
31 Jan 17#157
What addon/build do you recommend for Kodi?
31 Jan 17#31
I know a lot of people will not be happy with this price hike but trust me when I tell you that if anyone is thinking of moving over to virgin don't!!! I made this mistake last year. Virgin TV is absolutely rubbish and if I had the choice to move back to sky I would do in a flash reguradless of the price hike.
rich2086 to Lukas8486
31 Jan 17#33
Why is it so bad?
seaniboy to Lukas8486
31 Jan 17#121
That is area dependent - Virgin is just a badge on many cable companies owned by Liberty Media now in the UK, Virgin just rebadged 2 of many buy outs of Telewest/NTL as they did but much of the backhaul is still poorly jigsaw-ed together as it was then.
badasschris to Lukas8486
31 Jan 17#156
I moved for broadband only, tv still with sky. Although the new v6 box with virgin will probably solve most of the complaints I had with their super slow tivo box
31 Jan 17#154
I tried canceling today via live chat and the guy said I would still have to pay a early termination fee as it stated in the T&Cs ("Prices may increse/vary during your minimum term) when I signed up. Can anyone help? How do I get my sky subscription cancelled. I'm so stressed out right now lol
31 Jan 17#153
Voted hot but BT are just as bad.
31 Jan 17#152
Correct. I should have been more specific. I do not watch live TV.
31 Jan 171#151
I agree. There is definitely a complete lack of Virgins nowadays.
It's probably down to Brexit :wink:
31 Jan 17#149
currently paying £17.40 line rental with free unlimited broadband, plus free anytime calls,
anyone know of any better deals out there, looked but cant see any even if it goes up to £18.99 in march cant see nothing that comes close so looks like I be staying sadly
as for sky tv I haven't paid a penny for past 2 years roughly give or take a few months lol, always cancel every time when my promotion offer of 60% off tv plus £100 credit gets eaten up on a rolling contract, sky tv prices are a rip off like who pays full price for complete package needs their head testing at what is it now 80 a month!! waste of cash
when I first took sky way back when it was £19,99 a month for everything, just shows how greedy sky have become, with android boxes etc its only a matter of time before sky will see their numbers dwindle
31 Jan 1731#1
They are probably doing this to try and afford a deal to keep Discovery. Sky is a complete joke and after 8 years I have had enough and will be contacting them to cancel my contract.
fonzie2107 to coyote
31 Jan 17#93
I assume you have been happy with them for 8 years?
monkey1999 to coyote
31 Jan 17#141
Wait til try virgin
farhanqudeer1 to coyote
31 Jan 17#148
Don't think it's that bud Discovery wanted close to a billion for sky to use their channels, the price rise is the same as every other service provider just at different times of the year
31 Jan 17#147
Bye Bye Sky.....
And if everyone said that you'd be paying a fraction of what they're ripping you off for.
Broadband is pants
TV overpriced, lets face it a zillion channels and nothing to watch.
Even if there were you can only watch 1 thing at a time.
And if you record something it basically means that when you come to watch it your paying for all those channels and watching something from last week, bright I have to say.
31 Jan 17#146
this happened to me with talk talk. they increased the prices but when I tried to leave they charged a £60 cancellation fee. I had an argument with 2 different off shore call centres. asked to speak to the manager multiple times and they kept putting me on hold. eventually I hung up as I had been put on hold for hours. I ended up leaving them bad feedback on multiple websites which made me feel better. sticking with sky at the moment I think
31 Jan 17#144
I got 33% off for ten months on live chat by threatening to cancel. Not too bad as the football costs make it viable for me as my team are on so often. One game at home saves me two months subs.
31 Jan 17#143
I haven't had a letter or email yet, wierd. also was with talk talk not so long ago. so far sky have been leagues better
31 Jan 17#142
I think the point I was making, the speeds are generally limited by the core infrastructure, whether Mr talk talk uses their own equipment or has a different coloured screwdriver makes little difference, unless that supplier has capped it which in most cases doesn't make sense when they are competing against each other. They are all brokers for the same commodity, same line!! Hope this helps you sleep tonight
31 Jan 17#140
it doesn't for YOU. it means that YOU have a problem somewhere. I and many others have NO PROBLEM at all.
sky fibre, no problems. £20 fibre and line rental.
31 Jan 17#139
33% increase on ASDL for me, out of contract and not really sure if I should change ISP. Sky have the best customer service over the other two providers here (TalkTalk and BT) but their offers to sign-up are tempting. Will see what Sky have to offer - doubt I'll get anything.
31 Jan 17#138
I've got Fibre, it's not great it's around 20meg on a good day and mostly around 14. Thing is though I pay next to nothing for it. £10 a month as part of an ongoing deal. So I'll put it with it for that price.
31 Jan 17#137
not really...its a tiny percentage of the audience. its been dwindling for years.
31 Jan 171#136
Virgin did the same a couple of months back just as my promotional period price was running out. Cancelled with them, one of the housemates got a new contract in their name, so we got:
New 12 months promotional price
£100 Amazon Voucher
£90 Topcashback
£50 off voucher code
-£15 activation fee
Roughly £280 better off so thank you for the price hike, Virgin!
31 Jan 17#135
so every companies line rental goes up...its still the cheapest. every company (except virgin) use openreach for broadband. so when you say your internet is **** with sky its not sky.
31 Jan 17#134
I moved from Virgin to BT Fibre to the premises. Much better and consistent.
31 Jan 17#133
Not always the case, depends on what type of line rental agreement the CP has with BT Openreach. A good proportion of CPS use their own equipment at exchange and or customer end.
31 Jan 17#132
YouTube works fine for my Sky Fibre (even 4K videos). I had major problems with YouTube when on Virgin though.
31 Jan 171#130
My Sky HD is better than Sky Q. It takes ages to get into the TV guide, power cut (or turning of downstairs circuit) usually makes it give a message about no connection to internet. My box refused to come out of standby last week, then went into a weird boot-loop after trying to reset the box. Had the box replaced and it refused to come out of standby again last night, I suspect it's overheating but It's clear on all sides (except the bottom obviously).
Sky Q probably better than Tivo but I prefer the old Sky box to either. Not tried the new Virgin box though.
31 Jan 17#129
I pay £33 for line rental plus anytime calls plus fibre 38mb
Never had an issue with Sky Fibre. It's there anything better out there?
31 Jan 17#128
Sky fibre - and no it doesn't
31 Jan 17#125
Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
31 Jan 171#124
I have to say though the discovery thing is not sky's fault, what business would throw away £1bn on channels that have had a major decline in the last few years. Sky had offered a fair price and discovery declined.
This may not be brilliant for a customers package but sometimes you can't blame a company for standing their ground to not pay over the odds for something that only a small demographic are interested in
31 Jan 17#123
Jerry Hall, protecting her UK shopping budget
31 Jan 17#122
The BT broadband is good. I pay for 50mb and regularly get 70. The tv isn't much cop tho. But it is a nightmare trying to record series as it doesn't always recognise the same programmes like it does with sky. The 4K sports channel is nice. I'll be going back to Sky when my contract finishes as I've got a £20 for everything (TV) cancellation deal saved until a year is up from when I cancelled sky initially
31 Jan 17#119
anyone tried cancelling everything yet, quoting the price hike and loss of channels?
31 Jan 172#118
If you can be arsed (and this is especially easy if you work from home) you should cancel every time you can then sign up to BT via a cashback site.
Then when you have the opportunity with BT, cancel with them and sign up to Sky via a cashback site.
Rinse and repeat. I have been forced to do this recently with Virgin when their service was poor and they let me leave for free based on service failings. I just got something like £70 cashback and a free bluetooth speaker which I flogged 5 months prior, then moving to BT netted me £140 in cashback AND a £125 reward card!
31 Jan 17#117
Got the email the other day about price increases, checked my account and will have no increase until May when my deal runs out.
B/B free
Line rental £10 discount
Anytime calls £8 (rarely use mobile)
Voivemail £1.25
Sky+ £10
£26.65 per month.
The above worked out cheaper if I took this deal rather than B/B with phone. Think this is the 3rd time of having free B/B with sky.
Estimated Bill come May jumps to £48 for the above, Sky+ will get binned so that drops to £38 but can get Vodafone upto 78meg fibre and calls for the same price.
31 Jan 17#115
Just a question to anyone, I got a stonking deal on just the broadband, £8.50 a month that includes the line rental, with the said, can Sky put up the price on deals as well?
31 Jan 17#114
That's the contract that I took at summer when my previous contract ended. I think even its gone up to 21.49,still no others can match.
31 Jan 171#112
BT have officially announced price increases on their broadband and calls today, so you can start the fee free leaving process now if you wish.
31 Jan 17#111
Correct. If you only watch pre-recorded content (on-demand / physical media) then you don't need one, except for BBC iPlayer content; any other on-demand service is fair game though.
I don't have a TV license, wouldn't be surprised if there were a lot of people out there who paid for one and didn't need one though.
31 Jan 1710#110
You're one of those people? I feel sad for you.
31 Jan 171#109
Hey this one fo you Vanderlust. I found Virgin, beig on cable so no sharing over the phone net, is the best so far. Only negative is that all ISP's requires phone line subscription. :disappointed: very Cheeky!! I never use my home phone since i had mobile. Anyway, i received my new SuperHub 3 router, so exited to connect it up and test the AC and all the other ++ i heard about. And i got it for free, been loyal customer with them last for 7 yrs. (had a brake since 2000 when the where not virgin (forgot) and tested out both Sky and BT, but must say Virgin has been "ligthning boltning2 fast enough for me.
After the 12 months subs i always cancel the TV package as I dont like too watching too much TV. bad for my tummy and th rest of the health. Hope it helps you to make your decission, and BTW service people has been alwasy very friendly, like i said i called them up on Saturday and they gave me the new SuperHub3 FOR FREE. I have the old 1st superHub1. All the best!!
31 Jan 171#10
Why we didnt get the letter informing the price hike? Or is it just for tv package cause we just have broadband and phone?
spruceyb to z_dane
31 Jan 17#108
I got a letter.
31 Jan 17#107
Yes I posted this in misc a couple of weeks ago.... should of put it in deals!!
Can anyone comment on what will happen if I have cashback from sky from a previous deal? It's already payable in my account and I've also recieved free gifts from sky. Would I lose all this?
31 Jan 17#105
Sigh, if you watch any live TV or record live TV then you MUST have a license regardless of whether you watch BBC channels or not.
31 Jan 17#46
I am now paying 20 pounds a month for unlimited fibre and like rental. Any others cheaper than this?
trick23 to dragonking0141
31 Jan 17#80
did you get offered this today on the back of saying you want to cancel?
abhijitdash123 to dragonking0141
31 Jan 17#104
No you wont get anything better than this :smiley:
31 Jan 17#103
I hope you don't watch live tv at all, it's not just the BBC you need a TV licence for! :wink:
31 Jan 171#102
Just looking at what's on offer I see absolutely ZERO.
I only pay £17.99 a month, received £63 cashback (paid) and also £100 pre-paid Mastercard. I will just take the price increase on the chin as would be mental switching with the current offers.
31 Jan 17#99
Can I cancel the whole package as it's a bundle with tv? My letter states the changes and says if you're not happy you can cancel your 'sky communications products' so unsure as to whether that means whole thing or just phone?
31 Jan 171#98
I disagree, for the stuff the BBC put out I reckon it's very much decent value.
31 Jan 17#97
hmm, trouble is who do you move too? if you move to BT they are increasing their prices.
however if you are with 1st utility for gas or electric, they are doing 38gb speed with phone line fibre for £22 a month.
maybe will help someone but the offer ends today unfortunately and I've no idea how good their fibre is.
31 Jan 17#95
But I received an email earlier saying the free broadband has been extended for another 9 months.
so only line rental to pay
even with £1.59 increase, isn't that still worth sticking to?
and if I cancel it, any cheap alternatives?
31 Jan 17#94
No Virgin in my area!! Gonna have to wait for the announcement on TV price increase, cancel and then see if they offer me a good retention deal
31 Jan 17#91
response from Sky:
I would get on the phone, look to cancel or get a better price.
Commenting that negotiations had “reached an impasse,” Discovery accused Sky of using its “dominant market position to further its own commercial interest,” adding that “the vitality of independent broadcasters like Discovery and plurality in TV is under threat.”
In response, a Sky spokesperson said: "Despite our best efforts to reach a sensible agreement, we, like many other platforms and broadcasters across Europe, have found the price expectations for the Discovery portfolio to be completely unrealistic.
"Sky has a strong track record of understanding the value of the content we acquire on behalf of our customers, and as a result we've taken the decision not to renew this contract on the terms offered.
"We have been overpaying Discovery for years and are not going to anymore. We will now move to redeploy the same amount of money into content we know our customers value."
yes it rubish.... I had a email even saying i could cancel
31 Jan 17#88
Then you have been lucky, they cancelled our TV package on the day of activation saying we did it (day of activation we moved house... I didn't have time to set it up let alone cancel it!). So they re-activated (which took a week!) and I made sure I asked the rep on the phone I wouldn't be charged, she said no... but I was charged... twice! managed to get it all refunded eventually.(out of pocket for nearly a month)
Constant line drops and the BT engineer that came out said the hub is rubbish and to use a 3rd party one, we went through 3 home hubs before buying a Netgear (since then not had any hardware problems). Still get line drops, last one was 3 days before Christmas which took 8 days to resolve.... when you have no internet you have no BT TV which is just great over Christmas!!! Got no compensation out them for that either.
The extra TV channels are rubbish, nothing worth paying for.
BT are garbage! and Sky is over priced.
On-demand/streaming is the way to go.
31 Jan 17#87
People on here complaining about sky fibre or ADSL broadband being slow and wanting to move to another supplier.....Well geus what unless your moving to virgin your service will remain exactly the same regardless if provider.
And yeah people calling sky a rip of merchant need to realise if sky is not holding you to ransom it's simple leave
31 Jan 17#86
Tempted to check my dads, especially since their WiFi deal is changing too!
31 Jan 17#85
So if i wanted my service to continue until the end of June I could phone them up and get them to remove the contractual obligation (contract ends in September)
31 Jan 17#83
Ive just paid for february 2 days ago? will service continue for another month or will it cancel straight away?
31 Jan 17#82
hmmh, have sky tv contract to November, but moving to Spain end of March. Hope it will be possible to cancel tv as well :smiley:
31 Jan 171#79
The virgin box is horrific!!
Moved to sky a few months ago when that crazy Currys Sky for £26 a month deal was on - and very happy!
31 Jan 17#78
What kind of a deal is this btw?
31 Jan 17#77
Should technically be in misc but heat anyway
31 Jan 17#76
I jumped to Virgin a few days ago and got a 12mth deal for 50mb internet and talk weekends for £26 per month. I have noticed this deal has gone upto £32..
It did say they wanted £40 to send a engineer to install. Yet I clicked on line for no engineer, theny they have a few test questions incase you do need one. When i answered the question indicating i needed an engineer they wiped off the £40 fee.
31 Jan 17#75
Rather get virgin but sky q must be better then sky hd. Which is behind times. Plus getting 4k tv soon.
31 Jan 171#12
Would be keen to know if anyone has any joy escaping their contract
westy125 to blinko
31 Jan 17#26
This is correct, anyone with a price increase email should see it in writing, probably quite small though,
keithbereal to blinko
31 Jan 17#74
yes i cancelled 3 days ago when i got the email
31 Jan 17#72
Will use this to my advantage and move from Sky Broadband at an average of 6mbs to their fibre. Hopefully won't have to pay any fees
31 Jan 171#71
I just joined on middle of December 2016, is my price going up too?
31 Jan 17#70
Be strong comrades, break free from the entertainment crack merchants and boost your bank balance.
31 Jan 17#69
I got that £26 per month deal for TV, phone & BB, but I'm having flickering issues with my projector and I really do miss my Virgin BB.
I think I'll jump from Sky and see what I can get from Virgin.
31 Jan 17#68
I've received no notice, by email or by letter, of any price increase to either my line rental, broadband, or TV...
31 Jan 17#67
I got unlimited fibre, anytime calls, bt sports, caller ID, paid line rental upfront as cheaper. Pay 18.49 a month got 110 cashback from quidco (has paid already ) and 125 prepaid Mastercard.....have now changed some sims over as well, worked out they paid me 50p for a years was a no brainer...another thing you get are the BT hotspots which seem to be everywhere and bt sports for free on mobile and tablets...
31 Jan 17#66
But do you still pay for the remainder of the contract?
31 Jan 171#65
Got a slight increase of £1.60 but got a crazy deal to start with.
SkyQ 1tb
Unlimited phone calls to mobiles etc...
Sky box sets
70mb broadband and 20 upload
£26pm increase to £27.60.
Can't get anything near it.
31 Jan 17#44
Have sky tv and broadband. Interested in sky q but I hate their broadband. Ideally I want virgin as they have super quick fibre broadband, but it's not in my area. Not sure if to go with BT fibre (next quickest) or wait for virgin.... but no eta
pepper85 to blanka
31 Jan 172#63
Don't Sky Q is terrible
31 Jan 171#61
I talked to them in a live chat and they are giving me £20 per month off my total sky bill (line, fibre max, box set and multiroom) to stay. Only signed up for it 6 weeks ago so complained about it being an instant price rise.
31 Jan 17#60
Very happy with my sky package/price, tried BT but much preferred sky tbh.
31 Jan 171#59
This might be a stupid question but do you just give notice? I dont technically want to cancel and to not have BB, but I can sign up to talktalk, BT, etc and Sky wont charge me anything when the new provider comes to take over the line.....?
31 Jan 17#54
You tube Doesn't work with sky broadband it's throttled! When they say it's not.
Houstieboy to paulrwarner
31 Jan 173#58
YouTube works perfectly fine with sky broadband
31 Jan 17#57
Did that 6 months ago but i never seem to get the deals others do, now id rather just pull the plug entirely (or in 6 months now)
31 Jan 171#56
I had my letter last week confirming Broadband is going up by £1.50 and my call package is going up £2.50. Tried cancelling on Sunday but they wouldn't let me. Definitely will be ringing up again. I must be stupid, we pay £85 a month for Sky and my broadband is pants!
31 Jan 172#50
Left Sky phone and broadband after many many years with them. Changed to BT in Nov with a MSE deal. Cannot believe the difference with BT. Fibre double the speed, WiFi hub fab strength brilliant all over the house. Now got the BT free call protect service....not one nuisance call since......if in doubt....go for it!!!! Got free BT sport as men in house very happy....
padamowicz93 to Bargaingirl
31 Jan 17#55
How much do you pay, may I ask ?
31 Jan 171#7
May I ask, if I may. Why is the 30 day window starting from today?
Sky made this price announcement around 2 weeks ago.
Vanderlust to BuzzDuraband
31 Jan 174#18
They're sending out the notifications to customers today, so seems it's 30 days from that point.
We hope you continue to choose Sky, but if you’re not happy with these changes you can cancel your Sky Communications Products. Just call us on 03448 244 450 and our team will be happy to help.
If you’re within your minimum contract period, call us within 30 days from the date you receive this email to avoid early termination charges.
westy90 to BuzzDuraband
31 Jan 171#21
I believe its 30days from the date on your letter head
haritori to BuzzDuraband
31 Jan 171#53
Its not from today i cancelled 2 days ago.. youre right Buzz its 30 days from when you receive notification, also to add if you ask Sky to removal contractual obligation you can exit your contract without cancelling the services straight away.
31 Jan 17#52
That's nice for you. Shame not everyone can get or afford that speed.
The no dish is an option e.g. if you can't install a dish on the property.
31 Jan 171#51
Been with BT TV/Fibre for over a year now and had line rental for nearly 5. Never had any problems worth getting upset about.
Had a few small queries they have quickly ironed out but have been fantastic otherwise. They are constantly adding channels, BT Sport albeit not the quality of Sky Sports is a fraction of the price for better coverage and the fibre is second to none.
31 Jan 17#30
Iv got Sky broadband and tv but dont want to split it up if I could cancel the lot right now and go somewhere else i would. Cant fault the quality of the internet but the price of TV is astronomical for what we have.
mng70 to rich2086
31 Jan 171#48
All you have to do is cancel your service. That will take 30 days to cool off. Makle sure you through with it and they'll pester you to come back with better offers. We did this to get our TV prices down. We also got offered a 12 month deal with guarantted no price increase plus all HD channels and box sets of which we never had. In twelve months time we will go through the whole episode again. One gets the impression they use their loyal customers as mugs.
Currently a BT customer, and I'm paying £50 quid a month for broadband (that's all I use anyway). Not really had issues with BT and they are fast and reliable but surely EE broadband which is around £20 will be equally good.
31 Jan 171#45
you should be having a letter off bt soon about a price hike which you will be givenca chance to cancel your service's
31 Jan 172#42
I just cancelled yesterday, was paying £32/month for unlimited fibre and landline (which i never use). Virgin media is £22 without a landline subscription, happy days
31 Jan 17#41
this could stick the knife in sky and rightfully so. they appear to be struggling heavily the greedy ********
recently joined virgin for the up to 100mb speed, on downloading i get around 70-85mb so I'm happy with that. heat added
31 Jan 17#40
Out of interest: Can I cancel my internet entirely without being charged the cut-off fee? ISPs usually charge a stupid price if you want to shut off your internet - something I'll do before long as I get unlimited internet from my mobile provider and that's expensive enough!
31 Jan 173#2
Sounds good. I'm in the same boat, their broadband seems really flakey! Hope you manage to find a good deal :smiley:
ashmac to ourdevonfamily
31 Jan 17#39
be intrested to see how they have there services through the net next year with no dish..dont know how thats possible on 1mb speed :smile:
il stick to 9 200mb
31 Jan 17#37
Broadband is slow at my new build house, but don't know if anyone would be better anyway (No Virgin Available)
31 Jan 174#36
100% agree with this, BT are absolutely appalling.
31 Jan 17#35
I spoke to Sky yesterday, they advised that I could cancel the TV penalty free up until 22nd. I'm not hopeful of any resolution to the Discovery situation.
31 Jan 17#34
Wonder if they hiking up fibre because they have t notified a letter out as yet for that price increase.
31 Jan 171#32
Correct I done the same with talktalk buy they made it hard trying to charge me a cancellation fee.Managed after 3 attempts to get it sorted and moved to plusnet which I'm very happy with.
31 Jan 171#29
Received the email yesterday and have already signed up for virgin 100mb for £27. more than I was paying but so much better, very happy with sky
31 Jan 171#28
Well, there are no better deals than that on sky at the moment, so i have decided to stay :smiley:
Paying £240 for a year of Fiber Broadband with Line Rental is good enough for me. And never had any problems with them as well. Touchwood :smiley:
31 Jan 1714#27
If you do cancel with SKY whatever you do, do not go with BT!!! :disappointed:
I did that and now regret it, BT are 10 x worse than SKY in our experience. I wasn't happy with the Sky service but the BT one is so bad I wish I was still with sky, even if it is more expensive.
At the end of my BT contract I'm changing over too Zen and going Freesat, Amazon TV and Plex.
31 Jan 17#24
And I was just about to move from the Virgin to Sky
31 Jan 171#23
Thanks. I haven't received anything from Sky, but I very rarely do to be honest :disappointed:
I did receive the offer of a £12.99 discount if I purchased off the Sky Store, which they still proceeded to charge me for anyway!
31 Jan 17#22
My £15 line rental and broadband deal had no rise until month 13 BUT i managed to give notice because call charges are increasing.
My line disconnects on my billing date - 13/2/17. I only went live Dec 2016.
31 Jan 17#20
31 Jan 171#19
Any good BB deals around at present??
31 Jan 171#17
If the price increase is more than 6% you are entitled to cancel. This is industry standard. Be firm with them and say you are going to speak to citizens advice.
31 Jan 17#13
Is this Ofcom rule a new thing?
I thought they were allowed to increase price in line with inflation if it was stipulated in terms and conditions.
this would only be for the broadband/phone portion of the contract?
31 Jan 17#8
Yes I couldn't cancel before Christmas and phoned stating im not paying increased prices so they let me cancel. Only phone and broadband tho i couldnt cancel my sky q tv. So now im 50 for tv and 39 for Everything from Virgin. Both combined still cheaper than what i paid with virgin before i cancelled last year
31 Jan 172#3
Is it official that you can cancel?
GazmoX to jameshalinson
31 Jan 175#4
In rules set up by OFCOM, if your ISP increases prices during your contract period, you are granted 30 days (from when you receive notice) in which to cancel your contract without charges.
furiousjammin to jameshalinson
31 Jan 173#6
The TV side of things or the phone/broadband side?
Phone and Broadband is currently subject to a price hike. So you can cancel.
Tv will be confirmed tomorrow. If SKY cannot come to a deal with Discovery, then you will officially know tomorrow and you can cancel the TV side of things then.
So probably wait until tomorrow to confirm the standing of both, gives you more bargaining power with SKY for a retention deal. I think this whole Discovery contract shambles is going to end up costing SKY quite a few customers.
31 Jan 175#5
You can cancel anytime. The salient point omitted from the deal title is that during the price-rise notification period you can terminate the contract early without penalty i.e. no early termination fee(s) will be charged.
Opening post
My internet is complete pants with SKY, and would love a faster broadband, so on the hunt for a better deal. If I find anything I'll follow up with it.
- seaniboy
Top comments
I've had Sky for years and am happy with the price, the service and all the updates they do - no other service I pay for has evolved so much over the years and updated itself accordingly (except maybe Sonos!).
Yet every time there is a Sky thread, people start shouting about them and calling them rip-off merchants! They are a business, and you don't HAVE to have Sky, unlike the BBC license which is a waste of cash IMO.
If Sky does what you want and is affordable then stick with it, if not go elsewhere, simple!
I did that and now regret it, BT are 10 x worse than SKY in our experience. I wasn't happy with the Sky service but the BT one is so bad I wish I was still with sky, even if it is more expensive.
At the end of my BT contract I'm changing over too Zen and going Freesat, Amazon TV and Plex.
Latest comments (610)
Nobody in cancellations whatsoever !!!?
Did the refer a friend to get £50 credit off , got a phone call from them and told them that even with the £50 refer a friend still quite bit more than what i was paying with sky and that another £50 would do it , they said no.
2 hours later i got a call back saying that they can offer another £50 credit which i gladly accepted
so after the £100 credit and the £14.99 activation fee it works out at £17.92 a month which i am happy about as was with Virgin broadband before going to sky and it is excellent in my area!
"I was offered a deal on Fibre Max as I posted up the other day. When I called to take them up on it I was told it wasn't available anymore and deals change daily. So I've been calling them daily to get "today's deal"
Just been offered and taken up, a 12 month contract, Free line rental, just paying £20 a month for Fibre Unlimited.
So worth contacting them regularly until you get the deal you are happy with."
Wont move from £28!!! hardly seems any attempt to keep customers at that price!!!!!!!
"We hope you continue to choose Sky, but if you're not happy with these changes you can cancel your Sky Communications Products. Just call us on 03448 244 450 and our team will be happy to help. If you're within your minimum contract period, call us within 30 days from the date you receive this notification to avoid early termination charges."
it's the best time to ditch them for good.
After going through the basic questions of what I use the internet for they made an initial offer of £10 off the fibre unlimited, which looks like the basic deal that people are receiving here. After mentioning I can get Virgin Media 50mb for £25pm or even PlusNet for £25pm + £70 TCB effectively making it £21.50pm I said I would be happy to take their fibre unlimited if it could also be brought down to £25pm. They then knocked off £3.99 from the line rental (£14.99 line rental + £10 fibre unlimited) without hesitation. This all seemed very easy so I do wonder if I could have pushed for more but I've been happy with the broadband for the last year without any issues and I don't have to go through the hassle of changing providers for what would just be a similar price. They did try to push TV on me but I wasn't interested.
There's definitely wiggle room if people ask and get the right person. This is the first time I've ever had to deal with sky and calling to cancel so maybe I go lucky with the right person. Just ensure you know what you're saying and you know X company has this current offer on which you can take. They seem to match without hesitation.
What is the process of transferring from sky to virgin without being charged for early termination fee because of price hike? I understand that sky says if moving to virgin, we must cancel otherwise, new provider will take care of the switch. I received price hike mail on 2nd of February, so I have until like 4th of march to notify sky of transferring? What is the correct process for me to follow?
We are in the process of moving up Lincoln way in the very near future now so was on the dog to them about the home move. We are totally out of contract on everything so our phone n internet goes up next bill regardless.
Not even going to bother negotiating that till they've done us the free home move but what matey about said about the telly package's state of play rocked me.
Last year a CS manager, not the retention team, offered me the full package at 25 quid a month for up to a year. So that's all Sky Sports channels, all the movies, box sets, HD(4K if I had Sky Q and suitable telly) add on.
I been paying the extra ching a month on top for the Sky Go Extra so I could watch stuff through my Xbox when I'm at my mum's which is a lot of the time.
Because we won't be needing the Sky Go Extra any more once we've moved I gave my 30 days notice on it and asked how much longer of our up to a year £25 deal we had left and he informed me it had been extended to September 2018 :smile:
There's not been any contact between me and Sky since they gave me that deal last April so that has not been negotiated in any way at all. It would appear their system clearly did that automatically and he also stipulated that is a locked in price.
That will stay a pony a month for everything for the next 19 months, happy days :wink:
Apparently, 'new customers' who joined after mid December are supposed to be exempt from the rises from what I've read.
I have not had anything through email or the post, should i sit and wait? or should I have received by now??
BT it is i suppose
Out of contract and currently have:
Sky+ Original
Broadband + Anytime Phone
£55.40 + future increases
Was offered:
Current Sky+ Variety
Fibre Unlimited + Anytime Phone
18 month contract for £57.90 (imagine increases not included in this)
TrIed to get them to chuck in SkyQ at least, with possible Multiroom but wasn't budging.
Asked £78.99 for SkyQ with £99 upfront with £12.99 extra for Multiroom.
Refused and give 31 days cancellation notice for all packages. Will see if anything happens.
I asked for a transcript of my Skychat and was told he couldn't do it for data protection reasons. when I pointed out I was the owner of that data and DP rules allowed it to be sent to me specifically. he denied this was true. so I asked for his staff number. he ignored the request and then said sky staff don't have one. !!!
It gave me everything for £12.50. Then Q multiroom for £12.
£24.50 for boxsets, movies, sports and multiroom for 12 months. All confirmed by the webchat.
Pretty good deal, I think.
EDIT: had to pay £55 for the 1tb Q and Mini Q boxes.
if you dont, how else are they meant to know to waive the termination charges due to the price hike? i suspect that was the case above and thats why they were charged
if your leaving thinking of leaving to someone else due to the price hike, all u got to do is contact sky and ask them to leave a note on your account regarding the price increase letter you recieved so you can leave free of charge (this must be done within 30 days of your letter)
dont ask them to cancel your account,(unless of course you want no broadband anymore) only to state your moving elsewhere and just want the note placed on your account stating no termination charges will be applied once the line as been taken over with your new ISP
(if you ask to cancel they will just close your line and thats not what u need otherwise it will close your line and you may have to pay a line installation to reactivate your line)
when your out of contract its simple, you just make the switch with another isp and they will then take over the line and let sky know,
price increases when in contract and you wish to leave penalty free is slightly diffrent you NEED to contact them about placing a note on your account to remove any termination charges once you leave free of charge
Asking because I don't want to close the account as such, I'd like to transfer it to another provider, in which case, they don't really need to do anything, do they? So I was wondering why we need to even call them in the 1st place if another provider can transfer the account automatically?
for sky to charge you termination fees suggests you didnt do this
as for ofcom yes they are correct, ANY price hikes that includes broadband/line rental/call allows you to leave free of charge if your affected and sky know this
ANY complaint taken to ofcom COSTS sky money just to have the case reviewed, this is why when you complain they try to do everything before it reaches that state.
my suggestion to you is to ring sky and state to them you recieved the letter of the price hikes and want the money (termination charges) refunded
sky dont have a leg to stand on regarding this
maybe you just didnt follow the steps before you switched
I've just switched to EE unlimited broadband (not fibre) & weekend calls via Quidco with £137.50 cashback. £21 a month + £7 router delivery fee. It's an 18 month contract but hopefully there will be a price rise in that period enabling me to switch again. If not it works out at £13.75 a month which I'm happy with.
Not as good as Infinity with the £150 CC and TCB @ £80..
"Spamming: This includes empty messages, hidden text that matches the background colour, quotes with no new content, repetitive questions, meaningless content, pornography, pornographic images, sexually offensive material, self promotion of a business, auction sites, personal sales on other sites, links to personal websites, requests for referrals, referral links, third party affiliate links, and advertising for personal gain. These activities are considered spam and will result in an account being suspended or terminated."
In the past, I've seen even retailers/websites banned for several months for breaking the rules, as they suspected/found their employees to be posting deals - these included Amazon & eBuyer amongst others. So the rules aren't targetting individuals - it's for EVERYONE (except HUKD of course).
Here is a copy of the email I received:
In order for us to continue to deliver a great experience for all our customers, we need to review our pricing from time to time. Your price change is listed below, and a reminder of how you can make the most of your Sky subscription.
With this email we have also attached information about changes to your Broadband and Talk Terms and Conditions, specifically around our Usage Policy and, if you joined before 1 July 2016, the availability of our Products.
What's Changing...Talk & Line Rental
The price of your Line Rental is increasing on 1 March 2017 by £1.59 a month. This change will show in your March bill.
Our Call Rates are increasing on 1 April 2017 and your new rates, showing from your April bill, will be:
Call Connection from 16.9p to 19p
UK Landline from 11.5p/min to 12.54p/min
UK Mobile - Daytime from 11.5p/min to 19.35p/min
UK Mobile - Evening & Weekend from 11.5p/min to 14.25p/min
We hope you continue to choose Sky, but if you’re not happy with these changes you can cancel your Sky Communications Products. Just call us on 03448 244 450 and our team will be happy to help.
If you’re within your minimum contract period, call us within 30 days from the date you receive this email to avoid early termination charges.
These changes will not affect any additional features or offers you have with us, and if you changed your package after 11 December 2016, the changes to your price may be different from the above. Log in with your Sky iD at for your most up to date bill and package information. You can easily set up a Sky iD on the website if you don't already have one.
So i would say keep trying and you may get a deal.
I can't get Virgin in my area, so would be interested to hear who people recommend as alternatives?
I received the email detailing prices increases, called up, spoke to Charmaine in cancellations and she advised that the price increase of £1.59 does not affect me, so my line rental will continue to be £15 until DEC 2017
They couldn't give me the same "deal" as last time no matter how hard I tried but I did manage to squeeze out a "free" Sky Q hub which can cost around £60. All I did was say how bad their normal router was and how the sky Q hub was supposedly a drastic difference in wireless connectivity (i know cable is preferred) and what deal he could offer me for it.
He said, no problem, I'll put that in the post for you. So paying now £30.50 for TV and broadband all in, but did get a free router out of it.....well i'd like to think it's "free" from my extra £6.50 a month from the price increases.
Try your luck, it might just balance out the price hike!!
Best they offered me was 18.99 for broadband and phone (not even fibre)
I was offered a deal on Fibre Max as I posted up the other day. When I called to take them up on it I was told it wasn't available anymore and deals change daily. So I've been calling them daily to get "today's deal"
Just been offered and taken up, a 12 month contract, Free line rental, just paying £20 a month for Fibre Unlimited.
So worth contacting them regularly until you get the deal you are happy with.
I'm going to ring up Virgin and tell them i have an opportunity to cancel with Sky and if they can offer me anything to come back.... Not holding much hope though.
Ee have a cashback deal on at the moment with £125 cashback through topcashback or quidco which works out a bit cheaper if anyone interested.
So, beauty of theoretical things, but in reality it is not going to happen. voted COLD.
spoke with them and they advised that its best to wait for them to activate the fibre first and they have put a note on my account to say they will honour the same deal with the unlimited upgrade once its sorted
what a ballache!
We have sustained these discounts for a considerable amount of time on your account and we believe we have been more than fair and reasonable in doing so. We believe that the published monthly subscription cost for all our customers reflects the services, quality and diversity of the services we provide. From time to time we may offer subscription discounts to selected customers similar to those you are currently receiving and those you have received in the past, however we will not sustain such offers indefinitely. Subscription offers are applied for a short period of time and our customers at the end of any offer period may opt to select a different package which is more in line with their needs. For further information on our current packages, please feel free to visit Sky.Com.
If at any time you believe the services we provide do not reflect the price you pay, then it is your choice, to change your package or to seek an alternative provider.
We have always maintained that we are happy to retain you as a customer and provide you with the services you require. However, there is no basis for further discounts to be applied to your account. We believe the subscription price of your account to be excellent value for money in terms of the service and services we provide.
With regards to the broadband speeds you have been receiving, I believe that these speeds are within the Estimated Access Line Speeds for which your property can receive, however, if you are experiencing continued connection issues, you can contact our dedicated technical experts for assistance on 03442 411 411.
Whilst we realise this decision may be disappointing we must request that you respect this business decision. As this is our final decision we would be happy to supply a letter of Deadlock should this be required so that you may consult an independent third party for advice. Details of this process are explained in greater detail within our Complaints Code that can be found on / Help and Support / Make a Complaint.
Regrettably no further communication regarding the matter will be entered into.
Kind regards
Denise Belcher
Service Excellence Consultant
Executive Support Team.
ofcom are supposed to be looking into the line rental cash cow and splitting up open reach from bt.
seeing what is out there isp wise thee is nothing i can see that matches the offer i goe for £27 pm so will stick with sky as 17 MB 1 mile from the exchange is great speeds and there LLU.
So if I'm considering Sky, its cos the BT service is not the what is was......However their customer service remains consistent as it ever was.......Nil pois!
Funny how the fire looks so enticing from my frying pan......
I've been with them foe five years and always accepted price hikes time to change I think!
Any Switching recommendations please.
The price of your broadband is increasing on 1 March 2017 by £2.50 a month. This change will show in your March bill.
The price of your Line Rental is increasing on 1 March 2017 by £1.59 a month. This change will show in your March bill.
Our call rates are increasing on 1 April 2017 and your new rates, showing from your April bill, will be:
Call Connection from 16.9p to 19p
UK Landline from 11.5p/min to 12.54p/min
UK Mobile - Daytime from 11.5p/min to 19.35p/min
UK Mobile - Evening & Weekend from 11.5p/min to 14.25p/min
I managed to get an extra 10 off per month and a better package. I wouldn't leave virgin personally because they seem to at least care abit.
I also have faith that their services will work soon... The main reason these issues take to resolve is the need for planning permission apparently to improve infrastructure.
Saying that my speed probably averages 15mbps whilst I'm home which is still usable.
What gets me is that Virgin don't even give you compensation back when they know there's an issue - you have to call them up on a month by month basis to get a credit applied. Looking to leave them, but all the big players appear to be rubbish. The government needs to sort out this sort of nonsense and put in fines for big companies like this taking advantage for people.
I believe you need to be on the Vivid 200 gamer tariff to escape traffic management.
I think it was something like 100mb broadband speed but every time I went to watch a film on Netlfix or Amazon (think it was Lovefilm at the time) it would start buffering and that never happened to me on Sky with normal 3mb broadband. We had to a have a new phone socket put in, even though we had phone sockets all around the house, which meant we only had one socket by the front door, the others were dead, Virgin couldn't or wouldn't connect up to the other sockets for us so we had to buy a new multi phone system. The Tivo box was annoying and the second V Box couldn't record, just play and the listing was like something from 1985, very basic.
We left and went back to Sky for TV, but, went with BT for Phone/Broadband, big mistake, BT's Broadband did exactly the same as Virgin's, buffering all the time, dropping connection, it was terrible. Again, BT put the price up after a few months, so, we left and went back to Sky for everything, since then, no problems at all, everything has been fantastic and when our price gets too high, I ring up Sky and have a moan and they reduce it.
We choose to have Sky TV, we aren't forced, it is our luxury, but, there is no way on earth we would pay the asking price because our bills would be around £140 a month if we did and no TV is worth that in this day and age.
Thanks in advance.
Bill looks ok to me :stuck_out_tongue:
And my line rental down to £10 per month,for 18 months was really happy with that deal,only after asking to cancel my whole package.
Subject to status. Upfront payment may be required. General: Prices may go up during your contract. Non-standard set-up may cost extra. Connect to TV using HDMI cable. Prices may vary if you live in a flat. You must get any consents required (e.g. landlord's). Prices for Direct Debit payments only. Continuous debit/credit card mandate costs 30p pm. UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man residential customers only. Further terms apply. Correct at 10 October 2016.
Might be worth checking your terms to see what SKY customer service agents are telling you are true re your terms on your accounts when you phone / chat / e-mail.
Anyone needing help ? Rather than myself reading back pages & pages :laughing:
2/if you take topcashback and quidco you end up with more cash in your pocket rather than isp companys, hence price hikes works in your favour because u have a choice to shop around again and get cashback
"Okay I can see that you have sky broadband unlimited and sky pay as you talk, it's showing you won't be impacted by the price change :smiley:
" Because the offers you have mean you only pay a set price, so you won't be charged for the change. You just have a couple of call charges added onto the bill which is why it might seem like you're paying the price change
"you have sky broadband unlimited. Your offer for your broadband is free broadband unlimited for 12 months so you don't pay for that and your line rental offer is line rental at £15 for 12 months, so we're unable to change the price you pay until these offers have finished
"you'll pay £15 (not including call charges), until 19/12/17, and form 19/12/17 onwards you'll pay £28.99 per month :smiley:
So though it won't happen instantly one would assume the quality of their all round service will improve over ther coming months, well it surely can't get any worse can it :smirk:
They were due to increase prices literally just after I left I believe it was and they had already increased prices earlier in the year also. From what I hear they are due to rise them again this year ... So yeah switching just due to a price hike will end up biting you in the booty and you'll end up in the exact same situation
Overall I'm happy - cost slightly more than PlusNet over the course of 1 year but for less than £1/month it's not worth the hassle of moving.
This is the final discounted bill for April
1 Apr - 30 Apr (a month)
1571 - Voicemail £1.25
Sky Talk Anytime Extra £8.00
Sky Broadband Unlimited - including discounts FREE
Sky Talk Line Rental - including discounts £7.40
Additional charges
Sky+ Subscription£10.00
And the May increase.
01 May£48.24
Your actual bill for this month will be available on 17 April
1 May - 31 May (a month)
1571 - Voicemail £1.25
Sky Talk Anytime Extra £8.00
Sky Broadband Unlimited £10.00
Sky Talk Line Rental £18.99
Additional charges
Sky+ Subscription£10.00
Sky + will get binned and if no deal can be done it will be bye bye Sky even though tne B/b has been
Pretty good with no major issues in over 3 years (dodgy router that Sky replaced)
No price increase mentioned for you so far, which is a good sign - so most likely no price increases this time as you are a very new customer. But prices could increase after April, so keep a look out.
My total increases by £1.59 (for landline rental only) from March & subsequent bills.
19 Feb - 18 Mar (28 days)
Sky Talk Line Rental - including discounts £15.00
Sky Broadband Unlimited - including discounts FREE
19 March£15.00
Your actual bill for this month will be available on 05 March
19 Mar - 18 Apr (a month)
Sky Broadband Unlimited - including discounts FREE
Sky Talk Line Rental - including discounts £15.00
19 April£15.00
Your actual bill for this month will be available on 05 April
19 Apr - 18 May (a month)
Sky Broadband Unlimited - including discounts FREE
Sky Talk Line Rental - including discounts £15.00
Changes/increases will become effective from 1st March (so your March bill).
You can easily view future subscription costs (up to May2017, which will show increases if any in the total payable) at:
You'll have 30 days from receipt of notification to re-negotiate your contract or cancel & leave for another ISP without penalty / early exit fees.
Note this does include a TV box but NO Sky channels..These can be added on at extra cost.
I am also an existing customer so shouldn't be an issue for new customers except for the connection fee. Normal Unlimited package is just over £50 per month with a few Sky channels.
Think I'll go with the offer of Fibre Max unlimited (80mb) and line rental for £36.49 combined with £50 credit. (12 month contract (not tied to TV deal which I have 50% ongoing)).
im currently looking at ee however it seems you need to pay 18 months line rental in month 1 to get the price quoted by johnamackenzie and topcashback are seemingly only offering £50 cashback on fibre and calls rather than 125 which is for "broadband and calls" - has anyone actually ordered the ee package and can confirm which cashback tracked?
id be interested to know which package you went for johnamackenzie?
Is there anyway to check how virgin service is in the area and if its congested or not?
11 (a) basically this say when your new provider contacts them then your contract ends...If they don't contact them it carries on....
So that way you ring them up give them a chance to sort reduced payment hopefully or they credit the amount of increase to your account .....If they don't play ball let them know you will be changing provider...I will be canceling the service due to increase in my subscription and await for new provider to contact you....that way you covered....hope that helps.
If I decide to move to another provider, should I call Sky first? or should I just contact the other provider?
Asking because in the past I think I called my current provider when I was going to move and rather than doing a transfer of the service, they closed my account completely and then the new provider had to reconnect the whole thing, rather than just transferring the service...
But as I'm still inside of the contract now, not sure if I'll have to let them know before moving, or I could just move without telling them anything specific?
I took out the offer over the phone and there was no mention of a link and nothing about it in any emails I received. It's 2 separate contracts which are pretty standard and no specific mention of one offer being dependent on receiving another product.
I argued with them and managed to get everything cancelled including TV with no early termination fees.
Virgin being installed on the 15th, £26pm for 100MB BB, Phone and most basic TV.
Will never be using Sky again.
Some deals clearly state the link between the two e.g standard reduction on BB if you take out sky TV. They use to plaster that everywhere.
Sky blocked the HD channels which is as far as I know still hasn't been hacked, I'm sure the SD channels will follow soon enough, if you can live with it though it's cheap
Im in month two of a 12month BB only contract, Free BB 12month line rental discounted to £15pm for 12months. i have not been sent any notification emails to advise me of any increase.
Last month i was on sky live chat for approx an hour at first i was informed that my contract would increase, but after explaining my type of contract they eventually agreed that there would not be any increase during my 12month contract! so unless someone on here can tell me different and are on the same contract, please do update me? thanks
Heres my upcoming payments plus payments up until April! no sign of any price increases for me!!!
19 Feb - 18 Mar (28 days)
Sky Talk Line Rental - including discounts £15.00
Sky Broadband Unlimited - including discounts FREE
19 March£15.00
19 April£15.00
"Def not right! TV package is separate from broadband / Line rental.
They are lying to you!"
So that makes you wrong, it's not difficult for anyone to come to that conclusion :smirk:
I'll give you that different depts and different members of staff will give you different offers, hence if you get some stroppy bint on PMS at Livingston you just hang up call back and hope you get a nice Mackem geezer at Newcastle instead. In my experience when on the phone to Newcastle make sure the CS agent is a Mackem because the jaw-dee ones are nearly always jumped up suffering from these pathetic delusions of grandeur :smirk: just like their muggy football club.
I'm out of contract on phone and net so am paying full whack on them at the minute but that's because we're in the process of moving home. So we'll do the home move free of charge and then play 'treat me nicely Rupert and I'll stay' game once we're in, settled and not so preoccupied with the beginning of a new life 150 miles up the country.
I'll drop you a line and let you know exactly how I got on once I've done it if you wish? :wink:
Told them thanks, but no thanks, and he wished me luck with BT :laughing:
Sky Fibre Unlimited £20.00 (won't budge on that)
Sky Talk Anytime Extra £8.00
Sky Talk Line Rental FREE
I think she gave me the discount as I am having an ongoing intermittent noise during calls. 6x BT engineers visited my property and basically did nothing other than usual line test, which shows everything ok. So emailed them on Wed, demanded that it is escalated (so when I called them now, they were saying that only certain department can get into my account, lol), got a dedicated senior technical person assigned to the case, who arranged another BT engineer today, spoke to him directly when he was onsite (although initially BT guy refused to talk to them so they called his seniors, lol), who at least did something - will see what happens (not blaming sky at all).
You also have the same 2.4GHz wireless N plus wireless AC 5GHz which should be faster and have further range. Old devices like iPhone 4 will only use the slower 2.4 GHz but iPhone 5 upwards should take advantage of faster wifi.
Is your new router much better than the one u have now? Ie what du gain?
No need to move, paying less and free gigabit router :smiley:
Happy days.
Sorry but you're wrong when I have negotiated new deals in the past they have tried to offer me free internet and line rental to take a full priced telly package and I refused, just cancelled and waited for the 50% off any TV sub up to a year letter to come through the door a month or so later.
Then by being a telly customer it seems to strengthen your hand a bit when negotiating a new phone/net but that is not a given.
I was with free Sky broadband years ago running off BT line rental, then O2 started to always give me free broadband with my annual mobile upgrades and top line rental deals too because I had that mobile contract with them.
Of course since then Sky bought O2 home phone/net and it's limited the options, but renewing phone n net separately from telly has always been taken in to consideration by the retention people. Two years ago I got free unlimited broadband and free line rental by running my mouth off because I was on full TV package which was half price and no contract :wink:
Ive seen articles saying it tends to support the government of the day - I can see that to a certain degree but IMO the articles on the BBC website tend to slip back into leftie mode much of the time
I only read it now out of habit - dont know why TBH because the bias really **** me off - if Im feeling particualrly angry I just go look at the daily mail website for a while to get the other side of the coin
I initially was going to go with plusnet for their 'great customer service' but it appears its no longer the case.
However im now looking at EE, especially as they dont have any traffic management.
Might I ask how you managed to get line rental so cheap ?
If you have all services through them then clearly one/two will subsidise the other, if you pull out of paying for those other services there's no form of subsidy for the one you want to continue with, hardly rocket science is it?
I left school at 15 and have never been involved in commerce or financing yet it makes total business sense to me, I would actually spin it round the other way and ask you how can it not be right?
They are lying to you!
I have my TV package of Family / Cinema / Sports / Multi-screen till May 2022 not on contract & broadband / line rental till July. Both separate offers. Tv package £40 a month & Broadband / Line rental £17.40 month till change of line rental costs 01/03/2017 £18.99, Then I will try for new deal on Broadband / line rental as have tried 4 times now to re-negotiate it but they refuse to budge. So pushed for a new dish with all the bits Etc & also new cables to 2 boxes & got them all done for free today.
Anyone else had similar problems?
Well I'm sorry if I've got the wrong end of the stick but if that's what you actually did then what you expect?
If you can't pipe up at someone who understands what you're piping up about in the native tongue you're piping up in you're done for, on your way to hell in Satan's handcart, that way madness lies.
Annual verbal brat outs at some poor CS agent, usually in Scotland, has never ever failed year after year since the 1990.s :wink:
I spoke to Sky over live chat, looks to be an Indian call centre operation, no real insight into my predicament, a chatbot would have "performed" much the same. I wanted to see what price they would offer me Fibre at in my new location, I was told because I am still residing at a location that is unable to receive Fibre I would have to wait until I moved to my new location before they could offer me any deal. I told him I only had 30 days to cancel and would not have arrived to my new location before then, so I would need to know now or would almost certainly leave. Anyway, his flowchart couldn't cope with this kind of off the wall behaviour, I gave up on the live chat, will probably call them directly before committing to leaving.
My summary conclusion, there are better deals anyway than probably what Sky would offer me (might be different if you have a healthy amount of other services with them:
I will say, I am looking only at the basic fibre services (usually 38Mbps except BT Infinity which is 52Mbps) Also, where possible I have opted to pay line rental saver and pay upfront to reduce the montly line rental cost. Some of these have weekend calls etc, I'm ignoring this as I have no use for a landline these days.
Vodafone: appealing price £26 p/m for 38Mbps or £23/pm for existing customers but modem is locked down, people are having trouble connecting basic DNLA devices for audio streaming etc, can't swap out for your own chosen modem, ISP shows as Daisy (same used by SSE with all the throttling/slowdown issues) I am using a NAS, audio streamer, android box etc, so this was a deal breaker for me. Asked for an engineer fee of £60 and a connection fee of £49. There are better deals.
TalkTalk: can be as cheap as £22 per month for 38Mbps after various discounts but you only have to read the TalkTalk customer feedback on their service. Yes, every provider has its critics but TalkTalk is a special kind of case. I decided it wasn't worth the potential hassle, you may feel it is, caveat emptor. They give you (randomly) a SIM card with 500MB of mobile data, 200min calls, texts to use per month as well with this deal.
£24.20 pcm after Quidco for 38Mbps service, 18 month contract, mixed customer service reviews, still not approaching TalkTalk kind of horrors but enough to cast some doubt. They also limit upload speed to 2Mb/s which is easy to miss, pitifully low in the year 2017 and out of line with all the other offers listed here. If you do a lot of uploading definitely something to consider, I don't so it doesn't really matter to me. They have traffic shaping but not in the traditional sense, more a prioritisation of your own data consumption which actually makes sense.
EE 38Mbps, I worked this out to be £22.41 pcm and this is the deal I am personally leaning towards, again mixed customer service reviews but no worse than Plusnet, 18 month contract, the router they give you is probably the nicest out of all these deals (only has 1x gigabit ethernet port though) If you have an EE mobile phone deal they give you a 5GB data boost too. The £125 Quidco/TopCashback is what is making this deal worthwhile IMO.
Finally, BT Infinity. BT increased their prices recently and even with the £70 cashback from Quidco plus £125 Mastercard deal it's a little bit on the pricey side (with a couple more hoops to jump through to get the calculated pcm rate) The main advantage is BT are offering 52Mbps compared to 32Mbps, a 55% speed increase (in theory) I work it out as £28.73 after all discounts, this is for a 12 month contract though so you are tied in for a shorter period of time. You also get 100GB cloud storage and use of the BT Fon and BT Hotspots nationwide (not bad) When they had the sale in Jan when it was £26.99 versus now £39.99 then I would probably have leaned towards BT, now not so sure.
I can't receive Virgin in my area otherwise I would be looking closely at this. Also NowTV I didn't look to closely as it's pricey at £30pcm plus the tv aspect doesn't interest me too much but maybe someone else it might.
Interested in others' comments!
If they decide to increase the prices, which they have, you can decide if you would like to stay or go, if you choose to leave, there should be no fees to leave. Simple..
I haven't received any letter from sky yet. Anyone know any good deals? Mse haven't got any :disappointed:
I'm with Talk Talk - and the service I get is exactly the same as BT, only costs a lot less.
Although I've never paid full price yet for broadband from Sky, had them 4 years and i've only ever paid £17 a month, and that's for line rental and broadband, was unlimited until last year when I upgraded to fibre unlimited.
Shame no other provider can match that price or I would swap
If someone can get much better then please post as I have 14 days cancel.
Plusnet Unlimited Fibre Extra 65-80 mb, and should be all set up in 10 days.
And you get £44.40 with TopCashBack
The only prominent right winger who was on a regular gig at dear old auntie got sacked for upping his producer last year.
If the the 'beeb' was even slightly middle of the road, never mind right of centre the reds would call it the British Fox, fact
Then, they only go and Fibre up the street in September! Sky wanted an arm and a leg along with an 18mth contract to upgrade.
Let's see what they say now, otherwise BT fibre here we come.
Anyway she said she'd put a note on my account and i can switch at anytime just like a normal switch and i wont be charged.
Now all i've got to do is go through all the deals with bt cards / amazon vouchers / cashback and work out which is the best.
They got me, same as you + Sky Q Boxsets bundle for £37.40
Just used the form, then discussed my needs/wants over email and then finalised everything over the phone.
He said to email them close to my end of my contract and they'd dee what deal they could do for me.
It's worth a shot, nothing to lose.
Just tell them you're calling about cancelling because of a letter you got. I posted a picture of the relevant part of the letter in an earlier comment.
Paying £28.00 P/M
Fibre Unlimited £10.00 - Line Rental £10.00 - Sky Talk Anytime Extra £8.00
Line rental going up in April to £11.59
See no reason to change
The thread originally was talking about Sky TV and losing Discovery channels etc, it seems to have been edited since to just be talking about Broadband, of which I have no opinion as it was slow and crap when I had it, but to be fair the customer service team were good about it and sending out new routers etc.
But the phone and TV offerings are fine and for me personally £65 a month isn't much for the choice of TV I get. Most things we watch are Sky only, including F1 so there is no other alternative - they could charge more than they do tbh and a lot of people would still pay it.
Discovery channels are staying now also.
As I said, it's a choice, nobody is forced to take Sky - from reading your comments I interpret it as "I want some of the service offerings of this company that I can't get anywhere else but don't want to pay the price" - which is fine, they are not a charity. If you want the service offerings and can afford them then go for it, if not then go somewhere else. :smiley:
I spend quite a lot on the lottery each month as well but get sod all back from that at all!!
Quite happy with Sky, so looks like I'll be staying and paying the extra £1.59 until my contract expires in August.
. I was with TT for 1 year and that's one year of my life I will never get back. From my point of view, I wouldn't return to them even if they were free. Appalling customer services, maybe fine if you never have a problem and need to contact them.
I pay £19.99 for unlimited 80Mbit broadband, £17.99 for line rental and £7.50 for international calls. That is not an introductory price, that is the price
fibre is 38mbps and i get the full 38mbps.
after a year I rang and said i loved the service and they gave it me half price for another year.
just saying...just because it's bad for some of you - doesn't make the service 'crap' just a bad experience.
I had a bad experience with talk talk, doesn't mean they are any better/worse than sky.
All he did was knock off the £50 set up fee, so come March when the Line Rental and Broadband goes up, the new monthly cost would be nearly £50
Switched to another provider for 18 months at £32.50 per month with just £6.99 postage for the router. Saving around £300 compared to staying with Sky
If the £75 card is issued then you met the requirement, Sky cannot just cancel it.
Trust me never ever take your meds before negotiating a renewal with any retainment team
Can anyone with a BT presence fibre (i.e. non virgin) beat that ?
I pay £21 for 38MB BB, Kids TV skypackage and line rental.
Ive looked into the M TiVo and the kids programmes are crap. Would like to switch but not if the channel list is garbage.
Line alone is going to £18.99 so your getting fibre for £1 ?
Those of us who subscribe to Sky do so out of choice but outrageously we don't have a choice not to subscribe to the BBC do we :smirk:
They had no interest in retaining me.
Bb is soo slow and not a great signal strength from their router and despite paying the top end price for it, we are not getting the service needed. We work from home a lot online so signal strength is the key priority.
Want to switch to another provider. Any recommendations?
I've had Sky for years and am happy with the price, the service and all the updates they do - no other service I pay for has evolved so much over the years and updated itself accordingly (except maybe Sonos!).
Yet every time there is a Sky thread, people start shouting about them and calling them rip-off merchants! They are a business, and you don't HAVE to have Sky, unlike the BBC license which is a waste of cash IMO.
If Sky does what you want and is affordable then stick with it, if not go elsewhere, simple!
If you watch it then you obviously have to pay it.
I think most people are generally happy with the service - they don't like paying more than they have to and therefore are happy to play the cancellation dance with Sky and other providers as the opportunity arises. Sky and others rely on people just accepting the price rises without question, as many customers don't question it and continue to pay full tariff - then you read on here some of the deals that are available and find they are only available if you ask for them. A little bit of time, effort and research and those savings can be put to even better use :smiley:.
I loved Sky, but unfortunately i had to move to Virgin, who to be honest i hate with a passion.
BT has vastly under performed on infrastructure upgrades over the years and this has resulted in the best broadband speed in my area being 6-8g with Sky with a BT line.
In today's world that is very short of the mark.
Virgin offered 200g for less money.
I last years negotiation plan was down to a plusnet deal on here around last oct/nov that was cheap,people on here was saying to mention that and sky gave £10 discount on line.BB was free year before so they just extended that.
I assume we can add a larger phone addon (such as anytime calls) for the standard extra charge per month?
Called them yesterday, and best offer was to keep it as it is £37.90 but on 18 months’ contract. The guy tried to explain why they increased prices, won't rematch with TalkTalk and was kind of prepared to let me go, lol.
I had a look at other providers (PlusNet, BT, EE, Vodafone) although preference was/is to stay with Sky, and don’t think their offer was\is any better given the hassle involved. Having said this, I am seeing some people are mentioning that they are paying less than me… is there anything I can do to get it down even further on a new 18th Month contract (not interested in TV packages, they always offer this to me, etc)?
I'm definitely leaving now.
Raspberry Pi with Kodi.
Paid TV sub with GMGM every Sky channel £4.50
Talktalk 38mb fibre inc line rental £25
Sky just got the boot 3 days ago. Trying to charge me an extra £2.50 and losing 12 channels, Sky have balls.
It's been confirmed by sky staff on their forums today
Just got off the phone to Sky about Discovery threatening to leave and I was told they are still negotiating a deal so we have to wait and see what happens.
I went Kodi with a premium sub. Every sky package, perfect streaming. £5/month.
Give me a shout when your bags are packed and I'll gladly drop you down there and wave you off as the boat leaves with you on it, tschüß tschüß
when i moved to UK i have an intention of 'wow britan is such a developed country, soon after 1 year it sucks i took back my wow coz this place is **** no proper broadband, companies loot people in name of contracts :disappointed: and high prices, even mobile network sucks :neutral_face: no signals in travel ex: train, government wont support people to ask/challange big companies. How pitty SHAME SHAME :smirk:
That feeling when you know everyone's thinking exactly the same thing - but too darn scared or politically correct to say it. So "well said" Andymb13 !!!
Give me a mainstream ISP that isn't as invasive (unless by court order), that has decent peak time bandwidth without intentional throttling ("QoS") and with half decent IPv6 support with a unlimited tariff ? (prob some fair usage in there but you'd really have to murder the connection persistently)
Don't get me wrong they have their problems:
TV pricing is all over the place and only decent on friends and family deals imo.
There support at 1st 2nd line can be frustrating but if you persist you will get to clued up people.
Also only just have 5GHz Wifi on the Q router and only 2, gig Ethernet ports..
Overall they really aren't that bad when you consider the options unless you wanna pay more and go with cool smaller ISPs like AAISP.
50mb bb
Line rental
Free weekend calls
Tivo box and basic TV
Plus £50 credit
Which pays for first 3 months
BT does stand for 'Big Trouble'...
Internet is good - was having problem with mobile signal few weeks ago but so was everyone else in area - they sent me a very smart piece of kit - signal booster for free
engineer who called back was really helpful and noted if i have more probs they will issue me with new hub
Sorry if you don't or if it has been posted before. Sky and Discovery have reached an agreement...
They will put us on fibre for free without a contract anyway as their policy on rural areas is to only provide fibre internet if it's available and as we moving to somewhere that's out in the wilds of Lincolnshire the manor we're moving to falls exactly in to that bracket.
From what the vendor has told me who happens to be a Sky customer himself is though there's a fibre in the cabinet down the road it's not really as lively as it might be in built up areas, he said "only" around 15mbps which is still double what I'm getting on standard broadband in urban Greater London so it's proper fine by me :wink:
Seeing we got the full TV package including movies, box sets and sport for a pony a month at the minute which we'll lose if I sign up to the Q box we have been umming n ahhing but we will do the full home move for free and weigh up our options after that.
I've always done the cancel the whole TV package and wait 4 to 6 weeks for Rupert to write to me and say "Chas come back to any package half price for up to a year no contract" and bit then, last year turned out even better than that at 25 quid so you really do need to play hard ball with Sky and they will look after you :man:
I now begrudge the telephone packages after they scrapped the unlimited package:
free UK & international & replaced it with
free UK & mobile calls,
there were other negative changes too.
I feel like these line rental charges & package hikes are paying for something else.
The only problem is I get phone & fibre deals every year which are cheaper than the competition, this is the only reason I stay with them.
Wish I could find a fairer supplier, but they are all there to milk my pockets.
Couldn't chat long so will follow up later. How are you guys getting £15? I just want fast fiber really at a decent price, bundle or not, so I can ditch SKY.
I had no problems with cancelling with SKY - they said I could do it. Just haven't finalised it yet. Will do as soon as I get a decent price form Virgin :sunglasses:
Have asked a mod to post above link in topic main post as my edit to do so did not show :smiley:
Line rental, internet & call charges are all going up.
If that's the training their call centre staff have had and the instructions to say that to customers they should be reported to OFCOM
I'm happy to stay for the broadband providing I get a decent discount
"Important changes to Sky Talk and Sky Line Rental
We're changing some of our Sky Talk call rates and the standard monthly price of Sky Line Rental. The full details of how this will affect your monthly payments is detailed below but you can read our Help Article if you'd like to know more.
Changes to Sky Line Rental
From 1 March 2017, the standard monthly price of Sky Line Rental will increase from £17.40 to £18.99.
Changes to Sky Talk Call Rates and Call Connection Charge
Connection Charge
From 1 April 2017, the connection fee for non-inclusive calls will increase from 16.9p to 19p, unless a separate connection fee or minimum fee is specified. Connection fees do not apply to:
• Free, inclusive or unlimited calls (including those that commence within an uncharged period but end in a charged period)
• Fixed fee calls
• Calls charged by timed duration that start with a fixed fee
• Calls to service numbers (084, 087, 09 and 118 numbers)
• Calls to personal numbering chargeband pn7
UK Mobile call rates
From 1 April 2017, we're changing the way we charge for non-inclusive UK mobile calls by introducing a daytime rate and an evenings & weekend rate. From 1 April 2017, you'll be charged 19.35p per minute for non-inclusive UK mobile calls made during the day and 14.25p per minute for non-inclusive UK mobiles calls made during the evening & weekend (previously 11.5p per minute any time of day).
UK Landline Rates
From 1 April 2017, the charge for non-inclusive calls to UK landlines increased from 11.5p to 12.54p per minute.
For full details please refer to the tariff guide above."
Scroll down the page and you will see it
The 50% this time was off my tv package only however he applied the same deal to the fibre as last time so I'm happy with that. I'll never pay full price for tv or fibre. Most of my bill is for line rental and I don't even have a phone plugged in!!
No letter for me yet. I really don't want to have to be bothered with this :disappointed: Was quite happy with my £22 a month, most reliable connection I've had in a while.
Can't comment on Sky support at all... because I've never had to phone them! My ideal relationship with tech support.
Only joking :laughing:
Sky are keeping discovery and Eurosport!! Just been announced
Found it!
LONDON - Discovery and Sky's explosive disagreement has come to a head after an eleventh-hour deal between the two broadcasters.
The agreement, known as a carriage deal, means that Discovery will not remove its 13 channels from the Sky platform as it originally threatened.
I did receive the offer of a £12.99 discount if I purchased off the Sky Store, which they still proceeded to charge me for anyway!
They did this to me also - it took me 25 minutes on the phone to get it taken off.
I was leaving them anyway - I miss the live pause, recording etc but I'm pleasantly surprised with the number of free view channels I'm left with
I think we all know kodi is likely to have a limited lifespan
When I called Sky to complain yet again about huge latency spikes and my ping going through the roof, and the technical support for broadband team didn't know what I was talking about, and when the woman connected me to her supervisor, who then told me that she had no idea what I was talking about but her husband complained about it all the time....
Anyway, Virgin provides much better services.
Double whammy coming for you this year then :disappointed: Sorry to be the bearer of bad news!
BT still issued me with a final bill until the end of my contract and a charge for the equipment but I ensured it was returned and spoke to them to confirm once again that I cancelled due to their price increases. All charges were written off :-)
Also ensure that there aren't any utilisation faults in your area before moving!
True in that they will use the same copper and fibre from your premises to the exchange (in most cases). After that there are loads of differences between providers...
So it depends where the issue lies!
I`ve got message from bt today that they increase price of my broadband and calls by 2.50 but line rental stays the same,do i have a right to cancel as well?
thanks for he help.
I bet Spain is cheaper for whoever runs their satellite these day canal/movistar.
Slightly faster broadband, BT sport 4K, £125 reward card & £100 cashback was enough to tempt me away.
I have a TV box that shows freeview HD when it feels like it despite a solid aerial connection, support was an hour on the phone, many resets, ending with the offer of an engineer which may cost me £129 if he doesn't find a fault.
I also have a home hub router that is nothing but trouble, regularly dropping wifi and random restarts for no reason. Support is an hour long call to an Indian call centre which, after more resets, gets you nowhere.
Be careful what you wish for people, i will be switching back at the first opportunity.
I'm sure the Discovery deal will sort itself out in the next couple of weeks with the two parties meeting somewhere in the middle.’re-putting-some-of-our-prices-up,-and-making-some-great-improvements-to-your
Anyone else playing the waiting game?
It maybe in circumstances of cancelling contract early this won't occur....but worth checking just in case
is it worth trying to wrangle a reduction overall? maybe staying at £10 + line rental £15 will that mean entering a new 12 month agreement?
what's the best retention offers people are getting on live chat???
thanks in advance
Just the UK PL Sky rights and production costs account for the best part of 20% of Sky UK revenue.
if you still get the same answer, just quickly state to them you will send the CEO an email to complain and will use the chat as evidence you lied to me they will soon change their mind
if your wanting to cancel your tv tho that's a different story sky are allowed to increase prices by up to 10% (although there is no price rise with tv as far as I know)
the only course you can take for tv is to argue about sky possibly removing channels like discovery etc from the 1st feb
Unlimited Fibre Extra Broadband £14.51 (£14.51 a month for 18 months, then £19.99 thereafter)
Line rental £17.99
Plus £6,99 for router!
I only pay 40% for my TV package and got £100 credit. from last year.
I got a phone call today offering 50% off, no admin fee and I'm not tied into a contract. I also made sure that I wouldn't be charged any more once line rental goes up
Also possibly your physical line has started to break down or a connection is rusting or a road work has damaged your line or they have moved your line at the exchange or similar. or maybe you are doing it through wifi and a neighbour is using the same channel on wifi. so in none of those instances are there ANY new houses.
So there's not some Machiavellian plot from SKY. They didn't purposely do anything to you
For all the people saying they are happy to stay, I don't think anyone was suggesting you necessarily have to leave. Just putting in your cancellation (which would at this stage be without penalty) and using this as an opportunity to renegotiate your price.
I entered a new Sky 12 month contract (phone line and broadband) end of last year as the previous one was up.
Bit annoyed as Openreach never emailed to say fibre broadband is finally available in my area. I had signed up for notification. Seemed to take a lot longer for them to make it available than Openreach initially stated I hdad a look on the Openreach website a few days ago. Seems to only be offering the lower end of fibre speeds. After all that wait it is rather disappointing.
Could be a good oportunity to get a fibre broadband deal. Although I think there were some great deals a bit before or around Christmas time.
I've never had and issue with Sky call centre apart from being busy when trying to get through, but once I do their reps are always helpful and usually resolve any problems I have. This may all change tomorrow though when I phone them up go a moan about losing Discovery if it happens! The way they've handled this whole dispute is pathetic tbh.
I knew before i called them they would say go fibre
Gone are the days when it was worth cancelling.
This is how access to the internet works and how it would work with ANY ISP and not just SKY.
so yes, move to fibre and your download speed would increase but that isn't some Machiavellian plot from SKY. They didn't purposely do anything to you.
With regard to the usual Sky/BT debate, one works for some and the other for some others. LOL
Here is my experience. I changed from Sky to BT in November 2016 with no change to anything in the house (except settings, no hardware changes at all) and my perceived speed, according to, went up from 36megs with Sky to 47megs with BT. The other thing that I discovered when I originally moved to Sky (after they took over the O2 services) and something that I don't think has changed is that their email service isn't really much good as, for example, they do not provide a generic outbound server like BT do so that can be used for ALL your email addresses.
I guess that unlike many on here, I like to use a landline for most of my calls and another difference between BT and Sky is that I can use the likes of 18866 and 18185 for my international calls without having to use a conventional phone number to access those services.
Other than that, I have found that using the words Customer Service in a sentence is a complete oxymoron when trying to get sense out of either BT or Sky.
1. Remove the viewing card from the back of the machine and reboot. You don't need it, and having it in can cause issues.
2. Clear the cache by Home > Thumbs down > Thumbs up > Play > Play > Play. Box will then reset.
Yes, I know you shouldn't have to do this, but sometimes it's the only way to make the box bearable. Obviously don't do this when you're recording something.
Having a moan with your neighbour about this won't get you a deal!
Do yourself a favour and find a better deal.
although theres a case currently going through the high court if I remember right that may end kodi as we know it as they may be found to be illegal (content wise)
What can you get and is it any good quality wise?
It's probably down to Brexit :wink:
anyone know of any better deals out there, looked but cant see any even if it goes up to £18.99 in march cant see nothing that comes close so looks like I be staying sadly
as for sky tv I haven't paid a penny for past 2 years roughly give or take a few months lol, always cancel every time when my promotion offer of 60% off tv plus £100 credit gets eaten up on a rolling contract, sky tv prices are a rip off like who pays full price for complete package needs their head testing at what is it now 80 a month!! waste of cash
when I first took sky way back when it was £19,99 a month for everything, just shows how greedy sky have become, with android boxes etc its only a matter of time before sky will see their numbers dwindle
And if everyone said that you'd be paying a fraction of what they're ripping you off for.
Broadband is pants
TV overpriced, lets face it a zillion channels and nothing to watch.
Even if there were you can only watch 1 thing at a time.
And if you record something it basically means that when you come to watch it your paying for all those channels and watching something from last week, bright I have to say.
sky fibre, no problems. £20 fibre and line rental.
New 12 months promotional price
£100 Amazon Voucher
£90 Topcashback
£50 off voucher code
-£15 activation fee
Roughly £280 better off so thank you for the price hike, Virgin!
Sky Q probably better than Tivo but I prefer the old Sky box to either. Not tried the new Virgin box though.
Never had an issue with Sky Fibre. It's there anything better out there?
This may not be brilliant for a customers package but sometimes you can't blame a company for standing their ground to not pay over the odds for something that only a small demographic are interested in
Then when you have the opportunity with BT, cancel with them and sign up to Sky via a cashback site.
Rinse and repeat. I have been forced to do this recently with Virgin when their service was poor and they let me leave for free based on service failings. I just got something like £70 cashback and a free bluetooth speaker which I flogged 5 months prior, then moving to BT netted me £140 in cashback AND a £125 reward card!
B/B free
Line rental £10 discount
Anytime calls £8 (rarely use mobile)
Voivemail £1.25
Sky+ £10
£26.65 per month.
The above worked out cheaper if I took this deal rather than B/B with phone. Think this is the 3rd time of having free B/B with sky.
Estimated Bill come May jumps to £48 for the above, Sky+ will get binned so that drops to £38 but can get Vodafone upto 78meg fibre and calls for the same price.
I don't have a TV license, wouldn't be surprised if there were a lot of people out there who paid for one and didn't need one though.
After the 12 months subs i always cancel the TV package as I dont like too watching too much TV. bad for my tummy and th rest of the health. Hope it helps you to make your decission, and BTW service people has been alwasy very friendly, like i said i called them up on Saturday and they gave me the new SuperHub3 FOR FREE. I have the old 1st superHub1. All the best!!
I only pay £17.99 a month, received £63 cashback (paid) and also £100 pre-paid Mastercard. I will just take the price increase on the chin as would be mental switching with the current offers.
however if you are with 1st utility for gas or electric, they are doing 38gb speed with phone line fibre for £22 a month.
maybe will help someone but the offer ends today unfortunately and I've no idea how good their fibre is.
so only line rental to pay
even with £1.59 increase, isn't that still worth sticking to?
and if I cancel it, any cheap alternatives?
I would get on the phone, look to cancel or get a better price.
Commenting that negotiations had “reached an impasse,” Discovery accused Sky of using its “dominant market position to further its own commercial interest,” adding that “the vitality of independent broadcasters like Discovery and plurality in TV is under threat.”
In response, a Sky spokesperson said: "Despite our best efforts to reach a sensible agreement, we, like many other platforms and broadcasters across Europe, have found the price expectations for the Discovery portfolio to be completely unrealistic.
"Sky has a strong track record of understanding the value of the content we acquire on behalf of our customers, and as a result we've taken the decision not to renew this contract on the terms offered.
"We have been overpaying Discovery for years and are not going to anymore. We will now move to redeploy the same amount of money into content we know our customers value."
Constant line drops and the BT engineer that came out said the hub is rubbish and to use a 3rd party one, we went through 3 home hubs before buying a Netgear (since then not had any hardware problems). Still get line drops, last one was 3 days before Christmas which took 8 days to resolve.... when you have no internet you have no BT TV which is just great over Christmas!!! Got no compensation out them for that either.
The extra TV channels are rubbish, nothing worth paying for.
BT are garbage! and Sky is over priced.
On-demand/streaming is the way to go.
And yeah people calling sky a rip of merchant need to realise if sky is not holding you to ransom it's simple leave
Moved to sky a few months ago when that crazy Currys Sky for £26 a month deal was on - and very happy!
It did say they wanted £40 to send a engineer to install. Yet I clicked on line for no engineer, theny they have a few test questions incase you do need one. When i answered the question indicating i needed an engineer they wiped off the £40 fee.
I think I'll jump from Sky and see what I can get from Virgin.
SkyQ 1tb
Unlimited phone calls to mobiles etc...
Sky box sets
70mb broadband and 20 upload
£26pm increase to £27.60.
Can't get anything near it.
Sky made this price announcement around 2 weeks ago.
We hope you continue to choose Sky, but if you’re not happy with these changes you can cancel your Sky Communications Products. Just call us on 03448 244 450 and our team will be happy to help.
If you’re within your minimum contract period, call us within 30 days from the date you receive this email to avoid early termination charges.
The no dish is an option e.g. if you can't install a dish on the property.
Had a few small queries they have quickly ironed out but have been fantastic otherwise. They are constantly adding channels, BT Sport albeit not the quality of Sky Sports is a fraction of the price for better coverage and the fibre is second to none.
Currently a BT customer, and I'm paying £50 quid a month for broadband (that's all I use anyway). Not really had issues with BT and they are fast and reliable but surely EE broadband which is around £20 will be equally good.
recently joined virgin for the up to 100mb speed, on downloading i get around 70-85mb so I'm happy with that. heat added
il stick to 9 200mb
Paying £240 for a year of Fiber Broadband with Line Rental is good enough for me. And never had any problems with them as well. Touchwood :smiley:
I did that and now regret it, BT are 10 x worse than SKY in our experience. I wasn't happy with the Sky service but the BT one is so bad I wish I was still with sky, even if it is more expensive.
At the end of my BT contract I'm changing over too Zen and going Freesat, Amazon TV and Plex.
I did receive the offer of a £12.99 discount if I purchased off the Sky Store, which they still proceeded to charge me for anyway!
Sky Talk tariff guides:
Upcoming changes:
My line disconnects on my billing date - 13/2/17. I only went live Dec 2016.
I thought they were allowed to increase price in line with inflation if it was stipulated in terms and conditions.
Edit - Forget that, found it here link
Phone and Broadband is currently subject to a price hike. So you can cancel.
Tv will be confirmed tomorrow. If SKY cannot come to a deal with Discovery, then you will officially know tomorrow and you can cancel the TV side of things then.
So probably wait until tomorrow to confirm the standing of both, gives you more bargaining power with SKY for a retention deal. I think this whole Discovery contract shambles is going to end up costing SKY quite a few customers.