"We're playing a round of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 on the Xbox One! Available immediately downwards compatible and available in the store or at EA Access in the Vault! Even today a cool title, right?" (Thanks Google)
- Now available, along with Battlefield 3
Top comments
stuarthanley to jimferno
12 Jan 177#22
No you don't. You pay a subscription to play newer games without having to purchase them. The old games are there to play for free.
I guess you're using a PS4 wishing that Sony hadn't passed up on EA ACCESS...
12 Jan 175#34
8 months is soooooooooooooo old... that's like so last year now (literally).... Im not interested in playing any game unless it came out this week... when its a week old... I cant be bothered... it has to be proper new... I went through a phase of only playing Alpha test games... they are so new they aren't even out....
Yeah EA and Games for gold suck... I only play new games... 8 month old games... pah...
next you will be saying Movies made as far back as 2015 can be decent... or music that was released before the last 8 months is good... new music is best
EVERYONE knows... NEW = best. and new means... less than 8 months old.
Glad I am not the only one that feels this way.
benjammin316 to jimferno
12 Jan 173#23
Pay the same amount as you did last week, now with more content
12 Jan 173#14
my favourite game of all time.
looks like the servers will stay up a bit longer.
All comments (63)
12 Jan 171#1
Hopefully includes Vietnam DLC
12 Jan 17#2
hopefully bf 3 and dragon age go in as well
Wortho to mrmcdermot
12 Jan 17#4
I may be wrong but I did read bf 3 was never released digitally, so I doubt it.
orangebastage to mrmcdermot
12 Jan 17#6
Would love Dragon Age and to a lesser degree DA2 in the vault. Got both on disc, but effort :stuck_out_tongue:
thedvdmonster to mrmcdermot
12 Jan 172#8
Both are now BC along with the mighty ghostbusters.
12 Jan 17#3
Cold eh?
12 Jan 171#5
cant speak for the 360 but it was on ps3
12 Jan 17#7
Its not on the Xbox Store at least. Interesting... But I think it was something to do with the issues with multi-disc games as downloads at the time.
12 Jan 171#9
Yup, I was about to post the same. I read about them today, too, which made it weird to see someone posting about those two specific games.
12 Jan 17#10
neither was mass effect 2 and 3 but that's now available.
same as lost odyssey and blue dragon.
Covert Recon
12 Jan 17#11
Couldn't connect to servers last night on BF3 or BFBC2.
Opening post
The German Xbox facebook page confirms this
Translation is -
"We're playing a round of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 on the Xbox One! Available immediately downwards compatible and available in the store or at EA Access in the Vault! Even today a cool title, right?" (Thanks Google)
- Now available, along with Battlefield 3
Top comments
I guess you're using a PS4 wishing that Sony hadn't passed up on EA ACCESS...
Yeah EA and Games for gold suck... I only play new games... 8 month old games... pah...
next you will be saying Movies made as far back as 2015 can be decent... or music that was released before the last 8 months is good... new music is best
EVERYONE knows... NEW = best. and new means... less than 8 months old.
Glad I am not the only one that feels this way.
looks like the servers will stay up a bit longer.
All comments (63)
same as lost odyssey and blue dragon.