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Battlefield Bad Company 2 & Battlefield 3 (Xbox One) Joining EA Access Vault
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
12 Jan 17
Taken from Reddit

The German Xbox facebook page confirms this

Translation is -

"We're playing a round of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 on the Xbox One! Available immediately downwards compatible and available in the store or at EA Access in the Vault! Even today a cool title, right?" (Thanks Google)

- Now available, along with Battlefield 3
Top comments
stuarthanley to jimferno
12 Jan 17 7 #22
No you don't. You pay a subscription to play newer games without having to purchase them. The old games are there to play for free.

I guess you're using a PS4 wishing that Sony hadn't passed up on EA ACCESS...
12 Jan 17 5 #34
8 months is soooooooooooooo old... that's like so last year now (literally).... Im not interested in playing any game unless it came out this week... when its a week old... I cant be bothered... it has to be proper new... I went through a phase of only playing Alpha test games... they are so new they aren't even out....

Yeah EA and Games for gold suck... I only play new games... 8 month old games... pah...

next you will be saying Movies made as far back as 2015 can be decent... or music that was released before the last 8 months is good... new music is best

EVERYONE knows... NEW = best. and new means... less than 8 months old.

Glad I am not the only one that feels this way.

benjammin316 to jimferno
12 Jan 17 3 #23
Pay the same amount as you did last week, now with more content
12 Jan 17 3 #14
my favourite game of all time.

looks like the servers will stay up a bit longer.
All comments (63)
12 Jan 17 1 #1
Hopefully includes Vietnam DLC
12 Jan 17 #2
hopefully bf 3 and dragon age go in as well
Wortho to mrmcdermot
12 Jan 17 #4
I may be wrong but I did read bf 3 was never released digitally, so I doubt it.
orangebastage to mrmcdermot
12 Jan 17 #6
​Would love Dragon Age and to a lesser degree DA2 in the vault. Got both on disc, but effort :stuck_out_tongue:
thedvdmonster to mrmcdermot
12 Jan 17 2 #8
Both are now BC along with the mighty ghostbusters.
12 Jan 17 #3
Cold eh?
12 Jan 17 1 #5
​cant speak for the 360 but it was on ps3
12 Jan 17 #7
Its not on the Xbox Store at least. Interesting... But I think it was something to do with the issues with multi-disc games as downloads at the time.
12 Jan 17 1 #9
​Yup, I was about to post the same. I read about them today, too, which made it weird to see someone posting about those two specific games.
12 Jan 17 #10
​neither was mass effect 2 and 3 but that's now available.

same as lost odyssey and blue dragon.
Covert Recon
12 Jan 17 #11
Couldn't connect to servers last night on BF3 or BFBC2.
12 Jan 17 1 #12
I think he means into the vault
12 Jan 17 2 #13
Awesome news, BF:BC2 was my favourite version of Battlefield - runs Titanfall 2 and BF1942 close as my favourite FPS of all time
12 Jan 17 3 #14
my favourite game of all time.

looks like the servers will stay up a bit longer.
12 Jan 17 1 #15
Lol needn't have bought them from CEX the other day :laughing:
12 Jan 17 #16
blassic game
12 Jan 17 #17
Plenty of players online last night
12 Jan 17 #18
BF: BC2, was such a great game at the time. I recently tried to play it on the PC and felt like it hadn't aged well.
12 Jan 17 1 #19
Where's the deal, you pay a subscription to play old games?
stuarthanley to jimferno
12 Jan 17 7 #22
No you don't. You pay a subscription to play newer games without having to purchase them. The old games are there to play for free.

I guess you're using a PS4 wishing that Sony hadn't passed up on EA ACCESS...
benjammin316 to jimferno
12 Jan 17 3 #23
Pay the same amount as you did last week, now with more content
12 Jan 17 #20
It's also allowing me to download the Vietnam dlc for it so hopefully it works.
12 Jan 17 1 #21
Ea access gets better again. Boom.

Heat added
12 Jan 17 #24
What new games? I thought EA Access let you play games that 8+ months old as well as four hours or so of new games a week before release (A paid demo)
Has this changed?
12 Jan 17 #25
Mirrors Edge Catalyst was 6 months old.
12 Jan 17 #26
So not new then.

Suppose this part way makes up for Scalebound being scrapped.
Who needs new games.
12 Jan 17 #27
Not on uk ea access yet?
12 Jan 17 #28
Depends on your definition of new. I'd say that a game released in the last 6 months, given away for free, could be classed as new.
12 Jan 17 1 #29
Very cool, BF: Vietnam was the greatest Battlefield of all times imo, still log on to the PC version from time to time;
12 Jan 17 1 #30
It isn't free if you have to pay for it.
12 Jan 17 2 #31
No you don't.
If a subscription includes 10 games when you bought it and 5 more games are added, you are getting those games for free.

If you buy a game for £40 and the developer releases free DLC for that game, you're saying it's not free?

EDIT: ah, never mind. Another PS owner just trolling
12 Jan 17 1 #32
Completely different. You don't have to pay £40 again the next year to carry on playing.

BTW i'm a PS4 and Xbox owner.
12 Jan 17 #33
Hi guys just bought bf3 premium edition brand new do you think the code for dlc will have expired?
12 Jan 17 5 #34
8 months is soooooooooooooo old... that's like so last year now (literally).... Im not interested in playing any game unless it came out this week... when its a week old... I cant be bothered... it has to be proper new... I went through a phase of only playing Alpha test games... they are so new they aren't even out....

Yeah EA and Games for gold suck... I only play new games... 8 month old games... pah...

next you will be saying Movies made as far back as 2015 can be decent... or music that was released before the last 8 months is good... new music is best

EVERYONE knows... NEW = best. and new means... less than 8 months old.

Glad I am not the only one that feels this way.

12 Jan 17 #35
So is the Vietnam Free with this? I downloaded the VIP pass for the extra maps from the store but nothing about the nam pack.
RjaRavenheart to MrFlux001
12 Jan 17 #38
Nope it's a tenner. :confused: ​
12 Jan 17 #36
Is Vietnam a campaign or just multiplayer maps?
12 Jan 17 1 #37
This guy eh. Probably sniggering into his Cheetos
12 Jan 17 1 #39
TLDR: #newisbest
12 Jan 17 #40
Wind your neck in Jo. or Dan. Which one is it? Do you have a joint facebook too? With "full time mummy" at "skool of lyf" listed under job?

The fact is that they aren't new games. Best not to get people subscribing expecting to play games at release off the back of duff info.
12 Jan 17 2 #41
I shall wind it in...

Go Go Gadget neck...

ah that's an old reference isn't it...


My point is clear...

a game that is 6/8 months old is new.

Anyone buying EA access will know what they are getting they wont be going in blind and even if they do at £20 so what... dont renew next year... its exceptional value.

Not on facebook with you cool kids.... its not new enough for me.
12 Jan 17 #42
PC, XBONE and PS4 so you'd be wrong there console peasant. :stuck_out_tongue:

Have never seen the value of this subscription service and this doesn't qualify as a 'deal' in my book I'm afraid.

EA games are definitley nothing to miss either. :man:
12 Jan 17 #43
Isn't it strange those that choose to use personal insults and the assumptions they make....

good work... :wink:
MichaelGL to joanddan7
12 Jan 17 #45
If you don't want to get identified as a facebook mum, don't come across as one.

I made a perfectly reasonable post and you came into the thread like a dishevelled pigeon shedding dirty feathers and sh*tting everywhere in an attempt to be funny.

Now get back to your Jeremy Kyle :laughing:
12 Jan 17 #44
I'm hoping this brings in more players. There's only 2 active lobbies right now, one for nam and one for the standard game, both for rush.
12 Jan 17 2 #46
BF BC2 was the game that made me fall in love with shooters and opened up a whole new world of gaming for me.

Til then it was Pro Evo and nothing else.
12 Jan 17 2 #47
Thats subjective what you have said, a lot of people including me agree EA access is great value for money, just because you only like to play new releases and don't see this as a deal doesn't mean theres no deal for everyone else to take advantage of, you are entitled to your opinion however
12 Jan 17 #48
Shouldn't this be in freebies mods?
12 Jan 17 #49
I'm male and at work.....

Nice work though Sherlock.

I won't insult you as any one with any intelligence already has your number....
12 Jan 17 #50
Love it just need 1943 now
12 Jan 17 1 #51
Depends on your circumstances I suppose. Over the years I've amassed a library of all the games I'm likely to enjoy and play across various platforms.

Paying a subscription to EA to demo their new games and play a selection of old titles essentially offers me nothing.

If you've only just started gaming and have limited funds I guess it provides some value but an extra title added to a subscription service still isn't a deal.
12 Jan 17 #52
So getting more for your money isn't a deal then? I think you're on the wrong website :wink:
12 Jan 17 #53
Should individual films added to Netflix be upped as an individual deal as well?

I rest my case, just more spam cluttering the site.
12 Jan 17 #54
MS Germany have edited. BF2 will not be available on EA Access :disappointed:
12 Jan 17 #55
They've removed the EA Access reference. Shame :disappointed:

I was surprised it wasn't announced with the announcement to be honest. We'll just have to wait and see.
12 Jan 17 1 #56
If you don't pay for the subscription, you don't get the 5 extra games. They aren't 'free'.

Given or available without charge
12 Jan 17 #57
If you've paid for 10 games and they then add 5 more, you initially paid for 10 games. You're getting the 5 for free UNTIL you have to pay again.
12 Jan 17 #58
Please don't rest your case. Netflix is constantly removing items from its service too so it's not comparable.
12 Jan 17 1 #59
So if I only paid for EA Access for Dragon Age would that mean I get 14 games for free? :laughing:

In all seriousness, EA Access is a service for providing games and continuously adding games is part of that service. That's what you're paying for, the entire service and not just a set amount of games on there. It's not free, nothing about EA Access is.
12 Jan 17 #60
If you only wanted Dragon Age and was prepared to pay £20 per year for it then the other games are technically free, yes.
If you pay £20 for the current list of games (25+) and in a months time, EA adds 5 more without asking you to pay any more for them then they're free.
12 Jan 17 #61
See my edit
12 Jan 17 2 #62
The important word here is 'paid'. If I don't pay for the subscription, do I get those 5 games? No. Money has to be paid to get access to those 5 games, therefore they are not 'free'. A load of companies incorrectly use 'free' in their advertising ('25% extra free' etc.), but that doesn't magically change the definition of the word.

Given or available without charge
19 Jan 17 #63
Possibly old news, but they've been added today to the vault
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