Great deal! This code is authorised to be used with TCB, so go via them to get an extra 2.6% cashback
27 Nov 16#4
Are you sure the code works because it says "Already 20% Off".
27 Nov 16#5
Hi, do they both include the hub, as one shows it and the other doesnt, i have a combi but should i just buy the heating/hot water one, as it shows all 3 units. thanks,
sdaspland to jaddy
27 Nov 16#6
I have read into this ad I have recently ordered hive, with a combi boiler you only need the heating unit. The unit with hot water is for houses that have a hot water tank. Hope this helps
27 Nov 16#7
yes but i suppose if there the same price i might aswell get the hot water one , and that one shows the hub with it, and im buying sockets and amazon echo dots and they need a hub apparently, just wish i bought the hive a few months ago instead of the nest. cheers.
27 Nov 16#8
We have a combi boiler with a hot water pre heat feature so you can use this to do that job.
27 Nov 16#9
The hot water is for is for a system boiler so if you have a combi only get a single channel hive. The hot water option gives you a hot water mode on the hive app but it wouldn't be linked in so be pointless. Most combis preheats are turnt on and off by the sensor on the hot water heat exchanger so the hot water option would have no use on a combi or I would of thought at least 98% of them!
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