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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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17 Nov 16
If you have ever tried looking for a Full HD laptop with an IPS screen you will realise what a great deal this is. Most laptops have useless screens that fade out or invert colours when you tilt them. IPS doesn't do that. It's sharp and colour accurate from any angle.

On top of that, it's not just the usual 1366x768... it's FULL HD! 1920x1080! 1080p!!!

The CPU scores a usable 1475 on cpubenchmark, which is better than the older celerons that score under 1000. For comparison, an i3 will score 2500+.

It's only got 32GB solid state storage (eMMC), but there's a hard drive bay to expand! Even with an eMMC (a cheaper version of an SSD) the CPU won't feel so slow, booting up and launching apps will be quicker than an i5 with an old spinning hard drive!
Top comments
LetoKynes to Broadsands
17 Nov 16 9 #10
​A potato
17 Nov 16 4 #18
Bought this very laptop for the wife about four months ago. Here's the HUKD post I put up...

I fitted it with a 500 GB HDD and between it and the 32 GB eMMC, it's been a wonderful little machine. My wife uses it for photo editing and it works a treat. I'd highly recommend this cheap little laptop.

Oh, and all that stuff about Medions being unreliable? All I can say is that my Medion P6620 laptop that I bought from Aldi in 2009 is still in full working order. Have some people had problems? Probably yes but so have people who have bought Dells & Macs and they probably paid a lot more than £185!
17 Nov 16 3 #11
this or the macbook air
All comments (61)
17 Nov 16 3 #1
Hot but just note, I don't think it's an SSD. It says it's flash memory so most likely eMMC. This will be significantly slower than any SSD.
jcmaton97 to PhoenixRising
18 Nov 16 #46
​Yeah it says eMMC but there's a drive bay do you could easy do an SSD upgrade
hcc27 to PhoenixRising
21 Nov 16 #50
You're spot on. Any netbook-type lappie with 32GB sold today will come with soldered-on eMMC. Having said that, it will still be an order of magnitude faster compared to any mechanical drive. Apart from the tiny size, the other downside is eMMCs are not user upgradeable unlike SSDs. I own a Lenovo Ideapad 100S with a 32GB SSD and an Intel Atom quad core processor - hardly any specs to shout about - however it runs Windows 10 fine, MS Office well, no issues with HD video, YouTube HD, Spotify etc. Boots up from cold in 10 sec, and I've got around the storage limitation with a 128GB SD card.
17 Nov 16 #2
I'm seeing £185.95 delivered, not £179. Wasn't there once an option to gain uncharged delivery via accepting a deluge of Medion emails?
Luke2642 to AndyRoyd
17 Nov 16 #16
Thanks, price updated.
17 Nov 16 1 #3
I don't understand this

Windows 10 Home preinstalled - improved start menu, new features, fast performance, safe and easy making it the ideal system for office, multimedia applications and games of all kinds. Installed on the 128GB SSD - Windows 10 Home starts in seconds!

I thought the HD was 32gb but surely 32gb would only just about cover WIN10 and the other installed software
17 Nov 16 1 #4
Hard drive bay so can add second drive
17 Nov 16 #5
I think the 128GiB SSD is deffo a misprint and the "hard drive" is actually just 32GiB eMMC. Can't expect more at this price, wouldn't really call it a laptop as such, maybe netbook or tablet with keyboard?
17 Nov 16 1 #6
Median build quality is extremely poor - especially on the lower end models.. just a heads up as the majority that I have for clients end up being returned with various faults. They use a uk call centre for returns but everything goes back to Germany.. and they have a habit of failing to repair and leaving the end user to then try and sort it with the retailer. You can probably tell I'm not a Medion fan
Bendown to freebiehunter
17 Nov 16 1 #7
My findings as well
claire7519 to freebiehunter
17 Nov 16 #20
Just had my Lenovo PC that was out of warranty repaired by Medion, sent to Germany so it took about 2 weeks but it was very cheap & it works again. Just thought I'd give everyone evidence of a good review lol
17 Nov 16 1 #8
The 128gb eMMC models get 150mb read / 55mb write speeds, presumably this smaller drive will fare worse.
32gb is going to cause issues, major Windows updates may fail due to lack of space as it creates a backup copy for rollbacks.
supermann to MBeeching
18 Nov 16 1 #38
I havd an N22 Lenovo chromebook with an emmc and it's quite slow. J mean okay it only has 2gb of ram but I was surprised how slow the emmc was as I expected to be more like an ssd in terms of performance than a hdd.
17 Nov 16 2 #9
This or a 128GB Surface Pro 4?
LetoKynes to Broadsands
17 Nov 16 9 #10
​A potato
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