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4 Sep 16
These BT deals are fiendishly difficult to fathom (deliberately - confusion marketing) but this sounds pretty good as things stand at the moment. Feel free to correct my figures - or (please!) to post a better deal.

This deal is for fibre - and it's UNLIMITED. That's important - a lot of BT deals are capped, and going over the cap is expensive and far too easy.

Monthly costs:

Unlimited Infinity 1 £10.99

Monthly line rental £18.99*


BT Privacy Caller Intro price for 12 months FREE

BT Sport Pack – on BT TV FREE

(Monthly contract cost with offers £29.98)

One-off costs:

TV activation fee £10

Infinity activation fee £49

Home Hub delivery charge £7.95

So for Unlimited Infinity 1, monthly line rental, BT Sport, AMC, Caller Display, it's £29.98 pm = £359.76 over the full year.

Add £66.95 one-off costs = £426.71

£262.75 TCB/Mastercard to come off that, reducing cost to £163.96 over the year (£13.67 pm) with a decent, well-reviewed, new BT Smart Hub router thrown in for good measure.

Need to go through Topcashback to get this deal, and these prices, of course.

*Lower prices still if you pay upfront for your line rental - reduces costs by £1.90 pm

****One additional point worth noting if you don't want to switch immediately - the final screens allow you the opportunity to delay the switch by several weeks. The default switch time is around a fortnight.****

Above now amended to take account of TCB changes to cashback - increased to £215.25 cashback + £100 Mastercard (£315.25 in total) but you need to add a £5 pm SIM

BT Mobile 500MB Plan - 200 minutes, unlimited texts, 500mb data

If you don't want the SIM, go through Quidco for £140 cashback + £100 Mastercard.
Top comments
4 Sep 16 14 #41
Just be VERY careful when dealing with BT.

Their "deliberately - confusion marketing" quickly becomes deliberately - confusing billing.

I set up an account with them, enticed in by £225 cash back and £125 Sainsbury's voucher and was screwed over by them.

When I called them about being charged for something I shouldn't have been charged for, they refused to talk to me because I wasn't the account holder... I set up the account in my name, paid using my card details and somehow they messed that up, putting someone else as the account holder and even charged their card, as well as mine!! I had to call, pretending to be the other person, to add my name to the account so I could change the debit details etc. The awful customer service didn't stop there as I had to make monthly calls to cancel BT sport as they were charging me £5 extra a month for something I never used. Took 7 months for them to stop lying about stopping it and actually put an end to it.

Thought it was an isolated incident but they're also screwing with two of my relatives, one who asked to be charged monthly, but is getting charged quarterly in advance throughout the year. The other has argued with them for months as they paid for a fibre service and they installed normal, saying fibre isn't available in the area, but still charging for it.

They also put their bills in reverse for some strange reason.

Just be wary, some things aren't worth the effort, can't wait for my contract to end. (They also renew it if you move house during the contract).
Newbold to Kay135
4 Sep 16 4 #4
Me too. Impossible to tell whether this sort of deal is any good or not without the usual HUKD debate. There may well be better deals out there.

BT customer service is appalling by the way - probably the worst. You're unlikely to need it, but if you do there are always ways to cut through it. :wink:
25 Sep 16 3 #261
No - BT tell you nothing. Nice people! You'll need to claim here:
4 Sep 16 3 #9
TV activation fee £10
Infinity activation fee £49
Home Hub delivery charge £7.95

These rip-off charges by BT - what a joke. Wellm it would be a joke if it was not so expensive. You can tell that all MPs get their broadband and Sky type TV for free - at our expense - can't you and they are probably totally unaware of the BT rip-off charges.
All comments (313)
4 Sep 16 1 #1
If any of my calculations are wrong (entirely possible!) I'll be happy to correct them. If there are better deals out there (also entirely possible) please post them. :smile:
no_Sunshine to Newbold
5 Sep 16 #130
Thank you. Your calculations seem correct so far. Just one question, how do you get from £162.75 to £262.75 cashback? How to get extra £100 Mastercard cashback?
4 Sep 16 1 #2
Looks good to me. Be interested to see if anyone can post a better deal or should be HOT
Newbold to Kay135
4 Sep 16 4 #4
Me too. Impossible to tell whether this sort of deal is any good or not without the usual HUKD debate. There may well be better deals out there.

BT customer service is appalling by the way - probably the worst. You're unlikely to need it, but if you do there are always ways to cut through it. :wink:
4 Sep 16 2 #3
Fab :smiley:
Nutkin to xox_collette_xox
5 Sep 16 #158

Just like that free phone you get with just the 50 quid contract.... Yes its totally free!
4 Sep 16 2 #5
If you add a SIM cashback increases by £52.50 - the cheapest SIM is £5 per month, so the net cost for 12 months is only £7.50- they usually also give an Amazon voucher with SIM deals (though the last offer ended on the 1 september) further bringing the net cost down
4 Sep 16 3 #6
I'm getting Vodafone fibre fast broadband as soon as my SKY contract runs out so I will have great broadband no line rental & it costs £25 nobody needs a landline unless your of an older generation which is understandable, I don't watch sport so not a good deal for me, I've currently got free Sky broadband (not fast) but it's free :smiley: all I'm paying is for the line rental £17.99 & I'm still able to use the Sky pause rewind record functions through they're BOX :smiley: I was paying approximately £45 but never really watched they're to services but I do miss the fibre Internet as the copper (telephone line broadband) is sluggish if
your using multiple devices ie downloading games or films as well as browsing the Internet, great if your on a shoestring budget or just looking to cut costs.
4 Sep 16 1 #7
Seems to be showing £12.50 for Unlimited Infinity 1 for me.
Newbold to chris88
4 Sep 16 1 #16
Should be showing £10.99 if you go through TCB: img
4 Sep 16 2 #8
You still need a landline for Vodafone :wink:.
4 Sep 16 3 #9
TV activation fee £10
Infinity activation fee £49
Home Hub delivery charge £7.95

These rip-off charges by BT - what a joke. Wellm it would be a joke if it was not so expensive. You can tell that all MPs get their broadband and Sky type TV for free - at our expense - can't you and they are probably totally unaware of the BT rip-off charges.
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