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4 Sep 16
These BT deals are fiendishly difficult to fathom (deliberately - confusion marketing) but this sounds pretty good as things stand at the moment. Feel free to correct my figures - or (please!) to post a better deal.

This deal is for fibre - and it's UNLIMITED. That's important - a lot of BT deals are capped, and going over the cap is expensive and far too easy.

Monthly costs:

Unlimited Infinity 1 £10.99

Monthly line rental £18.99*


BT Privacy Caller Intro price for 12 months FREE

BT Sport Pack – on BT TV FREE

(Monthly contract cost with offers £29.98)

One-off costs:

TV activation fee £10

Infinity activation fee £49

Home Hub delivery charge £7.95

So for Unlimited Infinity 1, monthly line rental, BT Sport, AMC, Caller Display, it's £29.98 pm = £359.76 over the full year.

Add £66.95 one-off costs = £426.71

£262.75 TCB/Mastercard to come off that, reducing cost to £163.96 over the year (£13.67 pm) with a decent, well-reviewed, new BT Smart Hub router thrown in for good measure.

Need to go through Topcashback to get this deal, and these prices, of course.

*Lower prices still if you pay upfront for your line rental - reduces costs by £1.90 pm

****One additional point worth noting if you don't want to switch immediately - the final screens allow you the opportunity to delay the switch by several weeks. The default switch time is around a fortnight.****

Above now amended to take account of TCB changes to cashback - increased to £215.25 cashback + £100 Mastercard (£315.25 in total) but you need to add a £5 pm SIM

BT Mobile 500MB Plan - 200 minutes, unlimited texts, 500mb data

If you don't want the SIM, go through Quidco for £140 cashback + £100 Mastercard.
Top comments
4 Sep 16 14 #41
Just be VERY careful when dealing with BT.

Their "deliberately - confusion marketing" quickly becomes deliberately - confusing billing.

I set up an account with them, enticed in by £225 cash back and £125 Sainsbury's voucher and was screwed over by them.

When I called them about being charged for something I shouldn't have been charged for, they refused to talk to me because I wasn't the account holder... I set up the account in my name, paid using my card details and somehow they messed that up, putting someone else as the account holder and even charged their card, as well as mine!! I had to call, pretending to be the other person, to add my name to the account so I could change the debit details etc. The awful customer service didn't stop there as I had to make monthly calls to cancel BT sport as they were charging me £5 extra a month for something I never used. Took 7 months for them to stop lying about stopping it and actually put an end to it.

Thought it was an isolated incident but they're also screwing with two of my relatives, one who asked to be charged monthly, but is getting charged quarterly in advance throughout the year. The other has argued with them for months as they paid for a fibre service and they installed normal, saying fibre isn't available in the area, but still charging for it.

They also put their bills in reverse for some strange reason.

Just be wary, some things aren't worth the effort, can't wait for my contract to end. (They also renew it if you move house during the contract).
Newbold to Kay135
4 Sep 16 4 #4
Me too. Impossible to tell whether this sort of deal is any good or not without the usual HUKD debate. There may well be better deals out there.

BT customer service is appalling by the way - probably the worst. You're unlikely to need it, but if you do there are always ways to cut through it. :wink:
25 Sep 16 3 #261
No - BT tell you nothing. Nice people! You'll need to claim here:
4 Sep 16 3 #9
TV activation fee £10
Infinity activation fee £49
Home Hub delivery charge £7.95

These rip-off charges by BT - what a joke. Wellm it would be a joke if it was not so expensive. You can tell that all MPs get their broadband and Sky type TV for free - at our expense - can't you and they are probably totally unaware of the BT rip-off charges.
All comments (313)
4 Sep 16 1 #1
If any of my calculations are wrong (entirely possible!) I'll be happy to correct them. If there are better deals out there (also entirely possible) please post them. :smile:
no_Sunshine to Newbold
5 Sep 16 #130
Thank you. Your calculations seem correct so far. Just one question, how do you get from £162.75 to £262.75 cashback? How to get extra £100 Mastercard cashback?
4 Sep 16 1 #2
Looks good to me. Be interested to see if anyone can post a better deal or should be HOT
Newbold to Kay135
4 Sep 16 4 #4
Me too. Impossible to tell whether this sort of deal is any good or not without the usual HUKD debate. There may well be better deals out there.

BT customer service is appalling by the way - probably the worst. You're unlikely to need it, but if you do there are always ways to cut through it. :wink:
4 Sep 16 2 #3
Fab :smiley:
Nutkin to xox_collette_xox
5 Sep 16 #158

Just like that free phone you get with just the 50 quid contract.... Yes its totally free!
4 Sep 16 2 #5
If you add a SIM cashback increases by £52.50 - the cheapest SIM is £5 per month, so the net cost for 12 months is only £7.50- they usually also give an Amazon voucher with SIM deals (though the last offer ended on the 1 september) further bringing the net cost down
4 Sep 16 3 #6
I'm getting Vodafone fibre fast broadband as soon as my SKY contract runs out so I will have great broadband no line rental & it costs £25 nobody needs a landline unless your of an older generation which is understandable, I don't watch sport so not a good deal for me, I've currently got free Sky broadband (not fast) but it's free :smiley: all I'm paying is for the line rental £17.99 & I'm still able to use the Sky pause rewind record functions through they're BOX :smiley: I was paying approximately £45 but never really watched they're to services but I do miss the fibre Internet as the copper (telephone line broadband) is sluggish if
your using multiple devices ie downloading games or films as well as browsing the Internet, great if your on a shoestring budget or just looking to cut costs.
4 Sep 16 1 #7
Seems to be showing £12.50 for Unlimited Infinity 1 for me.
Newbold to chris88
4 Sep 16 1 #16
Should be showing £10.99 if you go through TCB: img
4 Sep 16 2 #8
You still need a landline for Vodafone :wink:.
4 Sep 16 3 #9
TV activation fee £10
Infinity activation fee £49
Home Hub delivery charge £7.95

These rip-off charges by BT - what a joke. Wellm it would be a joke if it was not so expensive. You can tell that all MPs get their broadband and Sky type TV for free - at our expense - can't you and they are probably totally unaware of the BT rip-off charges.
4 Sep 16 #10
Coincidentally, I've been looking at BT beacause my Sky deal is ending in October and I agree with most of your figures except for the Unlimited Fibre 1 which appears to be £12.50 rather than the £10.99 you suggest. Which one of us has it wrong? :-)

10% can be saved on the line rental by paying the year up-front.
4 Sep 16 2 #11
You do not need to pay line rental with Vodafone Broadband, however at £25/mth a cashback deal works out cheaper.
4 Sep 16 2 #12
Print or pdf a copy of any offer on the BT site that you go for. In the last few months they have blamed system errors for 5 mistakes they have made with my orders. You will need the paperwork trail to back up your claim. So far they have honoured their offers, but I had to chase them each time.
4 Sep 16 #13
@tawse57 - anyone who looks at the headline price and doesn't take into account any additional charges is really missing the point. It's the total cost of a deal that is the deciding factor, not the cost of the individual parts. After all, would you really complain about the postage if you discovered a brand new gadget that you wanted for £4.99 with £14.00 postage when everyone else is selling the same gadget for £19.99 post free?
4 Sep 16 #14
Same here with free sky Internet. Contract run's out in November and was looking to go with BT infinity again but I will look at Vodafone seen as you don't need a landline :smiley:
4 Sep 16 1 #15
Another £3.50 for calls package a month would have to be added to that to receive the tcb at the rate of £162
deanos to mk4794
4 Sep 16 #30
Nope, the free weekend calls are all you need for the higher cashback
4 Sep 16 #17
You're right. Changes when going through Topcashback.

Anyone use BT sims? Are they any good? Seems like it might be worth the extra cashback.
4 Sep 16 1 #18
BT=EE so should be pretty good coverage, is generally the best option locally here
4 Sep 16 #19
Thanks for confirming the £10.99, I went straight to the BT site.

If there is anyone reading this thread that has renewed a deal with BT for a second year, can you please let us know your experience when you negotiated for that second year? Did they give you much hassle or did they just agree? Many thanks for any light that gets shed on this.

Sky have, without any argument, just told me that they will willingly extend my contract for another year at the same price as I am currently paying - £20.88 total per month for 'phone, 36Meg unlimited fibre and E+WE calls
4 Sep 16 3 #20
You still need a landline. The line rental is just included in the single price.
4 Sep 16 1 #21
Actually you do, it's just part of the £25.
4 Sep 16 #22
I got BT cashback a year & six months ago on my account. Will I still get cashback? Is there a time period between each one anyone know? Can't seem to fine any information on the website about it.
4 Sep 16 #23
Does anyone know how long you need to have been away from BT for to be classed as a new customer? Been with them for 9 months but not happy with the price increase or speeds.
4 Sep 16 #24
Okay. Thank you
4 Sep 16 #25
Anybody here happen to have any experience with the SSE cashback from TCB? Showing as 'confirmed' but not yet payable.

Not sure how great a risk it is jumping ship from SSE (got a free pass out) to BT so far as the SSE cashback's concerned.
fatgit to Newbold
4 Sep 16 1 #27
I moved to SSE, who totally screwed the move up (long story), so I moved to VM and still got my cash back.
gother to Newbold
4 Sep 16 2 #43
Get away from SSE whilst you can they are horrible their throttling is disgusting, they were ordered by Ofcom to release me from my contract because they were throtlling my speeds down to 2mbs i was supposed to be getting 78mbs, i only use netflix and ps4.
4 Sep 16 #26
​my sky contract just ended and offered me nothing wanted £28 for broadband and line rental spoke to 5 different people aswell very rubbish service
4 Sep 16 #28
brilliant deal paying £17.67 for unlimited fibre unlimited evening and weekend calls with all the costs in setting up included with cash back and £100 Mastercard taken off amazing deal think the title needs adjusting this would go really hot
Newbold to chrisjdhuckle
4 Sep 16 1 #29
I'm not bothered about the heat (until HUKD starts paying people based on deal heat :smile:) but on the basis that so far nobody's pulled this deal to shreds I'm starting to think it might be worthwhile - and I'm the OP!

Still time, though - any better deals out there to be had before I make the switch? :neutral_face:
4 Sep 16 #31
A couple more questions looking for answers please.

1) can you tell BT when you want the service to start so that Sky (or anyone else) doesn't charge for an early contract termination?

2) has anyone actually taken this exact BT deal and can confirm that you actually get the £162.75 rather than a lesser amount because it's not a monthly paid television service?

Thank you!
4 Sep 16 #32
Yes I switched a couple of weeks ago from the dreaded SSE , took the free weekend calls and free tv and at the time I got 155 cashback and 125 card, already received the card and cashback tracked in a couple of hours
Newbold to deanos
4 Sep 16 #33
Did the SSE cashback get paid?
4 Sep 16 #34
yes got the sse cashback day i switched , already in the bank :smiley:
4 Sep 16 #35
So is it £11.77pm all in?
4 Sep 16 #36
.......... ??.....
4 Sep 16 #37
4 Sep 16 #38
Parents phone line is with BT, but Sky ADSL for the internet. Wonder if they'll allow the deal.....
4 Sep 16 #39
So tempting... is it worth losing my 152Mb Virgin Media that I'm currently playing £35 a month for on its own (no TV or phone)?
badgerrules to ollie87
4 Sep 16 2 #42
VashTheStampede to ollie87
5 Sep 16 1 #65
**** no.
W1zz to ollie87
5 Sep 16 #81
I've been with VirginMeda since 2001 and their broadband service in my area at present is diabolical. It's been officially ongoing since December 2015 and I'm on my 4th 'claimed' fix date (07/09/16). They say it's 'utilization issues in my area'.

In other words, my 100mb connection in the evening drops to between 0.8mb and 5mb. Unusable with 3 kids using Xbox, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Spotify etc..

I keep being refunded the broadband (£25) but they just fob you off with another fix date 2-3 months later.

I'm giving them until their next fix date before moving to something like this. I'd rather pay and get 52mb than pay to get refunded on a 100mb service which often gets less than 1mb.
4 Sep 16 1 #40
My summary of BT after being with them for years at multiple properties:

Internet speed is good and reliable but you pay a premium for it. If something goes wrong, their call centres can be a bit ****
4 Sep 16 14 #41
Just be VERY careful when dealing with BT.

Their "deliberately - confusion marketing" quickly becomes deliberately - confusing billing.

I set up an account with them, enticed in by £225 cash back and £125 Sainsbury's voucher and was screwed over by them.

When I called them about being charged for something I shouldn't have been charged for, they refused to talk to me because I wasn't the account holder... I set up the account in my name, paid using my card details and somehow they messed that up, putting someone else as the account holder and even charged their card, as well as mine!! I had to call, pretending to be the other person, to add my name to the account so I could change the debit details etc. The awful customer service didn't stop there as I had to make monthly calls to cancel BT sport as they were charging me £5 extra a month for something I never used. Took 7 months for them to stop lying about stopping it and actually put an end to it.

Thought it was an isolated incident but they're also screwing with two of my relatives, one who asked to be charged monthly, but is getting charged quarterly in advance throughout the year. The other has argued with them for months as they paid for a fibre service and they installed normal, saying fibre isn't available in the area, but still charging for it.

They also put their bills in reverse for some strange reason.

Just be wary, some things aren't worth the effort, can't wait for my contract to end. (They also renew it if you move house during the contract).
4 Sep 16 #44
4 Sep 16 #45
OP doesnt mention the speed of the broadband lol, just the price. Great price. Whats the speed?

Well it says "Unlimited Infinity 1" but I don't speak BT marketing language.
dibbo to RowanDDR
4 Sep 16 #46
38mb download
4 Sep 16 #47
With BT fibre unlimited (got an even better deal than this at the time!) and it's been ultra reliable IME. Got the Quidco cashback and pre-paid Mastercard very fast as well. Joined BT Mobile a while after and whilst the Quidco paid very fast again the 80 quid Amazon voucher didn't. Was getting nowhere so simply joined BT's community forum and had a moan and a MOD on there sorted it in no time (this included 3 phone calls from him personally as well). Amazing CS. If there are any probs with their service from now I will simply moan on their forums again instead of talking to their awful overseas call centres. Recommended.
4 Sep 16 1 #48
tried to get new hub because our normal hubs wifi is rubbish but they wanted me to sign a 12 month contract just to get the hub and then pay for the delivery of it too. so i said no as i wanted higher Broadband as well but looks like 65/75 is the highest they can offer but we need higher :disappointed:
nublets2k to shikztheurbanlegend
5 Sep 16 #57
The most you'll get is 78, unless you get FTTP or a second line.
4 Sep 16 #49
Quidco paying £115 cashback on same deal. I just signed up. £10.99 pm 205.08 advance line rental plus the £7.95 delivery and £49 activation. £100 MasterCard brings it in at (all being well) £14.90pm
over 12 months.
4 Sep 16 #50
Nope. It is now "up to 52Mbps"
4 Sep 16 2 #51
these so called new customer prices are really annoying,companies nowadays are more into recruiting new customers than rewarding long term customers,i hate having to ring virgin for example about my price increase when i have been a customer for over 10 years,when i see they offer new customers a lot more for a damn site less that for what i am paying for
4 Sep 16 #52
a bit pointless in download speed and download amount when they are trying to block you on the web sites that you can down load from
5 Sep 16 1 #53
BT - Bloody terrible
5 Sep 16 1 #54
You do need a landline, they're just not charging rental.
5 Sep 16 #55
My Sky broadband contract going to be end on 24 October 2016. Can I still join this BT deal ? Any suggestion please ? OR IF i join can i start my service upon end of contract ? Thanks
littel helper to dude_1234
5 Sep 16 #93
+1 i like to know too if anyone here can help. thanks
5 Sep 16 #56
You could always try downloading things legally instead of pirating them...
5 Sep 16 #58
It's not like this is a one-off deal from BT, they are always offering deals like this, some better than others. Be patiemt and an even better deal may be available come October time lol.
5 Sep 16 #59
BT and "Unlimited" in the same sentence? So no useless 10gb / 20gb caps at all here, unlike every other smallprint I've ever jumped straight to with BT offers? If so, should be good cos that's usually the thing that kills it from the off for me - barely do any browsing with that sort of limit let alone anything else.
5 Sep 16 1 #60
its not a point of downloading things ilegally its when they block you on certain websites
5 Sep 16 #61
Only piracy sites.
5 Sep 16 1 #62
vpn the ways to go then
5 Sep 16 #63
Yeah. Generally a good idea to use one regardless of whether or not your ISP blocks the sites.
5 Sep 16 #64
but i do nothing illegall regarding downloads-it just annoys me when you get blocked because of your country
5 Sep 16 #66
It's a great deal except when you read into the upload speed, for most people no problem I know but for that odd once or twice you want to upload it would be nice if it was faster than adsl. If I wasn't already with BT adsl I'd switch to this but of course BT won't let you do that while still in contract without paying 26 per month with 18.99 line rental and a min 18 month contract. Wish them luck keeping my custom in November. Still voted Hot for those in the nice position of taking up the offer.
Hasnaiin to 2o2o
5 Sep 16 1 #68
where is the upload speed stated ? i thought infinity 1 has a Max upload speed of 9.5Mb
Gambler to 2o2o
5 Sep 16 #140
​My adsl contract with BT is up in about 4 weeks. Anybody had any success upgrading to a fibre deal at a 'decent' rate?
5 Sep 16 #67
BT infinity is 52/10. (or 76/20 for Infinity 2)

As most are going to get 16/1 on ADSL2+, it's upload speed where fibre dominates adsl.
5 Sep 16 #69
Word of warning; when your contract approaches renewal, BT will pro-actively phone up asking if you want to renew your line rental saver. (without mentioning that: A) it's non-refundable, B) it is independent of the broadband)

If you've organised the broadband on behalf of an elderly unsavvy parent prone to taking unilateral action, and they're the one that takes the call... prepare to be locked into BT for another 12 months :disappointed:

They're clearly using line rental saver to lock people into contracts on the sly; scummy ****.

So yeah, screw BT out of as much money & bandwidth as you can, then cut the scumbags loose.
5 Sep 16 2 #70
avoid BT like a plague.
had BT fibre,numerous issues,drop outs at least 3 visits by open reach in 12 months each with threatening that there is £130 charge if the engineer finds the fault inside (luckily not the case) offer were given once I notified them I'll be leaving to different provider (not that I would accept it!)..and worse than all over 2 months since I left and they charged me a whopping £45 for one month extra,still waiting for my refund.
horrible,bully company with awful service.
5 Sep 16 #71
where is everyone finding £162.75 topcashback i cant find it
5 Sep 16 #72
how long does it usually take for topcashbacks to track the cashback ?
5 Sep 16 1 #73
Yes, second price increase this year by Virgin 1st Feb & 1st Nov. The reason they are improving their networks, sorry but isn't that why they charge line rental ?
5 Sep 16 #74
I joined BT a few weeks ago...
My breakdown is :-
£18.99 line Rental
£10.99 Broadband (Unlimited weekend calls - Broadband has a £15.01 discount)
£3.50 unlimited Evening & Weekend Calls (Need to cancel that, as I dont even have a phone plugged in!)
£16 Total TV (UHD BT Sports) (It is £21 but with a £5 discount)

Had to pay £49 one off chargers & £7.95 delivery.

My Top Cashback is Tracking (£152.25)
& I received a £150 Mastercard Pre-Paid card from BT last week (which you need to apply for after installation).
5 Sep 16 #75
So I had a very similar deal to this about 18 months ago and worked out fine. When I came to renew they offered me a reduced price on unlimited broadband of £10 a month but without the cash back this wasn't really comparable to the deal I originally had. They also started charging for BT TV at £4.

I think I should have left BT and got cash back elsewhere.
5 Sep 16 #76
Don't be silly, the Vodafone pixies bring the broadband no copper or fibre required only pixie dust that's why it's free!.... :smile:
5 Sep 16 #77
Surely 52mbs??
5 Sep 16 #78
anyone got the number for a uk based BT broadband ales team. ive put my cancellation in at virgin but the issue is my line rental has been paid till next year so need to speak to a actual person to see what deals can be had.
5 Sep 16 #79
the sales team will be uk based
5 Sep 16 #80
Just in time. Received a letter on Saturday that my virgin broadband is going up by £3.49.
Bowler_man to mspychala
5 Sep 16 #83
Yes people need to be aware of this, second price increase this year by Virgin 1st Feb & 1st Nov. The reason,they are improving their networks, sorry but isn't that why they charge line rental ?
5 Sep 16 #82
I signed up for this deal a couple of days ago. topcashback has tracked, all looking good.

I am currently with sky where my deal is coming to an end, when I clicked on my offers page they said would offer me £10 unlimited for 12 months (£27.40 Inc line rental).

clicked on the chat window and after a little haggling sky said they would give me line rental and unlimited 40gb fibre for £17.40 per month.

pretty good deal, but want to give bt a chance
5 Sep 16 #84
Virgin engineers suck compared to BT. The professionalism between the two is night and day.
5 Sep 16 #85
Probably not since you can have VM without line rental. I know because I don't have a phone line despite having 152Mb broadband.
5 Sep 16 #86
Surely the MasterCard won't work for anyone who cloaks tcb?
deanos to thedvdmonster
5 Sep 16 #92
should do, mine has tracked and received the giftcard already

When i switched to BT about 18 months ago i got cashback and giftcard that time as well
5 Sep 16 #87
I would rather undergo root canal surgery performed by a drunk marmoset wearing thick oven gloves and armed only with a corkscrew, than go through the hideous, verging on surreal, fever nightmare of setting up a new contract with BT again.
5 Sep 16 #88
Took a deal last year at £10 p/m for infinity 1. Now time for renewal and its a bit of a pain. Would only offer me £14 a month for Infinity 1 and offered £2 off BT Sport (making it £4) and HD for £5 a month (first 3 months free), plus £18.99 for line rental. Wouldn't budge on this depsite being more expensive than new customer offers (not taking TCB and Mastercard vouchers into account).

My main gripe is I want the new Smart Hub and got a letter through the post saying I could get one free, only paying £7.95 for cost of delivery, but that the offer was based on what I was paying for phone and broadband as at August 2016 (which is £10 for infinity 1). Phoned up and was told I have to pay full price (£20 per month) to get the free smart hub. Which isn't what the offer says - the renewal offer is also £4 a month more than my "At august 2016" price. So I have raised a complaint as the letter is extremely misleading. Will see what comes of it this week.
5 Sep 16 #89
Have had a lot of problems with my hh5 and customer services are useless, foreign call centres shouldn'tbe used by one of the more expensive companies, will be looking around in January when current contract expires
5 Sep 16 #90
I've had enough of BT. They totally don't wanna know anymore if there's a problem. Our internet is so intermittent it's ridiculous yet they say it's within acceptable limits yet it's almost unusable with their own tv box! Hard wired too. New router, old router, new Ethernet cables. All their equipment yet they suggested it's for us to sort out with a private engineer. Not the company they were
Bowler_man to sparklehedgehog
5 Sep 16 #98
I Work in IT and see this all the time now, companies not wanting to supply on site help to diagnose problems. BT would say that the guys installing the stuff are Telecoms engineers and not network engineers
5 Sep 16 #91
Yes but you pay for the 152MB @ £35 per Month. Most of us take 3 services and get the same after discount plus the other services. Trust me your paying for it you just don't realize it because its not itemized on your bill.
5 Sep 16 #94
At the time I got it (a while back now!) it was a lot cheaper than the phoneline + broadband package.
5 Sep 16 #95
Yes BT appear to have upgraded recently to 52mb. I stand corrected... :wink:
5 Sep 16 #96
While I'm sure there are problems.....don't run a speed test:
- on a phone
- over wifi

Even if both your phone and router support 802.11ac, a single antenna in real world situations is unlikely to be able to saturate a 100Mb broadband connection.
5 Sep 16 #97
Gutted my SKY finishes in January or I'd be on this. Hot.
deanos to leehardacre
5 Sep 16 #106
dont worry there will be similar or better deals, i got a better gift car £125 last month so a bit better than this deal
5 Sep 16 #99
also run a none flash test like for a true speed.
5 Sep 16 #100
I'm done with BT. Never again.
5 Sep 16 #101
Is this with unlimited calls aswell?
cleverguy12 to ibzhayat1233
5 Sep 16 #105
​Only weekend calls
chris88 to ibzhayat1233
5 Sep 16 #114
Think it's £6.50 extra per month.
5 Sep 16 #102
Took a similar deal posted on here last year. Got all my cashback, great installers - nothing to much trouble.

Personally used BT web chat to resolve any issues not call centres. Paying half what I was with virgin. Very happy myself. Good internet speed (live near the cab). Had to call an engineer out once who was great and swapped the router. If you do have an issue get the web chat operator to escalate your issue and they will call you back....

no i dont work for BT
5 Sep 16 #103
I've had BT for a year and it's been fantastic. never had any issues with broadband or tv or anything. seems a good deal to me. Hot hot.
5 Sep 16 #104
Just recently moved into a new home, not sure if I need an engineer out to install a line? Would this be included in this deal?
Holte_ender to steve_b21
5 Sep 16 #107
You may find they will charge £130
5 Sep 16 #108
BT are truly awful. Customer service is a complete joke and their billing system (if you can call it that) seems to deduct random amounts from your account each month. Good internet but WHEN, not if, something goes wrong...good luck. Took my partner and I over 3 months to get internet access for our new property. Not worth the hassle IMO
5 Sep 16 #109
How long does TCB normally take to track please?
5 Sep 16 #110
Really? I have been told that there is a charge for the standard broadband unlimited however for the infinity packages it is free.
5 Sep 16 #111
My local Ford garage have introduced a new system like Vodafone. It used to be buy a fiesta for 10k and get a tank of fuel free. Now if you buy a tank of fuel you get the car free! With admin etc the fuel is 10k. But they absolutely gurantee me that the car is free.
5 Sep 16 #112
Seriously do yourself a massive favour and avoid BT. A relative had 25 yes 25 engineers come to his property over the course of four months. And they admitted they could not provide the nessary service to industry standards. After a month negotiating a contract release and compensation. This was for a household with a severely disabled man who was supposed to get priority care. Openreach are a joke, and BT generally have poor reliability issues and shocking customer care.
5 Sep 16 #113
If you ever have a problem with BT and get stuck with the call centre go to their forum here:

If you post your issue there the admins will sort it out in a few days. I am talking from experience after getting absolutely nowhere with the call centre after 2 months and about 20-25 calls...
5 Sep 16 #115
​Aren't you lucky? Our BT deal ended a month or so ago, they had really quite bad retention deals. Now on SSE.
5 Sep 16 #116
how long would u be internetless if u cancelled and resubscribed. partner has a dif surname..
5 Sep 16 1 #117
Exactly the same problem in my area. Need to contact them for an update. They need to stop taking on new customers without investing in infrastructure.
5 Sep 16 #118
For information - new line connection fee is waived on the infinity package - otherwise it is £130.

Ordered, thanks.
5 Sep 16 #119
How long does it take for topcashback to track the transaction? Cannot see anything in my account at the moment.
5 Sep 16 #120
Speed tests are constant over wifi or from PC / Laptop hard wired. At 5am or daytime, I get the full 100mb (slightly more). But in the evenings at peak times the speeds disappear.

The Virgin Superhub 2 in modem mode and my routers an Asus RT-AC68U

The speed tests I'm recording on phone are for examples when I call VM every 2/3 months to complain and get the refunds. They've admitted there's 'utilization issues' in the area but give out false fix by dates. They probably weigh up the cost of lost customers against the cost of fixing the problem and are hoping I just leave.
5 Sep 16 #121
I just joined BT and I have got this but I got the Fibre for 20 pounds not this deal. This isn't a new deal, so I don't know why it was never posted on here before? BT have done this deal and the 20 pounds for the same Fibre for agessss now. Also word of mouth, BT's Customer Service is shockingly appalling. It's worse than TalkTalks. It's horrendous!
5 Sep 16 #122
I took out this offer at the beginning of last month and my sky contract ends on 9 Sept 2016. BT are taking over the service when my sky contact ends. Hope this helps!
5 Sep 16 #123
Thanks OP this post prompted me into action. With BT and out of contract I moaned about
new customer deals also mentioned the Vodafone price after chatting with his manager
I accepted £28.99 a month for 12 months from £46.74 for Infinity opt 1 unlimited 50'ish Mb BT sport
and caller display. Back on the phone to try and blag a new router too.
5 Sep 16 #124
i switched from sky broadband to bt 2 months ago paying £10 per month for normal broadband. Within 3 weeks i had a personalised offer to get unlimited infinity 1 (52mpbs) for the same £10 per month on a 24 month contract.

I was more than happy to take this.

As has been said they are a nightmare to deal with, i cancelled my bt sport on sky so i could take advantage of the 5 pounds per month bt sport for having bt broadband.

They tried to charge me a cancellation fee of hundreds of pounds despite assuring me this would not happen. It took weeks and about 10 phone calls for them to waive the "early" termination fee.
5 Sep 16 #125
The Home Hub 5 comes with a neat social feature. It restarts periodically; we notice it more in the evening and all get off our devices to moan about the internet... then end up talking to one another o_O.

Apart from that, speeds aren't bad where we are.
5 Sep 16 #126
ty for posting the deal, I was about to switch to sky broadband, with cashback it'd work out about £24 a month, but this deal works out about £14 a month, so a really nice saving over the year, hopefully the cashback and mastercard will go through smoothly.
5 Sep 16 #127
We have the same router too. I also feel like they are hoping we will leave - the last time they said they would be happy to cancel the contract with no penalty. Been customers since 2000 and reluctant to go as the alternatives for broadband in my area aren't great.
5 Sep 16 #128
There are some important terms and conditions applying to the Topcashback payments:

What will stop me getting cashback?
What else is essential?
Good to know
What to do when

Can anyone get these to load for more than a second or two and paste them here? Tried three different browsers so far and it's impossible to read them - just wondering what they're trying to conceal.
5 Sep 16 1 #129
What will stop me getting cashback?
This offer is not available direct through BT or through BT call centres.
Customers moving home and continuing an existing BT contract will not be eligible for cashback.
The use of a BT Broadband - New Customers promotional/voucher code not posted and approved by TopCashback, may affect your eligibility for cashback.
Using a promotional/voucher codes not posted and approved by TopCashback.

What else is essential?
You must register your BACS bank transfer details with TopCashback before clicking through to BT in order to be eligible for cashback.
BT Sport is not a TV package and will not be commissionable.
Cashback may only be paid via BACS.
If, after you have placed your order via TopCashback, it is necessary for BT to amend the details of your order, you will need to send the new order reference to TopCashback so that your cashback claim can progress.
If you purchase BT Broadband and Unlimited Weekend Call you will receive cashback for Solus Broadband

Good to know
Customers ordering BT Infinity who already have BT broadband (copper) are not regarded as new customers.
The rates above include a bonus relevant to your membership level - 5% for Plus members and 1% for classic.
Cashback is paid for all customers purchasing a brand new package. Existing BT customers who regrade a current package will only be eligible for cashback on the new add-on element, if cashback is offered on the particular product at the time.
Customers that have existing BT line rental but Broadband from another provider are classed as new BT Broadband customers.
From time to time information displayed here may be out of date.
Cashback rates are subject to change both up and down.
Recurrences on the amount of purchases that can be made while earning cashback may be limited.
Cashback will not be given to regrades
BT Reward Card ends runs from time to time and is available online only to new BT Broadband customers ordering a broadband package on You must claim your BT Reward Card once your broadband is installed and within 6 months of placing your order on by entering your details on and must activate the card within 3 months of receipt. Following a successful claim, your card will be sent to the broadband installation address. Offer, BT Reward Card & BT terms apply ( BT Reward Card is issued by R. Raphael & Sons plc, pursuant to license by MasterCard International Incorporated. MasterCard® and the MasterCard brand mark are registered trademarks of MasterCard International Inc. Raphaels Bank is a UK Bank authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority (registration number 161302) and is permitted to issue e-money. Head office and registered office at 19-21 Shaftesbury Ave, London W1D 7ED, company registration number 01288938. Subject to availability.
BT Broadband - New Customers cashback can be earned simply by clicking through to the merchant and shopping as normal.
Unless otherwise stated expect transactions for this retailer to appear within 24 hours. Transactions are usually confirmed within a month and should become payable within 60 days after the event date, unless otherwise indicated on the Avg Payment Speed Statistics.
Cashback may only be paid on the net value excluding VAT, all other taxes, surcharges and any additional costs such as delivery.
BT Broadband - New Customers Cashback is available through TopCashback on genuine, tracked transactions completed immediately and wholly online.
If you earn cashback through this merchant, payouts cannot be made by PayPal,M&S e-Gift Card,Love2Shop, Gift Card,Starbucks Gift Card,The Great British Pub Card,Boots Gift Card,Argos Gift Card,Debenhams Gift Card,American Golf Gift Card,New Look Gift Card,The Restaurant Card,Avios Travel Rewards Programme,British Airways Executive Club,Arcadia Group Gift Card,Currys & PC World Gift Card,River Island Gift Card,Your Travel Gift Card,Cineworld Gift Card,T.K. Maxx Gift Card.

What to do when
Whilst the vast majority of transactions from merchants track successfully, occasionally a transaction may not get reported. If you believe this to be the case, please submit a "Missing Cashback" query within 3 months of the transaction, as we will be unable to chase up claims older than this.
Claims for this merchant must be lodged with TopCashback as soon as possible if the sale doesn't track, as these will need be submitted within 3 months of the original transaction date for review. All claims must be lodged with the relevant and correct information.
Some merchants may not be forthcoming with untracked cashback. We endeavour to chase untracked cashback but reserve the right to halt enquiries at any time. Please do not make purchase decisions based upon expected cashback as it is not guaranteed.
About your purchase
Pure card is issued by R. Raphael & Sons plc, pursuant to license by MasterCard International Incorporated. MasterCard® and the MasterCard Brand Mark are registered trademarks of MasterCard International Inc. Raphaels Bank is a UK Bank authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority (registration number 161302) and is permitted to issue e-money. Head office and registered office at 19-21 Shaftesbury Ave, London W1D 7ED, company registration number 01288938
5 Sep 16 #131
Thanks, chris88 - that's incredibly useful. There are some key points in there that people need to look out for - these, for example, but plenty of others:

You must register your BACS bank transfer details with TopCashback before clicking through to BT in order to be eligible for cashback.

BT Sport is not a TV package and will not be commissionable.
5 Sep 16 #132
So here is my order:
Upfront cost - £272.03 (I paid line rental up front).
Monthly cost - £15.99 (Broadband plus sim). Year - £15.99 * 12 = £191.88
Total - £272.03 + £191.88 = £463.91

Cashback (if it all goes through)
Quidco £215.25 + £100 Mastercard = £315.25 cashback.

Total - cashback: £463.91 - £315.25=£148.66.
Monthly cost after cashback - £148.66 / 12 =£12.39 per month.
So if I worked it out correctly & all cashback comes through I should be getting Broadband, phone line, TV & sim card for £12.39 a month.

Also I used Quidco because I trust them more than TCB. Quidco gives £160 cashback but they price match other cashback websites so you can get the £215.25 TCB are offering. You must put in a higher cashback claim within 72 hours of cashback tracking (took 5 minutes for me).
Mitster to chris88
5 Sep 16 #135
Hi there,

has it tracked yet?

5 Sep 16 #133
Yes you need you're bank connected to the cashback website or you can't take it out. Also to get TV cashback you need to get BT TV, not just BT sport.
5 Sep 16 #134
Just tried ringing Virgin to do a price match, and they are not interested. Not one bit.
Currently on 70mbit fibre, TV M+, and weekend calls only at £39/month. They are absolutely taking the p**s. I've been with them 16 years (11 with them, and 5 with comcast on the same lines), and they do this every year, up the prices and you have to battle to get a fair deal. Not interested this time and to be fair its about time I tried someone else.

Luckily the recent price rise means I can cancel my contract without cancellation charges, so I'm off and this BT deal looks like the best thing currently available. Can anyone who has recently took this deal and previously had virgin fibre comment on performance? I'm currently getting lag spikes all through the day and they can't fix it - think it's poor management of the network and overcapacity due to overselling.

5 Sep 16 #136
Do they include a set top box for viewing their TV service? They used to give proper YouView recorders, then poxy streaming boxes.

We don't want or need one, but if they do and you flog it, that makes the deal even more attractive.
5 Sep 16 #138
Quidco? Yes it tracked within 5 minutes (£160) but the claim for the price match of TCB hasn't yet but it normally takes 24 hours or so.
5 Sep 16 #139
You can remove traffic restrictions from your virgin for £5 a month it's called the gamer add on. Came out 1st September this year.

Since getting it even at peak times I'm getting full 200mbps and it doesn't drop more than 10%
5 Sep 16 #141
i got infinity 1 for a tenner per month (24 month contract) it was in my offers online.
5 Sep 16 #142
So does this deal come with BT TV and a box of some sort?
5 Sep 16 #143
Thanks for all the useful comments, guys. I was the OP and it did seem a good deal, but you never know till it's been through the HUKD mill whether there's a flaw with it, or maybe a better deal out there somewhere.

Seems there wasn't so I've gone for the deal for the £262.75 total cashback (it tracked correctly within minutes).

£272.03 one-off charges (including router and Line Rental Saver covering a full year) and £17.49 pm covering everything else, including all calls, Infinity 1, BT TV etc.

£481.91 in total for my particular package with all the calls (poor mobile signal here) for 12 months. £219.16 after cashback payments - £18.26 pm net across the 12 month contract.

Hope the figures clarify the deal for anyone confused by all the figures BT throw about to confuse people. :sunglasses:
chris88 to Newbold
5 Sep 16 #146
Thanks for posting it. Yea posting deals for companies people hate mostly go cold even if it's a decent deal.

I have to wait 3 weeks till I get my broadband up & ruining (move to new place with no active line). Hope I can still claim my reward card because I have to wait till it's switched on to claim it.
5 Sep 16 #144
Hi, I went for this deal a few minutes ago. Cashback tracked but I cant see any mention of the £100 master card. Has it been removed or is there something else I need to do?
Newbold to davemcc
5 Sep 16 1 #147
It's on the BT sign-up pages - and you need to claim it later from BT:
woodface7 to davemcc
5 Sep 16 #148
You should always ensure you screenshot every page of every step with cashback sites and telecoms firms. You're not too late to snap the TCB BT page which says "Plus up to £100 BT Reward Card" on each offer.
5 Sep 16 #145
Hi Newbold, do you have an estimated installation date from BT yet please? If not, please post as soon as they give you a date so that we know how long this is going to be and if it will link up with the contract expiry dates we have with our current supplier. Thank you.
Newbold to cibarious
5 Sep 16 #150
They gave a date 14 days from today, but I've changed that to suit me better. Amongst the final screens you'll find one that allows you to delay the start date by several weeks (can't remember exactly how many, but it was quite a few). A lot of flexibility there that I've not come across before - handy if you're not quite out of contract. :smile:
5 Sep 16 1 #149
No reason I can see why you shouldn't be able to claim the reward card here:

I've deliberately delayed my start date.
5 Sep 16 #151
Just left BT after one of the worst years "service" I've ever had. Switched over to EE fibre and BT rejected the switch 4 times due to us not paying for "an engineer to go out to the exchange and disconnect us fee at £30.

Had to get ofcom involved in the end. Never EVER go with BT
5 Sep 16 #152
Okay, visited the offer on BT (via TCB not logged in) and you do get a streaming box for a one-off £10. A YouView recordable box (inc 'Entertainment' channels) is £10 month.

Since we already have some (excellent) second-hand YouView boxes, I'm wondering if you can sign up to the streaming option, then plug in your YouView box to enjoy the service. (We aren't that interested in any of BT TV's offerings like Sport & AMC, but many peeps are)
5 Sep 16 #153
Not many positive comments for BT i wonder why
Newbold to chillyyyy
5 Sep 16 #154
They're awful to deal with. But, having said that, I'm just switching back to them again for the 3rd time (for cashback/new customer (:smile:) reasons.
Why? Because the service is rock solid, and you very rarely need support. In the unlikely event that you do, there are always ways to get what you want quickly, with a little ingenuity. :wink:
5 Sep 16 #155
Only remaining concern is the TCB warning "BT Sport is not a TV package and will not be commissionable."

The option for the £10 streaming box "Starter + FREE BT Sport Pack & AMC" seems to qualify as a proper TV package though.

Anyone taken this option and got the full cashback tracked?
5 Sep 16 #156
Yes the starter pack counts as TV package. It says that because you can get BT Sport without getting any TV package.
5 Sep 16 #157
Yes. So far so good.
5 Sep 16 #159
please please please,do not get tempted by BT deals, as good as they are, the customer service is absolutely appalling,God forbid anything goes wrong, you can forget about any help, this has to be the most incompetent company /staff I have had the misfortune to deal with. just read their reviews on line.
5 Sep 16 #160
I was happy when my cul de sac got fibre 2 years ago so signed with BT infinity 2. When the engineer fixed my line, he told me he had upgraded the line from the street into the house to fibre, so now my BB and home phone are on fibre. Wow, I thought. I have tried to swtich to sky, but they tell me I don't have fibre in my street, even when I tell them I am talking to them on a fibre line. I am stuck with BT. I cannot complain about speed/bandwidth etc but would love to take advantage to better deals. The only way out is Virgin and I don't want to go there. Sky would have been ideal as their phone has free international calls to the countries I need. I don't know how to get out of this situation. Any advice welcome.
5 Sep 16 #161
I'm really tempted to sign up as sky contract coming to an end , I still have sky package for another 10 months , i have a few questions tho that I'm hoping someone can help with

1. Is it worthwhile going for the full package , broadband ,phone , tv , sim for more cashback? Does this work out cheaper per month after cashback /MasterCard?
2. If so, would taking the tv package cause me any problems with sky tv package ? I wouldn't really use BT one , maybe just BT sport

Thanks in advance
5 Sep 16 1 #162
I was with BT sine 1976 at same address. Been off line for between a few days to a few months over the years. Claimed compensation into hundreds of pounds to rubbish service. Bee tol to get another supplier when there were none I my region. Last week discovered Three broadband. Comes over the air to my 4g modem at between 15 and 28 meg download speed and 3 meg upload. Best BT ever attained was 4 meg download and 300k upload. Supposed to be unlimited but so slow could never download what I needed. Cost for 40 gigabytes a month with Three £20 monthly. VoIP phone calls £2.99 a month as a few pence per call. Monthly saving £15 against BT cast of £45. AdvTgree is reliable. Good-bye BT. Take you land line with you. It a no brainier!
5 Sep 16 #163
I was taken in by that offer last year. BT cancelled my application then accepted it. So because of that 'accidental' cancellation the cashback website couldn't register it. And because I used a cashback website, BT said I wasn't eligible for the voucher, so double lost out! They also raised prices twice in the last year in order to pay for their football contracts in the future. You pay for this even if you don't take out the BT Sport channels to watch it, all customers are paying for the stupidly overpriced rights for BT to broadcast a few games.

I would move over to Sky or Virgin out of principle but neither offer high speed internet down my road, and I have FTTP so I'm stuck with BT unless I want slow internet speeds.
6 Sep 16 #164
Of those who have ordered, how long is it taking for Topcashback to track?
6 Sep 16 #165
I'm seeing £156.55 for "New Customer BT Broadband + Calls + TV" plus the £100 card on TCB.

I was going to select this package:

Monthly costs
Unlimited Infinity 1 £10.99
Intro price for 12 mths £0
Upgrade to HD Extra
Intro price for 3 mths FREE
Thereafter price £5
BT Privacy Caller Display
Intro price for 12 months FREE
Thereafter price £1.75
BT Sport Pack – on BT TV FREE
One-off costs
TV activation fee £10
Infinity activation fee £49
Home Hub delivery charge £7.95
Line Rental Saver £205.08
Monthly contract cost with offers £10.99
Monthly contract cost £17.74
One-off costs £272.03

So total cost is £403.91 cashback is £156.55 and £100 card brings me to £147.36 or £12.28 p/m
6 Sep 16 #166
You can get that plus £60.60 cashback through TCB. Obviously you can also you can save the £10 p/m if you don't want unlimited.
6 Sep 16 #167
I think I can reply this one for you. My order with BT went through about 12 hours ago. Approximate installation date (they had a list to choose from, I went for the first one available) is 26th of September this month. I called Virgin Media (my current supplier, whose contract with me ran out about 7 months ago) and they said they need a month's notice. Called BT, they said as you're on cable you have to cancel yourself and we won't be dealing with Virgin, BUT we can delay your contract start date (means Engineer will still come on the 26th, but I can choose to get my connection started 5-10 days later to coincide with termination of my current connection with Virgin). Rang Virgin up again (they made me wait 30 mins... then hung up, called again, waited 30 mins) and told them I am cancelling and I don't want any offers as I am v happy with what I am getting...

That's the story so far...
6 Sep 16 #168
Mine took about twenty minutes to show in my account
6 Sep 16 #169
Take great care if you phone BT after ordering through TCB - it can invalidate the cashback. The start date can be delayed as part of the online sign-up process, which will not risk the cashback.
6 Sep 16 #170
For the record, i've had quite good service with Infinity 1 over the last year with decent speeds and no line issues. Unfortunately, they won't honour a retention deal anywhere close to what price this gets to - even after some time haggling.
6 Sep 16 #171
Crazy isn't it? This will be the third time I've signed up to BT to get 'new customer' rates, with intervals in between with other ISPs to get their new customer rates. Why not switch away for a year or so?
6 Sep 16 #172
Having the same issues. They don't seem interested in retaining existing customers at all, its all about new customers. Guy on the phone told me that's a business decision to do that.

£10 a month is good (that's what I got last year). Best I can seem to get now is £14 but £2 knocked off the BT sport (making it £9 total in HD).
6 Sep 16 #173
BT Sport is likely the main reason, certainly is for me. If I move to Sky for instance my BT sport will go from about £9 a month to £27 a month. So unless I can save £18 elsewhere, I am paying more overall. For the record I am happy paying £9 for BT sport, its good value at that price, but at £27 it does not represent any value at all.
6 Sep 16 #174
How long between TCB showing as tracked and being able to withdraw it?
6 Sep 16 #175
Same here. BT Sport and Eurosport in HD is far cheaper on BT than anywhere else.
6 Sep 16 #176
I get Eurosport HD through my discounted Sky deal, I take the BT Sport on Sky option (really don't want BT TV tbh), but as you say, having BT broadbabnd is the cheapest way to get them - BT Sport by a fair bit.
6 Sep 16 #177
Well done for it going hot! BT have had these deals on for ages i posted a couple but always went cold because of the BT haters out there. But like you don't understand what all this hot and cold nonsense is about people post a deal if you don't want it then don't but it!

Took mine in july with £150 card plus £50 cheque plus £120 tcb worked out about £10 a month and delayed mine as had the cheap sky broadband! They charged me for the first time this month £6 can't belive i've had internet free for that long! This is a good deal but yes deliberately confusing instead of giving a £120 card just bill credit it or offer fibre for £1 a month much easier to understand that way!

In a way the Voda deal is easy £25 quid for fibre and landline bundled in no cards or hoops to jump through! But i'll play the game! Make sure you add BT TV straight away otherwise the tv fee is £49 sell the box for a tenner and you got BT sport free for a year through chromecast! I didn't add BT Tv at the time cause thought the BT sport 1 was free as bt sport lite but its not given to new customers anymore! Hope this helps
6 Sep 16 #178
Thanks OP. Using this to switch from Sky for the next 12 months as my deal was coming to an end.

Should work out to £11.76 per month if all cashback is paid. :smiley:
6 Sep 16 #179
OMG im with talk talk contract ended months ago so just rolling now. at £28 so not sure what to do
6 Sep 16 #180
Have Quidco honoured this? I ask as I trust them more too. Apparently I am on a Plus membership with TCB yet don't recall ever opting for this. And it looks like I owe them a tenner for two years of membership...
littel helper
6 Sep 16 #181
My sky ADSL BB deal was coming to an end next month. called sky and i was offered £20 all in for Fiber unlimited (half price bb and £7.40 discount on line rental) no other charges.
i thought rather then faffing about cashback from TCB (have not been reliable lately) and Mastercard this was better so accepted offer. tyanks op for posting the deal gave me something to compare when talking to sky.
6 Sep 16 #182
Seems a good deal. Ill take a look! Thanks.
6 Sep 16 #183
Ordered mine yesterday. TCB tracked within 5 mins at correct rate plus the £100 Mastercard shows on my order too.

The switch over date is confirmed as 21st Sept. My Sky contract doesn't end until 1st Oct. Can I change the installation date (which I can do via my account on the BT website) without impacting on the cashback to make it after the Sky expiry? I could just leave it and switch early as scheduled as I have already paid Sky in advance upto 1st Oct and shouldn't therefore get any early termination charges frm Sky should I?

Any thoughts?
6 Sep 16 #184
I switched from Sky Internet to BT (here in West London) area because I thought it would be better.

It wasn't.

Deal is HOT for the price and if you don't have any problems.

Caveat emptor with regards to BT support. If something goes wrong, prepare to spend at least an hour or three just to "troubleshoot" as per their guidance before you get proper assistance.

I'm jumping ship as soon as I can.
6 Sep 16 #185
Really just depends on your luck. Had sky before and had 1st class customer service and shocking customer service over the years. Been with BT for a year and can't really complain, solid internet connection, upped the speed to 52mb as well (which as my top end available is about 57mb, it's much better for me). Never had any issues with BT, so never needed to phone them (which in my mind is better than 1st class customer service, as I don't need it!)
6 Sep 16 #186
hi, I currently have BT fibre and TV which expires this month (I used a very similar offer about 11 months ago). How do I take up this offer on a renewal. Process an application under my wifes name with a new TCB account?

6 Sep 16 #187
BT couldn't take over my phone line until my Sky contract ended so they changed my installation date to my end of contract date.
6 Sep 16 #188
​Yes they confirmed it this morning. Normally takes a day for them to confirm it. I've used it 6 times with no problems.
6 Sep 16 #189
You can change the date but to be honest sky charged me £3 for leaving a month early! Hardly worth the hassle sky is fairly slow here to just want the fibre now
6 Sep 16 #190
Thanks Newbold, trouble is I've already gone through the online setup... and I don't think there's anyway to undo it or change it online now...
6 Sep 16 #191
Where does it show the £100 Mastercard? I thought you could only apply for a claim once the installation has taken place?
6 Sep 16 #192
So if I order the £5pm SIM I'd get £207.05 cashback instead of £156.55 without? Is that how it works? Is there any way to check how much cashback you'll get before you confirm your order with BT?

6 Sep 16 #193
Once signed up check you account for offers, i only switched last month and they are offering infinity 2 for £15 a month, 24 month contract tho
6 Sep 16 #194
Where on your order does it show the £100 MasterCard ?
6 Sep 16 #195
Orders don't show it. Typically, BT are hoping people will forget to claim.
6 Sep 16 1 #196
6 Sep 16 #197
Yes, they confirmed it this morning. Normally take a day for this to happen. I've used the price match 6 times now with no problems. Always they match the members price because that's the price that is shown on TCB website if you're not login.
6 Sep 16 #198
Whatever you order the cashback should track the correct amount. If you have the sim in your order it should track at £207.05. If you're a TCB plus member which cost £5 per year you get an extra £7.25 so pays for it's self or you can use Quidco price match to get the higher £215.25 cashback.
6 Sep 16 #199
I have about six weeks until my Sky broadband and calls package ends. When is the optimal time to call up about a good renewal deal?
littel helper
6 Sep 16 #200
​i had about same time left on my sky bb contact.
called today and was offered £10 all in for ADSL bb and phone line. or £20 all in for fibre bb.
I opted for Fiber.
I am not sure how much I can trust TCB it has really gone down hil lately with lots of cash back decline d.
6 Sep 16 #201
I ordered through TCB three weeks ago and went for the SIMO offer. TCB did not track the purchase and I was told to submit a claim form. BT service was supposed to start today but nothing happened and no one called me to explain any thing. I received couple of texts in the last 2 weeks saying that that we tried to call you but could not reach you and we will call you again and this never happened. I phoned the customer service and this was completely useless.

Now I don't know if it is better to start again with TCB and hopefully it will track this time or to wait for the first order and claim it back?
7 Sep 16 #202
I'm puzzled by one aspect of the mobile SIM element. During the order process, they say they dispatch that immediately. Their activation page implies you can start using it immediately. Presumably with your agreed minutes and data in place?

Yet the broadband package which brought you this SIM at this price may not start for weeks. Mine is delayed till the end of my Sky deal - in a month.
7 Sep 16 #203
In your position I'd start again, with a new application through TCB. You should have had a confirmation email like this within a few hours of the original sign-up:

Thanks for choosing BT for your phone line and broadband services.

We've placed an order to transfer your phone line and broadband from your current provider to BT, on the following number(s):

Did you get it? Probably not? It looks as if something went wrong with the process, but by now the original application should have dropped off the BT system. If it hasn't, it won't go through, and you won't get the confirmation email. If it has, you'll get the email within a few hours.
7 Sep 16 #204
my sky offer comes to an end this month and i've cancelled the broadband which will terminate on the 20th. Looking to maybe take up this offer.... but wondering whats included with the BT TV? any family channels included? or does that need to be added as extra...
7 Sep 16 #205
I have actually received that email and activation date was yesterday but nothing happened. It says awaiting dispatch when I track the order. My worry is that it did not track with TCB and I'm not sure how effective is the claim system.
7 Sep 16 #206
That's odd. No router sent?
7 Sep 16 #207
TCB still showing £215.25 for this:
New Customer BT Broadband + Calls + BT TV + SIM only plans (Plus up to £100 BT Reward Card)
7 Sep 16 #208
can anyone explain point by point how to get this deal
7 Sep 16 #209
Placed the order through TCB just over 24 hours ago but it still hasn't tracked. Do I need to wait the full 7 days before filing a cashback claim? My installation date is not until the 7th October, so it's not urgent, it's just for my peace of mind!
7 Sep 16 #210
I have ordered through TCB last night but the cashback tracked for only £115.5. Also there is no mention on £100.00 Master card reward in the email or on TCB. I have checked a while back in the TCB and it seems like the cashback has been reduced to £115.50 for BT broadband+TV offer. My installation dateis on 7th. Do you know whether i can cancel it before as i can opt for Vodafone fiber offer instead?
7 Sep 16 #211
Read the thread and you'll know that you have to apply for the £100 card from BT directly.
7 Sep 16 #212
How do people get decent BT retention / renewal offers. I'm on ADSL+ (17Mbps at £20 per month) and out of contract period. The only offer in 'My Offers' is ADSL+ at £19 per month if I sign up for a new contract. We've just had an exchange upgrade to fibre and tried calling BT retentions but the best they would offer was to drop the £1.75 Caller ID charge and reduce their £26 Infinity 1 monthly charge to £24/month (or reduce the £50 enable fee from £50 to £25 - but at full £26 rental (so more expensive over 18 months contract). I've been a BT customer for as long as I can remember - 2 lines for many years - but doesn't look like I'll be staying with them for much longer. Question is where to go to - tried EE with their £10 + £6.50 anytime call package, but twice now they've cancelled the order due to an internal processing error with the broadband part - so have now lost any confidence that they can deliver without major disruption, plus getting hold of their customer support is even harder than BT's. Maybe SSE, or PlusNet -I'm limited to OpenReach partners only - anyone got any suggestions?
7 Sep 16 #213
When do you think this deal will be up until? Not getting the details (phone number) for my new flat until Monday...
7 Sep 16 #214
Try Plusnet mate, I'm with them but moving because retention deal they offered was crap. Operator said " my supervisor says that we cannot even price match Vodafone" short and sweet answer, they would take it down to £30 quid (inc l/rental) but this particular deal or Vodafone's dwarfs it. I don't want to move because it's been so reliable but money talks.
7 Sep 16 #215
They seem to change every week, there is a timer on the page, when it ends another deal will start, if the new deal is crap then wait another week
7 Sep 16 #216
My contract with talktalk isn't up until the 29th of this month. Can I sign up to this but specify a date I want to switch over?
7 Sep 16 #217
Yes. See main post.
7 Sep 16 #218

This deal expired and the OP was informed but he did not expire or edit the post so people are misled and signing up to a less cashback amount
7 Sep 16 2 #219
Absolutely agree with all the people here who have used BT. The company is a scam. Once your in they will suck your blood dry until they get every single cent out from your account. You probably would be spending 23 hours of your day being paranoid sick that they haven't charged for things you did not even sign up for in the first place. You will use whatever time you have left on your day to get through them, and when you do they will apologise, tell you what you want to hear (if you are lucky), and do absolutely nothing about it. Avoid BT like the plague, all I had from them was a bad case of sleep deprivation in the 18 months i was stuck with the contract.
7 Sep 16 #220
10 months ago I got a great similar deal. £150 Quidco which tracked and paid and £90 Sainsburys voucher.

Just moving house so put another order on as the £5.99 unlimited broadband is a good deal since we cant get Fibre. Shame the £40 M&S voucher has ended yesterday though. Will keep an eye out in case they release a better deal in between the 3 weeks I've given for the activation date.
7 Sep 16 #221
'utilisation in my area' problem with Virgin Media, ongoing since March and had a fix date of today, has not been fixed. Called to be given new fix date of 07/12/16.

That'll be 9+ month of getting less than 1mb in an evening when I'm suppose to be getting 100mb.

VM contract of 15 years now cancelled. As bad as people are saying BT are, Virgin Media are much, much worse.
7 Sep 16 #222
Just ordered. TCB tracking at £168. Any ideas why not the 215 as advertised? Maybe I'm just being daft...

Fibre 1 unlimited, evening and weekend calls (new line), amc tv, 500mb sim, line rental saver.
8 Sep 16 #223
Same here same package same amount tracking, looked up lodging missing cashback claim and then it tells you it might track lower to begin with so give it 7 days then if it still tracks lower lodge your missing cashback claim. Hope that helps.
8 Sep 16 #224
Decided to go for this deal. It's £5 a month less than what I'm paying talktalk and I get faster fibre and TV. Decided to go through quidco too as they're doing £140 cashback for broadband phone and TV. I didn't need the sim card.
8 Sep 16 #225
Just went to order and apparently I can't get BT Infinity because of where I live... in Zone 2 of London...

works out at about £20pm after cashback with standard unlimited internet, calls, TV & SIM. Not really worth it is it?
8 Sep 16 #226
Concerned as myself, and my father in law both ordered last night via TopCashBack... But neither of us have had our transactions tracked and we purposely went for the Sim card for the extra cashback. Our BT accounts, orders and payments have all been setup/taken.
9 Sep 16 #227
100 quid card offer finished now, but they will lunch it again posibly in middle of August and it should be 125 (or even 150) as they did this for last 3 months.
I proceed yesterday via TCB, even clear my cookies and have add blocker off - no sale tracking reordered (but clicks - YES! ). I always use quidco a and never get problems with cashback, this is 2nd time I use TCB with same result - canceling what I just ordered...
9 Sep 16 #228
Thank you I have been wondering how to do this and have just claimed it
9 Sep 16 #229
expired now
9 Sep 16 1 #230
In well over 5 years you've posted all of 3 deals. Not in a terribly good position to lob bricks, are you? There are in life givers and takers - which category do you think you fall into? :laughing:
9 Sep 16 #231
im on the 150 mb package with weekend calls
it was a nightmare after being a customer since they bought out NTL i was getting speeds of 30mb up and 7 down
in addition the package was at £29 inc line rental and somehow they boosted the price to £44!

I therefore called virgin and said i was leaving. All they offered me was a downgrade to 100mb with calls for £35.99 or 200mb for £45. The man was rude and just very arrogantly said 'ill just disconnect you then'. I said that not good enough considering ive been a customer for 16 years and you throttle my speeds and randomly boost monthly prices without letting me know.

I therefore just booked to bt 80mb with weekend calls inc line rentalfor £43 pm with £100 mastercard voucher.

THE DAY AFTER just because they know im REALLY moving they offered me 200mb with weekend calls for £26pm inc line rental.

I told them to sod off as if i went with that offer they would just up my prices and ill be in the same situation again.
Please be aware of the disgusting behaviour virgin permit to loyal customers.
9 Sep 16 1 #232
As you say, the £100 BT card part of this deal seems now to have disappeared, so I'm expiring it. The Quidco and TCB parts of the deal are still there for anyone who wants them, but without the £100 from BT on top it's obviously a lot less attractive.

Hope there were plenty who picked this deal up while it was still available, but my advice to anyone looking to switch to BT now would be to wait for BT to reintroduce a similar voucher/card offer to go with a TCB or Quidco deal. :sunglasses:
9 Sep 16 #233
Been two days now and my TCB has not tracked...
9 Sep 16 #234
That's because you have Exchange Only Lines in your area which cannot get fibre. Google it.
9 Sep 16 #235
Anyone know if you will get champions league games with the BT sport package ? I just ordered the basic one that OP listed
10 Sep 16 1 #236
'Neither the time nor the inclination' to post any deals - yet you do have plenty of time (and the inclination) to troll and snipe when other people do find the time to post a deal. That's all you seem to do in fact. :smile:
You must lead a very sad little life to take your pleasure from moaning and criticising all the time. :stuck_out_tongue:
10 Sep 16 #237
11 Sep 16 #238
They start charging you for the sim one day after they send it. Waiting a week now & still haven't got it.
11 Sep 16 #239
@chris88 - that makes two of us.

Apart from a stupidly small bit of extra profit, assuming the SIM arrives instantly and you use it immediately, what is the point in starting the contract before the SIM card is activated?
12 Sep 16 #240
I've been looking at changing to BT from Virgin Media. I used to be a BT customer about 14 years ago, would I be classed as a new customer for a cashback deal seeing it has been over 14 years since I was with BT? Also, I was going to select the BT Unlimited Infinity 2 package (up to 76 MB), however, on their speed test it said that for my postcode I would be guaranteed a minimum speed of 40 MB, but perhaps could get between 50-66 MB, not up to 76 MB. Do you think that it would be better for me just to select the BT Unlimited Infinity 1 package instead, which goes up to 52 MB, or do you think that for that one (the 52 MB), I would not be guaranteed a minimum speed of 40 MB - perhaps a lot less if you select the 52 MB package? Thank you.
12 Sep 16 #241
@Sophiasky: This particular deal's expired now but the chances are another similar one will be along soon. You'd certainly be classed as a new customer - I'm back with them again on these terms after just 3 months!

Unless you've a real need for a fast connection I doubt you'd have a problem with Unlimited Infinity 1. You should be able to check what you'd get, and whilst it probably won't be the full 52 mbps it's likely to be at least 30 mbps. Unless you're downloading particularly large files I doubt you'd notice much difference.
13 Sep 16 #242
I think it will always be 52mbps from now on because people who already had 32 mbps speed, have been upgraded to 52mbps at no extra cost.
13 Sep 16 #243
Yea it's BT. They try & suck every penny out of you anyway they can. Turns out the post man left it at the house next door by mistake. Got it today. Neighbour doesn't know when it came. Idiots all round :smirk:. Thankfully it's only been a week so only about £1.25. Still have a week let on my o2 monthly allowance so not bothered.
13 Sep 16 1 #244
AVOID TOPCASHBACK Just used them for the first time they confirmed my earned cashback via email and on my account then days later took it back and will not provide me with an explanation. They cost me £10.00 use QUIDCO instead I have used them for years with no problems.
13 Sep 16 #245
Yes, 52mbps replaces 38mbps now for Infinity 1.

That may not mean a higher speed, though, perversely. Last time I was with BT, a few months back, my minimum guaranteed speed was 35mbps. Now, with a potential 52mbps maximum, they've reduced that minimum to 32mbps!
15 Sep 16 #246
I'm in a similar position to yourself with regards to available speed. I was on Infinity 1 (38mb) and was estimated 50-66mb, Infinity 2 was 3 times the price when I got it last year so didn't see the value. Tbh found it perfectly fine and was getting 35-40mb constantly. Since they upped it to 52mb my speed has gone up a slightly noticable amount (only when downloading big files, not in general use) and now get about 50mb constantly.

My advice would be to go for Infinity 1 as it is much better value. It is only worth considering Infinity 2 if you can get 70mb or more in my opinion, and need the extra speed. The price diff is too big if you are only seeing a ~10mb uplift and the 52mb is fast enough.
15 Sep 16 #247
I'm still trying to decide what to do with all of this. For my area, they are saying I could get a minimum guaranteed speed of 40 MB but that I could possibly get 50-66 MB download speed. So do I get the 76 MB or the 52 MB package? I'd be quite happy with the 52 MB but my son plays XBox live and in groups and is currently used to our 200 MB with Virgin Media (even though we don't get 200 MB). Do you know how many MB are enough/fast enough for somebody to play on their XBox live? Thank you.
15 Sep 16 #248
the guaranteed min speed will be same on 1 or 2

im on 52mb and my 2 kids and myself will be watching you tube on different machines and the wife browsing the net all at same time without any problems at all, no matter what time of day

i would get 52mb then once signed up look at special offers they are offering me infinity2 for £15 so that's £4 more than im paying now , not worth it for me as max i have got is 60mb with another isp on there 76mb package
15 Sep 16 #249
They recommended at least 3mbps.
15 Sep 16 1 #250
I have now sorted all of this out - in the end, I decided to get everything with Sky. I did look at the BT option, but found out that I would have to have a new outdoor aerial installed at my cost. I also don't have a 'modern' BT line, so was told that I would have to pay for one to be installed. I'm quite happy, though, as I've managed to save just over £20 a month on what I have been paying for Virgin Media. I chose Sky Variety TV (£32), Sky Fibre Unlimited (£10 - half price for 12 months), and Sky Talk Anytime Extra (free for 12 months) - line rental for £17.40. I also chose the free 32" LG television for joining and went through Quidco to get £135 cashback (hopefully, will get that as well).
16 Sep 16 #251
Glad you got it sorted.

I just renewed with BT and got the new Smart Hub (HH6), for anyone that's interested, initial impressions are that it's much better than the old Home Hub 5, I now get a 100%signal upstairs in the bedroom with zero data loss, this was def not the case before.
16 Sep 16 #252
I understand that you will have to pay for a aerial but BT really should be paying for a modern BT line if needed.

So the BT engineer showed up unexpectedly yesterday when no one was home. He was told the door was open so he could go in & change the phone line (or whatever he had to do). When I got home he was gone but was kind enough to leave muddy footprints all over the hallway. He wasn't supposed to come till the 26th when the broadband was due to start so it seems like I'm just waiting for the hub & for them to flick the switch so it will work. Going to ring BT later to see if the date can be brought forward if the engineer did what he had to do.
18 Sep 16 #253
BT messed up my order and despite being sent all the emails and confirmations the order was never processed at their end.
This means I have had to ring them to sort it - the terms say only orders processed fullty online will qualify for the cashback.
Not sure what to do now as I figure I won't get the cashback if I go ahead and the cashback rate is pretty rubbish at the moment.
18 Sep 16 2 #254
Given that the cashback's unlikely to be paid, I'd cancel and start again. You may find that it takes 48 hours or so for the old order to drop off their system and allow you to reorder.

Have you seen this new thread (not mine):

For some reason it's gone horribly cold, but it looks like a better deal than mine was.
18 Sep 16 #255
Thanks Newbold, I will take a look - I was swapping from Sky to BT, but apparantly Sky wouldn't let BT take over my phone line/ number for some reason which is why it halted
20 Sep 16 #256
Couldn't agree more, same issue here in north London, there network has been ***t for few years now, download speed is around 1-2mb peak times on a 50mb service due to utilisation problems. Just garbage service, just want to get rid of them now dispite them offering refunds its no good to me if their internet is crawling to a snail pace.
20 Sep 16 #257
My BT line went active today, Does anyone know if I contact them with a query will it affect my cashback claim?
20 Sep 16 #258
Shouldn't do. Once the line's active the purchase process is complete. Certainly didn't affect mine last time I switched to BT and I had several phone calls with them to get things sorted out properly.
20 Sep 16 #259
Thanks Newbold , will give them a call just now
25 Sep 16 #260
BT Fibre was all set up a few days ago. Had no mention of the £100 MasterCard since ordering, should I have had an email or something to claim the cashback? Cheers.
25 Sep 16 3 #261
No - BT tell you nothing. Nice people! You'll need to claim here:
25 Sep 16 #262
​well that was easy, I wonder how many people forget about it! thanks mate
26 Sep 16 #263
BT were supposed to come today and install the line/broadband. No one turned up. Called them and they said we made an error and wait till the 3rd of October to hear from us. *furious*
29 Sep 16 1 #264
Unfortunately that happens often with BT. Hopefully it will be sorted for you by the 3d Oct but who knows with BT.

Put my claim in today & it was £125 reward card so £25 more :smiley:
2 Oct 16 #265
My installation went ok all set up now found this post again and the link regarding the £100 pre mastercard and its worked delivered within 30 days can't grumble with BT everything has gone as planned. Why did you get 125 rather than 100 any clue ?
2 Oct 16 #266
Mines due for installation tomorrow. I already have fibre broadband with another supplier. Does an engineer need to come to my house? Can't seem to find an answer. Everything I've read seems to suggest I just connect the router up when they tell me it's gone live.
2 Oct 16 #267
Provided you're switching from a supplier that's using equipment in a BT exchange (most) you'll almost certainly not need a visit. As you say, just connect the router once you're live.
2 Oct 16 #268
Perfecto. Cheers
3 Oct 16 #269
They've changed the installation date to 12 October, now :-/ My Virgin contract runs out on the 6th I believe... don't know what to do after 6th till the 12th :-(
3 Oct 16 #270
You'll just continue with Virgin for a few days on whatever the continuation contract terms are, surely? Unless you agree to a new minimum term (which you won't) you should have no problems.
4 Oct 16 #271
My cashback now says confirmed, so hoping everything will be alright going forward.

Thanks OP for posting this brilliant deal :innocent:
5 Oct 16 #272
Does anyone know if the pre paid MasterCard can be used in all the same places as a regular MasterCard ?
5 Oct 16 #273
Yes it can
5 Oct 16 #274
Cheers mate
6 Oct 16 #275
Unfortunately, I gave Virgin 30-day cancellation notice the day this deal was posted. So currently without internet :-/
11 Oct 16 #276
I signed up for this deal,despite the BT haters. Now I understand their frustration.
My go live date was last Friday, nothing happened so I contacted BT by chat and was told it would be on by the 11th. Guess what,still no broadband and worse still they haven't even submitted the request to the connections team. So it could be another two weeks before we get broadband. With two teenagers three weeks without being able to connect to their college coursework and school homework might not be too bad but no YouTube etc will be a killer.
The worst part is that BT haven't even contacted us once to explain their shocking service.
11 Oct 16 #277
​Don't worry you ain't seen nothing yet. It's worse when you eventually leave
11 Oct 16 #278
I am in more or less the same situation. Was supposed to get broadband and phone by the 26th, nothing happened. Contacted BT by phone and now an engineer is supposed to be here tomorrow.... fingers crossed...
11 Oct 16 #279
I have had to make several phone calls to customer service so now I am not sure if tcb will track.
That would be the icing on the cake
12 Oct 16 #280
The engineer was supposed to visit between 1pm and 5pm. Got a call at 10am this morning, Engineer wanted to be here in 15 mins. I said yes and now the broadband is up and running and getting about 51mbps.
12 Oct 16 #281
My TCB is so far tracking (I think). Says pending. Waiting for BT to update their system and then I am going to claim for the £100 mastercard...
12 Oct 16 #282
BT customer service is outrages, I had a better time with talktalk but their service was rubbish. BT has been alright so far although I did have a few disconnections already. If it happens I need to chase them up about it, not paying again for an intermittent connection.
18 Oct 16 2 #283
Received BT reward card a few weeks ago and withdrew cashback this morning , thanks very much for posting this OP:D
18 Oct 16 #284
19 Oct 16 #285
Anybody received their TCB yet or confirmation of cashback from TCB?
19 Oct 16 1 #286
Withdrew the cashback into my Bank account yesterday.
Used the MasterCard a few weeks back.

All paid up.
Thanks to the op for posting.
19 Oct 16 #287
OK, I signed up when this was live, just got activated yesterday, however BT are saying I'm not eligible for the mastercard!!

Stuck really as I have no proof!
19 Oct 16 #288
what date did you apply ?
19 Oct 16 1 #289
Finally got back online, 12 days without the internet was an endurance and find that topcashback have declined the transaction.

BT say there is no reason for this as the original oder number hasn't changed despite all their cock ups.
20 Oct 16 #290
Did you contact BT for any reason?
They might be using the "must be completed wholly on line" get out clause...
20 Oct 16 #291
Unfortunately, I had to as they screwed up on every aspect of the purchase.
According to them, we had to change home phone number after 25 years, our broadband order had to be restarted twice as they messed it up, leaving us without the internet. The Sky Sports was delayed and the mobile phone sim doesn't work in our area ( admittedly not their fault per se)
I dealt with them online at first because of the clause, but they promised me several times it would not affect the tcb ref. number if I rang them.
Guess I fell for another of the cs lies.
20 Oct 16 #292
Raise a cashback claim anyway and see what they come out with.
20 Oct 16 #293
Applied on 9th September for the offer.
20 Oct 16 #294
Not sure you are eligible on that date , have a look through the dates here (under BT Terms and conditions) >

I can see this as closest but so much text to read you may want to double check , cant see anything for your date

From 02.09.16 until 08.09.16 new to BT customers are eligible for a £50 BT Reward Card when ordering a BT Broadband package and a £100 BT Reward Card when ordering a BT Infinity package. Existing BT Broadband customers upgrading to BT Infinity or those adding just BT TV are excluded.
20 Oct 16 #295
That looks to be right - and at post 227 someone commented on the morning of 9 September that the card offer had finished. I don't think they replaced it with another offer immediately, but it would be worth checking with them.
20 Oct 16 #296
Oh, OK. Thanks for the heads up.
17 Nov 16 #297
Anyone received their cashback through TCB yet? Mine's still showing as pending... :-/
17 Nov 16 #298
#297 - my understanding from TCB support is that the average time for approval from BT is 7 weeks from all of the services going live. In my case, although I ordered on 7th September, I only went live on Monday 14th November and so I still have a while to wait. :laughing:

Whilst I'm writing this, I may as well mention that BT are trying to charge me from date of order for my telephone/TV services but I have been promised my next bill will correct all this - I await the December bill.

As to the service, thus far, it is much better than Sky. It was a doddle to set up my ASUS DSL AC68U modem/router and tells me that Sky speed was 36 megs and BT speed is 49 megs and I've noticed no degradation of service at any time of the day - hurrah for that!

As long as things don't change, I shall be happy, even though I know that I will likely have to change provider at the end of the contract in order to maintain a sensible monthly payment.
17 Nov 16 #299
Yes - I ordered the deal on 5th September. BT went live on 22nd Sept and I got the cashback paid out on 18th October. I had some hassle with the £100 Mastercard from BT though. It took 3 attempts and lots of chasing from me for the card to actually arrive as the first 2 got 'lost in the post' apparently.
17 Nov 16 #300
Great. Thanks ever so much. Let's wait and see...
17 Nov 16 #301
Ahaan. Thank you. I was due to get broadband on 26th of September, BT delayed it and I got it on the 10th of October. But TCB is still pending till date.
17 Nov 16 #302
Has everyone who has had cash-back actually received the amount they were expecting rather than the first amount that shows in TCB? If the numbers didn't match, have you been able to get them to correct it and, if so, how please?

Hoping for no aggravation and everything working out but I'm getting a plan in place... :smiley:
17 Nov 16 #303
Yes - I was expecting £156.55 and it tracked and paid out this amount
18 Nov 16 #304
12 Dec 16 #305
I went through Quidco and received the cashback I was expecting - £162.75 (initially tracked at lower amount then I raised a claim to match with TCB which was accepted and I was paid beginning of Nov).
18 Feb 17 #306
What the hell! BT are increasing their prices that they offered us in this deal. Did everyone get an email from BT?
This is what I received from BT recently, what's the point in getting a good deal through HUKD if BT are gonna do this?:

Important changes to your BT services
Fri 10/02, 19:55

We're increasing our prices and improving your service.

We're putting some of our prices up. And making some great improvements to your service.

We wanted to let you know that the price you pay for your broadband, calls and BT Sport will be going up. We've put the changes into a simple table for you below.

The price increase for your broadband and calls will be effective from 2 April 2017, but BT Sport won't increase until 1 August 2017. We've noticed you don't watch BT Sport, so we'll remove it from your service in July to make sure you don't end up paying for something that you don't use. If you do want to keep BT Sport, just go to

Even though some of your prices are increasing, you won't have to pay any extra for your line rental, as we're committed to keeping it at the same price for the whole of 2017.

Here's how we're making your services even better

Protecting you from nuisance calls. BT Call Protect is a brand new service exclusively for our customers. It proactively monitors nuisance calls and automatically prevents them getting through to your phone. It's free and easy to set up so simply go to BT Sport is getting bigger and better this season. This year we're giving you boxing on the BoxNation channel (worth over £100 a year) for free, as well as up to 20 fight nights and the Ashes 2017 live on BT Sport. This is on top of the exclusive Premier League and UEFA Champions League action you already enjoy. Answering more of your calls in the UK and Ireland. You told us you wanted to speak to someone closer to home. Great news, in spring 2017, we'll be answering 90% of our calls in the UK and Ireland. A brand new look BT TV. Coming in spring 2017, BT TV will have a new look, and its faster, smarter and better navigation will get you to the things you love quicker. Plus, we'll continue to bring you US dramas like Fear the Walking Dead on AMC which is exclusive to BT customers. Watch BT TV in more places. Coming this summer, you'll be able to watch all of your favourite BT TV shows on the go with the BT TV App. You won't ever have to miss a thing either as you can record shows on your YouView box even when you're out and about. We'll be in touch to tell you more in the summer.

Find out more


Get even more from your broadband with the exclusive offer we've put together for you.

Just visit and log in with your BT ID or Account Number before 1 April to find your exclusive broadband offer.

See how your prices are changing

We've simplified your bill. So on your first bill after 2 April, you'll see one charge that includes your call package and line rental. We're committed to keeping your line rental at the same price for the whole of 2017.

Prices that are going up

On 2 April 2017 your monthly price will increase by

Broadband and Calls


Your discount ends on 25 September 2017. After this, you will pay the standard price of £47.49 (this price has changed by £2.50) including Line Rental. Please give us a call when your discount ends and we will make sure that you are still getting the best value.

If you choose to keep BT Sport, on 1 August 2017 your monthly price will increase by

BT Sport


Prices that aren't changing

On 2 April 2017 your monthly price will change by

Line Rental




If you've got other services that aren't showing here, don't worry. It means those prices aren't changing.

Standard prices for calls that aren't included in your Calling Plan are increasing on 2 April 2017 as follows:

Calls to UK landlines and the Access Charge for calls to Service Numbers will go from 11p to 12p a minute

Calls to mobiles from your landline are going up from 15p to 16p a minute. (But if you have the Unlimited Anytime Calls plan, you'll pay half price with a change from 7.5p to 8p a minute)

International calls from your landline are increasing from 45p to 46p for countries in Band A, 75p to 76p for Band B and 135p to 136p for Band C. Visit for more information

The set-up fee for calls will go from 19p to 21p a call.

Pay-Per-Use features From 2 April 2017, the price will increase by

Call Return 1471 #3 or 1571 #0 (per call)


If you haven't already, take a look above to learn how we're making your service better.

This information is based on the services you had on 22 January 2017. If you've changed anything since then, go to

What happens next?

You don't need to do anything but if you want to change something or leave, and you're within your minimum contract term, you'll need to contact us within 30 days of receiving this email to avoid paying a charge for leaving early. You'll need to give us 30 days' notice to leave (or 14 days if you're switching to a new provider). We won't charge you for any increase in price during that time.

We hope you'll be happy with the improvements we're making. Thanks for choosing BT.

Libby Barr
Managing Director, Customer Care
18 Feb 17 #307
Not only are they increasing their prices but these treacherous B....rds are also ending my discount on 27th Sept (the day I signed up for this deal) though they installed my Broadband in middle of November. What a rip off!!

Can something be done? Can they be reported to Ofcom?
18 Feb 17 #308
Check out one of the many other current threads on this. :wink:
18 Feb 17 #309
Thanks. Would you be kind enough to point me to one of those threads please?
7 Mar 17 #311
Thanks mate. Not sure if I saved any money by taking this BT deal 3-4 months back. Will keep an eye on TalkTalk deal, seems good apart from the 24 months contract... Thanks again.
7 Mar 17 #312
No problem. I switched from this BT deal to TalkTalk very recently. No problems at all with the switching process, and I think I probably had more back from BT than I paid them over the 5 months or so that I was with them.

If you go through Quidco/Topcashback to TalkTalk you'll probably find that the contract's only 18 months by the way.
7 Mar 17 #313
Thanks mate, I will :smiley:
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PS4 Sony Dualshock 4 V2 Controller Jet Black 365Games

£29.99 365 Games10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Blondie - Parallel Lines on vinyl purehmv members
3 stars +155

Blondie - Parallel Lines on vinyl purehmv members

£8.99 HMV 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Oct 2017

Embr icon pack - free
3 stars +122

Embr icon pack - free

Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Paulaner Munich Hall beer 5 litre keg
3 stars +151

Paulaner Munich Hall beer 5 litre keg

£9 Waitroses10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Costco fuel Edinburgh now open - petrol 110.9 diesel 112.9
3 stars +143

Costco fuel Edinburgh now open - petrol 110.9 diesel 112.9

costco10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Other
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Wrapping paper
3 stars +133

Wrapping paper

£0.48 Tesco10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Other
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Bluetooth Speaker, Anker SoundCore nano Sold by AnkerDirect - Lightning deal
4 stars +300

Bluetooth Speaker, Anker SoundCore nano Sold by AnkerDirect - Lightning deal

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Sherwoods Curry Sauces. Various Flavours
3 stars +115

Sherwoods Curry Sauces. Various Flavours

£0.87 Tesco10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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XCOM 2 for the PC
3 stars +199

XCOM 2 for the PC

£11.20 Greenman Gaming10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse
3 stars +187

Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse

£399.99 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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The Firm (game) now FREE
3 stars +168

The Firm (game) now FREE

£0.84 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Original Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum - LDS SLAM / Intelligent Route / Planning App w/code
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Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids
3 stars +122

Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids

£2 Poundland10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Apple Airpods to £129
3 stars +188

Apple Airpods to £129

£129 £159 BT Shop10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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3 stars +150


Instore Home Bargains10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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National Curry Week M&S Indian Takeaway Deal - with decent veggie options too
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Resident evil origins collection (PS4)
3 stars +128

Resident evil origins collection (PS4)

£13.85 Base.com10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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TSB credit card 0% on balance transfers for 28 months, fee-free, plus potential cashback
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3.5 stars +281


£6 £24 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE
3 stars +143

JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE

£1.79 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE
3.5 stars +207

PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE

£0.89 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
4 stars +361

ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
3 stars +129

Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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