Would you care to advise how you obtained this deal please? I'd prefer to avoid the hassle of cashback too.
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8y 31d4#19
It isn't 1982 and most high street banks are now Costa's?
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Jules Tohpipi
8y 31d#1
Thank you all for the feedback about your cashback experiences. I will go for it, as even if the cashback doesn't materialise then it's still good value at £12 per month (£22 - £10 Spotify). But will keep my hopes up as there's reports of positive experiences. Thank you again.
8y 31d#2
Not a clue, the email they wrote states your pay monthly sim card is out of stock and we DON'T have a date when it will next be available. Anyone who needs a contract asap as theirs is expiring should avoid this deal.
8y 31d#3
I have had this deal for a while. My first bill I was charged for Sky Sports. When i complained they gave me an extra year of SS free
8y 31d#4
Top deal, just got to decide if the cashback route is worth taking or not.....
8y 31d#5
None of my family do Mobile cashback deals now, there are far too many ways for it to be refused.
8y 31d#6
how does the free 12 months now tv offer work? do you get a code? is the now tv offer for movies or entertainment package? I think I might for it. the data is 4g yeah? ive been on the link but couldn't see 4g mentioned. looks like the site pays out for cashback and its got a uswitch retailer of the year award so that gives me abit of confidence. plus, after the first year, im sure retentions will be able to beat this deal directly from Vodafone.
8y 31d#7
examples? aint done cash back for years so like many, im wary, especially as i'll be taking out 2 deals.
8y 31d#8
Is the Spotify offer linked to the phone only, or can you use it with anything else that runs Spotify eg some smart tvs?
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