Stranger Things, Vol. 1 (A Netflix Original Series Soundtrack) is now available. Scored by Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein of the band S U R V I V E.
Great soundtrack to a great Netflix series.
Top comments
teddy1590 to whiteranger87
13 Aug 168#7
The inevitable Netflix comment. Even less relevant here since this is for the soundtrack, and not the series.
14 Aug 163#21
What happened to Barb!?
All comments (37)
13 Aug 162#1
Juno it makes sense!
13 Aug 16#2
Brilliant series with a fantastic soundtrack. Not sure I'd pay £9 for it personally....but its a great soundtrack nonetheless.
13 Aug 161#3
Great series but this isn't (imho) a hot deal so I've voted cold. Sorry.
13 Aug 162#4
An amazing series and would recommend to anyone who was brought up in the 70's and 80's (maybe before and after too!!!). The best series I have seen since Breaking Bad
cheaperbythe12 to rugbymike
13 Aug 161#8
Couldn't have said it better myself. Finished it last night and cannot wait for next series. And I don't typically enjoy this genre but loved it!
djlondon22 to rugbymike
14 Aug 16#27
I liked it but better than Breaking Bad????? Each to their own I guess.
13 Aug 161#5
Yep, it's up there with GOT, TWD, BB etc. Love it
13 Aug 161#6
Why pay 8.99 for the series? Watch on Netflix. And if you dont have netflix, subscribe for 7.99 OR first month free (whenever they run it)
teddy1590 to whiteranger87
13 Aug 168#7
The inevitable Netflix comment. Even less relevant here since this is for the soundtrack, and not the series.
souljacker to whiteranger87
14 Aug 161#18
Maybe because this deal for the soundtrack and not the series?
Opening post
Great soundtrack to a great Netflix series.
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All comments (37)