Stranger Things, Vol. 1 (A Netflix Original Series Soundtrack) is now available. Scored by Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein of the band S U R V I V E.
Great soundtrack to a great Netflix series.
Top comments
teddy1590 to whiteranger87
13 Aug 168#7
The inevitable Netflix comment. Even less relevant here since this is for the soundtrack, and not the series.
14 Aug 163#21
What happened to Barb!?
Latest comments (37)
21 Aug 16#37
Lol dangerous, don't be so simple
20 Aug 16#36
lol I was watching Carpenter and Spielberg movies probably before you were born.:smirk:
by unique I meant in this day and age.
also I prefer it to 99% of what Spielberg made.his closest work could be Goonies/Super 8 (neither even close to this) and closest Carpenter movies being The Thing (awesome movie) probably..the first being so light and kid friendly and second being so dark and adult focused.
With Stranger Things you get a weird mix of both which is uncommon.
16 Aug 16#35
Unique?!!!! Have you heard of Steven Spielberg or John Carpenter?
And it's dangerous to use the word MASTERPIECE, especially about a show that's only had 8, decent but not magnificent, episodes and was brought to us by the Director of Steve Martin's THE PINK PANTHER and CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN.
13 Aug 161#6
Why pay 8.99 for the series? Watch on Netflix. And if you dont have netflix, subscribe for 7.99 OR first month free (whenever they run it)
teddy1590 to whiteranger87
13 Aug 168#7
The inevitable Netflix comment. Even less relevant here since this is for the soundtrack, and not the series.
souljacker to whiteranger87
14 Aug 161#18
Maybe because this deal for the soundtrack and not the series?
Dantooine to whiteranger87
15 Aug 16#34
14 Aug 16#33
Not even a deal...
14 Aug 16#32
Will do, cheers! Bizarrely I found a David Hasslehoff song....True Survivor....after listening to it checked what it was and realised it was the hoff.
14 Aug 16#31
It was a masterpiece,all those shows you mentioned are great but each one is so different.this one is definitely up there among them.
the 80s setting,perfect casting,great story and its uniqueness.superb of the best for sure.I was so surprised.
14 Aug 16#30
Check out the hotline Miami soundtrack on YouTube, as well as the artist Perturbator
14 Aug 161#29
Hey, your right it is synth wave, few playlists to choose from, some decent tracks.
14 Aug 161#28
Best series SINCE Breaking Bad!!! ;-)
13 Aug 162#4
An amazing series and would recommend to anyone who was brought up in the 70's and 80's (maybe before and after too!!!). The best series I have seen since Breaking Bad
cheaperbythe12 to rugbymike
13 Aug 161#8
Couldn't have said it better myself. Finished it last night and cannot wait for next series. And I don't typically enjoy this genre but loved it!
djlondon22 to rugbymike
14 Aug 16#27
I liked it but better than Breaking Bad????? Each to their own I guess.
14 Aug 161#19
Really good show, will be hard for them to make second series as good.
This show got me listening to synth playlists on Spotify.
TylerDurdenUK to ALYMAC76
14 Aug 16#26
Are you searching for synthwave or just synth? Think the genre is called synthwave.
14 Aug 16#25
Great Soundtrack and I loved the show. The main theme is brilliant. Fab 80s vibe to it. Any programme that has a few Tangerine Dream tracks is more than OK by me!
14 Aug 162#24
I disagree. I think it was a masterpiece. Best series I've watched in a long long time with an absolute genius casting and the best homage to the 80's to date.
14 Aug 16#23
Ah sweet. Looked for this on Apple music the other day and didn't find it. But it'd there now.
14 Aug 163#21
What happened to Barb!?
14 Aug 16#22
The show was full of plot holes. It's a thoroughly enjoyable show but I don't feel it's worthy of the praise that's being heaped upon it. It's certainly no SOPRANOS/WEST WING/BREAKING BAD/G.O.T.
14 Aug 161#20
Come back when it's £5 and I'll give heat :smiley:
14 Aug 161#17
Amazing TV's so good.
anyone into sci-fi MUST watch this.
14 Aug 161#16
Sooooo good!!! Who else thought the ending was like 'OMG!' poor little guy!
14 Aug 161#15
Not a deal, this is the price at release, cold
14 Aug 16#14
I thought it was pretty good and as far as I remember 8 episodes long? But at £9 not much of a deal...
14 Aug 161#13
Or part of the deal for Apple Music, brilliant exclusive
14 Aug 161#12
So... where's the deal? All thats happening here is it's being highlighted at it's normal price, and playing on the fact people liked the first season. Cold from me, this isn't a deal.
14 Aug 16#11
Really good series, though I couldn't quite work out their target audience.
14 Aug 16#10
Great series, bad deal.
13 Aug 161#9
Ha! True dat....
13 Aug 161#5
Yep, it's up there with GOT, TWD, BB etc. Love it
13 Aug 161#3
Great series but this isn't (imho) a hot deal so I've voted cold. Sorry.
13 Aug 16#2
Brilliant series with a fantastic soundtrack. Not sure I'd pay £9 for it personally....but its a great soundtrack nonetheless.
Opening post
Great soundtrack to a great Netflix series.
Top comments
Latest comments (37)
by unique I meant in this day and age.
also I prefer it to 99% of what Spielberg made.his closest work could be Goonies/Super 8 (neither even close to this) and closest Carpenter movies being The Thing (awesome movie) probably..the first being so light and kid friendly and second being so dark and adult focused.
With Stranger Things you get a weird mix of both which is uncommon.
And it's dangerous to use the word MASTERPIECE, especially about a show that's only had 8, decent but not magnificent, episodes and was brought to us by the Director of Steve Martin's THE PINK PANTHER and CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN.
the 80s setting,perfect casting,great story and its uniqueness.superb of the best for sure.I was so surprised.
This show got me listening to synth playlists on Spotify.
anyone into sci-fi MUST watch this.