great deal for light users. 300mins, unlimited texts, 300mb on ee £14.99 a month, no upfront charge for handset (was £50)
not for everyone I know but hope some people appreciate
£11 TopCashback
- play21er
quidco £10
Handset cost now £25 but use code VCEE20 for £20 off making it £5
- Mikey91
Top comments
antonywhite37 to shariifi
24 Jun 1629#15
Disagree applaud apple bucking the super size trend sick and tired of 5 inch plus phones
HoppyBunny to shariifi
24 Jun 1621#16
Funnily enough, I went from an iPhone 6 to the iPhone SE.
I haven't looked back since. Much prefer to have a phone that can be used with one hand, that doesn't slip out of your hands easily and fits snugly inside your pocket.
25 Jun 164#26
Remember the SE is an iPhone 6s under the bonnet apart from no force touch and a slightly slower Touch ID sensor
28 Jun 163#176
Thanks for the heat everyone, the positive comments outweigh the negative so I am glad I posted deal!
All comments (228)
24 Jun 161#1
Not the best of phones but a good deal, even the iPhone 5s from 2 years ago are dearer contracts than this
24 Jun 16#2
Heat added though
24 Jun 16#3
Heat added though :smiley:
*sweetpea to xxxangelxxx
24 Jun 161#11
thanks,no brainer if handset is £359 alone
24 Jun 162#4
The handset alone costs £360 so heat added!
24 Jun 16#5
Possible cashback from Topcashback £22.
24 Jun 161#6
Good way to pay off the phone in instalments if you were thinking of buying one out right
24 Jun 16#7
Would EE offer this cheaper to an existing customer?
walsall123 to 6ixFoot1
24 Jun 161#8
Try the retentions department, if your is contract is ending threaten to leave, they may not beat the price but may offer better allowance.
tomba to 6ixFoot1
25 Jun 16#86
I tried EE 2 weeks ago....the cheapest they would do was £14.99 BUT with a £179 handset cost AND sharing 2GB allowance with other phone on same contract...I cancelled and went SIM only to their sister company Life Mobile.
24 Jun 161#9
Just phoned the upgrades. Guy couldn't believe it and said that they only offer the phone free on a £25pm contract!
Opening post
not for everyone I know but hope some people appreciate
£11 TopCashback
- play21er
quidco £10
Handset cost now £25 but use code VCEE20 for £20 off making it £5
- Mikey91
Top comments
I haven't looked back since. Much prefer to have a phone that can be used with one hand, that doesn't slip out of your hands easily and fits snugly inside your pocket.
All comments (228)