great deal for light users. 300mins, unlimited texts, 300mb on ee £14.99 a month, no upfront charge for handset (was £50)
not for everyone I know but hope some people appreciate
£11 TopCashback
- play21er
quidco £10
Handset cost now £25 but use code VCEE20 for £20 off making it £5
- Mikey91
Top comments
antonywhite37 to shariifi
24 Jun 1629#15
Disagree applaud apple bucking the super size trend sick and tired of 5 inch plus phones
HoppyBunny to shariifi
24 Jun 1621#16
Funnily enough, I went from an iPhone 6 to the iPhone SE.
I haven't looked back since. Much prefer to have a phone that can be used with one hand, that doesn't slip out of your hands easily and fits snugly inside your pocket.
25 Jun 164#26
Remember the SE is an iPhone 6s under the bonnet apart from no force touch and a slightly slower Touch ID sensor
28 Jun 163#176
Thanks for the heat everyone, the positive comments outweigh the negative so I am glad I posted deal!
Latest comments (228)
18 Jul 16#228
if I remember right they said the new one will be unlocked, but advised me to put the ee sim in it and use that one.
18 Jul 16#227
Remember the new one will lock to first sim inserted :smiley:
18 Jul 16#226
all sorted now I'm a happy man. as a good gesture collected the phone with dpd and as soon as they received it they will send a new one out. :smiley:
18 Jul 16#225
What have said? , wonder if the handset could be returned under cooling off policy ?
17 Jul 16#224
they phoned me back today that phone was blackmailed (don't know how) and they removed it and that spoke to apple as they are the only one who can unlock the phone. According to 3uk Apple said that i need to contact as they need to send all the invoice and other details to Apple to prove that bought it from them and they will unlock it then. it seems like the phone won't be unlocked again.
16 Jul 16#223
16 Jul 16#222
did u tweet 3 uk or 3 uk support? thx
16 Jul 16#221
cheers will give it a go.
16 Jul 16#220
Mines unlocked! now has a Tesco mobile SIM in it - 3rd party unlockers cannot do it . I got it resolved by tweeting Three UK Support and a guy called David took responsibility for the unlock and done it (it seems their social media technical team may have access to the Apple server)
16 Jul 16#219
Not happy at all I just want it unlocked now and use it, tried to unlock it on a proper unlocking website also via ebay and they cannot unlock it, getting really annoyed now. Please update me if u sorted yours. thx
16 Jul 16#218
Exactly the same experience that I have had with them , I doubt we will hear anything back from them , Im now speaking to their support team on twitter, a guy has claimed ownership and should email me within 72 hours of the new unlock attempt results.
15 Jul 16#217
i've tried chat they said reset, restore phone will work. tried form sent me same rubbish. phoned them up told me wont unlock it as i put a 3 data sim in it, then after argument they said will ring me back did not. phoned them up again today they said will sort it out soon and will ring me back. 3 worst customer service ever
11 Jul 16#216
Ive had no luck with Live Chat getting the handset unlocked, if someone has done it can you share the chat transcript - Ive tried a number of times, never had any response to the unlock form submit either.
9 Jul 16#215
inboxed u
9 Jul 16#214
good that I have listened to u and got the phone locked and 3 is not unlocking it either now have a new phone what I can't use
9 Jul 16#213
The live chat put the request though I had the same problem with the form
9 Jul 16#212
how did they do it i completed the form online and all they did they sent a link how to restore it on iTunes which didn't work been on chat and phone with them for 5 times at least now?
4 Jul 16#211
I think if you put the EE sim in first, you'll need to keep using that. If you put the 3 sim in first, you could carry on using that. I've only used an EE sim as I wanted to use the month allowance.
4 Jul 16#210
When it gets sorted are we ok on the 3 network or do we put the ee sim in that it came with.
4 Jul 161#209
Finally looks like I'm sorted. Just need to phone them again now to try and get my bill reduced for the time I've had no service.
4 Jul 16#208
I registered my 3 SIM card on my3 I didn't have to top up so I have an account with them
4 Jul 16#207
They have been in touch with me they keep asking for an account number will that be or with 3 as I don't have an account with 3.
2 Jul 16#206
I wondered if they'd cocked mine up in a similar way but no idea what's going on other than I can't receive any calls or texts. How I can make them but not receive them I don't know?! Hopefully they'll sort us soon and not charge us for the time we've been without.
2 Jul 16#205
My dealings with EE are that you have to be careful and VERY specific with any request, even asking them to repeat it back to you. I was asked to sign up on a SIM onlu deal at £7.99 for ul mins, ul texts and 2GB (as per hukd) and they confirmed this on 19th June only to say later that they meant £17.99
2 Jul 161#204
Yeah littlesheepy exactly the same here. Got this for my partner and they applied her PAC to my account by accident thus cancelling my number in a process. I am now left with no service on my number whatsoever and it will be 72 hours as well for me purely due to their negligence..
1 Jul 161#203
Impressed with the phone so far but not EE's service. Being waiting for my number to port since yesterday morning. 1st CS person I spoke to tonight told me to 'give it an hour, I can't see any problem here, thanks, bye'. I can now make calls and send texts but not receive anything. 2nd person I spoke to was very nice but can't forward it to the right team until Monday as they're closed and they need 72 hours to look into it. So only half a service for me until at least the middle of next week. Not happy :disappointed:
1 Jul 16#202
I inserted a o2 sim as o2 unlock for free and have done this with many iPhones but received a msg from o2 saying they are not unlatching iPhone SE at this current time.
Luckily I actually want to use the o2 sim. O2 will unlock for me eventually and it will be free. Sometimes they don't unlock apple handsets until 6 months after release.
30 Jun 16#201
My phone has now been unlocked by 3, so happy now
30 Jun 16#200
From what I have read on EE website you are allowed to unlock any phone on PAYG providing it's locked to EE. Say I sold my phone to someone but kept the sim, they have the option to put in their EE PAYG sim and request an unlock.
Got a call from EE PAYG team today and they said that they weren't able to proceed any further because my PAYG sim was not registered properly. After registering, they have now requested the unlock again. Fingers X
30 Jun 16#199
I have an ongoing EE contract as well as this so not sure why they are using that reason :/
30 Jun 16#198
Dont you have to have the iPhone on a contract account for 6 months before going down the PAYG unlock route ?
29 Jun 16#197
Happy with mine so far. Wasn't delivered Monday as hoped (ordered late Saturday night and dispatched Sunday) but came yesterday morning.
Easy to set up from iPhone 5s.
Just waiting now for my number to be ported from Post office to EE which should hopefully be tomorrow :smiley:
29 Jun 16#196
can i take back my positive rating?
what a joke this company is - do they just make up reasons to not give you the deal? refusing the contract because i already have one... i dont - i have never been on EE in my life, i did have a one2one account on PAYG in 1999 but never orange or EE.
then they said i got my date of birth wrong... what the hell?
29 Jun 161#195
Please unexpire the deal works 99 pence upfront @£14.99.
Received the phone today now the unlocking part might be tricky as heard from other fellas here..
So the EE unlock seems to be the safest bet so far. Could someone confirm if we turn it on and first activate the phone with EE contract simcard (min. 6 months before unlock can be requested) provided and then switch to payg for unlock purposes whether it will work this way?
29 Jun 16#194
That is really unlucky. I got the phone but refrained from putting in the 3 Sim. I put in an EE payg sim and requested the unlock for £8.99. Need to wait for 10 days now. Sorry that the 3 sim didn't work. Wish it did to save myself £8.99. Hope you can get your phone unlocked soon.
29 Jun 16#193
I've got £5 payg credit left on my post office sim that I could do with trying to use up before my number ports. Any ideas of how I can use the credit other than phone calls? Tried psn credit but doesn't work.
28 Jun 161#192
Getting used to the smaller 4" screen coming from a nexus 6 but getting there! Great little phone with no lag at all
28 Jun 16#191
I've unlocked iPhones via Tesco and o2 before and never had this problem before
28 Jun 16#190
I've tried that a few times now still no unlock serves me right really as I wanted to use it with the sim it came with so I should just have shoved that one in, I've filled the form in again just in case there was a problem first time around
28 Jun 161#189
I think you need to try resetting the phone to factory settings for the unlock to work.
28 Jun 16#188
It tried this too my phone now locked to 3, I filled in the form and they said they had unlocked the phone however it's still locked you live and learn I guess :disappointed:
28 Jun 16#187
The phone arrives sealed, unlocked and ready to be locked to the network of the SIM you first put in - put in the SIM you plan to use with it... not one you don't... this advice appears early on in this thread...
I ordered one to use with my high data Vodafone "SIM only" SIM (interest free way of paying it off over two years)
Mines arrived and going back though.. Didn't open it... Change of heart... but a good deal nonetheless.
28 Jun 16#186
Filled in the 3 UK online form so will see what happens
28 Jun 16#185
Think i read somewhere that if you contact 3 and say your phone has locked to their network after trying a sim in it they should unlock it for you.
28 Jun 16#184
No it doesnt! just tried it, mine is now locked to 3
28 Jun 16#183
No, now locked to 3 UK - need to work out how to get the lock removed now :smiley:
28 Jun 16#182
Mines now locked to 3 UK - if I put in a tesco mobile SIM or EE , it says SIM Not valid - how do I get the lock removed?
28 Jun 16#181
Mines arrived, yay! So excited :smiley:
28 Jun 16#180
Did this work?
28 Jun 16#179
Really happy with mine after 2 days of use. Just stuck my Tesco Mobile sim in from the start. Phone is impressive! Paired with my 50GB of iCloud storage I can't see the 16GB being an issue.
28 Jun 16#178
Mine has arrived (now todo the 3 UK SIM Trick to ensure its permanently unlocked)
28 Jun 16#177
Brilliant deal. Thanks for posting it. My son's is arriving today and he's exceptionally excited!
28 Jun 163#176
Thanks for the heat everyone, the positive comments outweigh the negative so I am glad I posted deal!
28 Jun 161#175
I totally agree with you. My daughter is so happy and grateful for her new phone (and so she should be!). I hope I have taught my kids the value of money and that everything isn't just given to them if they request it!
27 Jun 161#174
Tbh, with plenty of cloud storage on offer 16gb can be plenty nowadays. I've currently got a 32gb Nexus 6 and use less than 16gb and that's with a fair few Spotify songs downloaded, pictures taken and a few games. Once I get near to full I'll just delete photos with them being backed up to the cloud so 16gb is definitely enough for the kids :smiley:
27 Jun 16#173
EE are really strict with credit checks for some reason. I got passed quickly probably because I'm already with them but the first time around I was initially refused instore (even though I have a very good score) and eventually got accepted by placing an order online. It's the only thing over ever been refused for and it was only for a £16.99 sim only deal!
27 Jun 162#172
My kids are taught to appreciate what we can afford and to be grateful for what they get. It is not a right to have an iPhone, and if my kids decided to tell me 16gb was a joke, I would feel I had gone wrong somewhere!!! It's a phone.
I can see from the more helpful and less snobby replies that people obviously use a high amount of storage for games and apps and photos and music, which is fair enough. Personally glad I can't do even more on mine as spend enough time staring at the thing as it is
27 Jun 16#171
I keep seeing it as £50 for the handset, any ideas?
27 Jun 16#170
same here failed credit check and can't understand why,its their loss I'm quite happy with the phone i have but liked the look of this one.
27 Jun 16#169
I got an email yesterday to say dispatched then a message this morning from DPD saying they'd not received my parcel, so wouldn't be delivering today. So no phone as yet :disappointed:
27 Jun 16#168
It looked a good deal but EE declined me after a failed credit check even though on Noddle that my credit score is good at 642. I have no debts or late payments etc. And I am getting nowhere through either customer service.
27 Jun 161#167
Got mine very happy with it got wifi everywhere/most places I go and when I don't have wifi I talk to people like its 1989
27 Jun 161#166
Shame there's nothing comparable for 64gb
27 Jun 16#165
Yep. 'GOT YA!'x
26 Jun 16#164
is this a joke
26 Jun 16#163
ordered the one underneath for 18.45 500mins 500mb unlimited texts
26 Jun 16#162
If you're old phones an iPhone just turn on icloud backup for your contacts and anything else if require then when you fire up your new iPhone and log into your icloud account they'll be there for you, if your old phones an android then there's an apple android app called"move to iOS", you install it on your android phone and when you set up new iPhone it gives you option to copy your contacts,sms etc over to your iPhone.
Stevie Badman
26 Jun 16#161
Had a look at one today, screen is tiny and the phone is thick, really thick. No way is this worth £350
26 Jun 16#160
Placed my order this morning. Went for the Space Grey and is due for delivery tomorrow which is happy days as after having to use an old iPhone 4 due to trashing my 6S (No Insurance, yay me) this is the cheapest option for me.
So thanks for the HU OP :smiley:
26 Jun 16#159
So if I wanted to put my old sim in to transfer my numbers onto the new phone it would lock to that sim if I put it in first? How could I get the contacts off my old phone?
26 Jun 16#158
I was on T-Mobile and had to port to a PAYG Orange SIM and then onto EE. Apparently it is because T-Mobile are on the same system as EE so can't port directly to one another, but Orange aren't despite being the same company. That said, I suppose porting to any PAYG on another network should work too. It took me about a week to get switched to EE though as a result. :man:
26 Jun 16#157
Just ordered mine. Waited as I wanted to see the colours in the flesh so cost me an extra £5 but oh well :stuck_out_tongue:
26 Jun 161#156
Ordered yesterday at 2pm and haven't heard from then since then.
26 Jun 16#155
Don't forget Cashback - £10.10 with TCB.
26 Jun 16#154
Many thanks, I then spotted it in the header.
26 Jun 16#153
VCEE20. You're welcome.
26 Jun 16#152
What's the code?
26 Jun 16#151
£5 with code
26 Jun 16#150
No longer free, showing as £25 for the handset cost.
26 Jun 161#149
it says "all add-ons last up to 30 days" so til the end of that month I guess
26 Jun 16#148
No - it says on their Website that the first SIM you put into the phone will be the one it is locked to, irrespective of the Network.
26 Jun 16#147
Not a chance sim cards are always separate it's even broken down on you're order
26 Jun 16#146
That's not bad at all. Any idea how long it lasts from when you buy it?
26 Jun 16#145
According to the ee site, if you run out of data you can add an additional one-off 500mb for £3. Which is nice.
26 Jun 16#144
I dont need the sim for 6 months so do i just activate and remove then do i need to make a call monthly or can i just leave it out till i need it. Thanks
26 Jun 16#143
Yay! Just had an email and text message to say my phone's been dispatched! Not bad from an order I made after 10pm last night. Just hope it gets delivered to the right place OK now.
26 Jun 16#142
Seriously tempted by this as someone said £14.99 a month for the se and bin the sim my only fear is the sim may already be in the phone locking it to ee
26 Jun 16#141
You should be able to port away from EE to say a Vodafone PaYG sim then back to EE. As far as I'm aware you'd just have to go thru the pac code process twice.
26 Jun 16#140
You need to phone your current support and ask for your PAC code, then when you activate your new phone and Sim, phone EE and give them your PAC code. That gives them authorisation to transfer your number from your old provider.
26 Jun 16#139
New line new number! they have told me there is no way to port old number from t-mobile to new line within EE network..........fine if coming from voda to EE
26 Jun 16#138
I fully get that but I want to use the air time that comes with the phone if I just put my old sim in id be on my old contract so paying twice
26 Jun 16#134
How can I keep my 10 year old number ? will I just have to change to the new sim number? all advice greatly received
Rebel_1980 to trackdayking
26 Jun 16#135
If you insert your 10 year old SIM into the phone, that'll do. The Phone is locked to the FIRST SIM you put into it, so it should work. Basically the phone is Unlocked UNTIL you put the first SIM in, then it becomes locked to that one.
I didn't order until turned 10pm last night but haven't heard anything except order confirmation email. Never taken out a mobile contract before either, so not sure what to expect!
26 Jun 162#132
For anyone still wanting the deal use code VCEE20 for £20 off the handset cost so only pay £5 extra now
26 Jun 16#131
Great offer. And even better that it's locked to the first SIM you put in.
26 Jun 16#129
Expire - the villains have added an upfront cost of £25...
wildecat to JumpMan1980
26 Jun 16#130
There is normally a £10 off code floating about the net.
25 Jun 16#107
Anyone noticed the small print?
*Please be aware your network may increase monthly prices in line with the retail price index during the length of your contract.
tomba to Iconcur
25 Jun 161#112
Don't panic...ALL mobile 'phone contracts have this additional annual charge...usually they add around 2% (£0.30 in this case) every year...think EE is between March-June next year. Of course this is PER MONTH.
tom_g to Iconcur
26 Jun 16#128
All networks do this, the RPI is a measure of inflation in the prices of goods and services. The increase is usually only 1-2% if that so I wouldn't worry about it.
26 Jun 16#127
Hi all. Need some advice. Ordered one for wifey, being delivered tomorrow. She has a 3 sim currently. Shall I put 3 sim first, get it unlocked with them, then insert EE sim and port number. Or shall I insert EE sim first, port number from 3 and then get it unlocked through Apple after 2 years.
Thanks in advance.
26 Jun 16#126
There is a similar deal for £25.99pm, but it's on the 64gb version of the phone and including 1000min & 2gb of data per month. Couldn't resist. Anyone knows how long their credit check takes? Their email said same day, but I ordered yesterday and am still waiting.
26 Jun 16#125
Thanks. Ordered for my lad. It's being delivered Monday. Great deal. It's amazing what people expect to get for £14.99 a month, free phone unlimited text and I'm sure we all got WiFi haha :sunglasses:
26 Jun 16#124
I've tried it. It's the same screen as the 5s. Not worth the money. Thanks for the advice, though.
26 Jun 161#123
The screen looks flawless,vibrant and sharp..looked almost better than iPhone 6..maybe you should stop reading numbers on internet and instead go try the actual product in person.
25 Jun 16#121
looks like a good deal but my reading of the small print says that its 40p a minute to call to dial your voicemail messages. Is that correct?
littlesheepy to ianowen
25 Jun 16#122
I read it as they're included in your allowance. If you run out of allowance then it's 40p per min, the same as calls outside of your allowance.
25 Jun 16#120
hot deal, just a shame it's only 300mb of internet, will have to carry a spare sim card or buy more mega bites
25 Jun 16#119
Just had dispatch notification. Thanks OP :smiley:
25 Jun 16#118
Not if you are already on EE though
25 Jun 16#117
Where did you hear this? It's on non of the usual places (Mac rumours, reddit etc). A link would be appreciated.
Pangu have announced they'll have an update on July 1st not announced a JB release.
25 Jun 161#97
"Locks to first SIM inserted" ???
Any SIM whatsoever? ... would it accept my Vodafone sim if it is the first one in?
fedex1401 to JumpMan1980
25 Jun 16#116
You still have to pay for the EE contract. Why pay for another provider for airtime if your £14.99 per month gets you a new phone and airtime, albeit with a different provider. You can port your number to EE if that's a concern :man:
Stevie Badman
25 Jun 16#109
can someone please explain the o2 refresh scam? Do you cancel the airtime contract and pay the cash price of the handset outright? Why do they not want the phone back once you've cancelled?
fedex1401 to Stevie Badman
25 Jun 16#115
Might be worth checking previous posts for this. :man:
25 Jun 16#114
But you still have to pay additional for airtime if you are on anything other than EE! :confused:
Stevie Badman
25 Jun 16#111
Is this already locked to ee before you put the sim in? can I just put my giffgaff sim in instead?
tomba to Stevie Badman
25 Jun 16#113
It says at the bottom that it will lock to the first sim you put in....if it has the sim separately when delivered then you may be okay to add a GiffGaff one and it will "lock to GiffGaff".
25 Jun 16#110
Yep, July 1 is the mooted release day, everyone is waiting
25 Jun 16#108
good find....just ordered mine for the wifey.
Cant abide Apple as a rule (its a cult) but this is too peachy to miss.....
25 Jun 16#106
Laura_88 Go for this one, you won't regret!
25 Jun 16#105
I can't decide between this or Samsung a3 (2016) which is better does anyone know x
25 Jun 16#104
Will try to sell my 6 for this one as it is faster..
25 Jun 16#103
I really want it but my curren contract end in October
25 Jun 16#93
Hot and perfect timing. Just ordered for my 11yr old. Thanks OP
*sweetpea to ClubFoot
25 Jun 16#102
Fab to hear, my pleasure :smiley:
25 Jun 16#101
no way does clearly need an eye test.
25 Jun 16#100
any chance of calling EE and adding data separately, bolt ons?
25 Jun 161#69
Cheers Azurren, nice to know it's not just me. Come to think of it, even my kids regard 16 GB as a joke.
joedredd to Village
25 Jun 161#99
You must be so proud.
25 Jun 16#98
Brilliant deal, just upgraded my Iphone 4s and my wifes Iphone4 using this deal.
Big thumbs up :smiley:
25 Jun 16#96
Perfect Timing...THANX OP.....ordered for my daughter's birthday tomorrow...took 5 minutes through Quidco (£10 cashback)...need your Direct Debit and Credit Card details to hand (a penny from CC to verify you exist).
Free delivery on Monday 27th.
300mb is fine for her as she gets Wifi everywhere and at home.
EE told me two weeks ago that there was a long waiting list...AND it was £14.99 with £179 handset. This is a much better deal than retainer deal they offered directly from EE. is £14.99 TOTAL per month (VAT is included).
25 Jun 16#95
Went from the 6 to this and it was a great decision. Better battery life and the increase in RAM makes a huge difference. Bargain for this price.
Stevie Badman
25 Jun 16#94
Ee is **** for me, as is 300mb. Can this be unlocked?
25 Jun 161#89
still waiting for the jailbreak (next week) since getting this on the super cheap o2 deal
Wotan to Sharpharp
25 Jun 16#92
The JB will be released next week?
Where did you hear that (if that's what you're saying, apologies if I've read it wrong!)
25 Jun 16#77
Does anyone know if ee wificall will work on this phone with it not being direct from ee?
Damage to is768901
25 Jun 161#91
I got 2 from Carphonewarehouse ( same company really ) & wifi call works fine so I would expect it to work
25 Jun 16#90
NO...if they say it's £14.99 then they have to charge that in total (i.e. £12.50 plus VAT). You will not pay any more until the RPI rise next June(?) of 3% approx.
25 Jun 16#88
great little deal if you have wifi in your places of home/work
25 Jun 161#87
Just been in the ee shop and showed them this deal................almost feel off his chair!
24 Jun 16#7
Would EE offer this cheaper to an existing customer?
walsall123 to 6ixFoot1
24 Jun 161#8
Try the retentions department, if your is contract is ending threaten to leave, they may not beat the price but may offer better allowance.
tomba to 6ixFoot1
25 Jun 16#86
I tried EE 2 weeks ago....the cheapest they would do was £14.99 BUT with a £179 handset cost AND sharing 2GB allowance with other phone on same contract...I cancelled and went SIM only to their sister company Life Mobile.
25 Jun 161#29
If I hadn't have got a Sony z3 compact, I'd have went for this, can't stand bigger phones!!
Robj1 to johnraggett
25 Jun 161#85
25 Jun 16#84
The battery life is great, my SE i got on that O2 deal posted two months ago lasts at least one and a half days on normal usage (I don't play games on it), and on activating "low power mode" it lasts 3 days easily. Does take about two and a half hours to charge though from 1% to 100%. Finally a proper battery in an iPhone that lasts a decent amount of time for a smartphone.
24 Jun 16#14
4 inch screen, sorry apple, no more money for you. Bad deal.
antonywhite37 to shariifi
24 Jun 1629#15
Disagree applaud apple bucking the super size trend sick and tired of 5 inch plus phones
HoppyBunny to shariifi
24 Jun 1621#16
Funnily enough, I went from an iPhone 6 to the iPhone SE.
I haven't looked back since. Much prefer to have a phone that can be used with one hand, that doesn't slip out of your hands easily and fits snugly inside your pocket.
Alansk1 to shariifi
25 Jun 161#53
Another person who seems to have no functioning knowledging of the point of this site.
dbox to shariifi
25 Jun 162#54
Small but powerful, sometimes bigger isn't always better!
allotmentguy to shariifi
25 Jun 16#83
Good deal. I got my 6s a while back from a post on here, £24.99 a month but EE add VAT to that I presume they will do that with this deal so it's £14.99 plus VAT?
25 Jun 16#58
Can iPhones be unlocked via a code bought from eBay?
hobsgrg to afox1984
25 Jun 16#82
No, you don't enter a code to unlock into the phone instead the unlock status is held at Apple's end and it is Apple that have to do the actual unlock. The phone will lock to the network of the first sim used, so if you don't use the sim that comes with it and use a Three sim you can then ask Three for a free unlock
Because instead of paying £360 all up front if you go for this and immediately bin the EE sim you essentially get two years interest free credit perhaps????
25 Jun 16#81
Anyone who's used them know how long it takes them to credit check?
25 Jun 16#62
Good deal shame everyone will think you have an iPhone 5 from 2012.
Agharta to ChampionshipManager
25 Jun 163#64
Who cares, it's just a phone!
Frostygills to ChampionshipManager
25 Jun 161#70
Less likely to get tea leafed then :smiley:
hass123 to ChampionshipManager
25 Jun 16#80
I like tricking people by putting a case on and making them think its a 5s
25 Jun 16#79
I think the O2 refresh deal a few months ago still works, £289.99 + about £2 airtime for the loophole
25 Jun 16#78
Thanks, ordered even though i'll probably still use my ancient Sony W810i :smile:
25 Jun 16#76
Couldn't agree more
25 Jun 16#75
Argh if only the data wasn't shocking this would be perfect :disappointed:
25 Jun 16#74
Because this price plan equals buying this phone on installments over 24 months no interest.
25 Jun 16#49
not even 720p... but... would this really matter on a 4 inch screen?
Tequila to joepbailey
25 Jun 162#73
Go see the phone in a shop the screen looks as high quality as 6s and S7.
25 Jun 16#48
People are back to using iPhone 4's. Nothing wrong with that. I still use iPhone 2.
Tequila to Spasho
25 Jun 161#72
iPhone SE has the latest 6S parts inside so pretty upto date and powerfull..its smaller form factor is preferred by many who are sick and tired of huge and awkward phones.its a perfect phone.
25 Jun 161#71
thx great price not really needed but price pulled me in. i love u and hate u in the same time HUKD i keep buying everything even what I don't need
25 Jun 16#68
Maybe it's just me, but with some offline maps and music, so the device still works when no connection is available, and a number of other apps requiring over 1 GB each, 16 GB would be unusable. Even with fewer apps, constantly having to spring clean just to keep enough storage for the phone to remain usable is too much of a pain.
25 Jun 16#67
If you just want to use your phone for emails, checking Facebook and taking the occasional picture 16GB is fine..
But for music, gaming, video recording, taking multiple snaps on a holiday / day out or anything more than facebook and twitter on the app side 16GB is woeful.
Remember. You can't simply add more storage if your usage patterns change in the future. I myself thought 64GB was plenty until my music library cracked the 25Gb mark, Final Fantasy 9 downloaded it's additional 3GB and I ran out of space after recording a couple minutes of video. :neutral_face:
Also while on Holiday with an older Android phone (8gb) I planned to upload my snaps overnight using the Hotel Wifi so I could clear them off fresh for the next day. Turns out the Wifi was shockingly bad, ran out of space on day 2 and had to start cherry picking what I had and just not taking pictures anymore..
25 Jun 161#63
As usual, the phone company is trying to make the deal look cheap by offering a phone with insufficient memory. The more usable 64 GB version is nearly twice the price. Cold.
Agharta to Village
25 Jun 162#65
As usual some people assume that their storage needs are gospel and the same as everybody else has. :stuck_out_tongue:
savagevixen to Village
25 Jun 161#66
Both myself and my husband have 16gb ive no idea why you'd need 64? We have apps and photos and videos and when it gets full, remove photos and the phone still works, it's amazing really.
Intrigued to know why people need so much storage?
25 Jun 16#61
I'm with EE and have had no issues since switching from T-mobile 15 months ago, but appreciate it may not be the case for others, but which network is best for everyone? If you're only using it as a means of buying the phone over 2 years it's not much of a deal, as you then have airtime to pay for. It is a deal if you get the phone for free and pay for and use the airtime. :man:
25 Jun 16#60
hi guys need some help here. i may not live in the UK for the next 2 years probably just a year. what will happen after i leave? i can still leave my bank account open and leave some money there.
25 Jun 16#59
Because EE are crap and you just want to take advantage of the 2 years free credit to buy the phone
24 Jun 16#19
Would this handset be locked too ee or could I pop my 3 sim in it?
play21er to steveuk28
24 Jun 16#20
locks to the first sim inserted
JonnyQuest to steveuk28
25 Jun 16#30
It will lock to the first network of the sim you put in it
fedex1401 to steveuk28
25 Jun 16#57
Whether it locks to the first SIM inserted or not, you are signing up to a 24 month contract with EE, so why would you lock it to anything other network? :man:
25 Jun 16#56
Argh I just bought the 5s on the same contract about a month ago! :disappointed:
25 Jun 16#55
Got this for my son, only neg is monthly add-ons (eg data) horrendously expensive.
But service from second to none. Heat added
25 Jun 161#52
Each to their own. I suppose some people have little girl hands...
25 Jun 161#41
300mb????? that will last you 10 days at most
*sweetpea to jhyt89
25 Jun 16#45
It's for my daughter, she uses phone at home.
Agharta to jhyt89
25 Jun 161#51
It will last me a month but maybe you for 10 days.
25 Jun 16#50
Typically just picked up 2x SE's yesterday as an existing customer, probably would've done better with this deal and a monthly rolling contract from elsewhere.
For anyone who is interested, the very best I could get from EE as an existing customer on this device was £25/month with unlim/unlim/2gb and £30/month unlim/unlim/4gb (no upfront cost).
At least saved the hassle of porting away from EE to port back in
25 Jun 161#47
I survive on 250mb per month at the moment. Wifi at home and work :smiley:
25 Jun 16#40
Excellent deal for the £16 model. Anyone know the best deal for a 64Gb model w/ at least 1gb/month? Best I could find was £23/m + £50 upfront. Cheers
*sweetpea to daedos
25 Jun 16#46
£50 upfront, £20.99 a month 1gb 500 mins unlimited texts on ee
Only want this for the phone, will bin off the sim but it seems won't take payment. Bank has monies in for them to do their 1p check but it just keeps failing...
25 Jun 16#37
I would be a little weary of Myself and a colleague from work both seen a deal several months ago that was great however both got declined! Contacted who the tried to sell us more expensive tariffs.
Ended up getting a slightly more expensive deal direct from the network who apparently declined us via
25 Jun 16#35
300mb tho...
Hot deal for a light user.
25 Jun 16#34
phones are getting bigger and i hate them. I always go for a htc or samsung mini version since defecting from apple.
25 Jun 16#33
How does this work ?
25 Jun 16#32
It will lock to first sim
However 3 will unlock it for free , it'll take a few weeks but they do
25 Jun 161#27
This seems an excellent deal. Is it better value to go for the £14.99 option, then get an extra data bolt-on from EE to get more data?
JonnyQuest to parabola117
25 Jun 16#31
I would say so
24 Jun 16#23
Any ideas if you can ask EE to cap your usage, so you can't go over your allowance for data and calls?
rafi105 to littlesheepy
25 Jun 16#25
EE automatically caps data however I am not too sure if they cap calls.
*sweetpea to littlesheepy
25 Jun 161#28
You can't go over your allowance on data, but they will charge if you exceed call allowance
25 Jun 164#26
Remember the SE is an iPhone 6s under the bonnet apart from no force touch and a slightly slower Touch ID sensor
24 Jun 161#22
Will this lock to first sim from other country? Whom to contact to get the unlock code then? I mean Apple or yhe operator?
tomj17 to alxdenisov
25 Jun 161#24
If you put a 3 SIM in first it will permanently unlock it to all networks
24 Jun 16#21
Great deal
24 Jun 16#18
No doubt they will have deals on the 7 soon, so will hold out for that for the kids, might be no brainer if it's the phone you want but mine didn't so didn't want to tie into 2 year contract for this
24 Jun 161#17
Everyone who knows you must think you're a very special person.
24 Jun 16#12
300mb is not enough for most peoples needs.
greencode to leenbilly
24 Jun 16#13
Obviously depends on the person! I have wifi at home and work so never go over 300mb a month.
Just a shame it's on EE as their reception on my area is woeful.
24 Jun 16#3
Heat added though :smiley:
*sweetpea to xxxangelxxx
24 Jun 161#11
thanks,no brainer if handset is £359 alone
24 Jun 16#10
ee wouldn't match this deal when the handset was £50 upfront! I went instore to ask! Doubtful they will do it now its free handset.
24 Jun 161#9
Just phoned the upgrades. Guy couldn't believe it and said that they only offer the phone free on a £25pm contract!
24 Jun 161#6
Good way to pay off the phone in instalments if you were thinking of buying one out right
24 Jun 16#5
Possible cashback from Topcashback £22.
24 Jun 162#4
The handset alone costs £360 so heat added!
24 Jun 16#2
Heat added though
24 Jun 161#1
Not the best of phones but a good deal, even the iPhone 5s from 2 years ago are dearer contracts than this
Opening post
not for everyone I know but hope some people appreciate
£11 TopCashback
- play21er
quidco £10
Handset cost now £25 but use code VCEE20 for £20 off making it £5
- Mikey91
Top comments
I haven't looked back since. Much prefer to have a phone that can be used with one hand, that doesn't slip out of your hands easily and fits snugly inside your pocket.
Latest comments (228)
Luckily I actually want to use the o2 sim. O2 will unlock for me eventually and it will be free. Sometimes they don't unlock apple handsets until 6 months after release.
Got a call from EE PAYG team today and they said that they weren't able to proceed any further because my PAYG sim was not registered properly. After registering, they have now requested the unlock again. Fingers X
Easy to set up from iPhone 5s.
Just waiting now for my number to be ported from Post office to EE which should hopefully be tomorrow :smiley:
what a joke this company is - do they just make up reasons to not give you the deal? refusing the contract because i already have one... i dont - i have never been on EE in my life, i did have a one2one account on PAYG in 1999 but never orange or EE.
then they said i got my date of birth wrong... what the hell?
Received the phone today now the unlocking part might be tricky as heard from other fellas here..
So the EE unlock seems to be the safest bet so far. Could someone confirm if we turn it on and first activate the phone with EE contract simcard (min. 6 months before unlock can be requested) provided and then switch to payg for unlock purposes whether it will work this way?
I ordered one to use with my high data Vodafone "SIM only" SIM (interest free way of paying it off over two years)
Mines arrived and going back though.. Didn't open it... Change of heart... but a good deal nonetheless.
I can see from the more helpful and less snobby replies that people obviously use a high amount of storage for games and apps and photos and music, which is fair enough. Personally glad I can't do even more on mine as spend enough time staring at the thing as it is
So thanks for the HU OP :smiley:
*Please be aware your network may increase monthly prices in line with the retail price index during the length of your contract.
Thanks in advance.
Pangu have announced they'll have an update on July 1st not announced a JB release.
Any SIM whatsoever? ... would it accept my Vodafone sim if it is the first one in?
Cant abide Apple as a rule (its a cult) but this is too peachy to miss.....
Big thumbs up :smiley:
Free delivery on Monday 27th.
300mb is fine for her as she gets Wifi everywhere and at home.
EE told me two weeks ago that there was a long waiting list...AND it was £14.99 with £179 handset. This is a much better deal than retainer deal they offered directly from EE. is £14.99 TOTAL per month (VAT is included).
Where did you hear that (if that's what you're saying, apologies if I've read it wrong!)
I haven't looked back since. Much prefer to have a phone that can be used with one hand, that doesn't slip out of your hands easily and fits snugly inside your pocket.
Because instead of paying £360 all up front if you go for this and immediately bin the EE sim you essentially get two years interest free credit perhaps????
But for music, gaming, video recording, taking multiple snaps on a holiday / day out or anything more than facebook and twitter on the app side 16GB is woeful.
Remember. You can't simply add more storage if your usage patterns change in the future. I myself thought 64GB was plenty until my music library cracked the 25Gb mark, Final Fantasy 9 downloaded it's additional 3GB and I ran out of space after recording a couple minutes of video. :neutral_face:
Also while on Holiday with an older Android phone (8gb) I planned to upload my snaps overnight using the Hotel Wifi so I could clear them off fresh for the next day. Turns out the Wifi was shockingly bad, ran out of space on day 2 and had to start cherry picking what I had and just not taking pictures anymore..
Intrigued to know why people need so much storage?
But service from second to none. Heat added
For anyone who is interested, the very best I could get from EE as an existing customer on this device was £25/month with unlim/unlim/2gb and £30/month unlim/unlim/4gb (no upfront cost).
At least saved the hassle of porting away from EE to port back in
£50 upfront, £20.99 a month 1gb 500 mins unlimited texts on ee
Ended up getting a slightly more expensive deal direct from the network who apparently declined us via
Hot deal for a light user.
However 3 will unlock it for free , it'll take a few weeks but they do
Just a shame it's on EE as their reception on my area is woeful.