it comes to Total £227.48
once you click check out the price will change you cant order with cheaper delivery
i know because i just order one
- guessswho
220.78 if you select UPS Access Point and collect you parcel from one of there collect point
- guessswho
just to confirm you get hit man dvd and hit man game they already sent me the code for the game. i also spoke to customer service and they told me ups option 3.99 is not available for product over 120 so the price is £227.48 delivered
- guessswho
Top comments
9y 2d7#17
Some reasons why I would and wouldn't get this card:
I would:
1. Async Compute
2. Ferrari 100 would be happy and I like making people happy, usually in a strictly platonic way
3. It's better than my R9 270
4. Jesus you can never rule him out, I reckon if he's about he's probably a pretty decent gamer by now.
I wouldn't
1. Async Compute - Devs will ignore this and code for Nvidia GPUs regardless.
2. Ferrari 100 would be annoyed, I know what I said before but come on he's a fanboy
4. Definitely because of 3.
5. Goto 3
6. Got out of that loop eh? This card is not good enough for you get a Titan X
9y 2d6#7
I wouldn't get an XFX card, bad quality.
9y 2d4#37
Analysis of your comment is as follows:
Firstly you work on the basis of assumption. This is never a good basis to form logical reasoning. We should work from facts, facts tell us that there is not enough data to assume that Async Compute will matter anywhere near as much as it is imagined.
1. How many titles will take advantage of Async Compute?
2. Will Devs code for Nvidia or AMD? There is definite bias in the industry.
3. Async Compute has very limited functionality in current gen consoles despite them having AMD APUs.
4. If these people don't know the answer then you don't know >
The new Hitman game shows benchmarks where it's faster in DX12 than Nvidia, OK so that's it then Async Compute FTW! Well looking at it again, it's also faster in DX11 meaning the game has a clear advantage on AMD GPUs, it depends on the devs at the end of the day.
Now if you're really an AMD fanboy and still can't handle that AMD and Nvidia are still pretty much closely matched on average depending on the game then read this >
"Hitman dx12 benchmarks are here from the two popular german review sites and it's a repeat of AotS with nvidia cards usually losing performance under dx12 and AMD cards gaining it. 390X is now besting a 980Ti. Fury cards struggle to scale over Hawaii again.
I had speculated that dx12 will help AMD more than nvidia but it's not even helping them. Though pcgh did get a dx12 boost for 980Ti.
There are way too many games where a full Fiji can hardly put some distance from full Hawaii, which suggests that Fiji's substantially higher CU count is mostly standing idle and the chip may be sitting on a geometry bottleneck.
What's shocking to me is Pitcairn's performance in that game. It gets half the performance of a Tahiti card, which never used to happen before. Maybe AMD's driver isn't handling the 2GB limitation very well?"
AMD better with supporting older cards anymore than Nvidia? Doesn't appear to be the case.
DX12 is not good for the gamers, Nvidia Gameworks in not good for gamers. Nvidia force Gameworks, Microsoft force DX12 on Windows 10.
Nvidia cannot implement in driver meaning they can't implement preemptive hardware gains of Async Compute in software.
If many DX12 titles take advantage of Async Compute to the extent it is surmised then Nvidia are on the back foot.
If is a clause, therefore if at present subjugates assumption.
All we have to work on is assumption. Facts currently state that Nvidia and AMD are matched depending on the game. Nvidia and Microsoft work on closed software ethics. Gamers would benefit from open software especially implementation of the Vulkan API. Microsoft forces DX12 to only being available on Windows 10 platform, now look at the nastiness that is Microsoft and its Windows Store >
"What we are seeing is the first implications of a new pipeline for graphics and compositing. WDDM 2.0 (Windows Display Driver Model) is a very big shift from what existed previously with WDDM 1.3. The days of exclusive fullscreen gaming may be on the way out as Microsoft shifts developers and hardware vendors into a standard path through the OS compositor rather than bypassing it. Implications for this change are only beginning to be understood, but let’s see how it affects Ashes of the Singularity today.
Even though Ashes of the Singularity is not a Windows Store application, the behavior we are seeing is part of the push that Microsoft is making to sell games through that store with a unified platform. The debate of app store based games versus free standing and open gaming has been a debate in the community since MS first starting discussing it – we just happen to have a real-world implication of it in front of us today."
You shouldn't be worrying about Async Compute, you should be concerned about Microsoft's implementation of DX12 and how it forces settings on the user whereby they can't interact to disable them. DX12 is controlled by Microsoft on its platform. Once DX12 bares fruition then Microsoft is ultimately in control of every gamers experience on every platform that uses DX12.
Now that is nasty!
9y 2d4#12
A bad experience usually puts you off for future experiences.
All comments (73)
9y 2d4#1
Scorching. Shame it's scun computers.
pcangeldust to Optimus_Toaster
9y 2d1#2
What's wrong with Scan?
primey_ to Optimus_Toaster
9y 2d#44
I've bought from Scan a lot and never been scammed and I've never read any stories about them scamming people
Guy please stop. I can't play the Scan drinking game anymore. What is the game you ask? Well you take a shot each time someone calls Scan a scam and then again when someone asks why., then AGAIN when that person shares their story.
fishmaster to puddleuk
9y 2d#15
I'm immune to that as why would I stop drinking? I've never found out.
9y 2d1#5
lol wtf.
9y 2d1#6
Very nice. Nvidia pascal GPUs are rumoured to be coming out next month. Perhaps due to this we'll see further price drops.
I've had bad experiences with an RMA. I bought a 780 and it came with a free game code, which I redeemed to test the card on. However the card was unbearably loud so i tried to return it and they refused cause I used the code. Fortunately my friend bought a 770 at the time and had the code unredeemed so I was allowed to send that back.
I talked to another retailer about it and they were shocked as they get a big pile of the codes and just throw them away once the promotion ends.
Opening post
it comes to Total £227.48
once you click check out the price will change you cant order with cheaper delivery
i know because i just order one
- guessswho
220.78 if you select UPS Access Point and collect you parcel from one of there collect point
- guessswho
just to confirm you get hit man dvd and hit man game they already sent me the code for the game. i also spoke to customer service and they told me ups option 3.99 is not available for product over 120 so the price is £227.48 delivered
- guessswho
Top comments
I would:
1. Async Compute
2. Ferrari 100 would be happy and I like making people happy, usually in a strictly platonic way
3. It's better than my R9 270
4. Jesus you can never rule him out, I reckon if he's about he's probably a pretty decent gamer by now.
I wouldn't
1. Async Compute - Devs will ignore this and code for Nvidia GPUs regardless.
2. Ferrari 100 would be annoyed, I know what I said before but come on he's a fanboy
4. Definitely because of 3.
5. Goto 3
6. Got out of that loop eh? This card is not good enough for you get a Titan X
Firstly you work on the basis of assumption. This is never a good basis to form logical reasoning. We should work from facts, facts tell us that there is not enough data to assume that Async Compute will matter anywhere near as much as it is imagined.
1. How many titles will take advantage of Async Compute?
2. Will Devs code for Nvidia or AMD? There is definite bias in the industry.
3. Async Compute has very limited functionality in current gen consoles despite them having AMD APUs.
4. If these people don't know the answer then you don't know >
The new Hitman game shows benchmarks where it's faster in DX12 than Nvidia, OK so that's it then Async Compute FTW! Well looking at it again, it's also faster in DX11 meaning the game has a clear advantage on AMD GPUs, it depends on the devs at the end of the day.
Now if you're really an AMD fanboy and still can't handle that AMD and Nvidia are still pretty much closely matched on average depending on the game then read this >
"Hitman dx12 benchmarks are here from the two popular german review sites and it's a repeat of AotS with nvidia cards usually losing performance under dx12 and AMD cards gaining it. 390X is now besting a 980Ti. Fury cards struggle to scale over Hawaii again.
I had speculated that dx12 will help AMD more than nvidia but it's not even helping them. Though pcgh did get a dx12 boost for 980Ti.
There are way too many games where a full Fiji can hardly put some distance from full Hawaii, which suggests that Fiji's substantially higher CU count is mostly standing idle and the chip may be sitting on a geometry bottleneck.
What's shocking to me is Pitcairn's performance in that game. It gets half the performance of a Tahiti card, which never used to happen before. Maybe AMD's driver isn't handling the 2GB limitation very well?"
AMD better with supporting older cards anymore than Nvidia? Doesn't appear to be the case.
DX12 is not good for the gamers, Nvidia Gameworks in not good for gamers. Nvidia force Gameworks, Microsoft force DX12 on Windows 10.
We need Vulkan >
Nvidia cannot implement in driver meaning they can't implement preemptive hardware gains of Async Compute in software.
If many DX12 titles take advantage of Async Compute to the extent it is surmised then Nvidia are on the back foot.
If is a clause, therefore if at present subjugates assumption.
All we have to work on is assumption. Facts currently state that Nvidia and AMD are matched depending on the game. Nvidia and Microsoft work on closed software ethics. Gamers would benefit from open software especially implementation of the Vulkan API. Microsoft forces DX12 to only being available on Windows 10 platform, now look at the nastiness that is Microsoft and its Windows Store >
"What we are seeing is the first implications of a new pipeline for graphics and compositing. WDDM 2.0 (Windows Display Driver Model) is a very big shift from what existed previously with WDDM 1.3. The days of exclusive fullscreen gaming may be on the way out as Microsoft shifts developers and hardware vendors into a standard path through the OS compositor rather than bypassing it. Implications for this change are only beginning to be understood, but let’s see how it affects Ashes of the Singularity today.
Even though Ashes of the Singularity is not a Windows Store application, the behavior we are seeing is part of the push that Microsoft is making to sell games through that store with a unified platform. The debate of app store based games versus free standing and open gaming has been a debate in the community since MS first starting discussing it – we just happen to have a real-world implication of it in front of us today."
You shouldn't be worrying about Async Compute, you should be concerned about Microsoft's implementation of DX12 and how it forces settings on the user whereby they can't interact to disable them. DX12 is controlled by Microsoft on its platform. Once DX12 bares fruition then Microsoft is ultimately in control of every gamers experience on every platform that uses DX12.
Now that is nasty!
All comments (73)
I talked to another retailer about it and they were shocked as they get a big pile of the codes and just throw them away once the promotion ends.