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XFX R9 390 DD + FREE Copy of Hitman DVD Movie £220.78 delivered @ Scan
4 stars +382

XFX R9 390 DD + FREE Copy of Hitman DVD Movie £220.78 delivered @ Scan

£220.78 Scan12 Mar 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
11 Mar 16

it comes to Total £227.48
once you click check out the price will change you cant order with cheaper delivery
i know because i just order one
- guessswho

220.78 if you select UPS Access Point and collect you parcel from one of there collect point
- guessswho

just to confirm you get hit man dvd and hit man game they already sent me the code for the game. i also spoke to customer service and they told me ups option 3.99 is not available for product over 120 so the price is £227.48 delivered
- guessswho
Top comments
11 Mar 16 7 #17
Some reasons why I would and wouldn't get this card:

I would:

1. Async Compute
2. Ferrari 100 would be happy and I like making people happy, usually in a strictly platonic way
3. It's better than my R9 270
4. Jesus you can never rule him out, I reckon if he's about he's probably a pretty decent gamer by now.

I wouldn't

1. Async Compute - Devs will ignore this and code for Nvidia GPUs regardless.
2. Ferrari 100 would be annoyed, I know what I said before but come on he's a fanboy
4. Definitely because of 3.
5. Goto 3
6. Got out of that loop eh? This card is not good enough for you get a Titan X
11 Mar 16 6 #7
I wouldn't get an XFX card, bad quality.
11 Mar 16 4 #37
Analysis of your comment is as follows:

Firstly you work on the basis of assumption. This is never a good basis to form logical reasoning. We should work from facts, facts tell us that there is not enough data to assume that Async Compute will matter anywhere near as much as it is imagined.

1. How many titles will take advantage of Async Compute?
2. Will Devs code for Nvidia or AMD? There is definite bias in the industry.
3. Async Compute has very limited functionality in current gen consoles despite them having AMD APUs.
4. If these people don't know the answer then you don't know >

The new Hitman game shows benchmarks where it's faster in DX12 than Nvidia, OK so that's it then Async Compute FTW! Well looking at it again, it's also faster in DX11 meaning the game has a clear advantage on AMD GPUs, it depends on the devs at the end of the day.

Now if you're really an AMD fanboy and still can't handle that AMD and Nvidia are still pretty much closely matched on average depending on the game then read this >

"Hitman dx12 benchmarks are here from the two popular german review sites and it's a repeat of AotS with nvidia cards usually losing performance under dx12 and AMD cards gaining it. 390X is now besting a 980Ti. Fury cards struggle to scale over Hawaii again.
I had speculated that dx12 will help AMD more than nvidia but it's not even helping them. Though pcgh did get a dx12 boost for 980Ti.

There are way too many games where a full Fiji can hardly put some distance from full Hawaii, which suggests that Fiji's substantially higher CU count is mostly standing idle and the chip may be sitting on a geometry bottleneck.

What's shocking to me is Pitcairn's performance in that game. It gets half the performance of a Tahiti card, which never used to happen before. Maybe AMD's driver isn't handling the 2GB limitation very well?"

AMD better with supporting older cards anymore than Nvidia? Doesn't appear to be the case.

DX12 is not good for the gamers, Nvidia Gameworks in not good for gamers. Nvidia force Gameworks, Microsoft force DX12 on Windows 10.

We need Vulkan >


Nvidia cannot implement in driver meaning they can't implement preemptive hardware gains of Async Compute in software.
If many DX12 titles take advantage of Async Compute to the extent it is surmised then Nvidia are on the back foot.

If is a clause, therefore if at present subjugates assumption.

All we have to work on is assumption. Facts currently state that Nvidia and AMD are matched depending on the game. Nvidia and Microsoft work on closed software ethics. Gamers would benefit from open software especially implementation of the Vulkan API. Microsoft forces DX12 to only being available on Windows 10 platform, now look at the nastiness that is Microsoft and its Windows Store >

"What we are seeing is the first implications of a new pipeline for graphics and compositing. WDDM 2.0 (Windows Display Driver Model) is a very big shift from what existed previously with WDDM 1.3. The days of exclusive fullscreen gaming may be on the way out as Microsoft shifts developers and hardware vendors into a standard path through the OS compositor rather than bypassing it. Implications for this change are only beginning to be understood, but let’s see how it affects Ashes of the Singularity today.

Even though Ashes of the Singularity is not a Windows Store application, the behavior we are seeing is part of the push that Microsoft is making to sell games through that store with a unified platform. The debate of app store based games versus free standing and open gaming has been a debate in the community since MS first starting discussing it – we just happen to have a real-world implication of it in front of us today."

You shouldn't be worrying about Async Compute, you should be concerned about Microsoft's implementation of DX12 and how it forces settings on the user whereby they can't interact to disable them. DX12 is controlled by Microsoft on its platform. Once DX12 bares fruition then Microsoft is ultimately in control of every gamers experience on every platform that uses DX12.

Now that is nasty!
11 Mar 16 4 #12
A bad experience usually puts you off for future experiences.
All comments (73)
11 Mar 16 4 #1
Scorching. Shame it's scun computers.
pcangeldust to Optimus_Toaster
11 Mar 16 1 #2
What's wrong with Scan?
primey_ to Optimus_Toaster
12 Mar 16 #44
​I've bought from Scan a lot and never been scammed and I've never read any stories about them scamming people
treacle13 to Optimus_Toaster
12 Mar 16 #53
11 Mar 16 1 #3
Good deal.
11 Mar 16 4 #4
Guy please stop. I can't play the Scan drinking game anymore. What is the game you ask? Well you take a shot each time someone calls Scan a scam and then again when someone asks why., then AGAIN when that person shares their story.
fishmaster to puddleuk
11 Mar 16 #15
I'm immune to that as why would I stop drinking? I've never found out.
11 Mar 16 1 #5
lol wtf.
11 Mar 16 1 #6
Very nice. Nvidia pascal GPUs are rumoured to be coming out next month. Perhaps due to this we'll see further price drops.
rev6 to Stalast
11 Mar 16 #9
Also rumored for May, the 1080.
11 Mar 16 6 #7
I wouldn't get an XFX card, bad quality.
11 Mar 16 #8
Looks like you might get the game too
11 Mar 16 1 #10
I've had bad experiences with an RMA. I bought a 780 and it came with a free game code, which I redeemed to test the card on. However the card was unbearably loud so i tried to return it and they refused cause I used the code. Fortunately my friend bought a 770 at the time and had the code unredeemed so I was allowed to send that back.

I talked to another retailer about it and they were shocked as they get a big pile of the codes and just throw them away once the promotion ends.
11 Mar 16 1 #11
That's an experience, not experiences though. Have you tried a product with Scan once since then?
11 Mar 16 4 #12
A bad experience usually puts you off for future experiences.
11 Mar 16 #13
A free DVD of a sh.itty movie? No thanks.
11 Mar 16 #14
most of the scan hate seems to be based on rma which i have never experienced but from what i have they are fine to deal with, personally ive been using ocuk more though recently (got to love the free haribows :P)
11 Mar 16 2 #16
No problems with Scan for me :smiley:
11 Mar 16 7 #17
Some reasons why I would and wouldn't get this card:

I would:

1. Async Compute
2. Ferrari 100 would be happy and I like making people happy, usually in a strictly platonic way
3. It's better than my R9 270
4. Jesus you can never rule him out, I reckon if he's about he's probably a pretty decent gamer by now.

I wouldn't

1. Async Compute - Devs will ignore this and code for Nvidia GPUs regardless.
2. Ferrari 100 would be annoyed, I know what I said before but come on he's a fanboy
4. Definitely because of 3.
5. Goto 3
6. Got out of that loop eh? This card is not good enough for you get a Titan X
Ferrari100 to fishmaster
11 Mar 16 1 #21
A fanboy of non arrogant or corrupt businesses. I agree
11 Mar 16 3 #18
The dx12 benchmarks are insane for amd and if pascal dosnt have async compute its going to flop big time.
Can't believe a 390 beats a Titian X so a 290x will beat the Titian X if you overclock that puppy. Amd are great at supporting there older cards as nvidia has stopped supporting Kepler already. Must be painful if u bought a of Titian or 780ti, 780,770.
Where is nvidias 6 month driver for async as its getting creamed.
Oh wait it can't as its hardware not software lol
fishmaster to Smoking173850
11 Mar 16 #19
Firstly you're assuming what you read is true, and secondly will games actually use Async Compute as much as you might think they will. Also the argument that Async Compute will happen to any significant degree this year is the Xbox One and PS4 use AMD GPUs, well they're very limited in their Async Compute capabilities. You exaggerate the capabilities of Async Compute.
rev6 to Smoking173850
11 Mar 16 #31
It's expected, the same with GameWorks titles, NVIDIA usually perform better. You could say Hitman is an AMD works title, like Ashes of the Singularity.
We need a handful of DX12 games to see what the trait is going to be. There's many more DX11 GameWorks titles but time will tell.
The 280x gains 1FPS from DX11 to DX12 at 1920x1080 which means it's already GPU bound with DX11. From what I've seen it's the lower CPU overhead that's allowing higher end AMD GPU's to shine.
11 Mar 16 #20
I had the same. 7970 was dead. Filmed videos of it neing dead. Included tests of my cpu and ram showing they were fine. They have it for a whole month. Wait for ages. Tell me it was fine all the tests they did. I tell them to test again. Did. Day later come back saying it was indeed dead.. (probably didn't test in the first place).. say they'll send a new one out the same day. Don't get any email or phone calls. Wait 2/3 days before getting back to them. Didn't have any in stock. Ask for a another which said in stock. They said fine. Went to send it out. They didn't actually have any. They then refused to go with any 7970 which was of a higher value unless I paid extra despitee by this point having waited 2 months from original contact to them about it. Then had to wait 2/3 weeks for stock. Didn't apolagise once or even give me a notification of them sending out the new card. Their excuse was that they were busy. Total BS as this had streched out over 1/4 of the year and there hadn't been any major hardware releases. Never using them again. Stuck to amazon, aria PC and novatech.
Novatech for example. I had dead ram stick. Phoned them up. Sent out new ram stick within hours, received it next day with a return postage bag paid for to send broken one back. Yes price difference is huge but still. 3 months to sort something vs 2/3 days...
11 Mar 16 #22



11 Mar 16 1 #23
11 Mar 16 #24
This is a great price... I have an oculus coming in April, my current hd7850 is not powerful enough. Do I pull the trigger on this or wait?!?
11 Mar 16 #25
thanks op order but some reason they charged me extra does nt make any sense

8GB XFX Radeon R9 390 Double Dissipation, 6000MHz GDDR5, 1000MHz GPU, 2560 Streams + FREE Copy of Hi
Ex VAT £179.99 Inc VAT £215.99

so 215.99 + del 9.58 = 225.57 not sure why charging me £1.91 extra
check out the maths??
Sub Total £179.99
Carriage £9.58
VAT £37.91
Total £227.48
shaun442k to guessswho
11 Mar 16 #27
​I get the same. They must have increased the postage.
11 Mar 16 #26
Could you elaborate on that?
11 Mar 16 #28
​Scrap that. You need to change the delivery options to ups to get it at ~£220
11 Mar 16 #29
i will just call them tomorrow to sort it out i did nt wanted to miss out on the deal so place the order anyway
11 Mar 16 #30
i did that but it changed back did you manage to check out with that price ??
11 Mar 16 #32
The correct question was to not ask him a question.
11 Mar 16 #33
I've tested Nvidia GPUs versus AMD on my XW6600 Workstation. The AMD GPUs become CPU bound whereas the Nvidia ones don't. Meaning the AMD requires more CPU computational power to perform than the direct Nvidia equivalent. This is a direct comparison of the current generation, whether that trend will continue to the next I don't know. I own a Radeon R9 270 2GB card, so any question of me being an Nvidia fanboy is nonsense. I have the card as I'm an infrequent gamer and it plays everything I require of it currently and it was dirt cheap.
11 Mar 16 #34
Using "fanboy' as a comeback turns it into childish bickering. We are consumers afterall.
This is what we're seeing in DX12. The overhead reduction is giving them good gains. It took NVIDIA a long time to get their GPU's this efficient in DX11.
11 Mar 16 #35
It may be seen that I prefer Nvidia in the comments I've made, I clarified my position by mentioning I own and use an AMD Radeon R9 270. One must be open to being a disloyal consumer as loyalty does not afford you gain in the technology industry. I choose to use whatever performs the best for me at the price point, the fact I got the R9 270 for £70 a couple years ago from where I work means it was a good deal and irrespective of who was the current percieved leader at the time I did what was best for me. I will choose AMD or Nvidia irrespective of my experience with them beforehand, but on whom is the proven leader at the right price point for me. That is how any consumer should think.
11 Mar 16 #36
It'll always create a divide in opinions and that's a good thing. Otherwise we have a monopoly and reduced innovation.
The hostility though over loyalty that we see around here is in the more extreme side.
Choosing a GPU gets more difficult now with monitor adaptive vsync as most keep their monitor longer than a GPU. You're committing and you might not even realize.
11 Mar 16 4 #37
Analysis of your comment is as follows:

Firstly you work on the basis of assumption. This is never a good basis to form logical reasoning. We should work from facts, facts tell us that there is not enough data to assume that Async Compute will matter anywhere near as much as it is imagined.

1. How many titles will take advantage of Async Compute?
2. Will Devs code for Nvidia or AMD? There is definite bias in the industry.
3. Async Compute has very limited functionality in current gen consoles despite them having AMD APUs.
4. If these people don't know the answer then you don't know >

The new Hitman game shows benchmarks where it's faster in DX12 than Nvidia, OK so that's it then Async Compute FTW! Well looking at it again, it's also faster in DX11 meaning the game has a clear advantage on AMD GPUs, it depends on the devs at the end of the day.

Now if you're really an AMD fanboy and still can't handle that AMD and Nvidia are still pretty much closely matched on average depending on the game then read this >

"Hitman dx12 benchmarks are here from the two popular german review sites and it's a repeat of AotS with nvidia cards usually losing performance under dx12 and AMD cards gaining it. 390X is now besting a 980Ti. Fury cards struggle to scale over Hawaii again.
I had speculated that dx12 will help AMD more than nvidia but it's not even helping them. Though pcgh did get a dx12 boost for 980Ti.

There are way too many games where a full Fiji can hardly put some distance from full Hawaii, which suggests that Fiji's substantially higher CU count is mostly standing idle and the chip may be sitting on a geometry bottleneck.

What's shocking to me is Pitcairn's performance in that game. It gets half the performance of a Tahiti card, which never used to happen before. Maybe AMD's driver isn't handling the 2GB limitation very well?"

AMD better with supporting older cards anymore than Nvidia? Doesn't appear to be the case.

DX12 is not good for the gamers, Nvidia Gameworks in not good for gamers. Nvidia force Gameworks, Microsoft force DX12 on Windows 10.

We need Vulkan >


Nvidia cannot implement in driver meaning they can't implement preemptive hardware gains of Async Compute in software.
If many DX12 titles take advantage of Async Compute to the extent it is surmised then Nvidia are on the back foot.

If is a clause, therefore if at present subjugates assumption.

All we have to work on is assumption. Facts currently state that Nvidia and AMD are matched depending on the game. Nvidia and Microsoft work on closed software ethics. Gamers would benefit from open software especially implementation of the Vulkan API. Microsoft forces DX12 to only being available on Windows 10 platform, now look at the nastiness that is Microsoft and its Windows Store >

"What we are seeing is the first implications of a new pipeline for graphics and compositing. WDDM 2.0 (Windows Display Driver Model) is a very big shift from what existed previously with WDDM 1.3. The days of exclusive fullscreen gaming may be on the way out as Microsoft shifts developers and hardware vendors into a standard path through the OS compositor rather than bypassing it. Implications for this change are only beginning to be understood, but let’s see how it affects Ashes of the Singularity today.

Even though Ashes of the Singularity is not a Windows Store application, the behavior we are seeing is part of the push that Microsoft is making to sell games through that store with a unified platform. The debate of app store based games versus free standing and open gaming has been a debate in the community since MS first starting discussing it – we just happen to have a real-world implication of it in front of us today."

You shouldn't be worrying about Async Compute, you should be concerned about Microsoft's implementation of DX12 and how it forces settings on the user whereby they can't interact to disable them. DX12 is controlled by Microsoft on its platform. Once DX12 bares fruition then Microsoft is ultimately in control of every gamers experience on every platform that uses DX12.

Now that is nasty!
11 Mar 16 #38
Can't be bothered to read all your dribble lol
10/10 for effort but we're talking about people buying a 390 and it's the best bang for buck card with legs on it wether u like it or not.
Amd is only getting faster and maxwell is only getting slower.
4gb vs 8gb with proper dx12 support.
You would have to be brain dead to take the maxwell with the lastest information. I'm off to bed goodnight
11 Mar 16 1 #39
If you can't listen to the other party in a debate then you have no place in the debate, you really should have read what I wrote in the last few paragraphs and you might have learnt something :smiley:

Also when presented with evidence and you don't change your position that is stupid. I am prepared to change my position on Async Compute once the FACTS are in, as I reference technical forum debates where the answer as to whether Async Compute will have the actual imagined effect it will have is still not answered, by people who understand the topic in much greater depth than yourself.

Lastly I then stated the major problems with DX12 and Microsoft. Have a read like I said it'll probably be information you were too arrogant to have considered.

This is one of those tedious forum debates isn't it? Whose willy is bigger.
11 Mar 16 3 #40
Dropping out of the tedium that is the 'debate' between myself and Smoking173850 and his lack of factual evidence, and my tedious long winded ah hoc technical retorts, here's a reasonably balanced video. He's really against Nvidia's Gameworks and how Nvidia operate in general >

Would he advise you buy an AMD card though? His answer is at 22:12. I recommend you watch the whole video. It's not fanboyist, it's just based on the facts currently. Does it paint a picture of AMD being massively superior in DX12? No. Does it say Nvidia are shining golden light of joy and they are the only choice? No. Does it criticise both AMD and Nvidia on various points? Yes.

Here's some more hatred of Nvidia and how they aren't great for gamers >

So is the R9 390 a decent card? Absolutely, is the Nvidia 980 Ti the best card out currently, it certainly looks that way. Are Microsoft and Nvidia just a little bit too controlling and quite a bit nasty for gamers, yup definitely.
12 Mar 16 #41
if this was for the Sapphire Nitro card, I would have bought in a heartbeat
12 Mar 16 #42
What is it about being technically illiterate that also goes hand in hand with being linguistically illiterate? :confused:

Hey, Smoking137683, I'm still waiting for my prize!

If you got your facts so wrong before, why should we believe you are right this time?
12 Mar 16 #43
In other news, same site shows 970 beating 390 in a different newly released game

so good gains for Amd, yes, best bang for buck? Well yes if all you plan to do is run hitman or the aots benchmark.

Incidentally amd's new drivers have fixed performance in gears of war dx12 as well. Now they only trail Nvidia by 50% in that title.

Buyer beware, best advise is wait for new cards if you can.
12 Mar 16 #45
should I get one to crossfire with my 290x? or it will be limited by the 390? help me plz guys. or should I wait till Xmas?
12 Mar 16 #46
I would rather buy this GPU and know it is future proof than buy an Nvidia GPU that will be outdates within 24 months.
These cards - and the New Pascal cards if no Asynchronous compute - will be dumped on overnight when Volta arrives with the tech.
Nvidia, Yuck.

Intel and AMD FTW!
grandadgamer to Ferrari100
12 Mar 16 #47
Terrible advice. This is a good card (especially performance for the money) but it is old tech and power hungry. Just buy with your eyes open and if you want good hardware be prepared to upgrade every 2-3 years. Software and hardware development go hand in hand and drive each other.
Async won't save AMD. They need to release the right hardware at the right time. Hopefully that will be Polaris.
Mpt11 to Ferrari100
12 Mar 16 #49
This card will be outdated when Polaris appears, it's old thirsty technology.
You can't buy anything and know it'll be future proof you can only buy for the now. 2 games that perform better under dx12 doesn't mean they all will, hopefully it'll even things out a bit but no one really knows for sure.

Personally I would get this over a 970 if I wasn't waiting for the new lot
fishmaster to Ferrari100
12 Mar 16 #50
Nvidia and Microsoft are both doing things I dislike. What I'd like to see is everything moved to Vulcan API and Nvidia quit the Gameworks crap.
Mpt11 to Ferrari100
12 Mar 16 #51
Also find it quite funny you moan about Nvidia and its practices but support Intel who do exactly the same thing from an even more dominant market position...
12 Mar 16 #48
The denial is huuuge with you.
12 Mar 16 #52
I wouldn't normally drop to this level, but you just confirmed your status as a simpleton in my opinion. I've made quite a few constructive comments on these deals now and you have never addressed a single point I made. Well done!
12 Mar 16 #54
Thanks, ordered.

You also get a digital download of the new hitman game with the order.
12 Mar 16 #55
While I would take the hitman benchmarks with a big pinch of salt (something is probably odd on nvidia's driver side, especially considering that they need sw emulation for stuff like asynch shaders so I would wait for the next driver before using them as reference), ashes is most definitively not an Amd title, as it was confirmed several times by the developer.
12 Mar 16 #56
Fantastic price for the best mid/high end card out there (and yeah, for most accounts better than the 970). Scorching.
12 Mar 16 #57
It's an AMD sponsored title.
12 Mar 16 #58
I stand corrected! Was it always sponsored, i wonder?
12 Mar 16 #59
Good deal, make sure to check your case is big enough for it though, 29.5cm is quite long, doesn't fit my case unfortunately.

If you have an account on avforums you can get free shipping too.

Personally never had problems with Scan, I bought my last graphics card from them which I had to RMA and they were fine, they got DPD to pick it up and a replacement was sent out soon enough. I bought other stuff from them as well, they are on ebay so it's quite useful to have the collect from argos option.
12 Mar 16 #60
There is a reason XFX is cheap, their stock coolers are rubbish, if you're not going aftermarket cooling, pay a bit more for a reliable cooler (asus or MSI would be my choice.)
13 Mar 16 #61
Errr... neither has "proper" DX12 support at the moment. I thought you said you were an expert at all this? Then again, you did claim that Mantle was turned into DX12 (citing the brilliant source "lol google it" - although, oddly enough, doing so showed that you were entirely wrong).

Still, it's strange that even without "proper" DX12 support, the £230 970 outperforms the £460 Fury X in DX12 Rise of the Tomb Raider:

What does this tell us? Do we now have absolute proof that Nvidia's cards are going to absolutely destroy AMD's in DX12 games? Are all of AMD's current cards now out-of-date already?

No, of course not. It tells us that it's too early to judge what's going to happen - and that we can write off experts like you and your "m8" with the "Titian" as talking hogswallop.

Want people to believe what you say, Smoking214892? Don't fill all of your posts with mistakes. Because maybe, one day, you might be right about something - and no-one will believe you.
13 Mar 16 #62
The difference is this Nvidia gimped games can and will be rectified and AMD will have comparable performance.
Nvidia can't fix issues in proper DX12 titles as they are hardware problems that software can't fix.
13 Mar 16 2 #63
Ah, an AMD prediction from Ferrari100.

Let's just remember another one of your classic predictions:

Just before the launch of the 300 series, that was. Oops, I mean the "revolutionary" 300 series. And we all remember well how the entire Maxwell series failed (indeed, failed "BIG"), don't we? I don't think any of them even show up on the Steam Hardware Survey. :man:

You claim that AMD will be the best performer in DX12, and when they aren't, you turn around and blame Nvidia. Well, "if you can’t beat em blame em." :wink:
14 Mar 16 #64
Great price, heat added
14 Mar 16 #65
Anybody supporting Nvidia is selfish.

I want to see as much technology as possible before I die, as I am sure others do too.
Having Nvidia try and hold back technology as they do is disgusting. Everybody supporting Nvidia's corrupt business practices are responsible for consumers seeing less technology over their lifetime and clearly have hidden agendas.
14 Mar 16 #66
14 Mar 16 #67
Crap...just when im about to sell mine!
15 Mar 16 #68
Are you using some 'Ends justify the means' to support your full frontal assault on NVIDIA?

Are you truly comfortable lying to people in an attempt to dissuade them from buying NVIDIA?

This post shows just how deep your bias against NVIDIA truly runs. Make note of this post, this is why you should take anything Ferrari100 says with a huge amount of skepticism.

Information is power, and when you spread disinformation, you are actually hurting the industry, and gamers, far more than anyone else.
15 Mar 16 #69
I own more Intel products than you ever will.
Supporting corrupt businesses like Nvidia holds back technology from everybody, including you. Fortunately most people don't think like you and the many are already starting to turn their back on Nvida for their dodgy practices.

Sixteen is not the number of titles Game Works has destroyed.
15 Mar 16 #70
What does owning more or less Intel products prove?

Also, have you not seen the responses to you on these forums? Do you honestly believe people back your opinion?

Have you seen the numbers for NVIDIA versus AMD on the hardware survey?

Have a look, you say people are 'starting to turn their back on NVIDIA' but statistics don't agree with you. They are turning their backs to AMD. Looks like they went from 29.5% in Sept 2014 to 26% in Feb 2016 with a downward trend.
17 Mar 16 #71
Cannot purchase it anymore(doesn't add to basket) so I presume it has expired. Shame as it was a great deal.
17 Mar 16 #72
has it expired?
17 Mar 16 #73
yeah, it has expired. I just tried again.
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£0.87 Tesco10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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XCOM 2 for the PC
3 stars +199

XCOM 2 for the PC

£11.20 Greenman Gaming10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse
3 stars +187

Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse

£399.99 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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The Firm (game) now FREE
3 stars +168

The Firm (game) now FREE

£0.84 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Original Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum - LDS SLAM / Intelligent Route / Planning App w/code
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Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids
3 stars +122

Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids

£2 Poundland10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Apple Airpods to £129
3 stars +188

Apple Airpods to £129

£129 £159 BT Shop10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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3 stars +150


Instore Home Bargains10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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National Curry Week M&S Indian Takeaway Deal - with decent veggie options too
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Resident evil origins collection (PS4)
3 stars +128

Resident evil origins collection (PS4)

£13.85 Base.com10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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TSB credit card 0% on balance transfers for 28 months, fee-free, plus potential cashback
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3.5 stars +281


£6 £24 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE
3 stars +143

JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE

£1.79 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE
3.5 stars +207

PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE

£0.89 Google Play10 Oct 17
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
4 stars +361

ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
3 stars +129

Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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