incl. flights, 7 nights (Certificate of Excellence) hotel & connections.
Flying from bristol - but other uk destinations will be available im sure. Various dates in may & april available.
This great holiday in Chania, Crete is a bargain for those of you looking for a getaway this year. You will be staying in the Atlantida Mare which scores 4.5 out of 5 at Tripadvisor with a Certificate of Excellence. Sleeping 2 - 6 adults, adjust your search accordingly.
Offer Details:
7 Nights
2 adults, 3 adults or 6 adults sharing
Hotel rated 4.5/5 on TA with a Certificate of Excellence
Flights Bristol - Chania
Thanks to holidays pirates for the heads up!
Also -
Santorini, Greece for £166. A beautiful place and well worth the price, click the link above for more details (thompson package)
£93pp is based on 6adults sharing.
- pasheast
Top comments
8y 51d6#1
8y 51d6#13
The url for the image bigidiot66 posted is . So it's pretty plain it's Lesvos, even to dimidiot66. But he still posts it on a holiday in Crete, just to stir it up and put people off Greece and spread more hate towards refugees. It's pathetic
8y 51d5#5
Well Blackpool has boats too, but you don't post a picture of there...
peteasewell to bigdeal66
8y 51d4#7
Not amusing at all
All comments (21)
8y 51d6#1
kimbo87 to bigdeal66
8y 51d3#3
That is not Chania, crete - the picture is of lesvos actually!
peteasewell to bigdeal66
8y 51d4#7
Not amusing at all
8y 51d2#2
Whats the point of posting Holiday Pirates deals which are clearly visible on the right side of HUKD page ???
DemonIT to pavel76
8y 51d#14
8y 51d1#4
They still got boats,might fancy another holiday later
8y 51d5#5
Well Blackpool has boats too, but you don't post a picture of there...
8y 51d#6
So dumb. Of course they are after you and your holidays, thats the whole point
8y 51d3#8
Probably not best to expect anything genuinely funny from someone with a Roy Chubby Brown avatar is it? If he's what they find funny, chances are they'll be as funny as a fire themselves.
Good deal!
bigdeal66 to DonXJohnson
8y 51d3#10
Dont be so boring and stuck up....
8y 51d#9
Blackpools a dump they wont go there,you might they wont...
Opening post
Flying from bristol - but other uk destinations will be available im sure. Various dates in may & april available.
This great holiday in Chania, Crete is a bargain for those of you looking for a getaway this year. You will be staying in the Atlantida Mare which scores 4.5 out of 5 at Tripadvisor with a Certificate of Excellence. Sleeping 2 - 6 adults, adjust your search accordingly.
Offer Details:
7 Nights
2 adults, 3 adults or 6 adults sharing
Hotel rated 4.5/5 on TA with a Certificate of Excellence
Flights Bristol - Chania
Thanks to holidays pirates for the heads up!
Also -
Santorini, Greece for £166. A beautiful place and well worth the price, click the link above for more details (thompson package)
£93pp is based on 6adults sharing.
- pasheast
Top comments
All comments (21)
Good deal!