incl. flights, 7 nights (Certificate of Excellence) hotel & connections.
Flying from bristol - but other uk destinations will be available im sure. Various dates in may & april available.
This great holiday in Chania, Crete is a bargain for those of you looking for a getaway this year. You will be staying in the Atlantida Mare which scores 4.5 out of 5 at Tripadvisor with a Certificate of Excellence. Sleeping 2 - 6 adults, adjust your search accordingly.
Offer Details:
7 Nights
2 adults, 3 adults or 6 adults sharing
Hotel rated 4.5/5 on TA with a Certificate of Excellence
Flights Bristol - Chania
Thanks to holidays pirates for the heads up!
Also -
Santorini, Greece for £166. A beautiful place and well worth the price, click the link above for more details (thompson package)
£93pp is based on 6adults sharing.
- pasheast
Top comments
8y 51d6#1
8y 51d6#13
The url for the image bigidiot66 posted is . So it's pretty plain it's Lesvos, even to dimidiot66. But he still posts it on a holiday in Crete, just to stir it up and put people off Greece and spread more hate towards refugees. It's pathetic
8y 51d5#5
Well Blackpool has boats too, but you don't post a picture of there...
peteasewell to bigdeal66
8y 51d4#7
Not amusing at all
All comments (21)
8y 51d6#1
kimbo87 to bigdeal66
8y 51d3#3
That is not Chania, crete - the picture is of lesvos actually!
peteasewell to bigdeal66
8y 51d4#7
Not amusing at all
8y 51d2#2
Whats the point of posting Holiday Pirates deals which are clearly visible on the right side of HUKD page ???
DemonIT to pavel76
8y 51d#14
8y 51d1#4
They still got boats,might fancy another holiday later
8y 51d5#5
Well Blackpool has boats too, but you don't post a picture of there...
8y 51d#6
So dumb. Of course they are after you and your holidays, thats the whole point
8y 51d3#8
Probably not best to expect anything genuinely funny from someone with a Roy Chubby Brown avatar is it? If he's what they find funny, chances are they'll be as funny as a fire themselves.
Good deal!
bigdeal66 to DonXJohnson
8y 51d3#10
Dont be so boring and stuck up....
8y 51d#9
Blackpools a dump they wont go there,you might they wont...
8y 51d#11
Looks to me like work and travel @ thus price
8y 51d#12
[quote=dewonderful]Some people really love to display their absolute ignorance and stupidity. Crete is over 300km from Turkey and about the same distance from Libya. So no one is turning up in a [email protected] dinghy. Go back to reading the Daily Mail for your dumb opinions bigdeal66, johnsmith1997 etc.[/quote
There's nothing like a well reasoned comment - and that was nothing like a well reasoned comment!
8y 51d6#13
The url for the image bigidiot66 posted is . So it's pretty plain it's Lesvos, even to dimidiot66. But he still posts it on a holiday in Crete, just to stir it up and put people off Greece and spread more hate towards refugees. It's pathetic
8y 51d#15
how much for July ?
iv seen less holidays on here lately.
8y 51d#16
Is this the part of Greece that now hosts all those terrorists
bigdeal66 to bold_guy
8y 51d#18
Certainly not your law abiding holiday makers..
8y 51d#17
Oh dear so angry,don't get your nickers in a twist,its bad for your health
8y 51d1#19
Oh heart attack time,chill,you must be as red as a beetroot...
8y 51d#20
They're not called Holiday Pirates for no reason...
8y 51d#21
It's ironic that Chubby Brown does most of his shows in Blackpool
Opening post
Flying from bristol - but other uk destinations will be available im sure. Various dates in may & april available.
This great holiday in Chania, Crete is a bargain for those of you looking for a getaway this year. You will be staying in the Atlantida Mare which scores 4.5 out of 5 at Tripadvisor with a Certificate of Excellence. Sleeping 2 - 6 adults, adjust your search accordingly.
Offer Details:
7 Nights
2 adults, 3 adults or 6 adults sharing
Hotel rated 4.5/5 on TA with a Certificate of Excellence
Flights Bristol - Chania
Thanks to holidays pirates for the heads up!
Also -
Santorini, Greece for £166. A beautiful place and well worth the price, click the link above for more details (thompson package)
£93pp is based on 6adults sharing.
- pasheast
Top comments
All comments (21)
Good deal!
There's nothing like a well reasoned comment - and that was nothing like a well reasoned comment!
iv seen less holidays on here lately.