Free delivery only requires 20 posts on their forums, easily done in less than an hour
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10 Jan 1622#5
I always have had the best experience from DPD. They deliver on time and i always get a text to say what time frame they are going to call. Yodel, Hermes on the other hand deliver eventually mostly at night times but i would prefer DPD anyday over all the others.
JimBobJr to welsh_andy
10 Jan 1612#3
Dont talk rubbish. Just because you had a bad experience doesn't mean they scam everyone else.
10 Jan 167#1
How much if I can't be bothered to spam their site?
pinnocchio to welsh_andy
10 Jan 164#4
DPD = Don't Pi**ing Deliver
All comments (51)
10 Jan 167#1
How much if I can't be bothered to spam their site?
Ultima2876 to oUkTuRkEyIII
11 Jan 16#36
6.99 delivery
10 Jan 163#2
dont bank of getting this, dpd will steal your package and scan wash their hands of you
JimBobJr to welsh_andy
10 Jan 1612#3
Dont talk rubbish. Just because you had a bad experience doesn't mean they scam everyone else.
pinnocchio to welsh_andy
10 Jan 164#4
DPD = Don't Pi**ing Deliver
flobbit to welsh_andy
10 Jan 16#34
I've never had any problems with them.
TYC to welsh_andy
11 Jan 16#37
"At this price it's an absolute steal!"
10 Jan 1622#5
I always have had the best experience from DPD. They deliver on time and i always get a text to say what time frame they are going to call. Yodel, Hermes on the other hand deliver eventually mostly at night times but i would prefer DPD anyday over all the others.
JimBobJr to clnsndrs
10 Jan 163#6
If someone asked what delivery service i wanted (excluding the really expensive ones like ParcelForce) i would always say DPD
mysticus to clnsndrs
10 Jan 16#31
exactly!, YODEL is the worst company actually... they deliver 9am-9pm wont give you time, they will drop boxes regardless off content over 2 m garden doors and have cheeks to say they left package in a safe place...
Almost always have problem with YODEL clowns!
Groovii D
10 Jan 161#7
10 Jan 16#8
anyway. is it a decent ssd? was looking for one for installing my games to.
JimBobJr to Vasily_87
10 Jan 16#9
According to reviews it gets around 350MBps rather than 560 but you're unlikely to notice the difference. Either way its a decent cheap SSD
10 Jan 161#10
£36.83 including shipping, for those who don't want to do the forum posts thing.
JimBobJr to Noclouds
10 Jan 16#12
10 Jan 16#11
Any idea where I can get a dang SSD too.
I'd love to install dang and blast in my PC.
Failing that is take a Boom or Bang drive.
10 Jan 16#13
My regular DPD driver is great, never late and always polite. In fact I gave him some Whisky for his Christmas.
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Free delivery only requires 20 posts on their forums, easily done in less than an hour
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DPD = Don't Pi**ing Deliver
All comments (51)
DPD = Don't Pi**ing Deliver
Almost always have problem with YODEL clowns!
I'd love to install dang and blast in my PC.
Failing that is take a Boom or Bang drive.