Free delivery only requires 20 posts on their forums, easily done in less than an hour
Top comments
10 Jan 1622#5
I always have had the best experience from DPD. They deliver on time and i always get a text to say what time frame they are going to call. Yodel, Hermes on the other hand deliver eventually mostly at night times but i would prefer DPD anyday over all the others.
JimBobJr to welsh_andy
10 Jan 1612#3
Dont talk rubbish. Just because you had a bad experience doesn't mean they scam everyone else.
10 Jan 167#1
How much if I can't be bothered to spam their site?
pinnocchio to welsh_andy
10 Jan 164#4
DPD = Don't Pi**ing Deliver
Latest comments (51)
12 Jan 16#50
Could be worse , could be delivered by Yodel or Myhermes!
wanderer to omendata
15 Jan 16#51
Hermes deem my open porch as a safe dry place or usually its been delivered as signed for and my porch is fully open to the elements and 12 foot from a busy footpath and the best bit is we are always in he just doesnt bother to knock just dump n run
12 Jan 16#49
true, but i had no issues in the past 5yrs from any company, only 1 issue about 6 yrs ago, that was when my house built in this area and postcode was on off depending on systems used by delivery drivers, it was fedex, and was delivered to wrong place, it was signed for by a neighbor about 150mt away from my house, but came knocking my door 1 month later and even though fedex had the address of an apartment but didnt know which flat they delivered... Well long story short,with yodel i had 2days in row, delivery missed w/o any papers at one time, and 2-3 times at least my boxes thrown down from 2m high garden door as it was deemed safe by them! I waited for a few deliveries all day for them to be delivered by 9pm! or very close!
just other day, a driver missed delivery and left a card on an address unknown to me despite post code is on every system now, and house number cant be missed as it is large! again i was checking all day for tracking status, until 8 am and suddenly it went to missed delivery status while i was 2-3 m away from door...
quite a mickey mouse of a company...dpd on the other hand gives u 1 hr notice in advance for a 1 hr delivery window, and most of the times they are on the earlier window...
it is true that what you say could be issue, but it is hard to be a coincidence when this is happening with YODEL a lot more often than others... if you search for yodel reviews/feedbacks online for experiences of other, you will see YODEL is one of the worst... I think one of the reason is probably they hire any people with a van and driver's license a little like UBER model just much worse as literally nothing is tracked, and if the driver run away with val loads of stuff, though luck...
Good drive for my Gen8 Microserver? I can't seem to get the USB install to work for Ubuntu so would I be better putting this in the CD rom space and having this as my real boot drive???
11 Jan 16#46
My boss at work is looking to change which courier we use because the current one lost a parcel.
They all lose parcels. We go round and round it's a waste of our time.
DPD and interlink both have great tracking. Yodel not so much.
11 Jan 16#39
Lot of discontent with DPD on this thread. All parcel companies will lose/mishandle parcels at some stage. A 100% delivery rate is just not possible. And, all the recruitment processes in the world won't necessarily stop a thieving/fraudulent driver. my experience, they are the parcel company, certainly out of the major ones, I would review as being the best. 1 hour slots. SMS on day of delivery. Easily changeable delivery day. Collection from depot available. Trackable map of delivery driver. The delivery driver's name.
If I was going to get into the delivery business, I know which business model I'd try and emulate...
ryouga to xeroc
11 Jan 16#45
I have only had 3 bad experiences with DPD, first was when there was some weird error and guy knocked on my door saying he had a parcel for my flat, asked for me by name and it was for a neighbour (I did get a few packages the week before from DPD) a few days later my package went missing and when checking they said they had my signature saying it was delivered which was impossible since my package was sent 3 days after Io signed for the parcel they had a signature for.
Another a few weeks later was the senders fault mostly, put wrong flat number on the parcel, DPD admitted it but said they couldn't do anything as they had done their job, so a £100 loss and seller won PP claim as he had a letter from DPD saying they delivered it to correct address.
3rd was when I got a tv and was cracked inside it, came to the door to collect it and got snotty with me and demanded I open box in front of them so they can take pictures of the "alleged" damage and when I refused claimed I was doing a con.
Technically the delivery I had last week wasn't the best, rang my buzzer and shoved parcel and the signature box without even smiling or confirming who I was, but at least it came first thing in morning.
11 Jan 16#44
I guess it depends on the area, and the driver, because I never have trouble receiving with Yodel deliveries, though I rarely use them myself.
11 Jan 16#43
I've got dispute going with Dpd saying they never received a parcel for delivery
Steve Mac
11 Jan 16#42
Hot deal. DPD also leagues ahead of Yodel.
11 Jan 16#41
DPD just turned up with my dell poweredge T20 server no probs at all. Due 1.26-2.26pm, he arrived 1.27pm.
Never had a problem with them.
But on the SSD front - can one of these be put into a server or a waste of time?
11 Jan 16#40
well said, people need to stop talking out of their a**
11 Jan 16#38
My local MK DPD driver is very good but I actually never had any problem with items sent with them. One hour delivery slot is ace as you don't need to sulk all day waiting for a parcel.
10 Jan 163#2
dont bank of getting this, dpd will steal your package and scan wash their hands of you
JimBobJr to welsh_andy
10 Jan 1612#3
Dont talk rubbish. Just because you had a bad experience doesn't mean they scam everyone else.
pinnocchio to welsh_andy
10 Jan 164#4
DPD = Don't Pi**ing Deliver
flobbit to welsh_andy
10 Jan 16#34
I've never had any problems with them.
TYC to welsh_andy
11 Jan 16#37
"At this price it's an absolute steal!"
10 Jan 167#1
How much if I can't be bothered to spam their site?
Ultima2876 to oUkTuRkEyIII
11 Jan 16#36
6.99 delivery
10 Jan 16#35
Because not every DPD driver is a saint so probably theirs wasn't.
Mine is great and love the email and text I get giving me a one hour delivery window.
10 Jan 16#32
Looks like we’re in for some colder weather over the following few days. I haven’t even bothered looking for my gloves lately, but I might need them soon. Do you think it might snow down in the London area in the next few weeks?
Rom to u0421793
10 Jan 16#33
DPD driver?
10 Jan 1622#5
I always have had the best experience from DPD. They deliver on time and i always get a text to say what time frame they are going to call. Yodel, Hermes on the other hand deliver eventually mostly at night times but i would prefer DPD anyday over all the others.
JimBobJr to clnsndrs
10 Jan 163#6
If someone asked what delivery service i wanted (excluding the really expensive ones like ParcelForce) i would always say DPD
mysticus to clnsndrs
10 Jan 16#31
exactly!, YODEL is the worst company actually... they deliver 9am-9pm wont give you time, they will drop boxes regardless off content over 2 m garden doors and have cheeks to say they left package in a safe place...
Almost always have problem with YODEL clowns!
10 Jan 16#30
Why are people complaining over DPD they are by far the best they will leave in a safe place, deliver on time, leave a card and let you know when its coming.
Yodel, Hermes and UK Mail are just pains to work with.
10 Jan 163#29
Got 64GB ssd in my laptop and it's less than half full. 2006 Dell running Win 10.
Agree, years back I posted a deal 64GB for around £35, that was my budget, I was told £45 for 128GB was better, not if £35 is your budget.
Sometimes folk get hung up on ££/GB and don't seem to understand the word budget. :smiley:
With the lowest price delivery (£2.39) comes to £34.37 delivered for 128Gb Sandisk:
Interface SATA III (6 Gb/s) backward compatible to SATA II and I
Seek Time .1ms
Max Read Speed 546 Mb/s
Max Write Speed 182Mb/s
Random Write 4K: 43,300 IOPs
Random Read 4K: 35,500 IOPs
MTTF: Up to 1,750,000 hours
Environmental Parameters
Active Power Consumption 1.6W
Average Power (mW) 3 30
Operating Temperature 0 to 70 Degrees Celsius
Non-operating Temperatures -55 to 85 Degrees Celsius
Shock Resistant 1,500 G @0.5 msec half sine
Certifications FCC, UL, TUV, KC, BSMI, VCCI
10 Jan 16#25
Got one of these.
If you're looking for one, i would recommend it.
I'm getting . . .
Max. Read: 560MB/s
Max. Write: 500MB/s
alanbeenthere to Albert_Tatlock
10 Jan 16#27
What about random reads and writes?
As I'm not going to be transferring large files all the time that is more important.
10 Jan 16#26
cracking price.. Don't know too much about Patriot but this would serve great as an OS drive or the odd game or two
10 Jan 16#24
In my shopping basket it comes up as:-
"Net Total £26.12
Carriage £4.57
VAT £6.14
Total (inc VAT) £36.83"
10 Jan 16#23
20 posts on a forum is too much hard work to get free shipping.
10 Jan 161#22
And just like you, I was only pointing out the obvious.
In fact you were indeed not advocating spending another £100, but in relative terms you were asking another 50% spend that some might not need to.
Anyway, yep, on a single drive capable machine, the bigger the capacity, generally it's better, but not everyone has a single drive setup and a 120GB low costing SSD is plenty to give your system a cheap speed boost.
10 Jan 163#21
I'm referring to the fact that some people might think £29.99 is a good deal but not realising that a fraction more (especially if you don't have access to free postage) would get you double the storage - and 240GB is generally regarded as being the current sweet spot for value on SSDs as you get the speed benefits and 120GB is easily consumed if you are on a single drive device (e.g. laptop). And finally, it's £10 or so, it's not like I'm advocating spending £150-200 for a 1TB drive and making wild claims.
10 Jan 162#20
Well if you don't want to spend £40-£50 then no. Better vfm? Well yes if you're prepared to spend £40-£50.
10 Jan 16#18
Aren't we currently paying about £40-50 for a good 240GB SSD, wouldn't that be a much better deal?
10 Jan 16#17
Nice to see a lower price than £33 (Toshiba Amazon), but for the faff of posting some spammage on their forum, I'd rather pay a few £'s extra and pay for the next better deal..
10 Jan 163#15
Is this a deal for an SSD or a delivery company?
h41d3r96 to thecresta
10 Jan 163#16
I think it's for a deliver company according to the comments :smiley:
10 Jan 16#14
I've never heard it called that :stuck_out_tongue:
10 Jan 16#13
My regular DPD driver is great, never late and always polite. In fact I gave him some Whisky for his Christmas.
10 Jan 161#10
£36.83 including shipping, for those who don't want to do the forum posts thing.
JimBobJr to Noclouds
10 Jan 16#12
10 Jan 16#11
Any idea where I can get a dang SSD too.
I'd love to install dang and blast in my PC.
Failing that is take a Boom or Bang drive.
10 Jan 16#8
anyway. is it a decent ssd? was looking for one for installing my games to.
JimBobJr to Vasily_87
10 Jan 16#9
According to reviews it gets around 350MBps rather than 560 but you're unlikely to notice the difference. Either way its a decent cheap SSD
Opening post
560 MB/s
Max. Write:
425 MB/s
Free delivery only requires 20 posts on their forums, easily done in less than an hour
Top comments
DPD = Don't Pi**ing Deliver
Latest comments (51)
just other day, a driver missed delivery and left a card on an address unknown to me despite post code is on every system now, and house number cant be missed as it is large! again i was checking all day for tracking status, until 8 am and suddenly it went to missed delivery status while i was 2-3 m away from door...
quite a mickey mouse of a company...dpd on the other hand gives u 1 hr notice in advance for a 1 hr delivery window, and most of the times they are on the earlier window...
it is true that what you say could be issue, but it is hard to be a coincidence when this is happening with YODEL a lot more often than others... if you search for yodel reviews/feedbacks online for experiences of other, you will see YODEL is one of the worst... I think one of the reason is probably they hire any people with a van and driver's license a little like UBER model just much worse as literally nothing is tracked, and if the driver run away with val loads of stuff, though luck...
Rather pay the extra for 250gb.
They all lose parcels. We go round and round it's a waste of our time.
DPD and interlink both have great tracking. Yodel not so much. my experience, they are the parcel company, certainly out of the major ones, I would review as being the best. 1 hour slots. SMS on day of delivery. Easily changeable delivery day. Collection from depot available. Trackable map of delivery driver. The delivery driver's name.
If I was going to get into the delivery business, I know which business model I'd try and emulate...
Another a few weeks later was the senders fault mostly, put wrong flat number on the parcel, DPD admitted it but said they couldn't do anything as they had done their job, so a £100 loss and seller won PP claim as he had a letter from DPD saying they delivered it to correct address.
3rd was when I got a tv and was cracked inside it, came to the door to collect it and got snotty with me and demanded I open box in front of them so they can take pictures of the "alleged" damage and when I refused claimed I was doing a con.
Technically the delivery I had last week wasn't the best, rang my buzzer and shoved parcel and the signature box without even smiling or confirming who I was, but at least it came first thing in morning.
Never had a problem with them.
But on the SSD front - can one of these be put into a server or a waste of time?
DPD = Don't Pi**ing Deliver
Mine is great and love the email and text I get giving me a one hour delivery window.
Almost always have problem with YODEL clowns!
Yodel, Hermes and UK Mail are just pains to work with.
Agree, years back I posted a deal 64GB for around £35, that was my budget, I was told £45 for 128GB was better, not if £35 is your budget.
Sometimes folk get hung up on ££/GB and don't seem to understand the word budget. :smiley:
With the lowest price delivery (£2.39) comes to £34.37 delivered for 128Gb Sandisk:
Interface SATA III (6 Gb/s) backward compatible to SATA II and I
Seek Time .1ms
Max Read Speed 546 Mb/s
Max Write Speed 182Mb/s
Random Write 4K: 43,300 IOPs
Random Read 4K: 35,500 IOPs
MTTF: Up to 1,750,000 hours
Environmental Parameters
Active Power Consumption 1.6W
Average Power (mW) 3 30
Operating Temperature 0 to 70 Degrees Celsius
Non-operating Temperatures -55 to 85 Degrees Celsius
Shock Resistant 1,500 G @0.5 msec half sine
Certifications FCC, UL, TUV, KC, BSMI, VCCI
If you're looking for one, i would recommend it.
I'm getting . . .
Max. Read: 560MB/s
Max. Write: 500MB/s
As I'm not going to be transferring large files all the time that is more important.
"Net Total £26.12
Carriage £4.57
VAT £6.14
Total (inc VAT) £36.83"
In fact you were indeed not advocating spending another £100, but in relative terms you were asking another 50% spend that some might not need to.
Anyway, yep, on a single drive capable machine, the bigger the capacity, generally it's better, but not everyone has a single drive setup and a 120GB low costing SSD is plenty to give your system a cheap speed boost.
I'd love to install dang and blast in my PC.
Failing that is take a Boom or Bang drive.