Yes you can get a Zenfone 2 for about £50 more - those will ALL be imported. This is a UK phone released by Asus in the UK.
This is my phone, and I don't see myself wasting silly money on anything else anytime soon. Cheapest I've yet seen it.
Asus only sell unlocked phones, so no need to get it unlocked, ever.
This is 4G, an IPS screen, a quad-core CPU, 2GB RAM, 16GB internal and HD screen with Gorilla Glass 3.
Fast, always responsive, and not a single issue in at least a year of use - I love my Zenfone and hope this will be helpful to someone. Even though I know this deal will go cold - it's a "hot seller" on the site - so I really don't care. At least other humans have some sense! :D
Top comments
Elevation to RiverDragon8
2 Dec 153#16
It actually does last a day on a 5" screen. Owning one I can confirm this. Not owning one I'm going to assume you just took a guess.
All comments (43)
1 Dec 152#1
out of interest, it's advertised with android 4.3. has yours upgraded ota to kitkat or lollipop? looks like a nice phone from a known brand actually in the UK now. Heat.
Elevation to profdarkart
1 Dec 151#2
This is a KitKat phone - you can 'upgrade' to Lollipop if you root the phone - and there are those options out there that people have made. But I absolutely HATED Lollipop when I tried it on another phone - so I'm more than happy to stay with KitKat. :stuck_out_tongue:
As far as I'm aware Asus don't have Lollipop on the cards for their original phones.
1 Dec 151#3
I have this phone no issues at all with it. best phone I have owned, well worth the money and very well made.
1 Dec 151#4
BTW I sent my honor 4x back and got this, best decision i made.
Elevation to caverncity
1 Dec 15#11
First touchscreen phone I ever owned - dropped my first one down the toilet, got a Sony Xperia Z2. Sold that on and went back to one of these. Glad you like it. I like to whip it out round the shops (sshh) because despite clearly so many people buying it, I've yet to see a single other Asus phone, so I feel unique amongst clones.
1 Dec 15#5
what's the battery life like? and is it removable?
1 Dec 15#6
battery not bad will last couple days with light use. no battery not removable.
1 Dec 15#7
I've got one and it's on 5.02 Lollipop. I bought mine on release so paid £200.
1 Dec 15#8
Thanks OP Just bought one for daughter Xmas box, are they any good?
Elevation to thinkiwillhaveit
1 Dec 15#9
YES I LOVE my Zenfone!! The thing I love most is the sheer faff-free experience. And when your daughter looks slightly underwhelmed that it isn't an iphone - just tell her she's now not an Apple/Samsung clone, and that in any case Samsung make most of the iphone components anyway.
Opening post
This is my phone, and I don't see myself wasting silly money on anything else anytime soon. Cheapest I've yet seen it.
Asus only sell unlocked phones, so no need to get it unlocked, ever.
This is 4G, an IPS screen, a quad-core CPU, 2GB RAM, 16GB internal and HD screen with Gorilla Glass 3.
Fast, always responsive, and not a single issue in at least a year of use - I love my Zenfone and hope this will be helpful to someone. Even though I know this deal will go cold - it's a "hot seller" on the site - so I really don't care. At least other humans have some sense! :D
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All comments (43)
As far as I'm aware Asus don't have Lollipop on the cards for their original phones.
Now I stuck as why's the difference apart from the price