is this any good , does it get repetitive, i think i played the older version on ps3.
Mathaeus to hackerace
9y 23d#6
It's a bit rubbish.. Probably worth a 10er to be fair but yes VERY repetitive! :s if your a big LOTR fan then you'll probably love but I'm not a consequently didn't appreciate this game much.. Metal gear all the way for third person
9y 23d#5
Great Find
9y 23d#7
too late ordered, worst case i play it and sell it on.
Lord vader
9y 23d1#8
If you havent played this yet then get it as its superb. Yes the first hour is a tad repetative, like most games where you have to level up for the good moves and weapons, but then its sublime. Slicing off four orcs heads in a four decapitation combo is fantastic.
Get the Season pass if you can as theres 19 DLC and its all mostly class.
UltimatePhoenix to Lord vader
9y 23d#17
I wasnt that keen on the DLC, practically downgraded on Bright Lord losing a few good moves. Maybe better playing it first as it seems a prequel! Top game for campaign though
9y 23d#9
i read the reviews first then ordered it, hopefully should be good otherwise sell it on.
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Get the Season pass if you can as theres 19 DLC and its all mostly class.