As new. Pretty much brand new cases, reconditioned discs and unused codes where applicable.
Latest comments (26)
16 Oct 15#26
got mine yesterday, good game.
14 Oct 15#25
Looks like a hard copy to me...
I will admit I had reservations when I first played this game and i'm a big LOTR fan.
You do need to invest a few hours to level up a bit and become more powerful in order to beat packs of uruks where at first you'll die, a lot.
It's much like assassin's creed but more visceral and less freerunning.
Cracking game all in all though, I ended up getting the platinum which doesn't often happen with me as my attention span wears thin on most games these days.
14 Oct 15#24
So this digital code or hard copy
14 Oct 15#23
LOTR sucks deal with it..
Metal gear is genius..
13 Oct 15#22
lol, say what.
13 Oct 15#21
picked this up new in asda for £10.00 on the xbox one the other day
13 Oct 15#20
Love this
13 Oct 15#19
Is there a day when this game isn't on sale? This is getting tedious.
13 Oct 15#18
ordered thanks op
Lord vader
13 Oct 151#8
If you havent played this yet then get it as its superb. Yes the first hour is a tad repetative, like most games where you have to level up for the good moves and weapons, but then its sublime. Slicing off four orcs heads in a four decapitation combo is fantastic.
Get the Season pass if you can as theres 19 DLC and its all mostly class.
UltimatePhoenix to Lord vader
13 Oct 15#17
I wasnt that keen on the DLC, practically downgraded on Bright Lord losing a few good moves. Maybe better playing it first as it seems a prequel! Top game for campaign though
13 Oct 15#16
shame its not the goty edition
13 Oct 15#15
I personally prefer mad max over this although I'm not much of a lotr fan and you obviously won't get mad max for this price
13 Oct 15#13
So do i need to be a member of Boomerangs rental service to buy this?
Can't seem to get anywhere
hackerace to Panchos
13 Oct 15#14
yes i had the same problem go into the buy section or search for the game and then it comes up with buy option, then add to basket and go to checkout and pay.
go to buy section, search for game then buy ex rental copy, pay at checkout
13 Oct 151#12
It definitely can get quite repetitive but I found myself getting quite invested in it.
Mainly taking revenge on uruks who killed me and were working their way up the ranks!
13 Oct 15#11
thanks for the link, ordered.
13 Oct 15#10
First game I bought for PS4 and well worth a play. Some of the fights get mad and the story and missions are more then good enough.
13 Oct 15#9
i read the reviews first then ordered it, hopefully should be good otherwise sell it on.
13 Oct 15#7
too late ordered, worst case i play it and sell it on.
13 Oct 15#4
is this any good , does it get repetitive, i think i played the older version on ps3.
Mathaeus to hackerace
13 Oct 15#6
It's a bit rubbish.. Probably worth a 10er to be fair but yes VERY repetitive! :s if your a big LOTR fan then you'll probably love but I'm not a consequently didn't appreciate this game much.. Metal gear all the way for third person :smiley:
Opening post
Latest comments (26)
I will admit I had reservations when I first played this game and i'm a big LOTR fan.
You do need to invest a few hours to level up a bit and become more powerful in order to beat packs of uruks where at first you'll die, a lot.
It's much like assassin's creed but more visceral and less freerunning.
Cracking game all in all though, I ended up getting the platinum which doesn't often happen with me as my attention span wears thin on most games these days.
Metal gear is genius..
Get the Season pass if you can as theres 19 DLC and its all mostly class.
Can't seem to get anywhere
go to buy section, search for game then buy ex rental copy, pay at checkout
Mainly taking revenge on uruks who killed me and were working their way up the ranks!