To qualify for free delivery all you need is 20 forum posts and thats it. Achievable easily in one day or a couple of hours
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19 Oct 154#37
I had an Advent PC once, never bought and Advent Calendar since! :confused:
das5665 to kiish
19 Oct 153#9
Patriot are not unknown. They make great RAM with lifetime warranty as well SSDs and this new SSD comes with a 3 year warranty. Im sorry but Patriot are known and reliable
All comments (41)
19 Oct 15#1
hot! scan are excellent,always had great service from them.
das5665 to thecoolguy
19 Oct 15#2
Same for me, excellent after sale. Its strange though, you either love them or hate them
ukez to thecoolguy
19 Oct 152#22
You obviously haven't had many transactions with them... :laughing:
bibu to thecoolguy
19 Oct 152#26
Scan self promoting them again ?. cheeky custards.
19 Oct 152#3
Looks okay, reviews are a bit hard to come by - but Patriot are pretty good in the memory department. Scan is one of those companies though, you either have a great experience or an awful one.
das5665 to slayermatt
19 Oct 15#4
Reviews arent in yet because its brand new. If you want to wait thats understandable but it seems a good price already
EDIT: Reviews are good on newegg, however one complained it died after 1 month but it does have a 3 year warranty
19 Oct 15#5
website down ? cannot get it to load
das5665 to mackem1966
19 Oct 15#6
Works fine for me. Sometimes it takes a while to load but it should be back up
19 Oct 15#7
Hi thanks, i went on that website checking service and it was down for them also, so will keep trying as you said it may be overloaded,its a great deal thanks for posting just eager to buy one !
Still no access to site , anyone else having problems ?
Scan reporting website issues on their Facebook page, weird how some can order ?
19 Oct 15#8
With these unknown brands I'd be careful and take regular backups (as you should be already doing really)
das5665 to kiish
19 Oct 153#9
Patriot are not unknown. They make great RAM with lifetime warranty as well SSDs and this new SSD comes with a 3 year warranty. Im sorry but Patriot are known and reliable
19 Oct 15#10
would this work in my old pc,it has a sata connection which i use for my hard drive just now but it is a few years old
das5665 to twinsen
19 Oct 151#11
It will work fine, although depending on the SATA version it may not achieve full speed. If it is SATA 2 then dont worry that'll still be fast to use.
twinsen to twinsen
19 Oct 15#12
not to worried about the speed but it will speed up boot time etc etc i think,thanks for the reply
WessexUnderwater to twinsen
19 Oct 15#36
Sorry this is coming after your purchase, but if as seems quite possible this is smaller capacity than your current HDD it can make the transition pretty fiddly, assuming you want to keep your current boot drive config.
19 Oct 151#13
It sure will. Will take around 10-15 seconds and then load programs almost instantly after being clicked upon
19 Oct 15#14
meant to ask,do you need the Dynamode 2.5" to 3.5" HDD/SSD Conversion Cradle Bracket too?
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To qualify for free delivery all you need is 20 forum posts and thats it. Achievable easily in one day or a couple of hours
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All comments (41)
EDIT: Reviews are good on newegg, however one complained it died after 1 month but it does have a 3 year warranty
Still no access to site , anyone else having problems ?
Scan reporting website issues on their Facebook page, weird how some can order ?