it's minecraft that's free to play...all other games you need to actually own to play online without gold
benjammin316 to mrb30
19 May 172#3
Online multiplayer is available for everyone, so no need for Gold
19 May 171#2
I look forward to all the n00bs I can get to kill on the Battlefield this weekend then :wink:
benrobertsno1 to NO1FAN
19 May 172#5
wow, who actually says noobs still. 2009 called and wants it's catchphrase back...
19 May 171#4
This deal is only for those who don't have gold.
And quite frankly you're rather silly if you have an xbox but don't have gold. It pays for itself ten times over.
chrisizzle69 to cowmaata
19 May 17#6
I have an Xbox without gold, mainly because my Xbox has become a entertainment Center aka YouTube and Netflix only since the division died out (a long time ago)
Gold pays for itself? Please explain
thewongwing101 to cowmaata
19 May 17#7
How is that then ?
I for one have trouble getting round to playing the games I have on single player off line
19 May 17#8
4 Quality Games every month plus Multiplayer with Friends and Foes :man:
19 May 171#9
does it include jet set willy?
19 May 174#10
I didn't say it I typed it out. Why did 2009 call you and not me directly?
19 May 17#11
I know that, minecraft is free all weekend online/offline but although multiplayer is free all weekend on everything you still need to own the game
20 May 17#12
Gold is good value but I can go weeks on end without even switching the console on and I don't play online much anyway. Free games again good for free although I would only bother to play a fraction of them. I had 3 months of gold when I purchased Gears 4 and since picked up a month for a £1 to play/complete Walking Dead Season 2...but I wouldn't want/need gold all the time tbh.
20 May 17#13
2 old 360 games not even remastered and 2 other not so great games, while on PC free online and can get multiple better games of your choice cheaper. People who try to say XBL/PS+ is good value make me laugh
21 May 17#14
You can get better games for the equivalent of 63p per game can you? Good to know
Opening post
*ALL games, not just Minecraft*
(See you in Liberty City :wink: )
And quite frankly you're rather silly if you have an xbox but don't have gold. It pays for itself ten times over.
Gold pays for itself? Please explain
I for one have trouble getting round to playing the games I have on single player off line