Haha same :smiley: got it pre loaded on Xbox but hard copy on ps4
5 Nov 15#8
Not being funny, but how is this a deal?
Snakeyes646 to rcdicky
5 Nov 1516#9
It's not it's a freebie but thanks for you awesome input! :smiley:
fattyuk to rcdicky
5 Nov 15#25
People psyched for fallout 4- days hours to go
Debby downer who doesnt really care about fallout, has to post a pointless comment
love being excited for something
5 Nov 15#10
Still undecided if I should cancel my pipboy edition, I have a note 4 so I wont be able to use it and it looks too big to actually be fun to use, but it is a fallout collectors item...
I'm half and half on keeping or selling it on. The more I see it the less impressed I am. May keep on the shelf on the stand, but feeling it may be a waste if money.
fattyuk to badasschris
5 Nov 15#16
i didnt think anyone was actually buying it to really use it lol i know im not! its a cool gimmick sure
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Debby downer who doesnt really care about fallout, has to post a pointless comment
love being excited for something
Check the video on this link.
I'm half and half on keeping or selling it on. The more I see it the less impressed I am. May keep on the shelf on the stand, but feeling it may be a waste if money.
i didnt think anyone was actually buying it to really use it lol i know im not! its a cool gimmick sure